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jin dan setan berkeliaran di kawasan kami.

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Post time 3-9-2017 12:05 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Kenapa ada jin dan setan kawasan suci ini ???? kata tempat ibadat suci ...jin boleh masuk kah? atau manusia ini jenis jin dan setan dgn hati penuh kotor sehingga x boleh pijat sana ??

aya memerhati. Kaget, Tidak pernah membayangkan ada kena rasuk di Arafah. Depan mata berlaku. Hampir menjelang magrib. Mungkin banyak jin dan setan berkeliaran di kawasan kami.Semakin ramai datang menonton drama sehari sebelum wukuf. Pelbagai andaian, gosip dan spekulasi yang berkemundang.
Ada yang membaca pelbagai ayat-ayat Quran. Sekuatnya.
Selepas keadaan reda, jemaah wanita yang kena rasuk sudah sedar dan ada berbaring, saya mendekati Abdul Rahman.
Ada sesuatu yang mendesak dalam hati. Semenjak mengenali Abdul Rahman, kami boleh sahaja berterus terang. Dia pun kelakar orangnya.
“Kenapa kamu peluk perempuan itu, dia isteri orang, kamu suami orang, bukan muhrim!”

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Post time 3-9-2017 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kene rasuk kt arafah?  Barangkali elohim sengaja je nak menguji dia.. Who knows

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2017 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 4-9-2017 11:28 AM
cmf_premierleag replied at 3-9-2017 02:08 PM
Kene rasuk kt arafah?  Barangkali elohim sengaja je nak menguji dia.. Who knows
Kene rasuk kt arafah?  Barangkali elohim sengaja je nak menguji dia.. Who knows

uji? kau fikir Elohim x de keje....tempat arafah itu suci utk muslims, azan kuat , bacaan ayat2 dari Quran kuat, sembayang x, jinn dan syaitan x takut azan-ayat2 Quran ke???mcm boleh keluar masuk jinn dan syaitan ke tempat suci yg gelar oleh muslim..

something not right...

Bersyukur saya mengamalkan  ajaran Bible sebab ayat2 kuat sehingga x de ganguan dari benda2 jahat..Amin

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Post time 5-9-2017 07:16 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 4-9-2017 11:25 AM
uji? kau fikir Elohim x de keje....tempat arafah itu suci utk muslims, azan kuat , bacaan ayat2  ...

Ha ha ... tergelak aku tengok mentality 'truth.8'

Bible is the truth pasal tak kena rasuk bila baca bible .. ye lah tengok filem Hollywood

Tak terpikir ke kononnya dirasuk tu stress ke apa ... hantu jembalang pulak yg ko percaya

Ok lah , since ko kata baca bible dilindungi tuhan ko : mark 16:17-18 (NRSV Bible)
17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: by using my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;
18 they will pick up snakes in their hands,[e] and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Bila ko nak angkat ular senduk ke .. ular katam tebu ke

Aku boleh tolong ko dlm hal ni .. macamana tambi? Ok ke?

Kah kah kah


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 Author| Post time 6-9-2017 06:23 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 6-9-2017 06:27 PM
sam1528 replied at 5-9-2017 07:16 PM
Ha ha ... tergelak aku tengok mentality 'truth.8'

Bible is the truth pasal tak kena rasuk bila  ...
Ha ha ... tergelak aku tengok mentality 'truth.8'

Bible is the truth pasal tak kena rasuk bila baca bible .. ye lah tengok filem Hollywood

Tak terpikir ke kononnya dirasuk tu stress ke apa ... hantu jembalang pulak yg ko percaya

Ok lah , since ko kata baca bible dilindungi tuhan ko : mark 16:17-18 (NRSV Bible)
17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: by using my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;
18 they will pick up snakes in their hands,[e] and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Terima kasih puan samilah.opsss sam kerana sudi menjelaskan isu ini ....jadi kalau azan kuat -kuat pun di tempat suci arafat jinn syaitan boleh masuk seolah - olah dah imune dan x gentar , gitu ?

strees ke ? my late brother stress x pula jerit2 mcm ini....i pun stress   x pula jerit2 ..

Bila ko nak angkat ular senduk ke .. ular katam tebu ke

Aku boleh tolong ko dlm hal ni .. macamana tambi? Ok ke?

Kah kah kah

x perlu lah itu semua...aku ini jenis yg kuat iman punya orang...x gentar dgn makluk2 ghaib...boleh berkawan lagi dgn makluk2 ini
kalau kau ada masalah gangguan oleh benda2 ini,  boleh mesej saya ....i boleh bantu kau  puan ....opss sorry tuan..

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Post time 6-9-2017 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 6-9-2017 06:23 PM
Terima kasih puan samilah.opsss sam kerana sudi menjelaskan isu ini ....jadi kalau azan kuat -ku ...

Ha ha ... jadik pada pahaman kurang cerdik ko , jin syaitan boleh masuk ganggu manusia lah & tak gentar dgn azan

Hmmm , azan tu panggilan masuk waktu solat utk umat Islam. Macamana ko kira utk halau jin & syiatan? Mana ko belajar ni?

Ada pulak jin lah , syaitan lah (tak masuk lagi dgn hantu jembalang) boleh rasuk manusia .. ye ke ni ... ko dok mimpi kot

LOL , different people react differently to stress lah tambi. Aii , senang macam ni pon ko tak paham?

This is funny :
x perlu lah itu semua...aku ini jenis yg kuat iman punya orang...x gentar dgn makluk2 ghaib...boleh berkawan lagi dgn makluk2 ini
kalau kau ada masalah gangguan oleh benda2 ini,  boleh mesej saya ....i boleh bantu kau  puan ....opss sorry tuan..
Ada kah ko kata mark16:17-18 tak betul? Oops ko mati2 mengaku bible adalah dari tuhan ko

Adakah ini bermakna ko mengaku yg bible ko tu bukan dari tuhan ko? Ko takut sgt bila bible ko disebut .. hmmm

Laa .. apa daaa .. tak habis2 dgn makhluk ghaib ... boleh berkawan pulak tu .. awat . .hang mengaku bomoh kot

Bomoh kalo sakit pon pergi jumpa doktor

Kah kah kah .... temberang lah banyak2 ye .... makhluk ghaib ... tu dia ....


