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Author: Yo-Ya

BRAWN GP F1 TEAM 2009...World Champion

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Post time 3-4-2009 03:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hyphrigian at 3-4-2009 11:44
bleh dah.....

pakai google chrome....


huh...dalam diam2 pilih hamilton 1st driver gan mekleren punya chassis...

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Post time 4-4-2009 07:58 PM | Show all posts

yeahhh kita berjaya lagik... mkn asap la korang( dgn banggo dan riak butang baju kembang idung )

Button does it again with Brawn!


Second pole of the season for Button and Brawn
Qualifying for the 56-lap Malaysian Grand Prix proved to be a thrilling affair as the threatening rain held off leaving the front-runners in a frantic battle for the pole position.

For the second straight Grand Prix it was Jenson Button who got the job done for Brawn Mercedes as he stopped the clocks in 1:35.181s, less than a tenth clear of the hard-charging Jarno Trulli. As Button celebrates yet another success for the new Brawn GP team, Trulli will be a little frustrated to lose out on the pole position by the slightest of margins.

Sebastien Vettel was third fastest in his Red Bull Renault three-tenths off the ultimate time but of course takes a ten position grid penalty into the Grand Prix courtesy of his incident with Robert Kubica in Australia.

Rubens Barrichello recorded the fourth fastest time but like Vettel drops down the order with a grid position penalty. The Brazilian veteran therefore lines up eighth due to a gearbox change on the Brawn Mercedes this morning.

With Vettel and Barrichello both dropping back, Timo Glock will line up third in the second Toyota ahead of Nico Rosberg in the leading Williams Toyota. Rosberg in particular will be a little frustrated with the qualifying pace once again after showing so well in practice.

Mark Webber was seventh fastest in the second Red Bull but starts fifth ahead of Robert Kubica in the leading BMW Sauber.
Over at Ferrari it was an evening of drama as Felipe Massa fell at the first hurdle and Kimi Raikkonen scraped into the final round of qualifying in his F60.

After setting the ninth fastest time in the final round of qualifying, Raikkonen lines up seventh while Massa is just 16th. Qualifying would prove to be a disaster for the Brazilian Ferrari star who completed just one run in the first round of qualifying on the option tyre and paid the price as he found himself bumped down and out of the running. Massa now faces a very tough task from the back end of the field tomorrow afternoon.

Renault has not looked particularly strong at Sepang but at least Fernando Alonso salvaged a ninth position on the grid for the Anglo-French team. Nelson Piquet meanwhile continued his second year struggle with the squad and will start back in 17th.

Nick Heidfeld did not make the final round of qualifying in his KERS-equipped BMW Sauber and will start the race from tenth position ahead of Kazuki Nakajima in the second Williams Toyota. Nakajima has shown flashes of pace in practice, but is struggling to get the best from the FW31 package when it counts in qualifying.



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Post time 4-4-2009 10:32 PM | Show all posts
hebak ah butang

far exceeding everyone's expectation, aku rasa derang kat brawngp pun tak sangka leh hebak gini kot

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Post time 5-4-2009 07:35 PM | Show all posts

Menang Lagi Kali Ke 2.. China annti Hattrick wokey..

Jenson Button wins in soggy Sepang

Malaysian GP - Race: Round 2 of 17

Button wins amid Sepang confusion

Jenson Button won a shortened 31 lap Malaysian Grand Prix on a day when heavy rain forced the race to be halted well ahead of the scheduled 56 laps. Monsoon rains are common-place late in the afternoon and it was therefore of little surprise that the weather created problems and much confusion for the Formula One circus.

Until the very heavy rain began to fall, the second round of the championship proved to be a thriller with Nico Rosberg storming into the lead from fourth position on the grid at the start and controlling the race in his Williams Toyota from Jarno Trulli until the first round of pitstops.

Button meanwhile bided his time during the first stint well aware he had more fuel on board than his rivals and as the others pitted, picked up the pace to ensure he exited the puts following his first stop in the lead.

Mark Webber and Lewis Hamilton had a fantastic battle ahead of the red flag with Webber much faster in the twisty mid-field and Hamilton leaning on KERS heavily to retake the position on the straights on at least three occasions. Webber finished in sixth position ahead of the defending champion.

After his fast start Nico Rosberg lost ground in the pit stop shuffle and finished eighth for Williams while Ferrari leave the second round of the championship still without any points with Massa ninth and Raikkonen parking his F60 when the red flags came out with an unidentified KERS issue.

