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Author: blankie

[SBS] City Hunter (Lee MinHo, Park MinYoung, Lee JunHyuk) ~ Sesi Borak2

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Post time 28-7-2011 10:16 PM | Show all posts
dah abes... sedey ok sian YJ
ending camtu jek.... tp xpela still hapy jgk wpn frust cket...

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2011 10:19 PM | Show all posts
abis sudah

bapak dia mati kena tembak ngan nana & also bodyguards lain

YS kena tembak dek bapa ...
Jelita Post at 28-7-2011 10:13 PM

abis camtu je? sabo je lahhh.. paling kesian kat youngjoo... penat dia dari awal nak selesaikan kes..

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Post time 28-7-2011 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 759# Jelita

itu ending dia?

not so happy ending..for me

paling kesian young joo oppa..mati camtu je

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Post time 28-7-2011 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by eunnisa at 28-7-2011 22:37

giler best kimia minho ngn pmy it xde pelok2 kisu byk2 pon ble rasa aura tuh.. last epi. ni agak draggy sket eh..ntah sapa2 YS g jumpa... pnt tggu..
RIP JP n YJ...

overall CH t'baekla..tak rugi follow citer nih..

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Post time 28-7-2011 10:34 PM | Show all posts
happy ending maksud nya..YS tak mati & dpt tugeder2 ngan nana
cuma ending nih rushing sgt....wasting time jek masa flash back balik all the 4 targets tuh (masa YS baca buku secret tuh) & last baru dia thu target no 5

no 4 nya case lama sgt....dragging kat situ...patut nya 2 episodes terakhir nya solve psl president/bapak dia/YS jek....atleast 15 min terakhir adalah tunjuk psl YS & NN

bengongnya dorang nihhh

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Post time 28-7-2011 10:56 PM | Show all posts
mmg kes utk target no 4 nih panjang sgt..sepatutnya ep 18 dah selesai..aiyaaaakkk...rushing ending paling gue pantang..adehhhh

takpe lah at least hero tak mati tp ai ttp sedih hero no 2 mati..tidaaaakkkkkkkk..sadis tau

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Post time 28-7-2011 10:58 PM | Show all posts
So goodbye, dont cry and smile.........................

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Post time 28-7-2011 11:04 PM | Show all posts
suka OST citer ni...
tp belum sempat tgk betul2 dah abis plak..

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Post time 28-7-2011 11:21 PM | Show all posts
mmg sedih giler YJ mati....tak patut tul dorang mati kan dia...sian SH masa funeral tuh

dah la dorang setuju nak kapel balik

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Post time 28-7-2011 11:25 PM | Show all posts
motip young joo mati??????? sian doktor hewan tuh...adakah ini harga yg die kene baya atas kesalahan ayah die,,,

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Post time 28-7-2011 11:32 PM | Show all posts
"City Hunter" disguise props are one-of-a-kind


A chronology of the various disguises that Lee Yoonsung (played by Lee Minho) used in the SBS drama "City Hunter" has been revealed, drawing interest from fans.

Currently in its last leg, the said drama -- as well as the manga it is based on -- has a protagonist who employs various props to keep his identity a secret. These run the gauntlet from masks to bandanas. Even spectacles are used in his disguises, making actor Lee Minho look like a Hollywood actor.

Said a representative from Lee Minho's agency: "As the drama went on, the role demanded the use of disguises like spectacles, hats and masks. In the 18th episode, particularly, there is a tense moment when the City Hunter's identity is revealed. He uses a leather mask there that a stylist custom reformed from a motorbike mask to fit Lee Minho. It is the only one in the world."

Meanwhile, "City Hunter" will end its run on July 28th.

Source: Newsen

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Post time 28-7-2011 11:34 PM | Show all posts
"City Hunter" Teases with Lee Min Ho's Action Scenes
by: hotshotlover30 on Jul 27, 2011

SSD released teaser stills of Lee Min Ho in the upcoming episode of “City Hunter.” According to producers, the actor will showcase various action stunts that will leave the viewers’ mouths hanging open. Filming took place on Sunday at a junkyard just outside of Seoul. The cast and crew had difficulty shooting the action sequence because the rain from the day before muddied up the ground. Additionally, the raindrops on the cars made it slippery and dangerous for the actors to fight on top of.

Since the beginning, Lee Min Ho refused to use a stunt double for his action scenes, and this “junkyard action” was no exception. He flew over cars as he fought eight other stuntmen, displaying his trademark kick to put down his opponents. Lee Min Ho almost slipped several times and obtained minor injuries while filming. Despite the difficult conditions, he completed the scenes without any particular NGs.