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 Author| Post time 7-9-2017 12:21 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 6-9-2017 10:26 PM
Ha ha ... jadik pada pahaman kurang cerdik ko , jin syaitan boleh masuk ganggu manusia lah & tak g ...
Ha ha ... jadik pada pahaman kurangcerdik ko , jin syaitan boleh masuk ganggu manusia lah & tak gentar dgnazan

Hmmm , azan tu panggilan masuk waktu solat utk umat Islam. Macamana ko kira utkhalau jin & syiatan? Mana ko belajar ni?

Ada pulak jin lah , syaitan lah (tak masuk lagi dgn hantu jembalang) bolehrasuk manusia .. ye ke ni ... ko dok mimpi kot

LOL , different people react differently to stress lah tambi. Aii , senangmacam ni pon ko tak paham?

So ayat2 quran di baca di kawasan Arafathari2, jin dan syaitan x takut kah?? sanggup masuk di kawasan arafat itu dan kau tulis stress konon.. So jin dan syaitan ini x rasuk manusia ke?

This is funny :
x perlu lah itu semua...aku ini jenis yg kuat iman punyaorang...x gentar dgn makluk2 ghaib...boleh berkawan lagi dgn makluk2 ini
kalau kau ada masalah gangguan oleh benda2 ini,  boleh mesej saya....i boleh bantu kau  puan ....opss sorry tuan..
Ada kah kokata mark16:17-18 tak betul? Oops ko mati2 mengaku bible adalah dari tuhan ko

Adakah ini bermakna ko mengaku yg bible ko tu bukan dari tuhan ko? Ko takut sgtbila bible ko disebut .. hmmm
Kalau sayackp Bible bukan dari Pencipta, saya jadi muslim…mana tahu jadi terrorist lepasbaca quran dan brain wash dari pak arab

Laa .. apa daaa .. tak habis2 dgn makhluk ghaib ... boleh berkawan pulak tu ..awat . .hang mengaku bomoh kot

Bomoh kalo sakit pon pergi jumpa doktor

Kah kah kah .... temberang lah banyak2 ye .... makhluk ghaib ... tu dia ...

Bomoh autaramai …istilah witch or bomoh bukan ayat yg betul…siapa2 yg mempunya specialgift dari Pencipta di panggil spiritual englightment …dia  paham maksud Pencipta, maksud tersirat didunia-alam roh dan lain…dan dia hidup damai dgn semua golongan…x kira agama -bangsa ...dia percaya semua satu dari Pencipta..
Yg membunuhmanusia dgn bom dan lain atas nama tuhan adalah pengikut syaitan…walaupun dari luaranmereka2 nampak alim dengan jubbah dan kopiah tapi  mereka di rasuk syaitan dan  jinn itu beza antara kau dan saya..


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Post time 7-9-2017 08:25 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 7-9-2017 12:21 PM
So ayat2 quran di baca di kawasan Arafathari2, jin dan syaitan x takut kah?? sanggup masuk di k ...

Ha ha ... dah mula nak konar ye ... mula2 cakap pasal azan & skg ayat2 Quran pulak. Ayat Quran adalah ayat2 pengajaran kepada manusia yg diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad(saw). Amalan pengajaran tersebut yg penting , contoh kita beriman yg Allah paling berkuasa .. nak risau pasal jin ke , syaitan ke .. buat apa?

Bomoh autaramai …istilah witch or bomoh bukan ayat yg betul…siapa2 yg mempunya specialgift dari Pencipta di panggil spiritual englightment …dia  paham maksud Pencipta, maksud tersirat didunia-alam roh dan lain…dan dia hidup damai dgn semua golongan…x kira agama -bangsa ...dia percaya semua satu dari Pencipta..
Yg membunuhmanusia dgn bom dan lain atas nama tuhan adalah pengikut syaitan…walaupun dari luaranmereka2 nampak alim dengan jubbah dan kopiah tapi  mereka di rasuk syaitan dan  jinn itu beza antara kau dan saya..
LOL , 'special gift'? Jadik ko klaim yg ko ni ada 'special gift' lah yg kononnya ko boleh berkawan dgn makhluk halus?

Ada lagi penjelasan lain bagi org macam ko .... you need to seek professional help. Ko percaya ko boleh berinteraksi dgn makhluk halus & tak salah aku , meenachi sepiroth pon mengaku yg dia boleh kontrol spirits. There is something wrong with you people

This is funny , bila cakap pasal bom & bunuh tetiba muslim pulak. Helloooo .... ko tak pernah ke sekolah ke? Geng kristian macam ko lah yg banyak sekali bunuh manusia dlm sejarah dunia ni. Cuba ko baca buku ni (aku belum dapatkan lagi) : Laying Down the Sword: Why We Can't Ignore the Bible's Violent Verses
this daring exploration of the Scripture’smost difficult passages forces us to confront and accept the violence that wasas integral to the formulation of Christianity’s message

Kah kah kah .. samada ko ni hypocrite atau in delusion atau kedua dua sekali


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 Author| Post time 7-9-2017 08:37 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 7-9-2017 08:39 PM
sam1528 replied at 7-9-2017 08:25 PM
Ha ha ... dah mula nak konar ye ... mula2 cakap pasal azan & skg ayat2 Quran pulak. Ayat Quran ada ...
Ha ha ... dah mula nak konar ye ... mula2 cakap pasal azan & skg ayat2 Quran pulak. Ayat Quran adalah ayat2 pengajaran kepada manusia yg diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad(saw). Amalan pengajaran tersebut yg penting , contoh kita beriman yg Allah paling berkuasa .. nak risau pasal jin ke , syaitan ke .. buat apa?

mana ada konar? baca atas tulisan saya...ada azan dan bacaan ayat2 dari quran...ini bukan risau jin syaitan tapi pengalaman orang sana ckp ada jin dan syaitan berkeliran  di arafrat....maksud, kenapa makluk2 suka tempat itu sedangkan ia suci??? adakah tempat sebenarnya suci? sila explain...

