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Author: Naru


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Post time 18-7-2010 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Reply  siputsedut

kui kui kui kui...
yang tersedak tu actually sebab sipok tengah kena kick ma ...
HaMiZiE Post at 18-7-2010 10:12

   please wake me up at 11am.. i'm in the middle of my 6th dream..

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Post time 18-7-2010 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HaMiZiE at 18-7-2010 10:38
   please wake me up at 11am.. i'm in the middle of my 6th dream..  :f ...
siputsedut Post at 18-7-2010 10:30

dok tengah inception idea kat minda sapa tu sipok sampai turun ke mimpi yang keenam????
kalo nak kick sipok dari mimpi, nak cara yang cam ner...? letupan bom??? mainkan musik klasik??? jatuhkan sipok dalam air???

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Post time 18-7-2010 10:38 AM | Show all posts
dok tengah inception idea kat minda sapa tu sipok sampai turun ke mimpi yang keenam????
HaMiZiE Post at 18-7-2010 10:37

   org invade mimpi sipukk...tolongggg...takleh keluar...bunuh diri 8 kali pon masih gagal..nanges sangat..

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Post time 18-7-2010 10:47 AM | Show all posts
highly recommended........

dah tgk & mmg best dr matrix......u tak leh alihkan mata pun/miss mana2
even 5 minit cos nanti confirm tak faham apa jadi...
suka adegan arthur dlm lif bawa kawan2 dia yg tgh mimpi tuh.......

sapa2 belum tgk, & nak tgk.....amat2 dialu2kan

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Post time 18-7-2010 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Suma movie Predators dah tgk termasuk Predator vs Alien...
Tapi kalo nak compare Predator ngan  ...
HaMiZiE Post at 17-7-2010 23:31

   tuh la pasal, balik dari tengok wayang ai tengok Predator 1 plak . tak puas kekdahnya apa yang semua orang minat sangat dengan Eclipse?

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Post time 18-7-2010 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply  cmf_GAIA


1. Ramai yang meminati pelakon pelakon barat tetapi tak tahu where  ...
HaMiZiE Post at 18-7-2010 10:07 AM

    hehehhe...kalo gitu u komen la skit pasal link yg Kekure ngan Sayangidaku kasik tu.......ala2 pening kepala membacanya....

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Post time 18-7-2010 12:59 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kaorukamiya at 18-7-2010 13:02

this movie is very original. i like it very much. movie ini berjaya mempengaruhi saya. sebab saya selalu bermimpi tentang sesuatu di luar dugaan dan selalunya yg pelik2 tapi menarik. so this movie is inspiring for someone like me. mind over matter? may be.

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Post time 18-7-2010 02:29 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Rhyno at 18-7-2010 14:42

Dah tgk semalam.

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Post time 18-7-2010 02:43 PM | Show all posts

Rhyno tgk semalam kat Midvalley. 2 jam lebih. Filem yang hebat dari segi jalan ceritanya yang unik dan lakonan2 pelakonnya yg hebat terutama Leonardo Dicaprio & Ellen Page. Rhyno paling suka part yang masa dorang masuk dalam mimpi Cillian Murphy untuk mengetahui kandungan sebenar peti besi milik ayah Cillian Murphy tu...


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Post time 18-7-2010 02:43 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Rhyno at 18-7-2010 14:47


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Post time 18-7-2010 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Reply 77# Rhyno

    Aku rasa bukan utk mengetahui isi kandungan, tapi kat situlah dia nak incept idealogy kpd Cillian Murphy tu supaya dia tidak teruskan legasi syarikat ayah dia....finale mission diorang bukan lagi mencari rahsia dari mimpi tapi Inception....

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Post time 18-7-2010 04:47 PM | Show all posts

Tak rugi tengok. Jalan citer original, sophisticated but yet very simple. Dalam mimpi kita jadi lagi pandai, ai laike hehehe

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Post time 18-7-2010 04:54 PM | Show all posts
Suka masa adegan tembak menembak Arthur kat hallway hotel tu.. Time tu van tengah tergolek2, so dlm mimpi Arthur hallway tu pusing2.. Effects nampak real sgt!

Kesimpulannya, cerita ni wat aku ting tong sebentar. Hehehe.. tp mmg best!

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Post time 18-7-2010 04:56 PM | Show all posts
   org invade mimpi sipukk...tolongggg...takleh keluar...bunuh diri 8 kali pon masih ...
siputsedut Post at 18-7-2010 10:38

kelakar ar sipok nieee... tengok ar jugak saper yang terperangkap kat situ...ada tak muka muka yang dikenal

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Post time 18-7-2010 05:00 PM | Show all posts
tuh la pasal, balik dari tengok wayang ai tengok Predator 1 plak . tak puas kekdahnya  ap ...
cik.panda Post at 18-7-2010 12:43

tengok eclipse pasal yang moonlight tu tak tgk... dengar citer, moonlight best giler... tapi biler tgk eclipse, just cerita chenta chenta ajerrrrrr...

