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Author: Nick_Perelman

Hezbollah siezes Beirut

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2008 10:16 PM | Show all posts
Druze are claiming victory over Hebzollah:

But Arab boasts, even if they are anti Hezbollah, should be taken with scepticism

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Post time 12-5-2008 10:17 PM | Show all posts
These msian muslims are all ready to play their lebanese sunni brothers out just because hezbos love to kill jews. That is the kinda hatred these people have for jews.

Anyway, what happens in lebanon now is the result of compromise. sounds like lebanon will experience a blood bath of sunnis sooner or later.

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2008 05:24 AM | Show all posts
Lebanon's '300' heroes

Published: Monday, 12 May, 2008 @ 8:02 PM in Beirut (GMT+2)
By Walid Phares
Beirut - While the West is busy living its daily life, a beast is busy killing the freedom of a small community on the East Mediterranean: Lebanon.

Indeed, as of last week, the mighty Hezbollah, armed to the teeth with 30,000 rockets and missiles and aligning thousands of self described "Divine soldiers" has been marching across the capital, terrorizing its population, shutting down media, taking its politicians and the Prime Minister as hostages, and looting at will. The hordes of Lebanon's "Khomeinist Janjaweeds" have conquered already half of the Middle East's cultural capital, Beirut. As I have reported before, Hezbollah has occupied West Beirut and has since sent its storm troops in multiple directions to resume the blitz.

The burning of TV stations in Beirut

Unstoppable, including by the Lebanese Army which Commander Michel Suleiman has allowed the slaughter to occur the Pasdaran-founded militia is now hurdling towards the Druze Mountain and positioning its forces against the Sunni North and the Christian Mount Lebanon. Ironically, the geographical bases of Hezbollah, in southern Lebanon, are well guarded by the United Nations Interim Forces (UNIFIL). Per a UNSCR 1701 in 2006, more than 10,000 international troops are stationed across the southern parts of Lebanon, technically protecting the 200 Shia towns and villages from where the bulk of Hezbollah fighters came from. Hence, free from guarding their own areas, a dozen thousands well trained "Hezbollahis" have marched north to join another 5,000 already based in the southern suburbs of Beirut.

This huge force, by Lebanon's standards, was joined by an undetermined number of real Iranian Guards, shipped from Tehran to man sophisticated weapons offered by the Khamanei regime as a gift to topple the democratically elected Government of Fuad Seniora. In addition, from the four corners of the country, Jihadist and ultra radical organizations have joined the fray including: The Nazi-like SSNP, the Amal Movement, the Wi'amWahhab pro-Syrian militia, and many others. And to top it, Damascus was able to neutralize the Lebanese Army which has been equipped recently by the United States. Its Commander, a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic was "convinced" by the Assad regime to open the passages to Beirut and all other regions for the hordes to thrust into their enemies' backyards. Reminding us of the tales of Greek Antiquity, this Xerxes -Khomeinist- Army burst into the capital, whipping out the thin internal security forces and reigning with brutality.

Hezbollah's "Immortal Guards" against the "300"?

After securing the Muslim side of the city, the "Immortal Guards" -since most of the Hezbollahis believe in martyrdom as a path to eternal after-life, encircled the mostly Druze Mountain from all directions. Closing in from the coast, the south and the Bekaa, thousands of fighters and their heavy artillery were ordered into battle this week end. The massive "Persian" Army is now attempting to take these passes into the Bekaa and from there into the North and the Christian Mountain. In a sense these may become Lebanon's Thermopylae: A vast Hezbollah Iranian-backed Army unleashing its power against few Lebanese Spartans, to dislodge them and open the paths for the rest of the country. Indeed, it looks like the few hundred Druze fighters in Aley and the Shuf -who have decided to fight on their own, may become Lebanon's "300". The vision is chilling. Despite the calls by their leader Walid Jumblatt, now hostage to the Pasdaran in Beirut, to desist from resisting, the mountainous peasants decided to fight and resist the onslaught. The balance of power is terribly uneven. The forces of Hassan Nasrallah, hyper armed by "Xerxes" Ahmedinijad, line up thousands of soldiers, Special Forces, missiles and endless containers of ammunition. They have hardened their battle experience through years of fighting against a powerful Israeli Army, Air Force and Navy. Nasrallah is convinced that his Army of Suicide-bombers has defeated the region's nuclear super power in 2006. Hence, a few "hundreds" of Druses won't even stand for a day. Logically, he is correct. The Lebanese Army was tamed by Hezbollah, the Sunnis of Beirut collapsed in few hours, the Christians are intimidated, the U.S and Europe fears Hezbollah's Terror and the Arab regimes are terrified by his myth. Who on Earth will resist the Khomeinist Xerxes? Well so far, Lebanon's 300 have.