Bomoh autaramai …istilah witch or bomoh bukan ayat yg betul…siapa2 yg mempunya specialgift dari Pencipta di panggil spiritual englightment …dia  paham maksud Pencipta, maksud tersirat didunia-alam roh dan lain…dan dia hidup damai dgn semua golongan…x kira agama -bangsa ...dia percaya semua satu dari Pencipta..
Yg membunuhmanusia dgn bom dan lain atas nama tuhan adalah pengikut syaitan…walaupun dari luaranmereka2 nampak alim dengan jubbah dan kopiah tapi  mereka di rasuk syaitan dan  jinn itu beza antara kau dan saya..
LOL , 'special gift'? Jadik ko klaim yg ko ni ada 'special gift' lah yg kononnya ko boleh berkawan dgn makhluk halus?

special gift ini di turunkan pada siapa2 x kira bangsa dan agama...saya rasa mcm itu...boleh rasa ...boleh berkawan dgn benda2 halus...janji kita jaga tingkah laku ... kalau u nak, i boleh kasi test sama kamu ...htr makluk ke u ...kacau u ...nak ke???

Ada lagi penjelasan lain bagi org macam ko .... you need to seek professional help. Ko percaya ko boleh berinteraksi dgn makhluk halus & tak salah aku , meenachi sepiroth pon mengaku yg dia boleh kontrol spirits. There is something wrong with you people

so, bila buka mulut pasal isu makluk ghaib ini saya ini need professional help ka?? atau muslims yg mimpikan syurga selepas bom sana dan sini kononya dpt houris...itu kena professional help
This is funny , bila cakap pasal bom & bunuh tetiba muslim pulak. Helloooo .... ko tak pernah ke sekolah ke? Geng kristian macam ko lah yg banyak sekali bunuh manusia dlm sejarah dunia ni. Cuba ko baca buku ni (aku belum dapatkan lagi) : Laying Down the Sword: Why We Can't Ignore the Bible's Violent Verses
this daring exploration of the Scripture’smost difficult passages forces us to confront and accept the violence that wasas integral to the formulation of Christianity’s message

sejarah dunia itu sejarah...we talking about present time done by muslims act of evil ...thats is you mind sam...muslim killing themselves daily with bom - bomb mosque - all the evil acts.......

Kah kah kah .. samada ko ni hypocrite atau in delusion atau kedua dua sekali

at least i dont bomb my self thinking getting paradise.....


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Post time 8-9-2017 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 7-9-2017 08:37 PM
mana ada konar? baca atas tulisan saya...ada azan dan bacaan ayat2 dari quran...ini bukan risau  ...

Ha ha .. konar lah tambi .. jgn tak konar.

Cuba ko baca betul2 artikel tersebut , ni pon aku copy paste :
Saya memerhati. Kaget, Tidak pernah membayangkan ada kena rasuk di Arafah. Depan mata berlaku. Hampir menjelang magrib. Mungkin banyak jin dan setan berkeliaran di kawasan kami.
Cuba ko jelaskan apa maksud 'mungkin'. Apa lah ko ni tambi ... tak habis dgn kepercayaan tahyul ko tu. Lepas tu buat andaian bangang ... oooh azan & ayat Quran pon ada jin & syaitan boleh rasuk .. kalo macam tu semua jemaah haji dah kena rasuk. Rasional sikit lah pemikiran ko tu

special gift ini di turunkan pada siapa2 x kira bangsa dan agama...saya rasa mcm itu...boleh rasa ...boleh berkawan dgn benda2 halus...janji kita jaga tingkah laku ... kalau u nak, i boleh kasi test sama kamu ...htr makluk ke u ...kacau u ...nak ke???
LOL .. special gift konon. Nak gelak aku .. ko mati2 percaya yg ko ni boleh kononnya tengok , berkawan & kontrol makhluk halus ye. There is something wrong with you. Nak test dgn aku .. boleh .. boleh .. anytime .. hantar lah

Lepas ni ko pulak kena buktikan yg bible ko tu apt apa yg ko klaim selama ini - test diri ko ikut bible ko mark16:17-18, ko pilih aje racun atau ular bisa .. your choice

so, bila buka mulut pasal isu makluk ghaib ini saya ini need professional help ka?? atau muslims yg mimpikan syurga selepas bom sana dan sini kononya dpt houris...itu kena professional help
Hanya org gila aje yg mengaku boleh kawan & kontrol makhluk halus. Org rasional tak buat sedemikian
Mana ko belajar yg muslims mimpi syurga selepas bom sana & sini. Nampak benar yg ko ni kurang membaca & berpengetahuan. Tapi kononnya berlagak tau ttg muslims :
A group of German scholars at the Universities of Bielefeld and Osnabrück analyzed 5,757 WhatsApp messages found on a phone seized by police following a terrorist attack in the spring of 2016. The messages were exchanged among 12 young men involved in the attack.

Bacem Dziri, a researcher at the University of Osnabrück and co-author on the report, examined the messages from an Islamic studies perspective and concluded: “The group had no basic knowledge about Islam.”

“One of the main points for us is that these young radicalized people come mostly from a family which is remote from religion and they do not radicalize themselves in mosques,” Dziri said. “With a profound knowledge of faith, it would be impossible, or at least considerably more difficult to radicalize in that way.”
sejarah dunia itu sejarah...we talking about present time done by muslims act of evil ...thats is you mind sam...muslim killing themselves daily with bom - bomb mosque - all the evil acts.......
LOL , present times ye?

