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Author: heart_princess

[MERGED] Anak tak bole berenggang

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Post time 15-12-2005 04:40 PM | Show all posts
ish2 nasib dia tak kenal ertri bau "wangi" lagi yer...

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Post time 15-12-2005 04:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by moimed at 15-12-2005 04:40 PM
ish2 nasib dia tak kenal ertri bau "wangi" lagi yer...

alah..bebudak ni dia bukannya tau..

depa kan ke senang kena tipu..!


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mamaHasif This user has been deleted
Post time 15-12-2005 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by putubambu at 15-12-2005 02:55 PM

Iye wak...
dah melekap jek...
pantang le aku ni bergerak sikit..
geram gak kengkadang tu...
tapi geram2 pun sayang.. anak kita kan..! :love:

kalau dia demam lagi aku parahh..!!

ha'ah anak ni kalau dia org demam mmg parah... my son kalau demam ke sakit sikit ke sorry ler even ayah dia pun dia tak nak pegi dah... ada sekali dia demam sampai i nak mandi pun tak dpt... sbb tak nak pegi ngan org lain.... hilang kita sikit dah melalak dah....:kant:

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Post time 15-12-2005 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by moimed at 15-12-2005 03:33 PM

alahi kelakau giler ler, golak den sensorang depan pc nih tgk gambau nih....sori kak putu, mmg realit ...

hantar ler mana2 peraduan, kompem menang grand prize...:

Ni kalau masuk iklan pampers sure menang...:cak:

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Post time 16-12-2005 11:39 AM | Show all posts

Tips renggang ngan anak..ada tak?

Assalamualaikum n good day semua..

Beyond nk tanya la..klu2 kalian ada tips bagi anak renggang(pisah) skit dr kita...Anak Beyond nih jenis nak ikut montot ibu jer..main ngan abah pun kejab2 pastu lari cari beyond..susah la klu time2 beyond tak sihat..sebabnya nak dok celah ketiak jer...ngan family mertua pon dia takmo..ngan parents sendiri ok sama juga mcm dia ngan abahnyer...main kejab2 cari beyond...kdg2 rs nak naik angin pon ada...sebab tgh masak pon nak dukung.

[ Last edited by Beyond at 16-12-2005 11:41 AM ]

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Post time 16-12-2005 11:52 AM | Show all posts
opss topic anak takmo berenggang dah ada rupanya...ingatkan anak beyond sorg jer mcm nih...

putu..samala ngan beyond..nak menunaikan hajat pon kena bawak sekali..klu letak luar main ngan abah pon dia takmo...rela teman ibu pi toilet...adoii..penat..penat

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Post time 18-12-2005 01:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Beyond at 12/15/05 19:39
Assalamualaikum n good day semua..

Beyond nk tanya la..klu2 kalian ada tips bagi anak renggang(pisah) skit dr kita...Anak Beyond nih jenis nak ikut montot ibu jer..main ngan abah pun kejab2 past ...

Dia tak ada permainan ke?

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Post time 19-12-2005 06:16 AM | Show all posts
Anak memang rapat dgn ibu sampai kadang kadang rimas rasanya. Nak keluar seorang seorang pun susah sebab anak bagai nak terkoyak dada nak ikut ibunya. My first time experience was when I was attending icelandic language class. Nak concentrate pun susah sebab telinga dengar suara anak je. 3 jam bagaikan 3 hari.

If you have an clock. set the time that you have to start cooking or apa apa je lah. Tell him that  bila jam berbunyi nanti, you have to start doing your things but for the mean time you will spend it with him. Show it to him when the time comes and when he cries wanting him to be carried. be stern and say no.

This works on mine setelah beberapa kali cuba,I feel that your son belum lagi boleh bermain se org orang. Anak saya pun dulu macam itu, bagai nak patah pinggang.

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Post time 22-12-2005 02:31 PM | Show all posts

Article ni mungkin menjelaskan mengapa anak2 nak melekap ngan kita..