Sebastien Bourdais like Raikkonen was early to switch to wet tyres and he finished tenth in his Toro Rosso ahead of Fernando Alonso who had a spin in the wet and dropped out of the points. Kazuki Nakajima finished 12th in the second Williams ahead of Nelson Piquet in the second R29.

Kimi Raikkonen will be classified 14th ahead of Sebastian Vettel who spun out of the points in his Red Bull Renault. Sebastien Buemi was 16th in the second Toro Rosso ahead of the Force India Mercedes duo of Adrian Sutil and Giancarlo Fisichella.

Robert Kubica retired his BMW Sauber almost as soon as the race began with an engine problem while Heikki Kovalainen抯 rotten start to the season continued as he lost control of his McLaren Mercedes and spun out of the race on the first lap.

And so after a trilling 30 laps of action, the Malaysian Grand Prix ended in confusion with even the drivers unsure of where they had finished. Formula One lacked any real sense of communication leaving fans world-wide unsure of if the race would start again or not and even after 50 minutes of waiting, the results were uncertain until the top three took to the podium.

Heading to Shanghai for the Chinese Grand Prix, Button perfect start to the season remains intact as he leads the championship with 15 points from Barrichello on 10, Trulli on 8.5, Glock on 8 and Alonso on 4.

Light rain began to fall on lap 22 with Kimi Raikkonen already having gambled and switched to full wet three laps earlier. The gamble did not pay off for Raikkonen as he burned through the tyres on the dry circuit but all of the front runners began to pit soon after for the wet rubber.

Timo Glock had not made the best start to the race and had dropped towards the bottom of the top ten but he and the Toyota team opted to switch to intermediate tyres and not the full wets. This decision paid off as he carved his way through the field to run third when the really heavy rain fell.

While Glock made progress through the field the other drivers opted to change from full wet tyres to intermediate tyres but the switch was only suitable for a few laps as by lap 28 the heavy rain forced all back onto the full wet tyres, shuffling the race order once again.

Conditions then deteriorated significantly forcing first the safety car out and then the red flags bringing a halt to proceedings to over 50 minutes before the result was declared. As Formula One Management fumbled around before making a decision to declare the race it became clear that Nick Heidfeld had worked his way up to second position in his BMW Sauber having made just the one pitstop compared to the three or four by the rest of the field. A gamble from the team certainly paid dividends.

Jarno Trulli finished fourth in the second Toyota losing time in the wet conditions while Rubens Barrichello was fifth when the race came to its premature conclusion.

Mark Webber and Lewis Hamilton had a fantastic battle ahead of the red flag with Webber much faster in the twisty mid-field and Hamilton leaning on KERS heavily to retake the position on the straights on at least three occasions. Webber finished in sixth position ahead of the defending champion.



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Post time 5-4-2009 07:54 PM | Show all posts

penyokong brawngp

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Post time 6-4-2009 08:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #105 dollah_bedwi's post

minah neh ader fesbuk tak , abg dullah?

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Post time 6-4-2009 08:43 AM | Show all posts

Balas #104 dollah_bedwi\ catat


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Post time 6-4-2009 12:44 PM | Show all posts
pehhhh Brawn mmg laju siot...

sekejap je depa dah tinggalkn yg lain2

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Post time 6-4-2009 12:45 PM | Show all posts
team lain mmg tak leh kejo Brawn GP ni...

mmg jauh dia tinggalkn...

cume yg boleh ligan depa ni...

toyota ngan red bull je...

yg lain2 tu makan asap la...

mintak FIA buat sesuatu

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Post time 6-4-2009 01:57 PM | Show all posts
aku pelik..
tetiba brawn team leh kalahkan sumer team power2......

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Post time 6-4-2009 01:58 PM | Show all posts
sib baik lah si button dalam team ni....

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Post time 6-4-2009 03:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #110 sab_nyer's post

dia pakai engine McLaren

pastu masuk defuser...

nak best lagi ferari ngan McLaren jadi haram

tahun ni... pasai tu kt nampak dia power

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Post time 6-4-2009 03:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #105 dollah_bedwi's post

uih leh wat idola ni

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Post time 6-4-2009 05:11 PM | Show all posts

Balas #112 akughi\ catat

suh renault pakai defuser je la

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Post time 6-4-2009 05:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #114 weta_studio's post

aku dah bgtau kat alonso dah semalam

dia cakap... mane sempat nak buat sbb selang

seminggu je race kat sepang ni...

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Post time 6-4-2009 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by akughi at 6-4-2009 15:56
dia pakai engine McLaren

pastu masuk defuser...

nak best lagi ferari ngan McLaren jadi haram

tahun ni... pasai tu kt nampak dia power

dia guna enjin MERCEDES la.....

tak baca surat khabar ka?

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Post time 6-4-2009 06:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by akughi at 6-4-2009 15:56
dia pakai engine McLaren

pastu masuk defuser...

nak best lagi ferari ngan McLaren jadi haram

tahun ni... pasai tu kt nampak dia power

Ferrari Mclaren renault la jadi haram J....


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Post time 6-4-2009 06:23 PM | Show all posts

Aweks Jenson Butang

wa kalau ader aweks mcm neh pun musti race laju giler...

menang 1st prize dpt hadiah baeknyer

mana jenson butang boleh angkut aweks neh?? tau la honda dulu japang mari.. gi lawat kilang ngorat aweks sana

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Post time 6-4-2009 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Jessica Michibata.......

org jepun gak tu....

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Post time 6-4-2009 07:23 PM | Show all posts

Button Semakin Pantas

PEMANDU Brawn GP, Jenson Button merekodkan kemenangan kedua berturut-turut di pentas Formula Satu (F1) musim ini selepas mengungguli perlumbaan Grand Prix (GP) Malaysia semalam.

Kejayaan Button itu hadir ketika perlumbaan 56 pusingan di Litar Sepang itu terpaksa dihentikan setakat pusingan ke-32 ekoran hujan lebat.

Pemandu Britain itu gagal bermula dengan baik dari petak pertama, namun strategi Button ketika memasuki pit untuk menukar tayar memberi kelebihan kepadanya untuk mendahului sebelum perlumbaan ditangguhkan akibat cuaca buruk.

Begitupun, pengelola perlumbaan membuat keputusan untuk menamatkan terus perlumbaan GP Malaysia selepas hampir satu jam ditangguhkan.

Keputusan itu sekali gus memberikan kemenangan mutlak kepada Button selepas dia berjaya mendahului pemandu-pemandu lain sebelum perlumbaan ditangguhkan.

Menariknya, ia merupakan kemenangan kedua berturut-turut yang diraih Button selepas GP Australia minggu lalu dan juga merupakan kejayaan kedua buat Brawn GP pada penampilan sulung mereka dalam F1 musim ini.

Sementara itu, pemandu BMW Sauber, Nick Heidfeld turut mendapat rahmat daripada hujan lebat yang berlaku semalam apabila berjaya menamatkan perlumbaan di tempat kedua diikuti pemandu Toyota, Timo Glock.

Namun, semua pemenang bagi perlumbaan semalam hanya memperoleh separuh daripada pungutan mata yang diberikan bagi setiap kedudukan selepas perlumbaan gagal ditamatkan sepenuhnya.

Ini bermakna, Button hanya meraih lima mata daripada 10 mata yang diberikan kepada pemenang sementara Heidfeld dan Glock masing-masing memperoleh empat dan tiga mata.

"Ini adalah perlumbaan paling mencabar pernah saya lalui," jelas Button yang kini mengungguli kedudukan keseluruhan dengan 15 mata.

"Saya bermula agak teruk sehingga membenarkan Nico Ros- berg memintas saya pada selekoh pertama pusingan pertama. Situasi itu jelas memberi tekanan kepada saya, namun saya berjaya mengekalkan rentak untuk terus berada dalam kelompok hadapan.

"Begitupun, saya berjaya menggunakan kelebihan ketika memasuki pit lebih awal dan menukar tayar ketika hujan kelihatan mula turun. Ia adalah satu keadaan yang benar-benar kelam-kabut dan hanya strategi memisahkan setiap pemandu.

"Jadi, seharusnya saya berterima kasih kepada jurutera pasu- kan kerana telah membantu saya meraih kemenangan ini."

Sementara itu, pemandu Itali, Jarno Trulli yang bermula dari petak kedua sekadar berada di tempat keempat diikuti naib juara GP Australia dari Brawn GP, Rubens Barrichello di tempat kelima.

Juara dunia, Lewis Hamilton dari pasukan McLaren berjaya meraih mata pertamanya musim ini selepas menduduki tempat ketujuh, ketinggalan di belakang pemandu Red Bull, Mark Webber.

Dua bekas juara dunia, Fernando Alonso dari Renault dan pemandu Ferrari, Kimi Raikkonen terus tenggelam di sebalik hujan lebat apabila masing-masing menduduki tempat ke-11 dan 14.

Adakah wajar hanya separuh daripada mata penuh diberi sedangkan ia adalah kesalahan Bernie Ecclestone yang meminda waktu perlumbaan?

[ Last edited by  carisupport at 7-4-2009 19:05 ]

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