Ok then , berapa banyak org awam yg mati di Iraq selepas seorang president kristian yg mengaku 'tuhan bercakap dgn dia' buat keputusan utk perang? Problem ko , ko hanya tengok the symtom bukan root cause. Pernah dengar tak pasal ISIS atau IS sebelum perang di Iraq?
    ““Let’s remember here… the people we are fighting today we funded them twenty years ago

    … let’s go recruit these mujahideen.

    “And great, let them come from Saudi Arabia and other countries, importing their Wahabi brand of Islam so that we can go beat the Soviet Union.”

And that is precisely what the US is doing in Syria: using their Al Qaeda “Moderates” to fight against Syria and Russia. For Moscow, it is “Déjà Vu.

The plan in Afghanistan was to destroy the secular state and install a proxy U.S. Islamic State.  The same objective prevails in Syria.

What Hillary does not mention is that at no time in the course of the last 36 years has the US ceased to support and finance Al Qaeda as a means to destabilizing sovereign countries. It was “a pretty good idea”, says Hillary, and it remains a good idea today:

Amply documented, the ISIS and Al Nusrah Mujahideen are recruited by NATO and the Turkish High command, with the support of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel.

Kah kah kah .. org yg minda tak buka adalah org seperti ko aje. Aku tau ko benci Islam tapi ko kena terima fakta buka auta yg ko selalu bagi. Asas ko langsung tak ada fakta & rujukkan. Tapi ko seorang hypocrite ... mengaku pulak bisnes ko bergantung pada org Islam


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 Author| Post time 8-9-2017 11:38 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 8-9-2017 11:40 AM
sam1528 replied at 8-9-2017 12:21 AM
Ha ha .. konar lah tambi .. jgn tak konar.

Cuba ko baca betul2 artikel tersebut , ni pon aku co ...
Ha ha .. konarlah tambi .. jgn tak konar.

Cuba ko baca betul2 artikel tersebut , ni pon aku copy paste :
Saya memerhati.Kaget, Tidak pernah membayangkan ada kena rasuk di Arafah. Depan mata berlaku.Hampir menjelang magrib. Mungkin banyak jin dan setan berkeliarandi kawasan kami.

So you baca dari atas aja, x baca apa saya tulis bawa? Cuba you paste ??

Cuba kojelaskan apa maksud 'mungkin'. Apa lah ko ni tambi ... tak habis dgnkepercayaan tahyul ko tu. Lepas tu buat andaian bangang ... oooh azan & ayatQuran pon ada jin & syaitan boleh rasuk .. kalo macam tu semua jemaah hajidah kena rasuk. Rasional sikit lah pemikiran ko tu

Hakikat nya,muslim  yg berada di situ membuatkenyataan pengalaman dia    mungkin adasyaitan dan jinn…sama macam andaian yg di buat oleh seorang muslim melayu duludi batu cave  ada jinn skg ini ibarat “ ludah di langit percik ke muka sendiri hehhehe         

Soalan maut:adakah batu hitam bernama aswad ini ada benda2 duduk di situ kerana di asap dgnminyak wangi dkt batu tersebut?? Dengar2 jinn suka wangian dan kemungkinan adabenda 2 di situ dan arafat...jawab jgn x jawab

LOL .. specialgift konon. Nak gelak aku .. ko mati2 percaya yg ko ni boleh kononnya tengok ,berkawan & kontrol makhluk halus ye. There is something wrong with you. Naktest dgn aku .. boleh .. boleh .. anytime .. hantar lah

Ok, i htr bendaitu dkt u.....sampai kau minta saya keluarkan  benda itu dari u dan tempat u.....saya x perlu nama-tempat tinggalu....I  can sense, u wait for itok

Lepas ni ko pulak kena buktikan yg bible ko tu apt apa yg ko klaim selama ini -test diri ko ikut bible ko mark16:17-18, ko pilih aje racun atau ular bisa ..your choice

X kesah racunatau ular...semua ok pada wa

Hanya org gilaaje yg mengaku boleh kawan & kontrol makhluk halus. Org rasional tak buatsedemikian.

So Soloman inigila lah bila berkawan dgn   dan control    syaitan dan makluk ghaib? Jawab jgn x jawab
Mana ko belajar yg muslims mimpi syurga selepas bom sana &sini. Nampak benar yg ko ni kurang membaca & berpengetahuan.Tapi kononnya berlagak tau ttg muslims :
A group ofGerman scholars at the Universities of Bielefeld and Osnabrück analyzed 5,757WhatsApp messages found on a phone seized by police following a terroristattack in the spring of 2016. The messages were exchanged among 12 young meninvolved in the attack.

Bacem Dziri, a researcher at the University of Osnabrück and co-author on thereport, examined the messages from an Islamic studies perspective andconcluded: “The group had no basic knowledge about Islam.”

“One of the main points for us is that these young radicalized people comemostly from a family which is remote from religion and they do not radicalizethemselves in mosques,” Dziri said. “With a profound knowledge of faith, itwould be impossible, or at least considerably more difficult to radicalize inthat way.”
sejarah duniaitu sejarah...we talking about present time done by muslims act of evil...thats is you mind sam...muslim killing themselves daily with bom- bomb mosque - all the evil acts.......

so it done bymuslims...what motivate them? Quran verses??
LOL , presenttimes ye?

Ok then , berapa banyak org awam yg mati di Iraq selepas seorang presidentkristian yg mengaku 'tuhan bercakap dgn dia' buat keputusan utk perang? Problemko , ko hanya tengok the symtom bukan root cause.Pernah dengar tak pasal ISIS atau IS sebelum perang di Iraq?
   ““Let’s remember here… the people we are fighting today we funded them twentyyears ago

    … let’s go recruit these mujahideen.