Attachment And Separation: What Everyone Should Know
by Dr. Peter Cook

Many human troubles would be lessened if the emotional needs of infants and young children were better understood in our society. This applies particularly to attachment needs and the effects of separating infants from their parents.

Can you imagine how you might feel if you were happily married, and your partner suddenly disappeared for a week or two, and then reappeared without explanation, expecting to carry on as if nothing had happened? And what if he or she were holding someone else? Many toddlers have been in a situation like this when their mothers had a new baby. Infants, by definition, are children who are too young to talk, and they cannot understand the future when repeatedly told that "Mummy will come back soon".

The survival of all animals who breastfeed their young has, throughout their long history, depended on Nature's way of keeping the mother and her young together, both for nourishment and protection. Some animals, such as lambs can follow their mothers from birth, but "higher" animals such as chimpanzees, and especially human beings, are too immature when they are born to follow their mothers in this way, and instead they are normally carried about by their mothers, at first in her arms, and later on mother's back.

For this to happen, Nature has provided a process of "bonding", so that normally a mother becomes attached to her particular baby, making her want to stay near him or her and respond to any crying or other signals. Successful bonding is helped by keeping mother and baby together in the early hours and days after delivery and breastfeeding. If they are separated at this time bonding may not occur normally. In many animals, and sometimes in humans, this may lead a mother to reject her baby. Nature's pattern seems to be that mothers and infants are designed to stay close to each other and in physical contact for much of the time, especially in the first year of life, while mother goes about her activities. Breastfeeding is part of Nature's pattern, to work with attachment behavior in developing a close, warm, and pleasurable mother-infant relationship. In humans, for better or for worse, these are the early days in a relationship which, in some form or other, will be lifelong. It may be that one day this baby will care for the mother or father.

Babies' wants are much the same as their needs, and they will signal these needs to their mothers when they are thirsty, or wanting to be cuddled or see what is going on. Babies need their mothers and other carers to be sensitive and responsive to their signals. Through this responsive relationship, mother infant "attunement" normally develops, in which the interactions of mother and baby are like a coordinated "dance", which forms the basis for later communication and language development.

We know now that ideas that such care will "spoil" a baby have been mistaken. 0n the contrary, responsive mothering is a good basis for the infant's present and future well-being. As the baby becomes older he or she in turn develops strong attachment bonds to the mother, and, hopefully, also to the father and others, thus providing a "secure base" for learning about the world.

In natural conditions, infants separated from their mothers could be in great danger, and, over time, only those infants with an instinctive concern to stay somewhere near their mothers were likely to survive to produce the next generation. So this same instinctive concern is usually seen in infants today. This is the basis of the "separation anxiety" which normal infants often show, if they cannot re-unite with their mothers, or someone who provides their secure base. Infants may develop attachments to other members of the family or carers, who can take mother's place for a while. But if mother does not return soon, some infants can become quite distressed, with crying and an increase of behaviors designed to bring the mother and infant together again. If the separation lasts for some days, the first state of crying and "protest" may be replaced by a mood of quiet unhappiness or despair. In the first two or three years of life an infant has no adult sense of time, and since explanations cannot be understood, the infant seems to despair of the mother's return, in a kind of grief or mourning reaction.

It is painful to go on experiencing such hurt, angry and even depressed feelings, and eventually the infant may pass into a state which has been termed "detachment". It may be thought that the child has "settled", and he or she may appear happy. He may be friendly to almost anyone, except to his mother if she re-appears. Children in this state will often turn away from their mothers or appear not to recognize them. It seems that they cannot bear to have the feelings of hurt and longing brought up again. These reactions are more likely when the child is away from home and in a strange environment. They may be less, or absent, if the child has good substitute mothering, preferably from a known member of his or her own family, throughout the period of separation.

