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[MERGED]Jaundice & etc
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salam and greetings to all, first of all I would like to thank akak Ninoz for suggesting me to do the thread. A thread just enough to give BASIC INFO for parents regarding any conditions that are seems to be important for parents to know and TAKE HEED!!. However, I must stated here as well that as I am not a doctor nor a consultant. i would therefore urge everyone to further consult your family doc or your paediatrician for more info or queries.PLEASE DO!!!!
source: The Leicester Royal Infirmary NHS trust , CHILDREN HOSPITAL parents' pamphlets.
READ: Feb 2000
Jaundice occurs as the excess blood cells are broken down releasing a chemical called bilirubin. This stains the skin and whites of eyes yellow.
It occurs in most new born babies to some extent and is harmless. The body usually gets rid of bilirubin but newborn babies are not very good at this so bilirubin is deposited in the skin and makes it yellow.
There are many causes of jaundice in newborn babies and teh most common are described below.
This is a term used for the most common cause of jaundice. Babies are well and start to become jaundiced from about 2 or 3 of life.
The level of jaundice is usually not very high but may be enough to make your baby a bit sleepy and slow to feed.If your baby becomes VERY YELLOW a blood test may be taken to measure teh level of bilirubin in the blood, in order to see if any treatement is needed.
( This is UK management , Malaysia may be lain tapi sama cara berbeza )
The treatment depends on severity.
Mild jaundice requires no specific treatment at all, but it is important to ensure that jaundiced babies receive lots of fluids.
IF BABIES appear to be VERY jaundiced AFTER DISCHARGE from teh maternity unit your midwife , doctor or health visitor ( ini UK nyer yer) may feel it is advisable to check teh level of bilirubin.
If this is above a certain level ten your baby will require PHOTOTHERAPY - yg lampu UV lights tu lerr....
ini basic info yer ..
Jaundice of this sort is not harmful, usually requires no treatment and starts to fade after a week or so.
Babies who are small or premature almost always become jaundiced and require treatment.
Prolonged Jaundice
The level of bilirubin in most jaundiced babies starts to fall after a few days and the jaundice is usually gone by 7-10 days.
However, all babies whose jaundice persists beyond 2 weeks of life need a medical review and further investigation to rule out some rare but potentially serious causes of jaundice.
It is quite common for breast fed babies to remain jaundiced for a longer period. This is called " breast milk jaundice", it is not harmful and definately NOT a reason to stop breast feeding.
It is still important for breast fed babies to be REVIEWED by a doctor if jaundice is severe and lasting longer than 2 weeks
( This is UK management , Malaysia may be lain tapi sama cara berbeza )
The treatment depends on severity.
Mild jaundice requires no specific treatment at all, but it is important to ensure that jaundiced babies receive lots of fluids.
IF BABIES appear to be VERY jaundiced AFTER DISCHARGE from teh maternity unit your midwife , doctor or health visitor ( ini UK nyer yer) may feel it is advisable to check the level of bilirubin.
so this is just soem basic infos about jaundice.
[ Last edited by shinky_pinky at 7-10-2006 01:45 AM ] |
WHAT is asthma???
Asthma is a condition which affects the lungs causing difficulty in breathing and often a cough, especially at night - time.
The tubes in the lungs - airways- become more narrow making it more difficult for the air to move in and out. There are 4 main causes of the narrowing.
- the muscles in the airway wall tighten
- the lining of the airways become inflamed
- mucus clogs the airways
- the airways "squashed" by pressure from the chest when trying to breathe out hard
WHAT causes ASTHMA???
Nobody knows the exact cause of asthma.
It can be triggered by a variety of things
- a viral infection- such as a cold
- irritants such as tobacco smoke (passive smoking)/ pollution
- allergy such as house dust/ pets/ pollen/
- exercise
- emotion - excitement
- climate- sudden change in weather
WHAt are The Symptoms
There 4 MAIN symptoms
-COUGH - especially at night
- chest tightness
- wheezing
- shortness of breath
MOST symptoms are worse AT NIGHT or first thing in the morning.Symptoms may be vary from time to time, especially in children and young people
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 1-5-2004 at 12:36 AM ] |
thanks..good info...since norin dah ada baby boy ni...bole tak mbhcsf explain kan about HERNIA.Plz...thanks! |
salam ..dear Norin
tahniah ..