“City Hunter’s” martial arts director Yang Kil Young stated, “While Lee Min Ho’s tall height is a disadvantage for stunts, his agility and reflexes help him create superb action scenes. Additionally, he puts in a lot of effort and does not spare himself. Working with him was a rewarding experience, and I enjoyed it.”  

Viewers can catch this “junkyard action” scene in tonight’s episode of “City Hunter.” The blockbuster series will finally come to an end tomorrow with episode 20. Meanwhile, episode 19 will air tonight, July 27th, on SBS at 9:55PM KST.


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Post time 28-7-2011 11:42 PM | Show all posts
[Recap] City Hunter Episode 19a
by: jbarky on Jul 27, 2011

Ok, I think I almost vented everything out, this episode was exciting and also soooooo climatic. Sigh, I am such a fanboy.

[Recap] City Hunter Episode 19

We are back at the point where Yoon Sung is unmasked by YJ. Yoon Sung asks, “YJ are you satisfied now?” YJ lets Yoon Sung go.

Yoon Sung escapes the SWAT team by taking off his jacket. (They are looking for a man in a black jacket)

Target Number Four is freed by a mysterious individual. (I’m thinking JP so he can be assassinated, or somebody inside of the prosecutor’s office?!?!)

The bald guy is reading to Target Number Four’s bodyguard/assassin in order to teach him morals.

Yoon Sung and Nana are both watching the news and both are looking at the picture of the two together. They hesitate to call each other, and they end up not doing it. Nana says, “He will return, soon.” Yoon Sung, “I’ll return to you alive.”

YJ gets scolded by his supervisor but he does not give up Yoon Sung’s identity.

Outside, Yoon Sung is waiting for him. Yoon Sung asks why YJ just let him go, “The City Hunter could do things the law couldn’t. I didn’t have the right to take you in. You beat the law.”

Yoon Sung, “Sounds like something you would say, by the book and boring. Next time if something similar happens do what you need to as a prosecutor.” YJ asks, “Why are you keeping me alive?” Yoon Sung replies, “For the same reason as you.”
(Could this be the beginning of a beautiful friendship?)

Target Number Four calls Yoon Sung. Target Number Four says that he will give up the secret documents if Yoon Sung stops chasing him. Yoon Sung says he will look for both of them.

The bodyguard/assassin gives information to Yoon Sung. The bodyguard/assassin tells him under the condition that Yoon Sung ends Target Number Four. The bodyguard/assassin tells Yoon Sung that Target Number Four was looking for Lee Kyung Hee.

Out of Target Number Four’s safe there was a document titled “SUNFLOWER.” (It contained information about Lee Kyung Hee, Yoon Sung’s mother and the President.)

The President is drawing by himself, when he receives a call from Target Number Four. Target Number Four asks for help to be taken overseas.

Target Number Four brings up Lee Kyung Hee and that she had a son. The President asks Nana to give information regarding Lee Kyung Hee, and he shows her the same kind of handkerchief she gave Nana.

Yoon Sung is with his mother taking care of her, he is wondering why Target Number Four was looking for her. He decides to go meet the worker that knew about Lee Kyung Hee. Yoon Sung learns about his past, as being the son of somebody other than PMY.

Nana tells Yoon Sung about the President and Lee Kyung Hee having the same handkerchief.

Yoon Sung pieces everything together and talks to his mother. Yoon Sung knows that his biological father is the President. She tells Yoon Sung that the President doesn’t know about the birth, and also that the President had a family at the time. She explains that Target Number Four knew about this and wanted to hide it for the President’s future, and that PMY pretty much saved her.

She asks Yoon Sung if he is embarrassed because she is that kind of person. Yoon Sung, “I’m not disappointed or angry, I’m just thankful that you are alive.” Yoon Sung asks if JP knows about this fact as well. She nods the affirmative and Yoon Sung is shocked.



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Post time 28-7-2011 11:45 PM | Show all posts
[Recap] City Hunter Episode 19b
by: jbarky on Jul 27, 2011

Yoon Sung goes to JP and asks why JP raised him like he was somebody else’s son and not the President’s. Yoon Sung says that he will ensure that JP pays for ruining Yoon Sung’s life.

YJ is talking with Sehee asking about Yoon Sung. Sehee feigns that she doesn’t know anything. YJ explains that the law has lost to the City Hunter. Sehee exclaims that he should’ve shown these sides before, “I left because you were so perfect.” Sehee explains that Yoon Sung is very similar to YJ in many ways. (YJ also realizes that the President has something to do with Yoon Sung after seeing a sunflower at Sehee’s vet.)

