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Author: Rahah

[tvN/Netflix 2021] HOMETOWN CHA CHA CHA - Shin Min A, Kim Seon Ho

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Post time 19-10-2021 08:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
solarlunar replied at 18-10-2021 09:17 PM
Ya. Rising stars selalu kene witch hunted kt Korea.

Once nama ko dh naik siaplah history ko kene  ...

Tu la yg dh endorse ksh semua mcm delete gmbr2 dia like serious betul issue ni xtahu hujung pangkal crita tapo awal2 dh tarik diri semua kesian pulak ksh klau cite ni bukan psl dia aduhai

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Post time 19-10-2021 08:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
loveammar replied at 18-10-2021 10:23 PM
nasib baik hometown chachacha abis dh, kalu x abis le jatuh rating...domino pon dh delete gambor k ...

Tu la psl! Dominos dh delete gmbr ksh mcm betul je cte ni. Agency dia pon x ckp ape i hope its not him . tapi kalau betul hmm kesian nya exgirl tu kene lalui bnde mcm ni sorg2. Hopefully bukan ksh la bru je nk popular dh kene cantas aiseh

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Post time 19-10-2021 08:19 AM | Show all posts
loveammar replied at 18-10-2021 10:23 PM
nasib baik hometown chachacha abis dh, kalu x abis le jatuh rating...domino pon dh delete gambor k ...

tp sunho ni mmg lama jd stage actor.. umur pun over 35.. jd mmg mcm dia je..
domino tu cepat je  delete semua.
n agency sunho pun diam je..
wow..  netizen korea ni menakutkan..

harap2 tak betul laa..  bukan nya sunho kaya raya pun.. cuma dia mmg tgh popular skrg ni

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Post time 19-10-2021 09:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bukan takat seon ho ja yang kena, shin min ah pun tunggu masa aja ada ledakan. Katanya dia tengking staff HCCC, then ada la yang cakap, habis la bf dia dok kata yang baik2 pasal dia padahal dia, padahal dia suka mengata co actor dia. Ntah la, gosip sepoi2 dari korea sana.

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Post time 19-10-2021 11:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 19-10-2021 11:32 AM
zehra2 replied at 19-10-2021 08:19 AM
tp sunho ni mmg lama jd stage actor.. umur pun over 35.. jd mmg mcm dia je..
domino tu cepat je  d ...

Both adult kot. I baca katanya kena paksa buat abortion pastu janji nak kahwin. Ye ke paksa? Pastu break up kan. Mcm normal ja cycle gini. Apsal bila ksh masuk A lister baru nak exposed n painted him in a bad light. Korean ni bab2 nak menjatuhkan cepat betul. Nampak mcm bitter tak puas hati sbb dah lepas break up ksh mendunia. Terlepas lombong emas ka. Now claimed mcm2. Acer ksh cuma spare2 aje...mau ke heret masuk court bagai? Kalau kes2 jenayah tu kita maklum la kan. Artis korea ni pun...bertahun2 dah benda gini jadi bahan blackmailed, ramai dah terkubur sbb skandal, tak reti2 ke nak behave? Kalau couple announced je takyah sorok2. Sorok2 jd camni la..yg sorang claimed victimise, yg sorang habis terus kena tekan dgn knets yg mmg tunggu peluang. Nak defend diri pun susah kalu x salah. Mcm song song couple dgn sapa ahn lupa nama. Mmg la kecoh gaduh cerai...but kerjaya tu masih dpt diselamatkan walopon nyaris2.


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Post time 19-10-2021 11:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 19-10-2021 08:19 AM
tp sunho ni mmg lama jd stage actor.. umur pun over 35.. jd mmg mcm dia je..
domino tu cepat je  d ...

Depa ni bila nama di puncak memcm ksh dok jd pelakon pembantu takde plak muncul...
Ooo..yg jisoo tu kira fitnah la eh?so jisoo sue ke org tu?

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2021 12:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 19-10-2021 11:42 AM
Depa ni bila nama di puncak memcm ksh dok jd pelakon pembantu takde plak muncul...
Ooo..yg ...

The latest info kes jisoo yang kena fitnah tu pasal sexual assault... the accuser mengaku dia tipu...
Kes bullying tu masih dalam investigation... jisoo ada buat statement minta maaf... maybe betul kot...