awat / why ..anak lelaki kena hernia ker
kat bhgn pelipat/ flexures area peha tu ker?
tak banyak i boleh terangkan tapi
mcm ni hernai maksudnya ada " organ" / sis struktur lain dlm body termasuk ke dalam salur lain , faham dak?
ini maksud kasar lah..
i rasa in malay depa panggil apa nama ni. angin pasang?? iyer ker?
hernia disbbkan oleh kelemahan dinding organ dlm bdan tu lah dalam menahan
struktur body lain dari masuk ke bghn bdn lain.
dia ni yg kita takut ada potensi untuk menyekat peredaran darah ke organ yg accidentally termasuk ke dlm struktur bdn tu
ni bahaya ni..
so cepatlah gi jumpa paediatrc surgeon untuk pemeriksaan yer kakak
nak tahu bghn apa yg dok bulging tu.. itulah usus anak..
yep....okay akak
setakat itu yer
saya bukan doktor so ..dah lama tinggalkan surgery ni.. |
its_me This user has been deleted
i penah ade experience my 2nd baby dpt jaundice... since i tak sedar yg die ade jaundice.... lepas seminggu baru sedar... so die punye reading is quite high.... i dok hospital ngan die pun lame gak nak dekat seminggu.... |
..continue about asthma
What tests will be done???
The doctor will listen to your chest to hear any wheeze.
You may be asked to blow into a peak flow meter.
Your PEAK FLOW rate measures how fast you can blow air out of your lungs.
The expected peak flow rate varies between people depending on their age, sex and size.
If your peak flow rate is lower than expected, it indicates the airways have become narrowed.
sometimes a chest X-ray may be requested.
Asthma cannot be cured BUT can be treated very well. The treatment will depend on how bad your asthma is and may change from time to time.
The main aim of treatement is to keep you as well as possible ON THE SMALLEST DOSE of medicine possible.
There are two main methods of treatment: -
* relievers
- this is used to relieve symptoms once they have started.
- If used regularly, these medicines may prevent asthma symptoms occurring. These must be taken every day even if you feel well.
Sometimes despite taking all your treatment properly your asthma symptoms may still occur.
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 1-5-2004 at 12:31 AM ] |
YOU may be prescribed a short courses of steroid tablets - THESE ARE NOT THE SAME AS THOSE SOME ATHLETES MISUSE!!!
Or you may need to use a nebuliser which forces air/ oxygen through a liquid medicine to make a mist which is breathed in through a mask.
These are both short courses of treatment.
IF YOU take the medicine your doctor has given you, you should be able to lead a normal lifestyle.
Exercise is good for you whether you have asthma or not - it may bring on some wheezing but this can be avoided by taking the reliever beforehand.
If you find that you are restricted in what you do, then inform your doctor.
Your treatment may need altering to become more effective and suit your needs.
WILL I grow out of ASTHMA?????
Asthma is extremely variable, some children will have asthma all their lives, some will improve as they get older and then symptoms will return in adulthood, some will simply " grow out of it".
Source: the LRI NHS Trust - children's Hospital- Asthma information
updated H . Dunbar Nov ' 96.
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 1-5-2004 at 12:29 AM ] |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2004-4-30 04:16 PM:
tahniah ..
awat / why ..anak lelaki kena hernia ker
kat bhgn pelipat/ flexures area peha tu ker?
tak banyak i boleh terangkan tapi
mcm ni hernai maksudnya ada " organ" / sis strukt ...
good info Mb... but U ada petua atau cara utk elak kena angin pasang ni ker..tak semua budak2 kena kan..? so in case kena apa patut buat yer basically..? |
okay ...dear..salam..
hernia ni mcm ni tau yg struktur terkeluaq tu selalunya bowel dan apa sbbkan ia?
ia juga patut diingat bukan hanya terjadi pada kanak -kanak saja org dewasa pun sam a jugak..