The Grand Hezbollah Plan

The first waves of attacks launched by the Iranian backed forces aimed at seizing the first portion of the strategic Damascus Highway (the I-70 of Lebanon) linking Beirut to the Syrian border via the Mountain. The offensive began from Kayfoun towards Baysur. Instead of seizing terrain, Hezbollah lost Kayfoun with heavy casualties (about 23 killed) and the Druze fighters of the Socialist Party planted their flag on the enemy bunker before they pulled back to their positions. The Iranian commanders were stunned by these mountain "Rangers." But the Druze had only AK 47 with one or two clips of ammunitions; rarely an RPG. While the whole of Lebanon was watching with fear, awaiting their turn, the "300" were repelling the waves of "Immortal Hezbollah" who in fact got very mortal in 24 hours. Another battle raged in Aley and the "Persians" lost again: 9 casualties or so: Among the bodies, three Iranians. Near Aley the strategic hill 888 was assaulted repetitively but the defenders repelled the "Guards." Later on, the Druze transferred the hill to the Lebanese Army. Nasrallah's troops then stormed Deir Qubal but were pushed back towards the surrounding hills. Hezbollah tried to seize Ein Unub but again the attack failed.

Druze clerics Hezbollah Guard

Then Hezbollah ordered its forces to advance on the coastal axis towards Shouifat. There, the Druze pulled back inside the town allowing the "Hezbos" to take the control of the beaches and the adjacent roads. But when the Iranian backed militias moved toward the neighborhoods, their advance was stopped. Frustrated the "Xerxes" War Room decided the grand assault by early Monday: More than 2,000 Khomeinist-trained commandos took the back roads to the Barouk Mountain coming from the southern Bekaa. Their target are the Ma'aser heights and from there to the district capital of the Shouf, Mukhtara. From south Lebanon, the hordes of Hezbollah are marching across Jezzine, Toumate heights in Niha el Shouf into the southern frontiers of the Druze lands. According to reports, 5000 Hezbollah/Iranian/Syrian infantry, backed by rockets and artillery are to close in from the south. The Druze, youth and elderly, have mobilized all they could, but are isolated with little ammunition. Their adversaries are numerous, well equipped, fanaticized and have their supply lines opened to Syria and via Damascus, to Iran. The tableau looks like a real collection of small Thermopylae where the "300" of Lebanon will be fighting a Goliath.

Pasdaran and Hezbollah's forces

But irony is that the United States and other Democracies, whose forces are present in the area and ships cruising the waters along the Eastern Mediterranean, and who have committed to fight terror around the globe may be watching these "300" falling in this epic fight. The greater irony is that these peasants of Mount Lebanon have withstood the mighty machine of Hezbollah for three days and maybe for a few more, while the standing myth internationally was that no one on Earth can defeat this Terror force. Well, for few days the myth of invincibility of Hezbollah was shattered. Eventually if the powers -who have already spent 500 billion dollars on the War on terror- would fail the Lebanese "300" in their mountains, the legend will be owned by the those little intrepid and courageous peasants. But if Washington and Paris would quickly assume their strategic responsibilities -which they initiated by voting UNSCR 1559 to liberate Lebanon- then perhaps Khomeinist-Terror won't plant its banners on the Eastern Mediterranean.

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Post time 13-5-2008 08:54 AM | Show all posts
great article by walid phares! Never in the history of lebanon has so many been indebted to so few. The '300' have shown the world what a few brave men who stood in defiance of tyranny and terror can do and I am sure it will inspire thousands of lebanese people, men and women, young and old to rise up and fight against the evil hezbollah and their cowardly leader mullah nasrala. The '300' peasant Druzes will live in the hearts of the lebanese people forever!

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Post time 13-5-2008 03:57 PM | Show all posts
Sunday May 11, 2008
Hezbollah battles Druze east of Beirut, 5 dead
By Laila Bassam
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Shi'ites loyal to Lebanese opposition group Hezbollah battled Druze supporters of the ruling coalition east of Beirut on Sunday, adding to the worst civil strife since the 1975-90 war.

Smoke rises from the Alley area during clashes between Hezbollah gunmen and Druze pro-government fighters in Mount Lebanon May 11, 2008. Shi'ites loyal to Lebanese opposition group Hezbollah battled Druze supporters of the ruling coalition east of Beirut on Sunday, adding to the worst civil strife since the 1975-90 war. (REUTERS/ Issam Kobeisy)
The fighting in Aley, a town in the mountains overlooking Beirut, and nearby villages was the latest violence between followers of Hezbollah, a group backed by Syria and Iran, and supporters of the U.S.-backed governing coalition.