If the separation is unavoidable it is desirable that the mother and infant should visit each other whenever possible, even if this appears to upset the infant at the time. It is more healthy for this crying and upset to come to the surface, than for it to be bottled up for later on. This particularly applies if a toddler's mother goes to hospital to have another baby. It also applies if an infant or young child has to go to hospital, and in such cases it is often desirable for the mother and/or another member of the family to spend time helping to care for the child in the hospital, if medical and family circumstances are suitable.

If such separation in early childhood is not well handled, sensitive children may be emotionally disturbed for a considerable time afterwards. It is believed that children aged 6 months to 4 years are more particularly vulnerable. On reunion with mother after a separation it is helpful if the mother can recognize what her child has been feeling. It is important to understand and accept the feelings of hurt, anger and sadness which may come to the surface, perhaps with clinging and babyish behavior, as the child seeks to clear the way to develop once again a trusting, loving and co-operative relationship with his parents. This is one of Nature's healing processes which should be handled with gentle respect and acceptance, not punishment.

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Post time 22-12-2005 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ummiauni at 15-12-2005 06:28 PM

Ni kalau masuk iklan pampers sure menang...:cak:

alamak kak put..encem dan bergaya ler anak kak put.dah besar sure jd rebutan nih

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Post time 23-12-2005 09:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by heart_princess at 13-12-2005 05:44 PM

kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi....

sapalah yg diikutnya tu....hehehe:cak:

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Post time 23-12-2005 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Beyond at 16-12-2005 11:52 AM
opss topic anak takmo berenggang dah ada rupanya...ingatkan anak beyond sorg jer mcm nih...

putu..samala ngan beyond..nak menunaikan hajat pon kena bawak sekali..klu letak luar main ngan abah po ...

beyond, kalau dia dah pandai berjalan takpe...
ni berdukunggggggg lagik...baru jln jatuh..lesen P terbang pun tak layak lagik...
susah tau...
tu jelah caranya..bawak masuk sekali..
at least dia ada depan mata kita...

kalau ngan ayah dia tak le pulak teruk cenggitu..
pandai pulak memilih tu...:hmm:

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2005 04:36 PM | Show all posts
DEWASEKS..(amboi, nama..)

dia ikut sejibik mcm ayah dia kekecik dulu..i baek..cit!(mak kata)

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Post time 27-12-2005 04:04 PM | Show all posts
anak i yg dah 6 tahun ni pun manja jugak. sampaikan i nak berak pun dia masuk sekali, dia kata tak pe farhan pandang belakang..sampai i jeritkan dia. angin betul kita dibuatnya...

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Post time 27-12-2005 04:09 PM | Show all posts
Breath Holding Spells
My daughter will be two years old in August. For a year she has had occasional periods when she passes out when crying too hard. It is always brought on from her being angry or upset. She holds her breath, her face becomes purple and her tongue looks purple, also. The whole breath-holding and passing out lasts only a few seconds. Afterwards, she will be sleepy and cry for 5 - 10 minutes. Then she is back to normal. Is she harming herself? Is this normal? Is this more serious than simply holding her breath? Her baby-sitter suggested that these may be seizures.
Sara Silva Porterville, California

This is a typical scene: A little child is playing happily, something upsets her, she exhales forcefully with a brief, shrill cry -- but she doesn't take another breath. You wait, but she still doesn't breathe. She looks as if she's crying, but no sound emerges. She begins to turn blue, her face strained, and still she is not breathing. Now she is unconscious, unresponsive, limp; the sight of her lifeless body is terrifying. Now her back arches, and her blue arms and legs begin to jerk uncontrollably. Your heart is pounding, frantic...

