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Post time 11-3-2019 01:27 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Venezuela suatu ketika dulu adalah negara membangun yang cukup disegani di Amerika Latin dari 1970an hingga awal 2000an. Dengan kemenangan mendiang Hugo Chavez dan revolusi sosialis yang melanda Venezuela dalam Revolusi Bolivar, struktur kerajaan, sosio-ekonomi dan fabrik identiti Republik Venezuela direformasi mengikut acuan Chavez.

Kini Venezuela dilanda masalah ekonomi, ketakstabilan politik, krisis perlembagaan, krisis kemanusian, krisis matawang, krisis kepercayaan rakyat. Venezuela di bawah Rejim Maduro adalah legasi mendiang Chavez.

Bagaimana negara yang disegani dalam rantau Amerika Latin satu ketika dulu kini menjadi pariah di peringkat antarabangsa mengemis bantuan China dan Russia?

Saksikan siri video yang mengupas isu Venezuela ini.

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:31 PM | Show all posts
Edited by robotech at 11-3-2019 01:33 PM


It wasn’t so long ago that Venezuela was the wealthiest nation in the entire of South America. Today, half of their population lives in extreme poverty. So, the question is… How did they end up there? What did their government do so wrong to destroy an economy in so little time? Today, we are gonna tell you the story.


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Venezuela: a new Chinese Colony?

Venezuela’s economy has already collapsed. Nicolas Maduro’s government has announced he cannot pay back his debt and bankruptcy looms as a possibility. Now the question is… is this the end for Nicolas Maduro? Why those big banks like Goldman Sachs bet on Venezuelan debt? What can we expect from Venezuela? What is China’s role on this picture?


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:35 PM | Show all posts

Venezuela is going through a humanitarian crisis no one denies. Food and basic products are scarce in all across the country and a big share of the population is suffering from starvation.
For some political analysts, Venezuela is not a democratic country anymore: the imprisonment of the political oppositors, the repression on the protesters and and attempts to dissolve the parliament would be a proof for this.

For others, Nicolas Maduro and his allies are protecting themselves from a coup d’etat. Who is right? What is going on in Venezuela? Can we still consider this country as a democracy? Is there freedom of speech for the Venezuelans?


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:35 PM | Show all posts
Venezuela’s Oil, Bankruptcy and Cryptocurrency

Venezuela is undergoing some of its worst moments.

This disaster is so huge, that what once was one of the largest and most powerful oil companies in the world, PDVSA, the Venezuelan oil company, is now undergoing really difficult times, and is even close to bankruptcy.

And it is precisely at this difficult moment that Nicolás Maduro’s government has had its latest idea: launch its own cryptocurrency, the Petro, to try to finance itself. In this video we’ll tell you what’s happening with PDVSA, what we can do with the Petro and what the consequences are for Venezuela.


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:36 PM | Show all posts
3 scenarios for VENEZUELA's future

Venezuela is suffering one of the biggest economic and social catastrophes in modern history. The so-called Bolivarian Revolution, led first by Commander Hugo Chavez and, later, by Nicolas Maduro, has become such a disaster that the whole country has no wealth-creation structure anymore. The situation is so bad that is hard to imagine what could happen to Venezuela. This is why we asked one of the biggest experts on political transitions: Ivan Pilip, former Finance Minister of Czech Republic.


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:36 PM | Show all posts
VENEZUELA: the biggest EXODUS of 21st century?

Venezuela is adrift. Every day that passes, life in this country becomes more and more difficult.

With some of the highest violence, poverty and inflation indices in the world and with a growing drug trafficking and organized crime industry, many, many Venezuelans can’t find an alternative but to place some land in the middle, that is, to leave behind a country that is falling apart.

Therefore, according to United Nations calculations, since 2014 and up until June 2018, around 2,300,000 Venezuelans have left Venezuela. And take note, because, year after year, these numbers won’t stop growing.

So what’s really happening? Is that a humanitarian catastrophe? What implications can it be in the neighbouring countries?


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:37 PM | Show all posts
How Venezuela Became a NARCO-STATE

At the beginning of the 80s, the historic Medellin Cartel leader, Pablo Escobar had a dream: to turn Colombia into a country that would be directly controlled by drug traffickers. Fortunately for the Colombians, Pablo Escobar never achieved his ambition.

However, 3 decades later it looks like this dream is coming true. Of course not... in Colombia but in Venezuela.

We all know that Venezuela is going through a huge economic and social crisis. The Bolivarian revolution has plundered and practically pillaged all of the country's resources. But... that's not all. Are characters like Nicolas Maduro or Diosdado Cabello carrying out Pablo Escobar's dream? Is Venezuela becoming a narco-state?


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Narcopolitics in Latin America: from Pablo Escobar to Chapo Guzman

What would you say is a drug trafficker’s biggest dream? What’s the secret to their “success” and why has their influence spread throughout Latin America?

