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Author: deaf4ever

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Post time 5-11-2004 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 5-11-2004 10:30 AM:

Ha'ah Liyana appear in straits time on tuesday, berita harian on wednesday then semalam pulak suratkhabar new paper pulak....

Yup....mmg si Liyana tu used to tie up her hair....


betullah tu.. wah sampai ke tulis karangan kisah friendship dgn huang na. semenjak huang na's death, all schools are tightening up their rules so that takde benda2 gini happen lagi. dulu2 waktu sc in pri 4, we are taught not to talk to strangers & ade buku called "Dear Mr Policeman". yalah aries, walaupun sc ni takde anak, but i understand the pain how huang na's mum have to go thru. aries pun juga rasa sebak & sampai tak bleh terkata. infact the death of huang na really shocks many singaporeans tak kira bangsa & agama.

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Post time 5-11-2004 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 5-11-2004 10:41 AM:

betullah tu.. wah sampai ke tulis karangan kisah friendship dgn huang na. semenjak huang na's death, all schools are tightening up their rules so that takde benda2 gini happen lagi. dulu2 waktu s ...

yup SC...liyana kena tulis karangan abt her friendship with huang na.....tapi pendapat Aries sebenarnya walaupun all schools are tightening up their rules pun actually parents pun kena play a part lah pasal like Huang Na's case, her mum trusted someone to look after Huang Na...tapi kesian at last Huang Na died on the hand of the person that her mum trusted kan....

Aries sebak as the last time Aries jumpa Huang Na in the end of July when sekolah dorang ada Sports Day...masih terbayang-bayang di mata Aries si Huang Na tu terloncat-loncat nak menang dalam sport event tu...Si Liyana pulak sama team dgn Huang Na so kira sama2 lah kerja keras nak dapatkan trophy last their team menang in second place, dapatlah thropy silver.....heheh...dah tak leh nak cakap lagi ler....air mata dah keluar ni...

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Post time 5-11-2004 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 5-11-2004 10:49 AM:

yup SC...liyana kena tulis karangan abt her friendship with huang na.....tapi pendapat Aries sebenarnya walaupun all schools are tightening up their rules pun actually parents pun kena play a p ...

yalah betul tu aries, her mum shldn't put her daughter on somebody yg dia baru kenal atau baik sesiapa2 pun. skrg benda ni dah berlaku, keluar air mata darah pun, tak akan dapat kembalikan anaknya tu. pray hard that her late daughter's soul rest in peace.

sc faham how u feel.. dah toksah pk2 kejadian ni terlalu bnyk sngt. hopefully the man get the punishment setimpal dgn kesalahannya tu.

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Post time 8-11-2004 08:29 AM | Show all posts
ni my fren's sis ..

Nazri Hadi Saparin

KEGHAIRAHAN seorang pelajar politeknik menyambut Aidilfitri dengan pakaian serba baru tidak kesampaian apabila beliau terkorban dalam perjalanan ke bazar Geylang Serai kelmarin.

Allahyarhamha Naini Jamil, 19 tahun, seorang pelajar kursus Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Mekatronik Politeknik Singapura (SP), sedang membonceng motosikal temannya apabila kenderaan itu berlanggar dengan sebuah teksi di Boon Keng Road.

Temannya, seorang remaja lelaki berusia 19 tahun, hanya cedera ringan di kedua-dua belah tangan dan buku lalinya.

Ibu Allahyarhamha, Cik Hamidah Surnan, 49 tahun, ketika ditemui di flatnya di Jurong West Street 52 semalam, berkata anaknya itu baru tamat peperiksaan tahun keduanya dan bakal memulakan program kerja sambil belajar hari ini.

Menurut Cik Hamidah, anak bongsu tiga beradik itu menelefon rumah untuk memberitahu rancangannya berbuka dan berbelanja di Geylang Serai bersama teman-teman dan sepupunya.