tapi causes / sbb dia ialah bila seseorg tu batuk terlalu kerap umpamanya ada penyakit peparu yg sebabkan seseorg tu batuk
dan ini menambahkan tekanan pada dlm perut ( increased intra abdominal pressure)
lelain ( ini bagi adult lah / dewasa) angkat benda berat
dan juga sembelit
- chronic constipation
tapi secara anatominya , mmg bhgn pelipat peha / inguinal region tu yg kita ketahui lemah..hanya muscles
lelain cara nak prevent tu saya tak tahulah akak cuma
jejaga jgn angkat berat
elakkan sembelit
dan gilah jumpa
doctor sekiranya ada " bulges" kat bhgn peha atau bhgn flexures / genital kanak -kanak okay...
iam not a doc dear ..i tinggalkan surgery dah lama dahh.. tak ingat lagii hikhihik
anyway blessyou..
good question.. |
sis mbhsf
talking about asthma agaian...
some doctors said ada 2 jenis..
1. yang biasa dihidapi oleh baby , semasa demam or batuk..then i will go away
2. This one permenantly..i mean memg baby tu..kena penyakit asthma..but it will just occurs after 2 years of age.. asyik batuk.and demam..adakah ia akan berlanjutan from the temporary atshma to the permanent asthma?..kinda worried about this..
what sholud parents do..selain gi nebuliazed..? |
hmm okay
i bukan doctor akak heheheh
okaylah for what i could tell, paediatrician in the place i used to study , cakap they tend not to give the DIAGNOSIS of asthma klau budak tu bawah umur 5 tahun ..
yg biasa dihidapi oleh baby..well ini saya terus terang tak sure lah yg saya tahu babies ni sering dapat satu condition ni namanya Bronchiolitis..tak sure kat Malaysia ni apa yg common condition.
ttg yg boleh berlanjutan to permanet asthma well
itupun saya tak tahu..
boleh tanay NAutilus, dr Chaeh or I think sdr/i Qhuisyairie may be...
tapi apa yg you boleh buat aialh tengoklah ada tak dlm family you yg ada hubungan darah lah menghidap asthma?
anak you allergic apa ?
ada tak carpet / or kucing kat rumah... |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2004-5-1 00:41:
hernia ni mcm ni tau yg struktur terkeluaq tu selalunya bowel dan apa sbbkan ia?
ia juga patut diingat bukan hanya terjadi pada kanak -kanak saja org dewasa pun sam a jugak..
tapi causes / s ...
yg lebih bahaya dari hernia n parent shud selalu amik perhatian utk baby boy :
torsion of testis..
testis tu somehow tertwist within it sacs..
kalau twisted for too long..blood supply will be cut off from reaching testis n swelling akan berlaku
n kalau yg lebih critical, testis tu boleh 'mati' n need to be removed by surgery.. |
Good info! Good initiative to start threads like this!
Just my two bits worth:
There's another type of meningitis called "amoebic meningitis". A child had high fever for a few days and then died, and I was told that the child was suffering from amoebic meningitis.
Concerning asthma, I used to have it as a child, but somehow it went away when I grew older. My younger brother died because of asthma when he was 3 years old. |
okay dear bro good questions...and statement.
There's another type of meningitis called "amoebic meningitis". A child had high fever for a few days and then died, and I was told that the child was suffering from amoebic meningitis.
- meningitis only denotes or referred to inflammation of the brain punya selaput called meninges. then meningitis - usually in medical the suffix at the back referred to any inflammation that occur in particulat part of structure in the body.
meningitis can be caused by anything let it be viral - the most common, bacterial ini paling LETHAL, parasites like amoeba..gppd one... ..yep ...others lah..i tak ingat lah Bro lama dah hhehe... |
Originally posted by ninoZ at 2004-5-4 14:03:
yg lebih bahaya dari hernia n parent shud selalu amik perhatian utk baby boy :
torsion of testis..
testis tu somehow tertwist within it sacs..
kalau twisted for too long..blood supply will be ...
oh i see..ini urological emergency ..yep..selaunya patient akan sakit and susah nak tentukan dlm pemeriksaan clinical ..tapi yep good one..( buku text "dicuri a" kakak dahh"" nanti saya cari...kalau ader..hhehee
blessyou |
tapi....MENINGOCOCAL SEPTICAEMIA INI YG BHY...please lah tolonglah bila ada tanda tanda ni tolong lari jumpa doctor..... |
okay ini juga penting sbb kekanak yg menghidap jangkitan ni apa yg saya difahamkan oleh pakar nephrologi dulu selalunya berlaku pada umur yg terlalu kecil dan mereka tidak mampu untuk bercakap lagi. Kesannya adalah ditakuti apabila tak dapat kesan dari peringkat awal nanti besaq ada komplikasi dan juga diketahui penyebab hypertension / darah tinggi - oneof the causes - namely chronic pylonephritis.
as usual...