At least five people were killed and 12 wounded, bringing the number of dead in five days of fighting throughout Lebanon to 49. At least 140 people have been wounded.

"Hezbollah and allied Druze fighters" took control of several village in the area, security sources said. A 6 p.m. (1500 GMT) ceasefire did not hold, witnesses said.

Black smoke rose from several villages as explosions and sound of gunfire echoed in the pine-covered hills and valleys of the picturesque area.

Arab foreign ministers, meeting in emergency session in Cairo, appealed for a ceasefire in Lebanon.

"The council (of Arab foreign ministers) appeals for an immediate halt of bombings and shooting, and the withdrawal of gunmen... and the enabling of the army to deploy in those areas," the Arab League said in a statement read by Deputy Secretary-General Ahmed Bin Hilli.

An 18-month-old political conflict between the opposition and governing coalition spilled into open warfare on Wednesday after the government decided to move against a military communications network operated by Hezbollah and sacked the head of security at Beirut airport, who is close to the group.

Hezbollah called the move a declaration of war, saying the network had played a crucial role in its 34-day war with Israel in 2006.


Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, whose followers were battling Hezbollah supporters in Aley, called on Talal Arsalan, a Druze leader allied to the Shi'ite group, to mediate an end to the fighting.

"I tell my supporters that civil peace, coexistence and stopping war and destruction are more important than any other consideration," Jumblatt told the pro-government LBC television station by telephone.

Arsalan later appealed to Hezbollah to hold its fire and said he would contact the army command to deploy forces in the area.

The latest clashes followed allegations by Hezbollah on Saturday that Jumblatt loyalists killed two of its members and held Jumblatt responsible for the safe return of a third member who was missing.

Hezbollah seized much of west Beirut on Friday after its fighters routed supporters of the anti-Syrian ruling coalition. Lebanese troops patrolled Beirut on Sunday after the group's fighters pulled back from areas they had taken.

Hezbollah agreed to withdraw its forces from Beirut after the Lebanese army overturned the government decisions. However, the Hezbollah-led opposition said it would maintain a campaign of civil disobedience until all its demands were met.

Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said his cabinet would meet soon to decide on Hezbollah's demand and the army's request that the government annul the decisions altogether.

In Beirut, hundreds of soldiers backed by armoured vehicles set up roadblocks and took up positions on the streets of the mainly Muslim part of the capital.

There were no gunmen in sight but youths maintained barricades on some crucial roads, ensuring Beirut's air and sea ports remained closed.

Hezbollah, a political group which has a guerrilla army, said on Saturday it was ending its armed presence in Beirut after the army overturned the government decisions against it.

While tension eased in Beirut, there was little progress in efforts to resolve the political disputes.

Pope Benedict called on Sunday for dialogue and an end to the violence.

The United States, which considers Hezbollah a terrorist group, a threat to Israel and a weapon in the hands of its arch-foe Iran, welcomed the end of the Beirut fighting.

Iran blamed Washington and said it backed an internal solution to the political deadlock in Beirut, where the opposition demands a greater say in government.

The governing coalition accuses Hezbollah of seeking to restore the influence of Syria, which was forced to withdraw its troops from Lebanon in 2005.


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Post time 13-5-2008 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 11/5/08 02:07 AM
Why are the hezbos always covering their faces?

you won't need to guess anymore Laxamana, there will surely be a civil war between shias vs sunnis and christians very soon.

Guessing? It is you in Singapore guessing. But me, I have first hand info.. I am here in the Middle East and the last time I was in Beirut was just a few months back. I do maintain contacts with some friends there in Beirut by phone. I know what is happening. Hezb and Liban Army ok... Good news.

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Post time 13-5-2008 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zvicmorrow at 12/5/08 10:50 AM
boleh tak sesiapa cita sikit siapa walid jumblatt and druze tu..aku tak de maklumat
tentang geng ni

Druze ni dorang mengaku Islam. Tapi entah pelik, orang Lebanon pun pelik dengan dorang ni. Druze yang aku kenal sorang tu, sembahyang pun idak, malah umrah, haji mende pun tak buat. Druze sorang lagi tu, arak pun minum. Sikit je Druze kat Lebanon, paling-paling pun tak lebih 300 ribu.. Kawin pun Druze kawin sesama sendiri.. mana ada kawin dengan Sunni atau Syiah... orang Druze ni amat berahsia agama sebenar mereka... ala-ala ajaran sesat kat Malaysia je.