'Kami sekeluarga kenal temannya itu... Mereka berdua naik motosikal sementara sepupu Naini dan temannya yang lain naik MRT. Yang lain sampai ke Geylang cuma Naini sahaja,' kata Cik Hamidah dengan nada pilu.

Mengesahkan kejadian itu, polis berkata seorang pemandu teksi berusia 60-an tahun dan penunggang motosikal itu sedang membantu siasatan.

Polis menambah, pemandu teksi itu sedang memandu di Kallang Bahru menuju ke arah Macpherson apabila ia bertembung dengan sebuah motosikal yang membelok ke arah Boon Keng Road.

Kejadian itu berlaku sekitar 2.40 petang.

Allahyarhamha, yang dikejarkan ke Hospital Tan Tock Seng, diisytiharkan meninggal dunia sekitar 9.30 malam pada hari yang sama.

Allahyarhamha dikatakan mengalami keceraan teruk di kepala.

Sesiapa yang menyaksikan kemalangan itu diminta menghubungi Polis Trafik di talian 1800-5471-818.

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Post time 8-11-2004 05:38 PM | Show all posts

Tiga beradik hilang di kebun getah

KUANTAN: Tiga beradik dilaporkan hilang ketika bermain di kawasan kebun getah bapanya di Kampung Mambang Seberang dekat Paloh Hinai, Pekan, Sabtu lalu.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Negeri ACP Ahmad Noordin Ahmad Mustafa, berkata Shaharuddin Sallehuddin, 6, Budin, 5, dan Mariam, 3, dilaporkan hilang pada jam 10.20 pagi ketika bermain di kawasan kebun getah, kira-kira 50 meter dari rumah mereka.

Beliau berkata tiga beradik itu dilihat masih berada di tempat kejadian pada jam 10 pagi tetapi apabila bapa mereka, Sallehuddin Abdul Halim, 41, yang ketika itu sedang menoreh getah tidak jauh dari tempat kejadian memanggil mereka untuk pulang bersama, tidak ada jawapan daripada mereka.

揃apa mereka kemudiannya mencari ketiga-tiga anaknya itu di sekitar kawasan kebun getah berkenaan namun gagal ditemui,

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 9-11-2004 07:55 AM | Show all posts
i boughti straits times.....ada poster kalimantan brides....muka nya jambu.....

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Post time 9-11-2004 09:56 AM | Show all posts
80 residents evacuated in Toa Payoh fire

ABOUT 80 Toa Payoh residents were evacuated from their homes early yesterday morning after a fire broke out on the 20th storey in their block of flats.

80 residents evacuated in Toa Payoh fire
Four children were treated for smoke inhalation but no one else was hurt. The fire in Block 223, Lorong 8 Toa Payoh, began some time before 5.30am.

When firefighters arrived, they found the only lift in the block was out of order and had to use the stairs to get to the blaze.

Residents from the 19th to 24th storey of the 24-storey block were asked to leave their homes as a precaution. The fire was brought under control in 20 minutes.

Four children - aged two, five, seven and nine - were taken to KK Women's and Children's Hospital and treated for smoke inhalation. They were discharged later in the day.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force is investigating the cause of the fire.

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Post time 9-11-2004 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Woman jailed for pouring hot water on maid

A HOUSEWIFE was jailed for six weeks yesterday for pouring hot water on the feet of her Indonesian maid.

Lee Ai Ling, 28, admitted causing hurt to 26-year-old Miss Puriah Misri on May 19, 2002.

Miss Puriah was found by a passer-by in Punggol Park on May 20 - a day after she had run away from her employer's flat in Hougang Street 91.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Lee Jwee Nguan said Lee poured hot water from a mug onto the maid's feet because she was unhappy with her work performance.

That afternoon, the maid ran away and walked 5km to Punggol Park.

She was found there the next day by a woman, who called the police.

Miss Puriah was examined by a doctor at Changi General Hospital, where she was found to have a large blister on her left foot and two small ones on her right foot.

Lee had hired Miss Puriah in August 2001 to look after her two young daughters, now aged five and seven.

