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Post time 30-9-2019 07:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
I hope this thread is relevant and who knows will benefits some readers.
Especially in sales and marketing.

Buku ni, about salesmanship. A story of Max a resourceful fellow who invented a wheel. Facing challenge convincing people to accept his breakthrough invention.

This book i bought few years back. Bad of me x baca lagi. So while waiting for miracles perhap so.. why not I share something good.

Its written with humor and practical steps. May be good for entrepreneurs as well. So.. i akan baca and share the journey. Keep reading forumers!

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2019 08:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by adila39 at 27-10-2020 10:00 PM

i jump out a bit, before sharing more the storys, Minnie is a wife of Max. After many years of failures.. finally Max able to show his wife what he have invented. Of coz Minnie the wife couldn't be bothered much about the wheel since its a wheel.. what else it can do than being a wheel.

before I add more.. an essential points to note bila Max ni dah buat banyak sgt wheel.. sampai Minnie the wife marah kat dia... spontaneously timbul soalan seperti berikut :

I would like to put it as Minnies Notes

Who are our customer

Who are our competitors

Why do customers want what we selling

What would make them prefer to buy from us

Why might they prefer to buy from our competitors

What added values  does our salesperson have to offer to make a sale?


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 Author| Post time 30-9-2019 09:06 PM | Show all posts
Satu petang tu Minnie the wife came into the workshop. Pening tengok all the wheel all over the places sampai takde tempat dah.  To show her support Minnie tanya is everything going. Max overwhelmed. He feel so proud with what he have invented. Well obviously Max is still not aware what he will be facing soon.

Sayang...dengan kesemua wheel ni nanti i akan jual dengan mudah dan sebab my invention ni sangat unik dan terkini yang tak pernah lagi dibuat org...I am sure ramai org akan datang dan beratur dirumah kita untuk membelinya. Max sangat yakin  dan teruja. Minnie the wife pastinya yakin dengan apa yg Max katakan.

Weeks later...hmm hampehla..xde seorang pun yg datang beratur.  Max dan minnie berpandangan satu sama lain.

sayang, its about time untuk you keluar dan jual the wheel ni semua. what!!! I jual?

Its humiliating and embarrassing for poor Max ni. So he began to doubt his idea..aha...I rasa kita semua pasti pernah lalui situasi ni bila kita start having doubts dgn idea kita sendiri. Kan ? Pernah tak?

Surely some of them must have a use of the wheel bisik Max.

Another good points

Howto find them and where

And if i find them how do i sell the wheel?

Nnti sambung.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2019 11:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

boleh kan letak sini or kena letak kat bod buku.

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Post time 30-9-2019 11:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 30-9-2019 11:23 PM

boleh kan letak sini or kena letak kat bod buku.

Letak sini pls. X yah la ltk kt bod buku.

Anyway this book base on true story ke? Nk baca la.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2019 12:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noraidil_06 replied at 30-9-2019 03:56 PM
Letak sini pls. X yah la ltk kt bod buku.

Anyway this book base on true story ke? Nk baca la.

its a story telling for marketeers, businesses in form of parabel ancient / an anology je. But buku ni bagi practical ideasla.. so dia buatla kisah max and minnie d wife

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2019 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Edited by adila39 at 1-10-2019 04:12 AM


Tidak puas hati, Max dan Minnie decide untuk keluar dan mencari Oracle / Priest. Kalau zaman dulu purba kala ni PRIEST atau ORACLE ni adalah golongan bijak kiawan yang selalunya penduduk akan rujuk untuk mendapatkan restu atau pun bantuan untuk setiap masalah mereka.

So the husband and wife pun ni pun mulakanla pengembaran mereka meredah hutan belukar semua  dengan susah payahnya membawa the wheel yang terbaik.

Sampaila ke gua, menurut cerita Oracle ni duduk dalam gua. huhuhuhu - bangang Oracle ni la duk gua...hehehe. Anyway berlakulah perdebatan diantara mereka

'Greetings and welcome to my cave, my name is Ozzie the Oracle' kata the Oracle ni.

'Hello, this is my wife Minnie and me Max the inventer of wheel. The Wheel' kira Max sangat banggalah introduce diri dia ni.

'The what?? .Oracle tu tanya balik'

"The Wheel" Max reply dengan bangganya.

'Wheel have a great future, but i havent been able to sell any of them.' suara Max sedih pulak.

The Oracle yang lagi tadi duk diam dengar Max bebel...mencelah. "Max, u got to keep in mind that people have been getting along just fine without a wheel for a millions of years" .  The world does not know that it needs the wheel just because you have invented it!

Max mula goyah, so I should just give up? i?

No no no!!! ....jawab Oracle

Who are your customer?

"Thats the problem jawab Max,  i dont have anyone yet. Sigh"

Oracle tanya balik, but who is your potential customer for the wheel, why everyone?

Who are your competitors?


"I dont have any of those ..huhuhu Max jawab dgn blur blur"

"The wheel is unique  the first product of its kind and yet we have no competitors"

Ha.....kat sini point dia...i am sure those enterpreneurs akan ada soalan ni, ini produk pertama di pasaran takde lagi pun pesaing. Tapi ramai lupa....

Competition sebenar ialah the technology itself and the trend ..trend terkini. What people want d most.