Urinary Tract Infections in Children
Source: the Leicester Royal Infirmary NHS Trust Chlidren Hospital
by M. Hargrave
February 2000
Urinary Track Infection ( UTI)
- it is a common cause of illness and DISTRESS in children, particularly in the first year.
Urine is formed in the kidneys. It flows continuosly down the ureters to the bladder, where it stored. When the bladder is full, there is an urge to pass urine.It passes out through the urethra, which is short in a girl and long in a boy.
The normal bacteria of the intestine which are present in the faeces, find their way from the anus to the urethra and into the bladder.
In some cases, particularly small children, the infection involves the kidneys as well as the bladder and this causes a high fever and loin pain.
Urinary tract infections are more common in girls than boys because teh urethra is close to the anus in girls. Females have a SHORT URETHRA which FACILITATES spread of infection to the bladder.
It is important to obtain a clean urine sample as contamination is a frequent reason for failing to make an effective daignosis.
Contamination can occur when teh genital area has not been CLEANED thouroughly.
ini PENTING !!! untuk dewasa juga....
IN GIRLS it IS IMPORTANT to wash from the
front to the back for reasons that have ben identified in this text.
In older children who are toilet trained it can occur because traces of stale urine remain around the area.
In babies, contamination can happen if their bowels open while urine bag is on.
There are a number of methods employed for collecting urines samples in children..
>> okay sapa pernah kena buat nii?? hehhee
** mid stream urine specimens - for older children
** clean catch specimens ( a sterile pot is held under baby - can take some time) - using sterile containers
** Urine Collection Bag ( this sticks onto baby / child over genital area) - Unfortunately these sometimes leak
SIGNS and symptoms of a UTI
- Feeding difficulties- vomiting
- general malaise ( ini means unwell)
- unexplained temperature
- Abdominal pain
- Smelly urine
- Failure to thrive ( budak ni tak / tersekat masalah / pembesarannya- problems with growth like in growth charts )
- Urine Frequency - increased - decreased
- urgency
- difficult or painful passing of urine. thsi can lead to reluctance to pass urine.
Once UTI has been confirmed your child will commence a course of antibiotics.
Although symptoms of a UTI may disappear after a few days it is important to complete the antibiotic course.
In younger children the doctor may prescribe a prophylactic dose of antibiotic ( measures taken to prevent the infection developing) at least until the renal tract has been invstigated.
It is usual to have further invstigations done after the first proven UTI., particularly in very small children. These invstigations are:-
- Special radioisotope scan to look for kidney damage - sometimes
cystogram ( MCUG) to look for reflux - these are the investigation used in the UK though ..and it depens on the protocol ( the latest or any recent updates)..ini kena tanya Consultant Paediatrician |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2004-5-1 12:41 AM:
hernia ni mcm ni tau yg struktur terkeluaq tu selalunya bowel dan apa sbbkan ia?
ia juga patut diingat bukan hanya terjadi pada kanak -kanak saja org dewasa pun sam a jugak..
tapi causes / s ...
oh thanks for yr reply
i tot penyakit tuh cuma kena kat org lelaki ajer..pompuan pun bole kena gak ek..? baru tahu... ish ! baru tahu..::clap: |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 4-5-2004 12:57 PM:
i bukan doctor akak heheheh
okaylah for what i could tell, paediatrician in the place i used to study , cakap they tend not to give the DIAGNOSIS of asthma klau budak tu bawah umur 5 tahun ..
yg ...
Thanks house no carpets and cats...semenjak dah kawin nie..takut problem...just stary cats je lah.. hubby ada ...baka asthma nie..
I hope also..tak over ..sebab i saw my cousin punye son umur around 3 years..
asal sejuk jerk...batuk batuk..tak henti..kena nebulize..bukan sekali 6 kali..baru baby tu ok... |
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