TurkeyJanuary 1An Islamic State gunman opened fire on a crowd of people in the Reina Nightclub in Istanbul.[271]3970
IraqJanuary 2A suicide bomber with a truck full of explosives attacked a predominantly Shia market in Baghdad. The Islamic State took responcibility for the attack, claiming to target a "gathering of Shia".[272][273]3652
FranceFebruary 3A machete attack at the Louvre injured one soldier as well as the attacker, who has posted support for the Islamic State just before his attack.[274]02
AfghanistanFebruary 8Islamic State militants attack a convoy of aid workers of the Red Cross in Northern Afghanistan. Killing 6 and taking 2 prisoner.[275]60
AfghanistanFebruary 11Taliban suicide car bomber killed seven people outside a bank in Lashkargah.[276]721
PakistanFebruary 16During the 2017 Sehwan suicide bombing a suicide bomber entered the main hall of the Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan and detonated his payload amid dozens of worshippers.[277]88100+
IraqFebruary 19Five people were killed in two suicide bombings that hit districts recently retaken from Islamic State in eastern Mosul. The first attack targeted an army checkpoint, killing three soldiers, and the second a gathering of civilians in the commercial district known as "My Fair Lady," killing two.[278]50
PakistanFebruary 21Three militants threw hand grenades and opened fire as they launched an assault in Tangi, near the border with Afghanistan. Two of the men blew themselves up during the 20-minute gun battle with security forces at the gate, while the third was shot dead by police before he could detonate his explosive vest.[279]722
EgyptFebruary 22Two Coptic citizens were found killed on Wednesday inside the North Sinai city of Al-Arish. The two are believed to have been kidnapped by anonymous militants who are suspected to be members of the IS-affiliated group of “Sinai Province.”[280]20
AfghanistanFebruary 28Twelve policemen were killed in an "insider attack" in the southern Afghan province of Helmand. An infiltrator from the Taliban had allowed militants into the outpost in the regional capital, Lashkar Gah.[281]120
AfghanistanMarch 8Gunmen dressed as medics attacked a military hospital in the Afghan capital of Kabul, killing more than 40 people, in an assault claimed by Islamic State.[282][283]40+50+
IraqMarch 8Two suicide bombers blew themselves up, killing 26 people at a wedding party in a village near the Iraqi city of Tikrit. Islamic State said two of its fighters had carried out the attack in the village of Hajaj.[284]2667
United KingdomMarch 22A man drove a car into pedestrians on the south side of Westminster Bridge, injuring 49 people, 4 of them fatally.[285][286]649
RussiaApril 3A suicide bomber blew himself up on the St. Petersburg metro. The bomber was born in Kyrgyzstan and had ties to radical Islamists. [287]515
EgyptApril 9Palm Sunday church bombings on Christian churches in Tanta and Alexandria kill at least 36 people and injure more than 100[288]47100+
FranceApril 20Three police officers and a bystander were shot by an attacker wielding an AK-47 rifle on the Champs-Élysées, a shopping boulevard in Paris. The attacker was shot dead during the incident. He had a note defending the Islamic State, and had previously attempted to communicate with Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria.[289]23
United KingdomMay 22Manchester Arena bombing – A suicide bomber attacks Ariana Grande's pop concert with audience of up to 20,000. Authorities promptly raise the terror threat level to "Critical" fearing another attack.[290][291][292] Twenty-two people were arrested in connection with the attack, all of whom had been released without charge by 11 June.[293]22129
EgyptMay 26A gunman opened fire on a convoy carrying Coptic Christians traveling from Maghagha in Egypt's Minya Governorate.[294]2822
United KingdomJune 3The June 2017 London Bridge attack, was an incident where a van ran over multiple pedestrians on the London Bridge. On Borough Market the occupants of the van stabbed multiple people before being shot by police.[295][296]1148
FranceJune 62017 Notre Dame attack A lone wolf who was carrying knives in his rucksack attacked an officer guarding Notre Dame de Paris with a hammer. A video pledging allegiance to ISIS was later found.[297]02
IranJune 72017 Tehran attacks Iran parliament and the shrine of Ruhollah Khomeini. In the first attacks orchestrated by ISIS in Iran, Tehran was targeted by suicide bombers and teams of gunmen when they stormed Iran's parliament and the nearby shrine of Ruhollah Khomeini. All 4 attackers at the parliament were killed.[298][299]2243
IraqJune 9At least 30 people were killed in a suicide bombing in Karbala, Iraqi officials said. The attack was claimed by ISIL.[300]3036
PakistanAugust 7A truck carrying explosive material accidentally went off at Band Road in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. A few hours after the attack, a clash erupted between 7 terrorists and the CTD team in which 4 terrorists were shot dead while 3 others managed to flee in the dark. The terrorists were identified as Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan's militants.[301]235
SpainAugust 182017 Barcelona attack - Three separate attacks in Barcelona (location pictured) kill at least fifteen people and injure more than one hundred others. "Authorities believe the men to be part of 12 member Islamic Terror cell".[302] The group was held 120 gas canisters being ready to bomb a major target. [303]15120

Link :  Terrorism past and present by muslims

Kah kah kah .. org yg minda tak buka adalah org seperti ko aje. Aku tau kobenci Islam tapi ko kena terima fakta buka auta yg ko selalu bagi. Asas kolangsung tak ada fakta & rujukkan. Tapi ko seorang hypocrite ... mengakupulak bisnes ko bergantung pada org Islam

The fact is , muslims are motivated by act of      evil and terrorism base on ? quran?Extreme? U judge yourself...A religion from One God you says???? As me no

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Post time 8-9-2017 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 8-9-2017 11:38 AM
So you baca dari atas aja, x baca apa saya tulis bawa? Cuba you paste ??

Hakikat nya,muslim ...

Ha ha .. rupa2 ko tak paham apa maksud 'mungkin' ye. Jadik pada pengamatan kurang cerdik ko , 'mungkin' tu bermakna mesti jadik pasal jin & syaitan tak takut azan & ayat Quran. Can you grow up and develop a brain?