So nampak tak point kat sini, bila kita nak jual sesuatu kita kena lihat dari semua aspek bukan hanya who is our competitors in business but overall dari semua sudut.



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 Author| Post time 1-10-2019 03:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
haaa i siap jumpa my notes entah tahun bila ni i tulis... and satu tu pun xjadi.. sob sob sob

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Post time 6-10-2019 05:39 AM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 30-9-2019 11:23 PM

boleh kan letak sini or kena letak kat bod buku.

mekasih for the tag

ok dah kat sini pon mek oi

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2019 09:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 5-10-2019 09:39 PM
mekasih for the tag

ok dah kat sini pon mek oi

yeahh tq super mod. tapiiiii... tp yg 5 loans for women tu pun baguih

nnt ada mood sambung tulis

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 Author| Post time 10-10-2019 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Ada ke yg sudi baca ni...xpelah...i tulis as amal jariah je la and hilangkan ngantuk. While pikir nak tulis apa kat HR sengal ni...i add on

So, Max and Minnie ni dengan penuh persoalan balikla ke rumah, melalui jalan yg sama hutan and sungai...dengan segala apa yg di bawak which is The Wheel.

Tak sure apa manfaat yang mereka dapat selepas bertemu The Oracle.

Tetiba Minnie jerit kat Max

oh now now Max...said Minnie the wife, he might not give us the answer but he did ask us questions , a great one.

Listen, why dont we sit down and think for awhile

Okay depa berdua pun dudukla kat tepi sungai tu sambil makan kuaci - ni tipu la saja add on

So they Figure out this - BEDROCK QUESTION

Tau tak apa tu bedrock...kira a core or a punca utama  to something yg kita sedang fikirkan or a fundamental of principles la yg senang faham

So dia tanyalah among them

Back to soalan yang pernah I tulis tu depa jawablah.

So in overall...cth kalau  I ...ok

I nak buat mobile spa for cthla...

Siapa customer - Q
Perempuan - A

Apa Perempuan Suka - Q
Putih bersih - A all new beginners mcm I ni kena ada bedrocks session so at least we get a clear picture what to do...

Ok nnt sambung...



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Post time 15-10-2019 05:27 AM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 6-10-2019 09:04 AM
yeahh tq super mod. tapiiiii... tp yg 5 loans for women tu pun baguih

nnt ada mood sambung tuli ...

rajin awak nih
bagus bagus
boleh membantu org



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 Author| Post time 15-10-2019 10:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 14-10-2019 09:27 PM
rajin awak nih
bagus bagus


Selalu la singgah.. kesian thread sy ni... tp xpe.. sy mmg suka share info yg ble benefit org if ada yg berguna Alhamdulillah.. kira community activity yg xperlu guna tenaga pun. since im in marketing so bolehla juga sikit2.  

Did u know a doctor is also have a good traits in making money? @ipes2

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Post time 20-10-2019 11:31 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 15-10-2019 10:00 AM

Selalu la singgah.. kesian thread sy ni... tp xpe.. sy mmg suka share info yg ble bene ...

iya kah docs begitu?
docs biasanya takde good sense of finances

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 Author| Post time 21-10-2019 12:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 20-10-2019 03:31 PM
iya kah docs begitu?
docs biasanya takde good sense of finances

not at all. Here most of doctors.. i mean not all though, mereka sgt creative in creating diagnosis and jaga relationships with all gps. Bila baik dgn gps ni referral akan pergi kepada merekala.

ada doctors yg setiap kali festive season akan hantar card and hampers pada gps

Ada jugak doctors here yg suggest many kinds of treatment.. Well of coz ikut patient la agree or not.

Still i would say, an experienced doctors are more calm and relax. Ada jugak yg selective bila ambil case. So i guess point i ni random je. But again, yes doctors do have traits in making money.

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Post time 21-10-2019 12:57 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 1-10-2019 03:47 PM
haaa i siap jumpa my notes entah tahun bila ni i tulis... and satu tu pun xjadi.. sob sob sob

every week bank in money?wau saya pun harap boleh buat cmtu tapi apakan daya biz drop teruk pas raya haji ri tu..

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 Author| Post time 22-10-2019 06:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chicozinn replied at 21-10-2019 04:57 AM
every week bank in money?wau saya pun harap boleh buat cmtu tapi apakan daya biz drop teruk pas ra ...

hehehehe... yeahh sepatutnyaaaa..

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Post time 25-10-2019 06:04 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 21-10-2019 12:11 AM
not at all. Here most of doctors.. i mean not all though, mereka sgt creative in creating diagnosi ...

hmm close relationship camtu can be problematic jugak .. sikit2 refer pts ke specialists ..nnt byk fees specialists tu dapat.

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2019 10:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 25-10-2019 10:04 AM
hmm close relationship camtu can be problematic jugak .. sikit2 refer pts ke specialists ..nnt b ...

itulah modus operandi nyer... utk banyak refer, lg kalau ada insurance.. tp nnt klu claim reject sy yg kena kejar dr tu utk tulis reason and explain apa sbb kena operate gitu gini.. and nape x ikut mma charges exceed than usual why... so nnt sy yg pening sb dr selalu kata ok ok and ok... so canerrrrrr.... dr camtu ke? pastu sales rep nnt sibuk dtg jumpa dr nak promote...

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2019 10:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eh x sambung lagi... hmmmm sat na

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