YJ and Yoon Sung meet at Dahae’s café. YJ is curious if Yoon Sung would have become the City Hunter without the vengeance plan. Yoon Sung says that he would have done everything the same way because he couldn’t stand by and watch people being hurt.

YJ visits JP’s home and says that he can support Yoon Sung’s vengeance but he can’t support JP’s bloody vengeance. YJ reveals that he also knows the truth that Yoon Sung is the President’s son. JP tells YJ that everything is within the secret documents. JP tells YJ to reveal all of the dirty deeds that the government has done.

Target Number Four tells his henchmen to get a package that was sent to YJ’s home, it is the secret documents! The henchmen take the secret documents also hitting Sehee in the process.

YJ arrives just a little too late. Sehee tells YJ to go chase after them but YJ stays and hugs her.

Yoon Sung finally figures out where Target Number Four is through a car plate number.

YJ is with Sehee at the hospital. She tells him to go, and YJ says he is sorry. Sehee says, “That sorry feeling, if I give you another chance are you willing to try again?” YJ gets a text from the City Hunter. Sehee says that she will be waiting for him at the hospital. YJ says, “You said you’d give me another chance, you promised!” (Shucks making me all warm inside, I’m a sucker for romances like this.)

Nana goes to the hospital and asks Lee Kyung Hee about the handkerchief to know what the truth is. (It seems like Nana has learned it?)

YJ arrives at the meeting place first, and he is getting beat up by Target Number Four’s henchmen.

Yoon Sung arrives on the scene and performs cool martial arts moves jumping around cars and beating up the henchmen.

YJ helps out Yoon Sung telling him where the secret document is via text message. YJ locks himself inside and he continues to fight Target Number Four’s henchmen in order to stall them for Yoon Sung. (Courageous but he is losing T_T).

Yoon Sung finds the secret documents.

YJ in a last ditch effort grabs Target Number Four says that he will arrest him but gets hit badly in the back of the head.

Yoon Sung takes out some of the baddies, but instead of going after Target Number Four he realizes that YJ must be somewhere.

Yoon Sung finds YJ crumbled up on the floor. YJ tells Yoon Sung to reveal the secret documents and also to go get Target Number Four. Yoon Sung says, “You’ll get him with your own hands.” YJ says with his last breathe, “City Hunter, Lee Yoon Sung, please forgive my father. I am sorry.” Then YJ closes his eyes.

Final Comments
WHY?!?!?!?!?! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, !&*(@#^!@*(#^!@*(#^!@*#^!@&*#^&*!@#
I hate when this happens, the drama completely swept the rug under my feet, I was hoping that YJ was going to get a happy ending and everything, sigh. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!



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Post time 28-7-2011 11:49 PM | Show all posts
prosecutor tu mati dlm keadaan yg sgt2 sadis
sian ex wife die...

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Post time 29-7-2011 06:23 AM | Show all posts
After reading all the comments here I don't know if I should watch the ending. I WANT happy endings for everyone . Well, not-so-happy ending for Jin Pyo anyway.

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Post time 29-7-2011 08:07 AM | Show all posts
baru abis dlod epi. ending......
hope for best ending....

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Post time 29-7-2011 09:15 AM | Show all posts
tergesa2 nak habiskan cite nie yg sakit hati nie..kenapalah part target no 4 ni menjela2...

sian yj mati..tapi kiranya nyawa dia tu gi kat bapak dialah ye..elok je dia mati bapak dia pun sedar...

ending yg tak puashati tu...kenapalah takde kisu2 ke..huhhu takkanlah dorang berpisah..

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Post time 29-7-2011 09:17 AM | Show all posts
mmg sedih giler YJ mati....tak patut tul dorang mati kan dia...sian SH masa funeral tuh

dah l ...
Jelita Post at 28-7-2011 23:21

aiisshh x puas ati nape mstikn matikn watak YJ tu lak... sian die... br jek nk baik smula ngan SH...
kalo JP mati tu x heran le kn... ni nape perlu YJ pn mati gk
hmm tp dh leh agakn kn... kalo cite ala2 revenge ni nk btul2 ending puas ati tu susah skit..
erkk pres tu tau x YS tu anak die... motip lom tgk lg ... baca posting jek.... tu yg x brp tau kn ehe...

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Post time 29-7-2011 09:19 AM | Show all posts
kaka carold nak donlod drama neh or nak donlod dari yt...
airwickss Post at 28-7-2011 19:34

   nak donlod drama ni..dah donlod separuh..asik interupt je

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