Hakikat nya,muslim  yg berada di situ membuatkenyataan pengalaman dia    mungkin adasyaitan dan jinn…sama macam andaian yg di buat oleh seorang muslim melayu duludi batu cave  ada jinn skg ini ibarat “ ludah di langit percik ke muka sendiri hehhehe         

Soalan maut:adakah batu hitam bernama aswad ini ada benda2 duduk di situ kerana di asap dgnminyak wangi dkt batu tersebut?? Dengar2 jinn suka wangian dan kemungkinan adabenda 2 di situ dan arafat...jawab jgn x jawab
Laa .. tambi , beliau kata 'mungkin'. Ia tak bermakna jin & syaitan. Ko hanya buat andaian kurang cerdik pasal ko pon bukan lah cerdik sgt. Ada jin pulak pada Thaipusam? Kemungkinan ... paham tak apa makna kemungkinan?

Ada ke minyak wangi kat Hajr Aswad? Setau aku & pengalaman aku tak ada. Yg aku tau Hajr Aswad to adalah tanda permulaan & akhir tawaf. Macamana ko dgn kurang cerdik kata ada jin & syaitan kat situ pasal di asap & sapu minyak wangi. Mana ko belajar benda bangang macam ni?

Ok, i htr bendaitu dkt u.....sampai kau minta saya keluarkan  benda itu dari u dan tempat u.....saya x perlu nama-tempat tinggalu....I  can sense, u wait for itok
LOL , 'truth.8' masih percaya pada benda kurafat. Hantar 'barang' kat aku lah .. hmmm .... 'barang' tu dtg pakai jaguar ke , range rover evoque ke , motor Harley ke atau kapcai .... this is soooo funny. Aku rasa aku tunggu sampai mati pon tak akan sampai

Kalo tak sampai apa pulak alasan ko nanti?

X kesah racunatau ular...semua ok pada wa
No problem , bila ko nak jumpa aku aku bagi racun rumput ko minum aku ambilk video .. ko kens sign dulu surat yg ko nak konfom ayat bible tersebut .. ok ye .. bila kita nak jumpa .. aku beli racun rumput.

So Soloman inigila lah bila berkawan dgn   dan control    syaitan dan makluk ghaib? Jawab jgn x jawab
Laaa , Nabi Sulaiman(as) bukan ko lah tambi. Ko bukan Nabi atau Rasul ...

Macamana yg ko pikir yg ko special sgt? Aku tengok ko hanya kaki kencing aje ... mengaku pulak boleh geng dgn makhluk halus

You really need to seek professional help

so it done bymuslims...what motivate them? Quran verses??
Nampak benar yg ko ni pemikiran jumud. Cuba ko baca balik pos aku #10 , research yg dilakukan di Universities of Bielefeld and Osnabrück ttg kononnya Muslim terrorism. Problem ko skg adalah ko langsung tak baca apa org lain tulis. Dok syok sendiri aje. Lepas tu ulang balik apa yg telah di jawab

This is so poor of you

Link :  Terrorism past and present by muslims
Hmm .. let see .. total ~ 458+ died

Kita tengok the root cause :
WASHINGTON — A study released earlier this year revealed the shocking death toll of the United States’s “War on Terror” since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but the true body count could be even higher.

Published in March by Physicians for Social Responsibility, the study, conducted by a team that included some Nobel Prize winners, determined that at least 1.3 million people have died as a result of war since Sept.11, 2001, but the real figure might be as high as two million. The study was an attempt to “close the gaps” in existing research, including studies like the Iraq Body Count,” which puts the number of violent deaths in that country at about 219,000 since 2003, based on media reports of the time period.

Similar figures for Afghanistan, he reports, could bring totals to four million or more.
As Ahmed points out in his article, the majority of those killed in these wars and those suffering most from these wars, statistically speaking, were Muslim — a stark contrast to the common view that radical Muslim terrorists are the deadliest group in the Middle East. Rather, it would seem the American military are the worst killers, and the death toll resembles religious genocide. In 2009, Stephen M. Walt, a professor of international relations at Harvard, wrote in Foreign Policy:
“How many Muslims has the United States killed in the past thirty years, and how many Americans have been killed by Muslims? Coming up with a precise answer to this question is probably impossible, but it is also not necessary, because the rough numbers are so clearly lopsided.”
Or, as Ben Affleck famously quipped to Bill Maher last year: “We’ve killed more Muslims than they’ve killed us by an awful lot.”
President US tu ugama apa?

Ko tau tak berapa kosong dlm angka 4 juta? Apa daa ... ko hanya cuba konar aje .... macamana ko nak jawab ye ...

Dah lah Hillary Clinton dah mengaku yg US tolong wujudkan ISIS ni semua.

Ko tak malu ke dgn perbuatan geng kristian ko tu. Tambah pulak ada buku Prof Jenkins yg keganasan yg dilakukan oleh kristian adalah pengamatan dari bible

The fact is , muslims are motivated by act of      evil and terrorism base on ? quran?Extreme? U judge yourself...A religion from One God you says???? As me no
Laa ... cakap kosong lagi. Ok lah tunjuk aje bukti ko.

So far hanya andaian ko yg tak berasas pon ... modal air liur basi lagi. Macamana dgn the 4 mil odd killed by orders from christians? A religion from God ke?

Kah kah kah .... cakap kosong boleh lah tambi .. bukti yilek


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 Author| Post time 8-9-2017 04:29 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 8-9-2017 01:04 PM
Ha ha .. rupa2 ko tak paham apa maksud 'mungkin' ye. Jadik pada pengamatan kurang cerdik ko , 'mun ...
Ha ha .. rupa2 ko tak paham apa maksud 'mungkin' ye. Jadik pada pengamatankurang cerdik ko , 'mungkin' tu bermakna mesti jadik pasal jin & syaitantak takut azan & ayat Quran. Can you grow up and develop a brain?

