At the event “BNK48 Thank you and beginner Chiang Mai,” held yesterday in Chiang Mai, Thailand, it was officially announced the launch of CGM48 as a new (and the second) 48-group in Thailand!
Cherprang, the captain of BNK48, commented, “It’s such a delight to have a new sister group in Thailand. We are absolutely excited about what the future will bring for CGM48”
An application for CGM48 1st generation audition will open from June 15th to July 15th, 2019.
AKB48グループの世界コラボチームがアジア最大級のチャリティ・コンサート「One Love Asia」に出演決定
AKB48とAKB48海外姉妹グループは、5月27日(水)にオンラインで開催されるアジア最大級のチャリティ・コンサート「One Love Asia」に参加することが決定しました。AKB48と海外姉妹グループのメンバーによるスペシャル・コラボ・チームとして出演します。同コンサートは、新型コロナウィルスの感染防止のメッセージや、医療現場の最前線に立つ方々への感謝の気持ちをこめてWebTVAsiaとYouTubeが主催するもので、配信を通して集まった収益は全額がUNICEF(国連児童基金)に寄付されます。
AKB48 and AKB48’s overseas sister groups will participate in Asia's largest online charity concert "One Love Asia", which will be held on Wednesday, May 27th. Organized by WebTVAsia and YouTube, this concert will feature messages around health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic by various artists and show their gratitudes to all the health care professionals who are risking everything to care for Covid-19 patients on the front lines, and all proceeds from the concert will be donated to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
Vernalossom is an idol group management company that operates the overseas sister groups of AKB48, with groups including IZ*ONE, MNL48, JKT48, BNK48, SGO48, AKB48 Team TP, AKB48 Team SH CGM48 and DEL48.