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Post time 18-7-2010 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 75# cmf_GAIA
Give me some times to go thru the websites mentioned and to read thru all the comments posted there...   

After watching at the 1st round, I myself tried to think very hard ... Not sure if the begining part of the story actually a clue/hint which the director wants to tell the audiences what cobb was actually had gone thru in the entire story i.e. whether Cobb himself is actually in a real world or in his own limbo world even at the starting point when they are trying to implant this idea in Fisher's mind...

I watched this movie 2nd round today... and managed to conclude something (based on my understanding)... so, let me go thru the websites/comments mentioned and will share my final conclusion with you... doesn't mean my conclusion is right as I believe why the director creates this story in such way is to let the audiences to think whether: "The whole movie is actually a story projected by Cobb in his dream and what we watched was actually happening in Cobb's limbo ..." or "The story is actually initiated at real world and they come out with one mission i.e. to plant the idea into subject's mind via dream... "

take note on the 2 scenes below:
the begining part: Cobb stranded on the beach... have a discussion with Saito...
the ending part: the gasing keeps spinning...

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Post time 18-7-2010 06:57 PM | Show all posts
this is the best movie i've ever seen (maybe the best movie in 2010).... 5 star!

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Post time 18-7-2010 09:37 PM | Show all posts
interesting opinion/thread/discussion from imdb

sayangidaku Post at 18-7-2010 03:01

Dah baca dah topik yang diposting oleh DeAd_MiKe_187 (cut and paste kat bawah)...



The movie started off in Saito's limbo, then moved to Saito's dream.

Saito, while recruiting Cobb, uses Mal's words of "take a leap of faith" to get him to do the job.

Saito happened to magically be there to rescue Cobb from his dreamlike chase in Africa (the anonymous agents chasing him, the narrow hallway - come on).

Saito was seen handling Cobb's totem (his top) in the very first scene of the film (his apparent limbo) which MAY explain why the movie suddenly cut to Cobb in Saito's dream - Saito now knew how his totem worked and was able to construct a dream to keep in in forever, like a limbo.

Saito walked in on Cobb as he was spinning his totem prior to the Fischer mission. We never saw if the top would have kept spinning or not. This is HUGE! I don't know why more people aren't talking about this.


I'm starting to think that Saito's promise to Cobb might have actually been kept - in the form of Saito making sure that Cobb ended up in limbo, so that he could live his "life" with his kids.

The whole movie could even be Cobb's limbo already (Mal really was right when she "killed herself" and that's why Mal and Saito use the same line - because Saito is a projection in Cobb's mind now. Cobb invented him as away to find peace. Remember, the idea of the totem is only to tell if you are in someone ELSE's dream. If Cobb believed it should fall down because he thinks he is in the real world, then it should.


Remember the beginning of the movie how it started with Cobb in Saito's limbo and then it just cuts to Saito's dream? What if it the whole movie was just like a cycle (like 'Memento') that Cobb kept repeating over and over, in his head, to find happiness? He finally did at the end, but it wasn't real. OR it was a clue to pay attention to Saito and to place more emphasis on HIS dreams (and him being the one dreaming/creating Cobb's perfect world). In the beginning of the movie, I remember Cobb talking to old Saito, and then Cobb talking to young Saito. This was almost like Cobb's explanation of starting off in the middle of a dream. Cobb also traveled to a lot of places without us seeing any traveling (no establishing shots of the places). He just appeared there. The chase scene with him in Africa seemed very dreamlike (especially the narrow hallway) and Saito happened to be there to rescue him. It's all VERY suspicious.

I'm positing that when Cobb entered that cellar filled with aging people. They were hooked up to machines that made them dream and he gave it a try as well. Up until that point, Cobb had always used his (and Mal's) top to check if he really woke up from going under. This time he got interrupted by Saito and he dropped it before it spun on the bathroom sink. We did not see it spin again until Saito had it in limbo. It's possible that the rest of the movie was all in Cobb's head. Saito was also seen handling the top, which would further support this theory.

Since Saito walked in on Cobb spinning the top closer to the beginning of the movie and thus, Cobb was never able to check if he was in the real world, which means that everything that took part after that was all in Cobb's head? It would explain why Fischer was able to show up with Mal after he had died, and why Ariadne was able to give herself the kick - because at this point, Cobb wants to believe so badly that his plan is working, so whatever he wants to believe happens. He then goes in to Saito's limbo and gets killed by Saito which puts him in his own limbo where he lives happily ever after with his kids who are still wearing the same clothes.