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Post time 13-5-2008 05:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #46 Laxamana.'s post

baguslah ada jugak 1st hand news .. simangkuk macam 'deb' tu cuma dengar
news dari media yg di control yahudi je, news depa ni selalunya berat sebelah .
tajuk" Hezbollah's "Immortal Guards" against the "300" buat orang gelak je!  
ingat perang pakai pedang dengan lembing ka?
lagi pun ini bukan secterian war.. its the govt(pro US) against pembangkang(pro syria/Iran)

[ Last edited by  malberi8 at 13-5-2008 05:30 PM ]

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Post time 13-5-2008 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Nonsense. Overwhelming majority of Sunnis voted for anti Hezbollah government.

That was bloody nonsense. Lebanese Sunnis families benefits from Hezbollah welfare scheme that do not differentiate Sunnis & Shiites.

Moreover, Sunnis youths have long being recruited to Hezbollah's ranks, as young as 14. More evident, during the Israeli's incursion to South Lebanon, the Sunnis proudly identified their loyalty to Hezbollahs & supplied armed militias to support Hezbollahs.

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Post time 13-5-2008 10:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Laxamana. at 13-5-2008 04:31 PM

Druze ni dorang mengaku Islam. Tapi entah pelik, orang Lebanon pun pelik dengan dorang ni. Druze yang aku kenal sorang tu, sembahyang pun idak, malah umrah, haji mende pun tak buat. Druze sor ...

tkasih skrg aku dah faham sebuah kumpalan ajaran sesat rupanya....

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2008 11:41 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 18-5-2008 01:36 AM | Show all posts
The sunni and druze leaders are under house arrest and its clear to all that the Lebanese army have been thoroughly infiltrated by Shias and was not acting in the best interest of the nation.
Lebanon will turn into a Shia country very soon and become a satellite for Iran.

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Post time 18-5-2008 01:52 AM | Show all posts
Man, u must really be afraid of that scenario dont you.

As for yr argument abt the Lebanese Army, it has always the nature to mix all the various sects and races to form the Lebanese army. History has shown that when they fight as an army, the Lebanese army was a very cohesive force. Unfortunately, as the scenario changes (outside powers, US especially), has caused considerable split in the allegiance of the factions, thus, putting the army in disarray.

You can conclude that if Lebanon does become a Shiia proxy, it is all because of Uncle Sam.

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Post time 18-5-2008 02:10 AM | Show all posts
Contrary to what you claim, history has shown the Lebanese army to be ineffective and fractious.

Lebanon become a shia proxy because of uncle Sam? I think its more like because of malaysia.

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Post time 18-5-2008 02:34 AM | Show all posts
Well, Uncle Sam did support Siniora govt and that really hurt the already imbalance factions there.

As for the Lebanese army, in the late 70s they were fighting as cohesive army (not modern but good enough), before sectarian sentiments sank in.

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Post time 18-5-2008 02:40 AM | Show all posts
Siniora is not a shia. Hezbollah is shia.

The lebanese civil war occured from 75 -90. So how can the lebanese army be fighting cohesively since the late 70s? No BS please.

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Post time 18-5-2008 05:48 AM | Show all posts
No BS. The Lebanese army was once one formation.

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Post time 18-5-2008 09:50 AM | Show all posts
they never fought as one in the late 70s sir, you got your facts wrong. If they are not fractious today, Hezbollah wouldn't be dominating Lebanon now and the sunni & druze leaders wouldn't be under house arrest.

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Post time 18-5-2008 05:34 PM | Show all posts
Now things is ok in Beirut. Airport has been reopened since 2 days ago and my Lebanese friend has taken the first flight back to Jeddah. He is a Sunni but supported Hezbollah. He believes that Hezb is the only force that can stabilise Lebanon. As for Liban Army, they respected Hezb as a people's army that patriotically defended Liban against Zion Israel. People like Saad Hariri just tarnished his father's good name, according to Lebanese now. The meeting among Lebanese leaders in Doha, Qatar is still going on.. Insha Allah there will be some resolutions and they should compromise on power sharing. Of course the majority Shiite wants more authority.. Sunni also has certain rights and so do the other monorities like Christians. If you want to parade domocracy, then parade it right.. majority rules right? So who should be president? Whatever it is, Phalangist Christians wouldn't dare to create another Sabra and Shatila.. at least they failed.. with Hezb around. Hezbollah is bringing some dignity back to Lebanese.. Hezbollah are Lebanese.. they should determine their own destiny.

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Post time 19-5-2008 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Really? So why did the sunnis clash with hezbos in beirut?
Why did the sunnis protest when hariri died?

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