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Post time 19-10-2021 12:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 19-10-2021 11:25 AM
Both adult kot. I baca katanya kena paksa buat abortion pastu janji nak kahwin. Ye ke paksa? Pastu ...

tu ler..  nasib idol mcm chen & bobby terus kawin je.
sung joon pun. amik tgjwb. scary sbb imej baik2 sunho ni mendunia baik dlm drama dgn variety pun.
nasib drama dh abis.. kalo tak kna byr lg denda.

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Post time 19-10-2021 02:18 PM | Show all posts
midori_katana replied at 18-10-2021 05:27 PM
4 episode terakhir macam hilang minat pulak... belum tgk lagi.. haritu awal2 tgk terus masa tayang k ...

lps episod berahsia tu mcm slow sikit...tapi harini dah khatam...
mmg sedih episod nenek mati..

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Post time 19-10-2021 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 18-10-2021 10:35 PM
Haah... iols dah baca...
Sebab forumer lurve tengah cuti pantang... tak tau sesuai tak dia tengok ...

Tak sesuai utk tgk ke? Huhuhu..klu ada yg ngeri2 dgn horror mls nk tgk...melainkan citer zombie...

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2021 03:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lurve82 replied at 19-10-2021 02:57 PM
Tak sesuai utk tgk ke? Huhuhu..klu ada yg ngeri2 dgn horror mls nk tgk...melainkan citer zombie... ...

Action thriller & mystery... ni bukan citer horror... xtau ngeri tak tapi tengok teaser ada kejadian macam kebakaran... citer pasal park ranger kat Mount Jiri... cari lost trekker etc... uols try tengok teaser dulu...

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Post time 19-10-2021 03:08 PM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 19-10-2021 03:05 PM
Action thriller & mystery... ni bukan citer horror... xtau ngeri tak tapi tengok teaser ada kejadi ...

Orait...xtau nk layan citer apa lg..nk tgk citer maid tp mcm stress je citer tu...yg money heist pun lom abis2 lg.. baru season 4...

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2021 03:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lurve82 replied at 19-10-2021 03:08 PM
Orait...xtau nk layan citer apa lg..nk tgk citer maid tp mcm stress je citer tu...yg money heist p ...

Maid tu English series ke?
Writer Jirisan tu writer Kingdom... dia break dulu tulis pasal Kingdom...
Bertabahlah uols tunggu zombie...

Uols tengok highlights tu panjang sikit videonya...

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Post time 19-10-2021 04:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 19-10-2021 08:19 AM
tp sunho ni mmg lama jd stage actor.. umur pun over 35.. jd mmg mcm dia je..
domino tu cepat je  d ...

byk klu2 yg betul berkaitan ngan kim sunho tu, nak2 ade part yg dia kate ade actor k tu pnh ade isu yg berkaitan ngan emo marah2 ms kshow. kim sunho kan prnh ade kontrobesi marah ke pdnim mase mission pagi dlm 1n2d..lagpon agensi dia lambat bg respone..bese kalu ade rumour x baik, laju je agensi bg respon isu dah 2,3 hari br agensi kabo nak siasat la, abis sume iklan2 kena tarik, kan jd rugi dh situ kalu bkn dia yg buat

netizen korea ni mmg jenis dengki bile org femes mula la duk korek citer2 rase kes ni baru lg...sbb pompuan tu bgtau actor k suruh gugur sbb takut dia kena bayar penalti, xdok duit nak byar tu sume

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Post time 19-10-2021 04:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kesian pulak kalau betul kes ksh tu. And susan jugak taktahu cerita betul. Kalau kes jenayah kita faham la kan.

Macam kes seo yea ji aritu pun rasa over. Padahal tu kira isu peribadi dia je. Nak jugak knetz nak jatuhkan dia kan.

Hopefully kes ksh ni tak teruk la.

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Post time 19-10-2021 07:32 PM | Show all posts
I haven't written and then deleted any comments.I am quite curious about those who photoshopped comments to look like they came from me.

That person will know just from reading these words.

As the person who wrote this post, I will say this again. I have never posted and then deleted a comment.

And many of you are telling me to post pictures.

That wouldn't be difficult to do since I have so many pictures ^^

But the reason why I haven't posted any photos or evidence is because of legal reasons. That's all.

