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OUTRAGE? Japan Refuses Refugees, Will ‘Prioritize Its Citizens First.’

Yes, leftists are still recoiling from the Donald’s “Muslim ban.” Which isn’t a Muslim ban, by the way. Read more about it here. Since news of it broke, there’s been a lot of silly talk about violating human rights and such. You know, typical leftist claptrap. But as it turns out, not everyone hates the “ban.” Apparently the Japanese drew some inspiration from Trump. Their Prime Minister laid down the law on refugees, Samurai-style…
Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the U.N. General Assembly that Japan… will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan opening its doors to those fleeing.
He said Japan first needed to attend to domestic challenges which he proposes to tackle under a revamped economic policy that aims to boost GDP to a post-war record level, while bolstering the social security system to support families.
Good job, Japan. You said something that doesn’t suck. Keeping your people safe and secure should always be priority number one. You know, because the open-borders way? Doesn’t work out too hot. Just ask Europe (see Dear France: How’s That ‘Multiculturalism’ Working Out For You?). If they have a moment to spare between bombings, that is. It appears Japan got wind of all the terrorism and would rather focus on one of its many other problems before adding to their plate. Can’t say I blame them.
Good move Japan. Helok la tak payah beri belas kasihan pada ummah-tiada-reti-bersyukur-no-wonder-dilaknat-zeus-berperang-sepanjang-zaman-laksana-suluktausug |
Setuju! Kdg2 lemak sgat smpai naik menyampah pulak kan? |
great job jipun
aneh meka ni
apasal x pi so called negara islam je
asyik pi negara kapiaq pas tu komplen ditindas
dizzzek replied at 10-2-2017 07:45 AM
great job jipun
aneh meka ni
Kan. Lari la p Indon ka Malaysia ka Brunei ka. Ini sebok mahu lari pi negara kapir pastu komplen sana sini bila kapir's way of life tidak mereka sukai. |
dizzzek replied at 10-2-2017 07:45 AM
great job jipun
aneh meka ni
Jarum2 halus nk mguasai negara barat |
Good move japan..
jiran sekeliling pon tanak terima refugee apetah lagi negara dgn sumber asli terhad |
Edited by AbukRokok at 10-2-2017 08:51 AM
dapat bayangkan pelarian2 ni tgh gewammmm jeketap2 bibir tak sabar nak tunggu dpt tutuh amoi jepun yg comey. 
sedangkan pelancong jepun pun kene gangbang di INDIA
india=bangla=pukistan=arab=afrika - bangsa bulu dada
Bagus Jepun.. Banzai. Bkn apa pelarian ni semak weh dah laa pengotor ya amat. Tgok je kat Malaysia..yg bangsa arab tu ada ke nk keje, pdn duk tepi tgn tadah minta duit.. hanat pemalas. Area tmn perumahan aku, ada geng rohingnya ya ampun please pgotor ok, bkn nk hina tp hakikat nmpk busuk. Nepal & bangla ni so far rajin gak keje. Myanmar tu kuat gado, indon kuat pecah umah.. sbb dasar kjaan kita, dorg makin besar kepala |
Baguslah Jepun tak buka pintu bg perogol perogol ni masuk. Aku suka Jepun dan aku tak mau tgk bumi Jepun tercemar dgn kaum2 tak bertamadun ni. Skrg ni kat Jepun, ko letak beg ke, letak barang kat mana2 ke, tak siapa peduli, takde siapa nak curi. Dtg puak2 ni, huru hara lah Jepun. Cukup2lah Europe tu dah jd mcm tanah puak2 ni, depa bikin mcm tempat sendiri. Kurang hajar sgt.
baguslah. pelarian muslim ni kebanyakan datang bawak masalah. datang negara orang merogol la jadi penjenayah la. lepas tu berlakon tak bersalah...... |
Give them financial aid but just dun bring them home! Japan did the right thing based on present unworkable solution tried in Europe. Cultural differences are just too great an issue to overcome. |
Give them financial aid but just dun bring them home! Japan did the right thing based on present unworkable solution tried in Europe. Cultural differences are just too great an issue to overcome. |
datang lah ke msia...
pemimpin msia mengamalkan konsep kangkang habis..semua masuk....
siap offer nak angkut pendatang lagi ke msia guna kapal.... |
Give them financial aid but just dun bring them home! Japan did the right thing based on present unworkable solution tried in Europe. Cultural differences are just too great an issue to overcome.We did bring in the Bosnian many years ago. Dun really knows what happen to the programme. |
Kesian jugak...
Tp kalau lama2 pelarian ni jadi rakyat jepun... abesla pompuan2 jepun dan bidaya manga jepun... hahahh |
Di Malaysia ni banyak restoran nasi arab...mai la Malaysia..kalau ada anak dari arab yang cun melecun...laaaagi abam sokong...tak cukup tapak rumah, bilik tidoq master abang tadahkan... |
bagus nya Jepun ni berpandangan jauh..
jenis2 mcm ni suka beranak ramai lepas tu tak terjaga
yang terbiar tu masalah
kalau beranak ramai reti jaga
tak de issue pun
| |