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Author: ej177

mslh kwnku...

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2007 03:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 18-7-2007 09:41 AM
first, lps ahkak bace jln citer die mcm ne...

1. ej tanpa ragu2 menyatakan bahwe ini bkn kes/prob die, tp kawan die- (tp kalu prob die pon xde sape yg tawu kan...:victory: :victory: ...t ...

kak pinoe ni tak baek tawww...

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Post time 18-7-2007 04:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #40 True-X's post

bad pit n engelina jolie....

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Post time 18-7-2007 04:30 PM | Show all posts
finally i see your so opinion loud,clear and harsh there....

i just want to add some point..

Originally posted by fish_o7 at 18-7-2007 02:49 PM
1. they guy should take care of his little johnny
2. that girl .... actually i felt pity for the girl ....

here, are you double standarding between these two? to me, both of themhas done things that they both agreed. things wont work just by one  side. if it were a one side, it would turn into a rape case..

either stop it or buy birth control

for your opinion on taking birth control and continue on having sex,that would definitely be out of option for these couple as they'remuslim..

the answer stop having sex is it that hard to see .... hmmm ... maybe they need glasses ....

man, i wish things were that easy for both of them.. seems like you'rethe one needed glasses. they have committed sex more than once, meansthey really have no intention in stopping it..

get married hard it ....and if lucky get blessing ....erkk work hard on what ....

sorry if my point there are not strong enough. its just if thecouple do get married, they should work hard to have a happy family. ahappy famili come from effort of these couple, it would not come justlike that..

marriage they marriage is joke with the guy just starting tobuild his career and the girl studying, they just an ingredient fordisaster .... and plus they live far far way ....

for me, there are more couple manage to handle themselves aftermarriage.. people change as time pass by, either for good or forworse.. we just can pray if the couple do get married, they wouldchange for the better..

they just an ingredient for disaster ....

on these, people are not something you decide just like that.. its not math here, its life between two people....

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Post time 18-7-2007 06:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 ej177's post

satu tahun macam2 boleh jadi ..
btw .... report bende ni kat jabtan agama .... talk to their counselor ....
see how they can help your friend...

in the end .. kene ade restu mak pak ...
reveal the truth is the right thing to do ....mmg le
panasss .. tapi sape suruh ... berani buat berani le tanggung

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Post time 18-7-2007 07:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #43 za_az's post

what i written there's truth ....

ok if the couple agree to have sex ..... tell me something who usually initiate the move ... of course the man .... there's no such thing as the two want it the same time .... is usually the man who started it ...... if u don't know this fact then u can't not understand my point ...... and here the guy meets the girl and they have sex ... because usually is the man who initiate it ....and if the girl want it them the guy always can deny it ... right ....there's what taking care of his little johnny there ....

well if there don't want to stop having sex ....then birth control is the best choice ..... yah yah they muslim but they still having sex ....then what the point ....telling me they're muslim but they still doing it .... and there's no indication both wanna stop ....... well at least i given them some advice that they can use ... other saying dosa laa ....muslim laa .... heck if giving them such advise but still doing it then what use of it ....tul tak ....

now u saying that sex  is some kind of addiction or a drug ... now that they have do it more than once..... now if they don't get sex ...they will both die ..... yeah right!!  if u have the will to stop u will do something about it ....rether than crying and complaining ...."i have sinned " or "better go to siam  to get married " .... if they want to stop they will find some way .... oh yeah .... some married couple can live without sex for 1 - 2 years .... u don't see why they can't do it ...

ahhh another perfect ideal of marriage ..... u get married u work hard then u can be happy ..... who the hell told u that ... u living in an illusion ..... sometime marriage don't wok no matter how much u work on it .... and that happen to the people who had stable life .... and now u telling me that this two person who don't have a stable life, stable income or even a house can be successful in their marriage .... hahah go on live in ur miserable illusion ...

yeah .... u think what u like ....start putting hopes on this people .... go on living in ur illusion and keep on thinking that this world is perfect and anyone can have happily ever after .... it obvious that marriage is mistake .... look at them ... they want go to thailand to get wed, and marriage to hem is just something to cover up they mistake .... they making decision with out even thinking it through ....they no mature enough to make life changing decision .....

[ Last edited by  fish_o7 at 18-7-2007 07:41 PM ]

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Post time 18-7-2007 10:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #45 fish_o7's post

obviously u r not believe in marriage

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Post time 18-7-2007 10:28 PM | Show all posts
mmm advise your fren not to meet his bf for a time being until the problem with both families resolved, and hari perkahwinan dah ditetapkan. the distance problem can be overcome, even on 1 income pun boleh survive, just make sure tangguhkan dulu nak ada baby.

study part time and being married can work well, cuma kena kuat azam... itu je. and time management is important as well.

