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Dog mourns for master by visiting his grave every day
FMT Reporters | January 27, 2017
Cesur has a phenomenal bond with his master Mehmet, 79, that has lived on even after the man's death.

PETALING JAYA: His small stature, bushy tail and bright, beady eyes belie the sadness he carries within him. For Cesur, who lives in Turkey, the loss of his master is something the little dog is struggling to come to terms with.
According to an article in The Dodo, Mehmet’s son, Ali, said that the bond of love and loyalty between Cesur and Mehmet, 79, was so strong, that the little dog even sensed when his master was dying.
“Because of my father’s paralysis, they had a different kind of connection. When my father was in the hospital during his last days, Cesur stopped eating,” Ali told The Dodo.
When Mehmet’s body was brought home, Cesur stood rooted to the spot, keeping a watchful eye over his lifeless body. When a procession of mourners made their way to the mosque for Mehmet’s funeral, Cesur led the way, and stood guard by the man’s coffin, with his head hanging down sadly as the funeral ceremony took place.

Credit photo: Ali Ilhan
“Nobody could touch him until my father was taken to the grave and was buried,” said Ali, adding that the dog watched the entire process until Mehmet was laid in the ground.
Cesur now travels through the town every single day to visit his master’s grave, where he perches on the mound of sand covering the coffin.

Credit photo: Ali Ilhan
Ali told The Dodo, that he noticed Cesur would bolt from the house every morning. One day however, instead of going to work, Ali followed the little dog and realised he was visiting his father’s grave.
“The people who work in the cemetery say the first thing he (Cesur) does in the morning is visit the grave of my father,” said Ali.
The Dodo said it was unclear how long Cesur would continue making his daily pilgrimage to Mehmet’s grave but that the dog, who Ali described as “a noble animal” would live with him for the rest of his life.

Credit photo: Ali Ilhan
Cesur’s tale is similar to that of Hachiko of Japan, an Akita, who belonged to a professor at the University of Tokyo. Hachiko was a loyal companion to his master and would travel to the Shibuya Station every day to meet him. However one day in 1925, his master never returned, having died from a brain haemorrhage. For over nine years, Hachiko travelled to the station every day and waited for his master in vain. The dog’s determination and undying love made local and international news.
Years after Hachiko’s death, a Hollywood movie was made starring Richard Gere, and based on the sad tale. On Feb 11, 2015 however, a statue of Hachiko and his master, finally reunited, was erected immortalising their phenomenal bond. ... is-grave-every-day/
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Mohd Ariff Kassim All the hadiths regarding dogs were mainly narrated by a jew who was a known dog hater. All the hadiths are weak hadiths as they contradict the Quran. Any hadiths that contradicts the Quran must be thrown out. In two surahs in the Quran dogs are mentioned. In one the dog was addressed fondly by God as a companion and angels were send to guard the dog n the people in the cave. In another surah it was explicitly said when say a bird is hunted and the hunters dog can pick it and the bird is halal for consumption. What I am getting at is that the saliva of the dog does not invalidate the food .many Muslims think otherwise as they don't use their brains to read the Quran.
rupanya ramai umat nabi dah termakan dakyah yahudi 
ujung2 ummah suci yahudi jugakk yang salah...
typical pemikiran ummah sunni wal jamaah yang sentiasa maksom dan sempurna ini
anjing dengan babi haram di makan bukan haram di bela. tak percaya bela acong |

Mulayu dan hanjeng itu ibarat mongoose dan cobra, pantang bertemu   |
If berlaku di malaysia adakah those cutie dog akan dapat layanan serupa melawat kubur muslim or beliau akan di panah ? : |
Alahai dah macam cerita hachi. 
pala lutut bahlol hang menyerap dalam Islam.
cecari replied at 28-1-2017 07:13 AM
pala lutut bahlol hang menyerap dalam Islam.
Dari celah mana kata pegang anjing tu haram dalam Islam kalau bukan dari kepercayaan Kabbalah Yahudi. |
sabbath_shalom replied at 28-1-2017 06:37 AM
Betul tu
Yahudi memang tak bela Anjing...Elohim tak haramkan pegang anjing dalam Torah t ...
Nanti ada pula.statement yahudi yang buat hadith tak boleh makan babi pelbagai sebab konon nya selama ini ummah tertipu tak boleh cekik babi kekdahnya |
sabbath_shalom replied at 28-1-2017 07:22 AM
Dari celah mana kata pegang anjing tu haram dalam Islam kalau bukan dari kepercayaan Kabbalah Yahu ...
Pegang hanjeng mmg tak pernah haram pun, hatta silibus islam.di sekolah pun tak pernah ajar haram, tiba2 acik acik kepam sunni ini jah buat hukum sebdiri jadi haram pulok lepas tu salah kan yahudi, padahal korang yang bodoh ponteng kelas ugama sebab nak mmebirah dgn jantan kan? Bila dah habis sskolah mula la create hukum hakam.sendiri sebab rasa elohim itu incompetent untuk buat hukum yang syumul untuk mereka |
Comelnyerrr ... sedih pulak citernya macam si Hacinko kat Tokyo tu pulak sayang sangat dengan tuannya. |
kepala lutut hang wahai musuh Islam
mohon teroris @cecari bagi pencerahan 
| |