Sila baca apayg di tulis : Mungkin banyakjin dan setan berkeliaran di kawasan kami.Semakin ramai datang menonton dramasehari sebelum wukuf. Pelbagai andaian, gosip dan spekulasi yang berkemundang.
Kenapa  dia mengeluarkan kenyataan  mcm itu? Kerana melihat wanita itu di rasukwalaupun azan dan bacaan quran tapi ada jinn dan syaitan  di situ....kalau dah rasuk begitu, confirmedlah jiin dan benda2 jahat masuk tubuh dia dan ia bukan mungkin lagi...dahconfirmed     ada di kawasantersebut...simple as that but you koner2 punya sini dan sana...more coming upto exposed your lies  in this topic..
Laa .. tambi , beliau kata 'mungkin'. Ia tak bermakna jin & syaitan. Kohanya buat andaian kurang cerdik pasal ko pon bukan lah cerdik sgt. Ada jinpulak pada Thaipusam? Kemungkinan ... paham tak apa makna kemungkinan?

Dan kemungkianini menujukan manusia kena rasuk...dari mana entiti  datang? Jawab jgn x jawap
Ada ke minyak wangi kat Hajr Aswad? Setau aku & pengalaman aku tak ada. Ygaku tau Hajr Aswad to adalah tanda permulaan & akhir tawaf. Macamana ko dgnkurang cerdik kata ada jin & syaitan kat situ pasal di asap & sapuminyak wangi. Mana ko belajar benda bangang macam ni?

Betul ke x ada?M akcik , i caught you again lying ...sah koner2  punya orang...putar alam punya orang -1stclass putar alam kau ini...cuba lihat:
kenapa aswad ini kena perfum?? kalau ia nya batu...kenapa di perfum???supaya orang ramai cium dan pegang dan bau batu tersebut????kalau perfum dan bakar kemenyam, sah lah ada benda2 hidup di situ...jinn  
yang ini kena bakar incense..Sam you jangan koner2 accept the fact that the batu hitam itu di bakar incense dan sapu perfum...kalau batu hitam means nothing why such ritual???

Yang ini sentuh-cium ....kenapa buat ritual macam ini? adakah batu ini jenis yg hikmah ...batu  jenis magical???  mana mau lagi ...konor2 lagi ka

Kalau ia satupenjuru utk permulaan dan akhir, kenapa kena sentuh, cium dan asap dan pakaiminyak wangi pada batu hitam itu? Tidak kah ia sama macam agama lain   yg asap dan pakai minyak pada batu hitam utkhindu...konsep sama...ini saya ckp “ ludah di langit percik ke muka lu...xtau  malu ...nak ckp banyak lagi lu ini
LOL , 'truth.8'masih percaya pada benda kurafat. Hantar 'barang' kat aku lah .. hmmm ....'barang' tu dtg pakai jaguar ke , range rover evoque ke , motor Harley ke ataukapcai .... this is soooo funny. Aku rasa aku tunggu sampai mati pon tak akansampai

Yes or No, Iwill cast the spell on you...simple answer ...Yes or waiting
Laaa , NabiSulaiman(as) bukan ko lah tambi. Ko bukan Nabi atau Rasul ...
Soloman inisiapa? Alien kah? Bukan manusia darah merah???dlm Bible Soloman notprophet...simple as that..

Nampak benar ygko ni pemikiran jumud. Cuba ko baca balik pos aku #10 , research yg dilakukandi Universities of Bielefeld and Osnabrück ttg kononnya Muslim terrorism.Problem ko skg adalah ko langsung tak baca apa org lain tulis. Dok syok sendiriaje. Lepas tu ulang balik apa yg telah di jawab

This is so poor of you
Link:  Terrorism past and present by muslims
Hmm .. let see.. total ~ 458+ died

The link itself says year after year muslimsare contrubting terrorism act. Simple as that


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Post time 8-9-2017 08:34 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 8-9-2017 04:29 PM
Sila baca apayg di tulis : Mungkin banyakjin dan setan berkeliaran di kawasan kami.Semakin ramai ...

Ha ha .. truth.8 masih tak paham apa yg ko sendiri baca

Sila baca apayg di tulis : Mungkin banyakjin dan setan berkeliaran di kawasan kami.Semakin ramai datang menonton dramasehari sebelum wukuf. Pelbagai andaian, gosip dan spekulasi yang berkemundang.
Kenapa  dia mengeluarkan kenyataan  mcm itu? Kerana melihat wanita itu di rasukwalaupun azan dan bacaan quran tapi ada jinn dan syaitan  di situ....kalau dah rasuk begitu, confirmedlah jiin dan benda2 jahat masuk tubuh dia dan ia bukan mungkin lagi...dahconfirmed     ada di kawasantersebut...simple as that but you koner2 punya sini dan sana...more coming upto exposed your lies  in this topic..
Kan dah kata - pelbagai andaian gosip & spekulasi
Jadik kononnya pompuan tersebut kena rasuk adalah salah satu dari andaian , gosip & spekulasi lah. Macamana yg ko boleh mati2 percaya pasal jin & syaitan dok ronda2 kawasan tersebut. Oh yeah .. aku tau .. pasal ko boleh bercakap & berkawan dgn makhluk halus kan. Apa punya mentality ko ni.

Dan kemungkianini menujukan manusia kena rasuk...dari mana entiti  datang? Jawab jgn x jawap
Nak gelak aku tengok pemahaman ko. Kemungkinan bermakna mungkin satu sebab .. banyak lagi sebab lain. Tapi ko dgn kurang cerdik mati2 percaya jin & syaitan .. mungkin ko yg hantar kot .. LOL ...
Simple aje .. kalo ko kata jin & syaitan .. pasal apa dia sorang aje kena dlm beratus ribu org yg kat sana .. don't make sense lah tambi

Betul ke x ada?M akcik , i caught you again lying ...sah koner2  punya orang...putar alam punya orang -1stclass putar alam kau ini...cuba lihat:
kenapa aswad ini kena perfum?? kalau ia nya batu...kenapa di perfum???supaya orang ramai cium dan pegang dan bau batu tersebut????kalau perfum dan bakar kemenyam, sah lah ada benda2 hidup di situ...jinn  
yang ini kena bakar incense..Sam you jangan koner2 accept the fact that the batu hitam itu di bakar incense dan sapu perfum...kalau batu hitam means nothing why such ritual???