Breath-holding spells are perhaps the most frightening of the common, benign behaviors of childhood. Desperate parents often want to splash cold water on the child's face, start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, or even begin CPR. Thankfully, breath-holding spells resolve spontaneously soon after the child passes out, and unless the fall hurts the child, she will be fine afterwards. The spell usually resolves within 30 to 60 seconds, with the child catching her breath and starting to cry or scream. Sometimes children will have real seizures as part of breath-holding spells, but these brief seizures are not harmful, and there is no increased risk of the child's developing a seizure disorder. Breath-holding spells occur in about 5% of children.

These spells are provoked by the child's not getting her own way. They can be an attempt to exert control on the circumstances around her. Breath-holding is quite rare before 6 months of age. It peaks as children enter the twos, and disappears finally by about age five. The spells occur sporadically, but when they do occur, it is not uncommon for there to be several spells within a single day. Once parents have witnessed one breath-holding spell, they can often predict when another one is about to happen.

The first time a spell occurs, the parents should have the child examined by a doctor. Because breath-holding spells do share several features in common with seizure disorders, the two are often confused. In epileptic seizures, a child may turn blue, but it will be during or after the seizure, not before.

If your doctor confirms that the event was indeed a breath-holding spell, it is a good idea to check for anemia. Treating the anemia, if present, will often decrease the frequency of passing out. The parents' most important job, however, is to not reinforce the breath-holding behavior -- either by bending to the child's will or by paying more attention to her when she has these spells. Instead, if you are certain she hasn't choked on something,place her in a safe spot (without giving in to whatever she held her breath to achieve), and ignore her behavior.

There is another, far less common, type of breath-holding spell, where the child turns deathly pale instead of blue or purple. These pallid spells are involuntary and unpredictable. They are brought on by a sudden startle, such as falling and striking the head. The child stops breathing, goes limp, passes out, and rapidly drains of color. Pallid breath-holding spells also resolve spontaneously. These children should be examined by a doctor, both to confirm the diagnosis, and to prescribe a preventative medicine if the spells are frequent or severe. There is an even less common type of breath-holding spell associated with a rare genetic condition called familial dysautonomia; these involuntary spells occur in children who are already acting seriously ill.

Breath-holding spells shine a brilliant spotlight on one of the biggest challenges of parenting. We do not like to disappoint the little children that we love so much. Moreover, we don't want to get into yet another battle with our children -- in the short run it is always easier to give in to a tantrum than to do what we instinctively feel is best. For parents of breath-holding children, this crucial struggle of parenthood is powerfully amplified.

Most would expect that a breath-holding spell would be difficult. Most are surprised, however, to find that in many ways, the biggest challenge is life between spells. Parents become timid about setting limits or disappointing their children because of the very real possibility of provoking another spell. For all of us, love consists of having the courage to act in spite of our fear.

Alan Greene MD FAAP

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Post time 27-12-2005 04:50 PM | Show all posts
my doter... tahun depan bulan 2 dah nak masuk 3 tahun...
perangai dia... mmg org takkan tahan...
tadi time lunch i jumpa member kat food court maju junction...
kat situ ada gerai candies...
my doter ni nak laa candy kat situ...
so i suruh dia pilih satu... and she choose one...
time i sembang2 ngan my fren tu, my doter kata dia nak candy lagi...
katanya nak tukar lain... candy ni tak sedap....
i said cannot, no more money...
dia nak jugak, sampai hentak2 kerusi kat situ....
nak tak nak i belikan dia another candy...
lepas tu dia kata buy one for adik....
i said cannot, u must share with your adik...
(kebetulan i tak bawak cash banyak)...
my doter tak puas hati... dia nakkkkkk jugak....
i buat donno je.... lepas tu dia pukul i ngan candy dia...
habis terburai bekas candy tu dan candy dia bertabur kat lantai...
dia kutip candy tu... i said dah kotor, jgn kutip...
dia meraung sekuat hati sampai semua org kat food court tu pndg i...
geramnyee.... ikut hati nak je aku babap budak ni...:agr:
bila dah sampai tahapnak guling2 sambil meraung tengah public tu,
i tak tunggu lagi, terus blah dengan muka tebal... angin satu badan...
yelah... nf:... raungan tu tak berenti....
dalam kereta baru nak senyap.....
mmg my doter ni cam tu....
tak tau nak buat camna...:stp:

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Post time 28-12-2005 08:48 AM | Show all posts
susah gak Ainul yek..
payah le kalau dia buat perangai kat tempat2 awam cenggitu..

yg ni mmg aku surrender ah...
caranya.. mmg tak payah bawak langsung ah kalau perangai cenggini..