But I am considering it.

Should I upload a picture...? It would be easy, but I need to be careful.

For over a year, I have been tormented by guilt and pain. Posting this was not an easy nor an impulsive decision.


I am his ex-girlfriend.

If his personality was just trash, then I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of exposing him like this. Because the image he puts on TV is so different that it's hard for me to mentally cope on a daily basis. As a woman, I am taking all the risks that come with revealing my personal information. And I decided to post these words here. I am not merely experiencing the aftermath of a breakup. I was also made to erase a precious child.Using the pretext of marriage, because he was too sensitive due to his work, because he was a top star, he inhumanely demanded me to make a one-sided sacrifice... I am currently in a state of severe mental and physical trauma.

I felt a lot of emotions when I read about the Kim Yong-gun pregnancy and the other premarital pregnancy news.

Kim Yong-gun tried to force an abortion, and the various idol members felt it was their duty to take responsibility and get married...

The man I loved was seen as a good-natured man. But he actually ended up being trash who had no conscience or a sense of responsibility.

- By using marriage as bait to coax an abortion, he violated my right of making my own decisions...

- And I came to realize that there are a lot of trashy people like this.

As 4 months passed by since we broke up, I truly thought that he'd at least reach out once to genuinely ask for my forgiveness. He may seem like he's doing all this because he loves acting so much, but because of his difficult childhood, he has an intense fixation on money. He has a celebrity disease in regards to the way other people see him, and he thinks it's a given that other people should make sacrifices for him to succeed. I thought he'd be different with me, but seeing as how he's gone on to film commercials, become a top star, and film more commercials, I know that this is all he's been thinking about. He never thought to apologize to me or reflect on his actions at all.

We got together at the beginning of 2020.

I have many KaTalk conversations saved from the very beginning until now. He's asked me to erase them using all sorts of ridiculous excuses, but I found that strange, so I stored the topics of these conversations separately.

I'm someone who'd see all these news articles and wonder why these people didn't use contraceptives. While we were dating, I did use birth control, but I had to stop for a month or two because I wasn't feeling well. So I asked him to start using contraceptives. Then one day, he told me he wanted to come inside me, and it wasn't a dangerous day for me, and it was only just this once, so I let him. And due to this one time, I ended up pregnant with Actor K's child.

To tell you the truth, I was very scared. We were dating in secret and couldn't even hold hands outside. I thought about how my belly would grow and wondered how I would raise this child on my own. I tried telling him that I'd raise the child secretly on my own. That we could just announce his existence later on. I was willing to make these sacrifices.

I was told since I was young that my uterus and body were weak, so I'd have a hard time getting pregnant. Because I've heard this for most of my life (this was my first time getting pregnant and getting an abortion), even the doctor told me,"It would be good for you to give birth to this child. You may never get pregnant again. If you erase it...' They didn't say any more. Because this pregnancy was so sudden, I was confused and scared. If the person I loved could give me a little courage, I wanted to give birth to this child.

So I called Actor K at the hospital and told him that if I got rid of this child now, it would be difficult for me to get pregnant again. What woman does not want to give birth to the child of the man she loves...? And I wanted to hear him say that, even if he was bewildered, he'd take responsibility for the child like most men.

I've screen-captured his trashy KaTalk response.Of course, on KaTalk, he spoke as if he was going to take responsibility. But when we met in person, he said something completely different...

At the time, he was in the middle of filming, so after he was finished, he came to my house and tried to coax me for several days until the words 'I'll get an abortion' left my lips. Because I was only 6-7 weeks along back then, my stomach felt stiff and painful. I told him this, but instead, as soon as he came, he said,"Then can't I just come inside you now?" and pushed me to have sex. He ended up coming inside and told me that now it felt like I was truly his. That it felt like I was truly his family.

Then he said, "It's ridiculous not to erase a child just because of a reason like not being able to have children later." But he said that he'd still follow my lead. "If we have the child now, then I have to pay 900,000,000 won in penalty fees, and I don't have that kind of money right now." Actually, at the time, he hadn't filmed any commercials or dramas that would warrant a penalty fee at the time.He even spoke about his parents, and said that if we have this child, he might not be able to act, and his parents would have to live in the streets. Later on, I found out the truth. He wouldn't have had to pay 900,000,000 won just because he had a child. He had coaxed me into getting an abortion with lies.