I haven't really thought this through (I need another viewing) but there had to be some importance to Saito walking in on Cobb spinning the top other than Saito's line where he says he saw a top like that before. I mean yeah, that MIGHT be enough, but isn't anyone concerned with the fact that Cobb dropping the top at that point never confirmed that he was in the real world? Seems to me that that's a pretty important detail.

We start off in Saito's limbo, then his dream, then he's spinning Cobb's top and then interrupts Cobb as he spins it (Cobb doesn't confirm he's in the reality) and Cobb eventually gets his happy ending. Maybe it was just a trick of Saito's? Letting him go home by making him go into limbo and then never realizing he's actually dreaming.


Also, I don't know if I really believe that death in limbo bounces you back to the real world. I mean yeah, on the surface, the film suggests that but if you believe that the top was still spinning at the end (and that he was still dreaming) then you have to believe that death in limbo just takes you to an even deeper state of limbo. That would mean that Mal "woke up" from limbo by giving herself the kick while she jumped off the building (like Ariadne did) and that Cobb was still in limbo after the part with the train. It would also explain why Cobb would still be in limbo after Saito killed him at the end of the movie with the gun.

The whole movie could even be Cobb's limbo already (Mal really was right when she "killed herself" and that's why Mal and Saito use the same line ("take a leap of faith") - because Saito is a projection in Cobb's mind now. Cobb invented him as away to find peace. Remember, the idea of the totem is only to tell if you are in someone ELSE's dream. If Cobb believed it should fall down because he thinks he is in the real world, then it should.

Agak make sense gak explanation given by Mike nie... his explanation answered:

1. 1st babak yang perlu dipikir - Cobb tersadai kat tepi pantai... Tepi pantai dikelilingi oleh building building yang dicipta oleh Cobb dan Mal... Dan dibawa berjumpa dengan Saito yang tua... Maksudnya, Saito & Mal terperangkap diruangan limbo yang sama (or Cobb sendiri pun turut terperangkap dalam ruangan limbo yang sama???)... Masa movie nie hampir sampai ke penghujung, Ariande menyuruh Cobb untuk pergi tetapi Cobb tidak mahu kerana dia hendak 'mencari Saito'... Dan scene Cobb tersadai kat tepi pantai dan dibawa berjumpa Saito yang tua ditayangkan balik... dan berakhir ngan Cobb dan Saito tetiba terjaga di dalam kapal terbang...

2. Tetapi persoalannya: Adakah mereka betul betul sudah kembali ke alam nyata or... mereka masih lagi berada 'dibawah' satu lagi level mimpi??? Maka berbalik kepada 2nd babak yang perlu dipikir - Biler Cobb dah balik kepada family dan berjaya berjumpa dengan anak anaknya, Cobb memutarkan gasing beliau untuk mempastikan adakah beliau masih lagi bermimpi dan gasing tersebut keep spinning which mean..... ...

Actually, setiap adengan-adengan mempunyai pertalian diantara satu sama lain... adengan Cobb dan Mal membunuh diri kat landasan keretapi (sebab Cobb dah menanamkan idea tersebut ke dalam minda Mal)... adengan Mal membubuh diri terjun daripada bangunan yang boleh dikaitkan dengan kesimpulan yang dibuat oleh Cobb berkenaan ngan Inception itu sendiri iaitu Inception tersebut seperti virus dan boleh merebak... even though biler mereka dah kembali ke alam nyata dan sehingga mereka sendiri tidak dapat mengesahkan samada mereka dah kembali ke alam nyata or masih bermimpi... dan berkenaan ngan totem itu sendiri.... Bagaimana sekiranya seseorang itu boleh menguasai totem orang lain, maka ini akan memberi ruang kepada beliau untuk menguasai orang lain di dalam mimpi...


Based on kesimpulan di atas, from the early scene sampai ke hujung scene, the whole story actually berkisar dalam mimpi samada mimpi Cobb atau Saito... So,
who is the dreamer...
who is the subject???
Dan misi sebenarnya ialah apa???

Lepas tengok movie tadi, persoalan nie still linger in my mind...

Ni kena masuk mimpi Nolan ni kalo nak extract the whole answer from his mind ... apa apa pun, what a brilliant movie (rating: 9/10)

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Post time 18-7-2010 10:28 PM | Show all posts
kelakar ar sipok nieee... tengok ar jugak saper yang terperangkap kat situ...ada tak ...
HaMiZiE Post at 18-7-2010 16:56

avvy mijie jah hok kelihatan..

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Post time 18-7-2010 10:35 PM | Show all posts
avvy mijie jah hok kelihatan..
siputsedut Post at 18-7-2010 22:28

... avvy ai dalam mimpi sipok???
persoalan: sapa extractor... sapa dreamer... saper subjek dalam mimpi tu?


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