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2005 09:15 AM | Show all posts
hampir soploh hari nih (hubby gi kursus), i mandi...buang air...bawak erfan sama..pernah i nak buang air kecil..dia tengah main ngan ayahngah / cousin dia..tetiba perasan i tak der...apalagi dia nagis sampai biru muka dia...kebiruan tu terserlah tambahan lak dia putih gebu...
lagi satu i nampak feel dia... dia nak brg2 dia i yang jaga bukan owang lain...tengah main toys...dia tarik tangan i or tolak badan i "dok dok" dia suh i duduk...then dia amek segala toys yang dia tengah main, dia letak atas riba i...then dia pi main toys lain...bila i bangun dia suh "dok dok"..kena la layan dulu...bila dia dah boring, br dia amek balik toys yang kat riba i.. skang feel baru dia...bila i ckp..'sayang jgn memanjat sgt..bahaya...umi tak larat nak ikut dah ni' n something like that la...erfan akan dtg muncingkan mulut dia...'uuu'dia cium i sekali jer..bila i bg feed back like 'oo..syg umi..umi pun syg erfan'..dia akan buat nak cium mcm td gak then dia gigit...i ckp adoi! dia gelak n ckp 'didet..didet'

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Post time 29-12-2005 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Anak akak yang no 2, sekarang 5 tahun masa kecik dulu memang very clingy.  Akak rasa sebab akak fully breastfeed dia kot.  Jadi dia sangat rapat dengan akak, tak boleh langsung tak nampak kelibat akak.  Memang susah nak buat kerja...apa lagi nak ke bilik air.
Yang sulung pun macam tu tapi taklah seteruk yang no.2 tu.  Anak yang no.3 ni memang ok, pandai bawak diri sendiri cuma kadang2 agaknya bila dia teringat, dia datang peluk dan cium akak, lepas tu sambung main.
Kesimpulannya anak2 ni semua lain peelnya.  Memang susah nak bagi renggang kalau dia memang jenis yang macam tu. Tapi bila dia besar sikit insyAllah dia pandai main sendiri walaupun selalu dia akan datang dan bercerita macam2 dengan kita berbanding dengan adik beradik yang lain.

Akak dulu kalau tensen dengan peel dia yang tak boleh berenggang tu,akak pikir la yang anak2 ni kejap saja , tak sedar nanti dah besar.  Bila besar diorang akan tinggalkan kita jadi biarlah dia macam tu bila kecil. Nanti taklah kita terkilan.   So lepas tu akak ok lah

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Post time 30-12-2005 01:04 AM | Show all posts
boleh gak cuba tinggalkan dia dgn org yg dipercayai i.e family atau sitter. tengok reaksi dia.

dulu otto cuba gradually tinggalkan baby dgn someone. contohnya today tinggalkan dia 1/2 jam, pastu esok tambah jadi 1 jam, then hari lain 2-3 jam, so on and so on...

my baby dulu jenis melekat! tidur pun nak dlm kain kendong. risau n rimas coz kekadang masa mandi/buang air pun tergesa-gesa, dia nangis cari otto.

skrg dia ok. cuma dia masih memilih 'bulu'. dia takkan ikut sembarangan. hanya org yg dia percaya.

one thing i notice, kalau kita ada, dia akan 'melekat'. tapi bila kita takde kat situ, dia independent pulak.. hmm... pandai betul budak2 ni...:gila:

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