"If this child is born, I think I'll hate it. You can do whatever you want,but I can't love this child." He even threatened me like this.With tears in his eyes, he promised he'd marry me and introduce me to his parents. This was all an act.

Then he said that 'he wasn't planning on having a child now, but he wanted one 4 years down the line, and I want to marry you in 2 years...'

He promised me that he'd introduce me to his parents, and that we'd start by living together next year.

I... hesitated in that moment. To this day, I still regret that I didn't put my foot down and assert that I would raise the child on my own...

Then would my child have been able to see the light of this world?

At the time, I told him I was worried that if we broke up, I would be in a position where my body couldn't have children anymore. And I told him I didn't think I'd be able to live if I had to read articles about him dating and marrying someone else. We even talked about this, but he was the one who told me not to worry.

At the time, because he mentioned his parents, I didn't know what else to do. But now that we've broken up, I realize that using his parents as an excuse is his go-to.

As I went along with his words, I came to the difficult decision to let my child go.He spoke to his theater actor friend XXX, whom he's mentioned on a few programs before, and did not personally accompany me to the hospital. He stayed in the car, and had his friend act as the father as he sent us away. Now that I think about it, he was very thorough. Even in the middle of all that. At the time, I thought this was my way of being considerate, but I feel like I was such a fool. And like that, I swallowed my tears and sent away a child that would never come to me again for the rest of my life.

After I erased the child, Actor K's attitude changed. He sent me exactly 2,000,000 won to cover the surgery and hospitalization cost. I didn't expect more. I didn't threaten him, complain, or hate him.He was in a sensitive state, so I was afraid we'd grow apart. However, I thought that I should still show him the hospital receipt and my hospital appointments to show him how his money was being used. After I attached the receipt and was heading back from the hospital as usual, he suddenly shouted, "Why are you sending me this? Are you trying to make me feel guilty or what?" and scolded me like crazy.

Even though I was the one with the mental and physical trauma, he was the one who expressed irritation and had emotional ups and downs due to an unknown stress. Saying, 'are you trying to influence me by saying you erased the child... 'Before I erased the child, this man told me we'd get married, that we'd live together. But after the child was gone, he'd get annoyed with me and use his stress from work as an excuse. At the time, I thought he must be having a hard time at work and endured it.

Because I really loved him... I thought all actors were like this.

After erasing the child, my body went through a lot of changes. The aftereffects took a large toll on my physical and mental health. It was so difficult, but I held onto Actor K's promise of living together after he was done with his project and stayed by his side.

Part 2 will come sometime tomorrow! Sorry, it's really late, and I need to go to bed!

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Post time 19-10-2021 09:08 PM | Show all posts
solarlunar replied at 19-10-2021 07:32 PM
I haven't written and then deleted any comments.I am quite curious about those who photoshopped comm ...

br je kaka nk bjinak suka kdrama n this ksh yg helokkk dah baca ni terus kensel..huhuu

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Post time 19-10-2021 09:19 PM | Show all posts
norma_kehidupan replied at 19-10-2021 09:08 PM
br je kaka nk bjinak suka kdrama n this ksh yg helokkk dah baca ni terus kensel..huhuu

Byk lagi K-Actor boleh pilih. Jgn risau.

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Post time 19-10-2021 09:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
solarlunar replied at 19-10-2021 07:32 PM
I haven't written and then deleted any comments.I am quite curious about those who photoshopped comm ...

Hupload jer lah sister segala bukti yang ada. Betul atau tidak, memang dah jadi legal matter pun. Sayanglah kalau betul. Kalau tak betul pun, my advice to KSH, tak payahlah bergirlfriend kalau takde niat nak kahwin. Memang dah berapa interviews heols cakap, he has no plan to settle down for now. KSH berFUBU jer lah. Mesti ramai yang akan volunteer tu

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Post time 19-10-2021 09:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
solarlunar replied at 19-10-2021 09:19 PM
Byk lagi K-Actor boleh pilih. Jgn risau.

Nasiblah SK ni takkan ketandusan bakat dan rupa. Kalau kat Malaysia, mesti KSH tetap akan mendonia. Acik-acik kepam mesti sanggup bayar the ex nak tengok video bebird heols kalau ada

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