Edited by mbhcsf at 15-9-2019 08:24 PM
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah
Ini adalah halwa mata dan minda, enjoy -
satu pautan rencana tentang pengkajian ahli sejarah empayar uthmanyyah yang menjejaki pengaruh khilafat utmaniyyah dalam masa /era ketika zaman kegemilangan dan awal abad ke 19 .
Beliau memperihalkan pengaruh unsur Uthmaniyyah yang sama ada kita sedar atau tidak diserapi dan dijadikan simbolik kesatuan ummah Melayu ketika itu dengan sistem khalifah di Turki.
The Ottoman state and the rest of the Muslim world were far more interconnected than we realise today. What lessons do those connections hold?
As an Ottoman historian of the 19th century, I often think to myself that after all that I read and teach regarding the Ottomans that there is very little that can surprise me, only to be surprised over and over again. I’ve just returned from a three-month trip from Malaysia, where I thought that I would be in a part of the world where the word Ottoman would only be found in university libraries or select bookshops. But how wrong I was, as I came to learn that Ottoman influences in the Malay Archipelago continue to exist even today without much awareness from the local population. My journey, which started in Kuala Lumpur, was for a break from the usual hustle and bustle of the imperial city of Istanbul, little did I know that I would find traces of the old imperial capital in Malaysia and three months in I would be having lunch with the Her Majesty Raja Zarith Sofiah binti Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah otherwise known as the Queen of Johor. bacaan lanjut di link di bawah sebab ini penting untuk sesiapa yg minat sirah dan guru guru sejarah - untuk kembangkan disiplin sejarah yg actually disiplin yg penting dalam peradaban manusia
The forgotten history connecting modern Turkey and Malaysia
sumber asal: