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Author: emmmm

DVD 慳ksi seks pemimpin politik

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Post time 1-1-2008 09:51 PM | Show all posts
nih bukit look aku tengok .....

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Post time 1-1-2008 10:18 PM | Show all posts
x nak resign...

dia nak tunggu sultan johor suruh & tarik balik title dato tu..

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Post time 1-1-2008 10:34 PM | Show all posts
oloh ko kerabat johor lagi teruk islam pada nama jer...........malu la kat diri sendiri tak malu kat org  lain pun

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Post time 1-1-2008 10:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pluto at 1-1-2008 08:31 PM
oloh aku rasa shahidan kassin tu sebab dia kaki perempuan sebab tu org nak jatuhkan dia....cina nih aku sokong kalau melayu mati tali gantung pun tak mengaku tunjuk baik depan org kg yg pangkah d ...

kau neh nampak sgt jahil  agama////
kau ingat islam jer ke yg ada konsep pahala dosa??
kau ingat agama utama lain  galakkan zina,berjudi segala ker??

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Post time 1-1-2008 10:41 PM | Show all posts
Chua Soi Lek Says He's The Man In Sex Video

Dr Chua Soi Lek

LABIS, Jan 1 (Bernama) -- "I am the man in the tape," said Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, the Health Minister and MCA vice-president, as he admitted to be the person captured on a videotape while engaging in sexual acts with a woman friend.

But despite his admission of guilt over the matter, Dr Chua stressed that he would not resign from his government and party positions.

"I serve at the pleasure of the prime minister," he said. "I will not allow (other) people to jeopardise or obstruct my duties."

Reading from a prepared statement at a press conference at the Labis MCA office here, the minister said he had met Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in Putrajaya yesterday to explain the matter and personally apologise to the prime minister.

Dr Chua, one of the six vice-presidents in the MCA, said he had also met Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting over the matter.

He described the woman involved as a personal friend.

Copies of the pornographic videotape were widely distributed in Johor in DVD format over the last few days.

"What's most important is that my family, wife and children have accepted my apology," he told the packed news conference, which was also attended by his supporters.

He appealed to the press to allow some space for his family to deal with this difficult time.

Stressing that he did not make the recordings himself, Dr Chua said that who were behind it were not important but their reasons for doing it were obvious.

However, he declined to elaborate.

Dr Chua extended his apology to his colleagues, supporters and fellow Malaysians.

"I would also like to thank them for their concern and support through phone calls and SMSes," he said.

When asked by reporters on his next course of action, Dr Chua said he would leave it to the police to investigate.

"I leave it to the police to investigate. I'm considering the possibility of making a police report but the police have started their own investigation," he said.

Dr Chua said he came to know about the recordings on Sunday when a friend gave him a copy of the video disc.

The minister said it would be business as usual for him and he would continue to perform his duties as a Cabinet minister and in the MCA.

Dr Chua, who appeared calm and composed throughout the press conference, attended a function at the Segamat Hospital prior to meeting the media. He then headed for a meeting with the Indian community in Labis. At the end of the news conference, Labis MCA chairman Tan Kok Hong said members of the division would continue to support Dr Chua as Labis Member of Parliament.

"We'll continue to support him as the (Barisan Nasional) candidate for Labis (in the general election)," he said.

Dr Chua, who is also Johor MCA chairman, won the Labis parliamentary seat for the BN in the 2004 general election, beating DAP's Tee Gey Yan by a 10,729-vote majority.

Dr Chua garnered 16,469 votes against Tee's 5,740. The Labis parliamentary seat was previously held by former MCA president Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik.

Sources told Bernama that Dr Chua, who will turn 61 tomorrow, was accompanied by his wife, Datin Seri Wong Sek Hin, when he went to see Abdullah at Seri Perdana yesterday to explain about the DVD.

At the meeting, Dr Chua had admitted he was the person in the DVD, which was recorded two years ago.

Following that meeting, it was decided that the health minister should reveal the matter publicly, the sources said.

Meanwhile, MCA president Ong, when contacted, said the party would call for an emergency presidential meeting tomorrow afternoon as it was an important matter for the party leadership to discuss after having taken note of Dr Chua's statement.

He said MCA would give an official party statement after tomorrow's meeting.


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Post time 1-1-2008 11:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lonely_surina at 1-1-2008 01:16

ko cukup 18 ker?

PLKN pon dah lepas

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Post time 2-1-2008 12:20 AM | Show all posts
ntah2 dia nie kira scape goat jer...

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Post time 2-1-2008 12:26 AM | Show all posts
Rasanya perkara paling baik ialah letak jawatan dan biar peristiwa ini senyap saja..tak payah nak mengaku secara terbuka..memalukan kerajaan Barisan Nasional saja....bodohlah sebagai menteri tak payah ngaku...better for chua just letak jawatan dan keluar parti.....tak kira cina atau melayu atau india...pemimpin di Malaysia mesti menunjukkan moral yg baik....

Letak saja faham itu memang dia...tapi jgnlah buat press conference...mengaku lepas tu ...perasan macam tak nak letak are not suitable for title of pemimpin......

Hal peribadi.....personal life you tlh diceroboh ...telah dijual maruahnya...itulah tak berhati-hati....
ada orang ambil kesempatan.....

Memang ramai lagi pemimpin dan VIP macam nie agaknya...tetapi nasib mereka baik.....atau belum kena ceroboh lagi.....pengajaran buat VIP....lebih baik jaga peribadi ..jadi insan mulia.....tuhan lihat apa anda buat.

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Post time 2-1-2008 12:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrs.yatie at 2-1-2008 12:26 AM
Rasanya perkara paling baik ialah letak jawatan dan biar peristiwa ini senyap saja..tak payah nak mengaku secara terbuka..memalukan kerajaan Barisan Nasional saja....bodohlah sebagai menteri tak  ...

mcm bangga je bila mgaku 2... kalo kes DSAI dulu.. mak aiii sumer siap paka DSAI letak jawatan.. nie sekor pung xbuat kenyataan,,, dier tgh buat ujian ke taula menteri kesihatan   

dh jumpa penemuan tbaru kot

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Post time 2-1-2008 01:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #105 buiscasey's post

sian lak aku tengok muka ongtua ni.. i mean everybody does it.. but he just got unlucky.. ye la yang jahat melambak.. yang betul baik tak ramai..... yang kaki kutuk tapi buat perangai yang sama tu la yang ramai.. hopefullly ni tak menjejaskan BN dengan teruk..

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Post time 2-1-2008 01:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrs.yatie at 2-1-2008 12:26 AM
Rasanya perkara paling baik ialah letak jawatan dan biar peristiwa ini senyap saja..tak payah nak mengaku secara terbuka..memalukan kerajaan Barisan Nasional saja....bodohlah sebagai menteri tak  ...

setuju...! walaupun terang2an mcm ada org nk sabotaj dia (coz dvd tu disebarkan secara percuma), nak malukan dia patut letak jawatan je terus...coz pemimpin/ketua/menteri ssbuah negara xpatut berkelakuan spt itu

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Post time 2-1-2008 01:28 AM | Show all posts
aq pelik ngan statement dlm press conference yg dibuat, seolah

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Post time 2-1-2008 01:36 AM | Show all posts
soi lek ooo soi lek... memang sedappp kau mencolekkkk dlm DVD ye...tak padan dgn pipi labuh tua ganyut...

harap2 la dollah bentikan die ... kalau simpan gak.. alamat dollah nak mamposssss

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Post time 2-1-2008 01:47 AM | Show all posts

Reply #113 t8tler's post

lawok nyer, ,, tp jgn le sampai pm pon ko nak maki... tggu je la ape keputusan die esok.

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Post time 2-1-2008 04:53 AM | Show all posts

Malaysian minister says in sex video - Choi Soi Lek

Ayo apa nak jadi nie?

Tue Jan 1, 6:06 AM ET

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - A Malaysian minister admitted on Tuesday he was featured in a widely circulated sex video, triggering a fresh scandal that could deeply embarrass the government ahead of snap elections.

Health Minister Chua Soi Lek said he has apologized to the prime minister and other party leaders over the scandal, but added that he would not resign from the cabinet.

"I am the man in the tape. The girl is a personal friend," the 60-year-old Chua said in a statement released at a news conference in his home state of Johor bordering Singapore.

His admission came hours after the local Star newspaper said two DVDs, showing a man resembling a senior politician and a woman engaging in various sexual acts, were being widely distributed in the state.

Chua, who is married, said he did not make the DVDs, which the Star said were closed-circuit recordings in a hotel room. One DVD lasted 56 minutes and the other 44 minutes.

"I would like to emphasize I did not make the tape myself," he said. "Who have done this is not important. What is most important is that my family, wife and children have accepted my apology."

Chua, a leader of the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), part of the ruling coalition, said he had met the prime minister over the incident.

"I have seen Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Deputy PM Najib (Razak) and MCA president Ong Ka Ting and I have personally apologized to them."

"I appeal to the press to give me and my family some space during this difficult time."

Abdullah's four-year-old administration has been saddled with major political problems lately, a sign he may be forced to delay elections beyond March, when many had expected them to take place.

In late November, more than 10,000 ethnic Indians took to the streets in an unprecedented protest to complain of racial discrimination.

(Reporting by Jalil Hamid)


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Post time 2-1-2008 05:19 AM | Show all posts
wow berani buat berani tanggung
pasni sure bini ko solex ko abis2

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Post time 2-1-2008 05:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ashna at 1-1-2008 22:38

kau neh nampak sgt jahil  agama////
kau ingat islam jer ke yg ada konsep pahala dosa??
kau ingat agama utama lain  galakkan zina,berjudi segala ker??

oloh ada gak org tak reti baca aku type in BM tak per next time aku type dlm bahasa cina lak

[ Last edited by  pluto at 2-1-2008 05:56 AM ]

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Post time 2-1-2008 08:16 AM | Show all posts
bese la menteri klu dah kantoi jawapan skema derang "ada pihak yg ingin menjatuhkan saya"...

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Post time 2-1-2008 08:19 AM | Show all posts
Saya orangnya
Oleh Md Zin Ali dan Junita Mat Rasid

Dr Chua mengaku lelaki dalam video seks

SEGAMAT: "Sayalah orangnya," kata Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek (gambar) ketika mengaku beliau adalah individu dalam rakaman cakera video digital (DVD) aksi seks seorang lelaki dengan wanita, yang kini tersebar luas di Johor.

"Saya ingin menjelaskan bahawa saya adalah lelaki dalam rakaman itu dan wanita berkenaan adalah kawan saya," kata Dr Chua yang menyambut ulang tahun kelahirannya ke-61 hari ini, pada sidang media khas di pejabat MCA Bahagian Labis, semalam.

Beliau yang juga Naib Presiden MCA dan Ahli Parlimen Labis, kelihatan tenang ketika membacakan kenyataan bertulis dan menjawab soalan wartawan sepanjang sidang media selama kira-kira 20 minit yang turut dihadiri 150 penyokongnya itu.

"Saya tidak membuat sendiri rakaman (DVD) itu. Siapa yang merakamnya tidak penting bagi saya. Apa yang lebih penting ialah keluarga, isteri dan anak-anak sudah menerima permohonan maaf saya," katanya.

Dr Chua menjelaskan, beliau secara peribadi sudah menemui dan memohon maaf kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi; Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting, mengenai perkara itu kelmarin.

Ditanya apa reaksi mereka, beliau berkata: "Saya sudah sudah jumpa Perdana Menteri, Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Presiden MCA... apa reaksinya eloklah kamu sendiri berjumpa dengan mereka kerana saya tidak boleh memberi pandangan mereka terhadap saya".

Beliau turut memohon maaf kepada semua rakan seperjuangan, penyokong dan rakyat Malaysia serta berterima kasih terhadap mereka yang menunjukkan prihatin serta sokongan melalui panggilan telefon dan SMS yang dihantar kepadanya.

Dr Chua yang enggan mendedahkan tarikh dan lokasi rakaman DVD itu dibuat serta identiti pasangannya dalam rakaman berkenaan turut merayu kepada media supaya memberi ruang kepadanya dan keluarga untuk menghadapi tempoh sukar ini.

Katanya, beliau belum memikirkan tindakannya selepas membuat pengakuan itu dan menyerahkan kes berkenaan kepada polis yang mengumumkan sudah memulakan siasatan mengenainya kelmarin.

"Saya akan fikirkan dan memberi perhatian serius (sama ada mahu membuat laporan polis) mengenainya. Parti juga tidak membuat laporan polis," katanya.

Mengenai masa depan kerjaya politiknya selepas pengakuan itu, Dr Chua berkata beliau enggan membuat sebarang spekulasi, sebaliknya menyerahkan kepada ahli parti, pemimpin dan rakyat Malaysia untuk menjadi pengadil.

Ditanya kedudukannya dalam Kabinet, beliau berkata: "Kedudukan saya macam biasa dan semua menteri dalam Kabinet berkhidmat atas kehendak serta kepercayaan Perdana Menteri".

Dr Chua berkata, beliau mendapat tahu mengenai penyebaran rakaman DVD yang mengandungi aksi hubungan seksnya dengan wanita itu pagi Ahad lalu serta sudah menonton sendiri rakaman itu melalui salinan DVD yang diperoleh daripada rakannya.

Menjawab pertanyaan sama ada beliau tahu dalang yang membuat rakaman itu terutama jika ia membabitkan musuh politiknya, Dr Chua berkata, beliau tidak tahu tujuan rakaman itu dibuat dan ia tidak penting baginya.

"Saya tidak akan membuat spekulasi siapa yang menyebarkannya. Itu tidak penting bagi saya," katanya yang enggan mengulas mengenai perasaannya selepas salinan DVD itu tersebar serta meminta media menyiarkan kenyataan bertulisnya.

Mengenai reaksi keluarganya selepas pengakuan itu, Dr Chua berkata isteri dan keluarganya akan membuat kenyataan berasingan tetapi menegaskan mereka semua menyokong beliau dan tidak timbul masalah.

Dr Chua berkata, beliau juga akan terus menjalankan tugasnya seperti biasa dan kes berkenaan tidak akan mengubah jadual tugasnya sebagai seorang menteri, Ahli Parlimen atau pemimpin parti.

Malah, sidang akhbar itu dibuat selepas beliau selesai menghadiri majlis lawatan rasmi ke Hospital Segamat dan selepas itu, menghadiri majlis perjumpaan bersama masyarakat India di Bekok, Labis.

Turut hadir dalam sidang media itu ialah Ketua Umno bahagian Labis yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Tenang, Datuk Sulaiman Taha serta Timbalan Ketua Perhubungan MCA Johor yang Adun Bekok, Tan Kok Hong.

Chua Soi Lek

Lahir: 2 Januari 1947

Asal: Batu Pahat, Johor

Isteri: Datin Seri Wong Sek Win

Anak: Chua Tee Joo, Chua Tee Yong, Chua Tee Ling

� Sekolah Rendah Lim Poon, Johor (1954-1959)
� Sekolah Menengah Tinggi Batu Pahat (1960-1965)
� Sekolah Tinggi Muar, Johor (1966-1967)
� Ijazah Perubatan Universiti Malaya (1968-1973)

� Pegawai Perubatan, Hospital Daerah Batu Pahat (1974-1976)
� Pengamal perubatan persendirian (1976)
� Adun Penggaram, (1996-2004)
� Ahli Majlis Eksekutif Kerajaan Johor (1990)
� Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Alam Sekitar dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna Johor (1992)
� Ahli Majlis Eksekutif Kerajaan Johor (1995)
� Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Alam Sekitar dan Pelancongan Johor (1999-2004)
� Ahli Parlimen Labis, Johor (2004 hingga kini)
� Menteri Kesihatan (27 Mac 2004 hingga kini)

� Ketua MCA cawangan Zabedah Timur, Johor (1982)
� Pengerusi MCA Bahagian Batu Pahat, Johor (1985)
� Naib Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan MCA Johor (1986)
� Timbalan Pengerusi MCA Johor (1993)
� Ahli Jawatankuasa MCA Pusat (2002-2005)
� Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan MCA Johor (2002)
� Pengerusi MCA Johor (2003)
� Ahli Lembaga Disiplin MCA (2004)
� Ketua MCA Bahagian Batu Pahat (2005)
� Naib Presiden MCA (2005 hingga kini)
� Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan MCA Johor (2005 hingga kini)

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Post time 2-1-2008 08:45 AM | Show all posts
pompuan tu penjual bunga ja kan...dia ni salu beli bunga ekk...

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