Yang ini sentuh-cium ....kenapa buat ritual macam ini? adakah batu ini jenis yg hikmah ...batu  jenis magical???  mana mau lagi ...konor2 lagi ka

Kalau ia satupenjuru utk permulaan dan akhir, kenapa kena sentuh, cium dan asap dan pakaiminyak wangi pada batu hitam itu? Tidak kah ia sama macam agama lain   yg asap dan pakai minyak pada batu hitam utkhindu...konsep sama...ini saya ckp “ ludah di langit percik ke muka lu...xtau  malu ...nak ckp banyak lagi lu ini
Ko lagi sekali dedah yg ko ni tak ada pelajaran. Kalo ramai org dah cium Hajr Aswad , dah kena air liur ... tak bau ke?
Tu pasal kena minyak wangi & incense. Kurang lah bau dia. Zaman Nabi Muhammad(saw) tak ada ritual tersebut & ritual tersebut tak ada dlm ajaran ugama.
Oops .. aku tau lagi , pada ko , letak wangi wangian & incense adalah untuk puja makhluk halus ... ini kepercayaan kurafat .. hanya org kurang akal aje percaya sedemikian.

Kena sentuh Hajr Aswad ye ... mana ko belajar wajib sentuh & cium Hajr Aswad? Tak kata pon dlm youtube video ko tu yg konfom kena sentuh & cium Hajr Aswad. Ini pembelajaran utk ko :
Istilam: Now moving towards right, come in front of Hajar-e-Aswad and kiss it if possible, or touch it with a stick and kiss the stick; if that also is not possible, raise your hands to your ears keeping your open palms towards Hajre-e-Aswad and say:
" Bismillahi  Allahu Akbar Wa  Lilla  Hil  Hamd"
and drop your hands down.  Now point the palms of your hands again towards Hajar-e-Aswad and kiss them.  This act of  kissing  Hajar-e-Aswad or pointing towards it is called Istilam.

Tawaf  Starts:  After Istilam, turn right and start tawaf counter clockwise.        WARNING

  • The authorities often apply perfume to Hajar-e-Aswad, Rukn Yamani and Multazam.  If so, do not touch them while in the state of Ihram, otherwise a dum  will be required as a penalty.
  • During tawaf, it is not permissible to face or turn your back towards Ka'bah except when you are kissing or pointing towards Hajar-e-Aswad.
Seven Circuits:  At Hajar-e-Aswad, start the second circuit by kissing it or pointing  towards it as you started the first  circuit, i.e., come in front of Hajar-e-Aswad, raise both  hands to your ears with open palms towards it and say:
" Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa Lillah Hil  Hamd"

Now kiss both palms and drop your hands.  After this go around Ka'bah as you did        before  and similarly complete the seven circuits.
The End of Tawaf:  At the end of  seven circuits, do Istilam of  Hajar-e-       Aswad or point  towards it eighth time which is Sunnat  Mu'akidah.  Also say:"Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Wa Lillah Hill Hamd"
Baca ye .. jgn tak baca. Jelas tak perlu cium Hajr Aswad. Ia tanda permulaan & akhir tawaf.

Lagi satu ye .. cuba ko paham baik2 : The authorities often apply perfume to Hajar-e-Aswad, Rukn Yamani and Multazam.  If so, do not touch them while in the state of Ihram, otherwise a dum  will be required as a penalty.

Macamana skg? I just made you appear like a fool. Sentuh Hajr Aswad bila peroses pewangian .. kena dam atau penalty daa.

Tu lah .. belajar lagi Islam dari gereja

Yes or No, Iwill cast the spell on you...simple answer ...Yes or waiting
How many times must I say. Go ahead .. cast your so called spell. LOL , you can even ask your so called makhluk halus to come to me wuth their geng .. no problems with me.

No need for you to wait .. go ahead and cast your so called spell ...

Can we check you into Tanjung Rambutan after all these.

Oh yeah , what about our meeting for you to take poison or handle poisonous snakes per mark16:17-18?

The link itself says year after year muslimsare contrubting terrorism act. Simple as that
Gee whizz , do you know how to read? Appears that you really don't know how to read or you are just scared to face the truth or both

Thelink again

Ko tau ke berapa banyak 0's dlm angka 4 million?

Cuba ko baca balik pos aku #10 , research yg dilakukan di Universities of Bielefeld and Osnabrück ttg kononnya Muslim terrorism.

Kah kah kah .. 'truth.8' yg temberang diri sendiri aje .. maklum lah kureng cerdik


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 Author| Post time 13-9-2017 11:37 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 8-9-2017 08:34 PM
Ha ha .. truth.8 masih tak paham apa yg ko sendiri baca

Kan dah kata - pelbagai andaian gosip & ...
Ko lagi sekali dedah yg ko ni tak ada pelajaran. Kalo ramai org dah cium Hajr Aswad , dah kena air liur ... tak bau ke?
Tu pasal kena minyak wangi & incense. Kurang lah bau dia. Zaman Nabi Muhammad(saw) tak ada ritual tersebut & ritual tersebut tak ada dlm ajaran ugama.
Oops .. aku tau lagi , pada ko , letak wangi wangian & incense adalah untuk puja makhluk halus ... ini kepercayaan kurafat .. hanya org kurang akal aje percaya sedemikian.

Kena sentuh Hajr Aswad ye ... mana ko belajar wajib sentuh & cium Hajr Aswad? Tak kata pon dlm youtube video ko tu yg konfom kena sentuh & cium Hajr Aswad. Ini pembelajaran utk ko :

soalan pedas dlm thread lain


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