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Post time 18-7-2007 11:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #46 True-X's post

i'm believe in marriage  ... i don't believe is the illusion of marriage ....those happily ever after illusion that society create ..... that marriage is the only answer and the only way to achieve happiness ...and if u not married ur not happy ...and ur life not complete ....... i guess some people won't understand what i want to point out because they to obsess with the illusion of marriage

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Post time 19-7-2007 09:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #38 afja's post

sejak dua menjak nih, tahap kelucahan pemikiran aku menaik sbb dok baca byk kisah 18SX dlm LP dan PP..

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Post time 19-7-2007 09:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #49 hanibee's post

pose weh... pose...
rejab dh mai nih....

ckp psl puasa...... kalu siapa yg kuat sex tu... puasa lah....
sbb puasa akan meletihkan badan dan mematikan keinginan syahwat...

tp kalu napsu kuda..... x boleh jln kot....
dan kalu hanya puasa nafsu lapar jek...x de penghayatan...pun x jln....

pilih la mana nk....

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Post time 19-7-2007 09:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #50 afja's post

yer ker...
tapi apsal bila tiba jer bulan pose wa punya nafsu makin membuak-buak...
tgk pempuan pun rasa mcm nak pi terkam jer...
nasib baek ler wa ni lelaki waras lagi wa leh handle benda-benda remeh temeh tu semer...

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2007 09:52 AM | Show all posts

Reply #45 fish_o7's post

kite kn sll dgr org ckp bnde yg haram tu la best
tp bile da halal taknak nikmati lak..tu maybe psgn yg ade mslh
tak sumer psgn yg kwin slps terlanjur tu x kekal..
kite jgn assume sumer yg kwin kat siam or after terlanjur tu nikah sbb sex...
dorg pn tau ape yg dorg wt b4 tu dosa..sbb tu diorg nk perbetulkan
klu dorg pk sex je wtpe kwin kn..
illusion of marriage?
tiap org msti ade impian rumahtangga kn..
for me tak slh impian tu tp make sure la kene usaha spya impian tu jd kenyataan
org yg mature tu pon ade mslh dlm rumahtangga..tipu la klu ckp takde..yg penting sm2 hadapi n spkat..
maybe there are not matured enuf tp tu bkn pokok utama..
for me tak slh dorg nk kwin skng cume caranye tak kene..

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2007 09:55 AM | Show all posts

Reply #47 LostSoul's post

tq kak lost..i agree with u..

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Post time 19-7-2007 10:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #51 Amiin_al_Kalam's post

tu napsu thp dewa...
puasa nafsu mkn jek....tadek penghayatan...

nih ckp kat diri wa jugak.....
tadek kaitan ngan org len...

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Post time 19-7-2007 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Nauzubillah..Mintak2 lah ALLAH jauhkan shachi dr buat bende2 berdosa besar cmni....
Knp lah masa lom buat xnk pk, bila dah terlanjur baru pk....

Shachi rasa, nk tgu diorg nikah kt siam, mgkn hnya perancangan.....
Shachi cam x yakin yg diorg betul2 berani nikah kt siam....
Pastu plan je, nikah nye tak jugak...Tp asal jumpe da gian nk buat agi...
Kalau nikah kt siam, settle ke mslh??.....Mmg masa tu diorg dah sah sbg suami isteri...
Tp mcm mana dgn family msg??....Dah lah kecewakan ibu ayah dgn berzina,
tambah memalukan lagi ibu ayah, bila nikah kt siam.....Kesian nye mak bpk depa...
Kan senang kalau terus-terang je???....Berdosa bohong ibu bapa.....

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2007 05:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #55 shachihata33's post

yup..tkt ni depa dok plan je...
tak tau la jd ke tak..
tu la dia tnya ej n ej mnta pndpt kalian ape yg patut depa ni wt...
nk soh dia terus terang ngn makpak mcm susah je..
ej ade forward some comments korg ni kat mber tu...
tak tau la cmne penerimaan dier..
hrp dier akn wt kptsn yg bijak...

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Post time 19-7-2007 06:21 PM | Show all posts
citer psl nikah kat siam nie tingat aku dulu2 kwn aku ada kena temankan ahkak dia gi nikah kat sana..lama dah.. about 10 - 15 years ago..semua psl parent dia tak setuju ahkak dia kawen ngan org tuh..psl diorg muda lagi & laki tu pun takde kerja tetap..biasalah kan alam perkahwinan nie mcm2 cabaran..tak kira ko kawen masa umur muda or ko kawen masa umur dah senja...but I am glad to see yg perkahwinan ahkak dia kekal smp sekarang..anak2 pun dah besar..alhamdulillah..

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Post time 20-7-2007 04:26 PM | Show all posts
nappe tak nak cakap masalah sendiri? ...ayat yang biasa cam dengar....ader la masalah kawan aku....keluarga aku...

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Post time 20-7-2007 04:34 PM | Show all posts
tumpang baca

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2007 12:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #58 SayangAnakku's post

dah klu bkn mslh sndri takkan nak ngaku lak..

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