In recent decades, the drug trafficking industry has developed into one of the biggest problems in Latin America. As we all know, this industry’s engine lies in the hundreds of billions of dollars that this business moves each yeah, thanks to which many drug traffickers have managed to create huge fortunes.

However, none of this would’ve been possible without the complicity and collaboration of many senior political officials. Weak institutions are the best breeding ground for drug trafficking.

Very recently, here on VisualPolitik, we talked about how Venezuela was becoming a Narco-State under Nicolas Maduro, Diosdado Cabello and the Soles Cartel.

In this video, we’ll talk about how some of the most famous drug dealers of all time gained their sinister success from the hand of corrupt politicians and how narco-politics has been so present in countries like Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala, among many others.


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:38 PM | Show all posts

It may seem hard to believe given the circumstances but, once, not so long ago, Venezuela was the envy of Latin America. Not so long ago Venezuela was a prosperous country, a country to which many people immigrated in search of opportunities. Do you want to learn more about this other story?


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:39 PM | Show all posts
The problem with VENEZUELA

Venezuela is going through a turning point. In fact, the fact the Juan Guaido has taken office while Nicolas Maduro is still in power is, by itself, something unique in history. There are many ways of overthrowing a dictator: revolutions, peaceful transitions… but there is no case where a political leader makes an oath following the country’s constitution in order to end an authoritarian rule.Several countries have already recognizes Guaido’s legitimacy to hold the interim presidency. That includes America, Canada, and European Union. And Maduro’s regime claims this is a coup d’etat supported by Trump. But… is it, really? Can Guaido defeat Maduro’s regime without the support of the army? Is it so easy to end with a dictatorship?


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:40 PM | Show all posts
How Maduro CONTROLS Venezuelans

Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution hasn’t only plundered and destroyed the Venezuelan economy, it has also created a lot of networks and nefarious interests working in the shadows. Some of these networks have played a key role in allowing Nicolás Maduro to remain in power.


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:50 PM | Show all posts
Edited by robotech at 11-3-2019 01:51 PM

Revolusi Bolivar legasi mendiang Hugo Chavez diwariskan kepada rejim Nicolas Maduro yang tamakkan kuasa. Taraf krisis ekonomi Venezuela menyebabkan bankrupsi nasional lebih teruk dari krisis ekonomi Greece suatu ketika dulu.

Rejim Maduro me-war2kan cryptocurrency boleh menyelamatkan ekonomi negara Venezuala. Matawang crypto rejim Maduro iaitu Petro lebih bernilai berbanding matawang Bolivar mengikut propaganda rejim. Permasalahan sekarang, cryptos tiada peraturan perundangan yang sah dan tidak dikawal regulasi kewangan antarabangsa malahan nilainya sangat tidak menentu. Yang menghairankan rejim Maduro terpaksa menerbitkan cryptocurrency yang baru, tetapi tidak mahu menggunakan crytocurrency sedia ada seperti Bitcoin atau Ethereum.

Sekarang Venezuela sudah berhutang banyak dengan China di atas "bantuan kewangan" dan pinjaman kewangan. Venezuela terpaksa membayar hutang kepada China dengan barter produk petroleum tanpa tunai kerana krisis aliran tunai matawang Bolivar yang tenat.  Hasil petroleum ada digunakan membayar hutang China, aliran tunai Bolivar tidak bernilai dan rejim Maduro berharap ke atas crypto Petro.

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2019 01:57 PM | Show all posts
Kini  Venezuela berada di persimpangan menerusi krisis Perlembagaan, Rejim Nicolas Maduro vs Interim President Juan Guaido. Komuniti dunia telah mengiktiraf Interim President Juan Guaido sebagai ketua Kerajaan yang sah di Venezuela sehingga Pilihanraya Umum diselia UN diadakan semula.

Nicolas Maduro cuma boleh mengharapkan instrumen ketenteraan dan elemen agensi2 keselamatan yang korup untuk menegakkan ligitimasi rejimnya seperti FAES. Amat mengejutkan ada di kalangan penasihat agensi kerajaan yang dilantik menjaga agensi keselamatan dalam negeri dan majlis ekonomi negara rupa2nya pengedar dadah yang dikehendaki di peringkat antarabangsa.

Kerosakan Venezuela memusnahkan kepercayaan rakyatnya serta masyarakat antarabangsa kepada rejim Maduro. Jika Interim President Juan Guaido menang sekalipun menggantikan Maduro, mampukah beliau bersama dengan kerajaan baru memperbaiki kerosakan sosio-ekonomi era Chavez & Maduro hampir dua dekad ini?

Apa yang pasti, hutang Venezuela dengan China TETAP WAJIB DIBAYAR.

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Post time 28-3-2019 05:17 PM | Show all posts
wow. nice info. aku kna baca balik history & geography.
slama ni ingt depa ni south america, latin states.
ie: cuba, Puerto rico.
rupanya ada yg under US, ada yg negara sndiri kan.


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