In mitigation, Lee's lawyer, Mr Billy Low, said his client had previously treated her employee well.

But Mr Low said Miss Puriah had developed the habit of taking afternoon naps.

When Lee returned home at about 2pm on the day in question, her elder daughter told her that Miss Puriah had been sleeping.

Upset, Lee scolded the maid and threatened to send her back to the maid agency.

The maid shouted at Lee and said she did not want to look after the children.

Mr Low urged the court to consider the extenuating circumstances and impose either a fine or a short jail term with a fine.

Lee also admitted to three other charges - hitting Miss Puriah's face with a sandal, pouring hot water on her hands and 'uttering words intending to insult her modesty'.

These were taken into consideration during sentencing.

Lee could have been fined up to $1,500 and jailed for up to 18 months.

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2004 08:40 AM | Show all posts
Aku nak nengok PR ni dari negeri mana? apsal dia nak rompak bank kat spore? dia tak tahu ke kat spore kalo rompak bank susah.

Nov 10, 2004
Cisco guard fired only after hostage had broken free

Suspect shot in head and shoulder, no one else hurt
By Tanya Fong And Ben Nadarajan

LANCE Corporal Mohamed Ghazali Arifin, 43, was on the second storey of the Maybank branch in Upper Bukit Timah Road when a robbery suspect burst into the bank yesterday afternoon.

A BLOODY END: Blood can be seen running down the inside of the bank's window as a Cisco guard and police stand by. -- FRANCIS ONG  

Cisco guard fired only after hostage had broken free
The Cisco officer, on duty at the bank, rushed down the stairs on hearing the commotion below.

The man, who was masked, is said to have grabbed a customer demanded money from the counter staff.

Seeing that the man had what looked like a gun pointed at the customer, whom he kept between himself and the officer, Lance Cpl Mohamed Ghazali drew his own revolver.

When the hostage, a man in his 50s, managed to break free of the suspect's grip, Lance Cpl Mohamed Ghazali fired twice, hitting the suspect in the head and right shoulder.

The suspect then stumbled towards the glass panelling near the bank entrance, leaving bloody smears on the glass and floor.

The 43-year-old Singapore permanent resident is now in hospital.

No one else was injured.

Police later determined that the 'gun' the suspect was carrying was a plastic replica.

A spent bullet was also found, wedged at about chest level, in a wall in the bank.

The Straits Times understands that Lance Cpl Mohamed Ghazali, who has been with Cisco for 15 years, was the only security guard in the bank at the time of incident.

There were about 10 employees and just the one customer.

All were asked to assist in investigations, and given psychological counselling for several hours.

Said to be 'very traumatised', they refused to be interviewed by the media and were whisked away in cars provided by the bank and police.

Yesterday afternoon, several people outside the bank told The Straits Times the suspect was 'covered with blood' when he was wheeled into an ambulance.

Madam Doris Ang, 52, said in Mandarin: 'He was unconscious when he was carried out on a stretcher by the paramedics. An oxygen mask was put over his mouth, and his chest was also bandaged.'

Madam Ang, an assistant at Chungkiaw Clinic next to the bank, said she had not heard any gunshots, adding that the clinic doors were closed and the air-conditioning was on.

However, several shopowners in neighbouring units had heard them. Some thought it was thunder; others believed that car tyres had exploded.

A renovation contractor in his 50s, who declined to be named, said: 'I heard people screaming and then there were two very loud bangs. I was very scared, so I hid inside my shop.'

He works at Kim Guan Kwee, a shop selling floor tiles, two units away from the bank.

A Cisco spokesman said the Cisco officer had acted to protect the lives of the bank's customer and staff.

Yesterday, Maybank Singapore country head Spencer Lee said: 'When we heard about the attempted robbery at our branch, our priority was to make sure that all the staff and customers were safe.'

The branch will be closed for now.

Attempted armed robbery carries a penalty of up to seven years in jail and at least 12 strokes of the cane.

Under the Arms Offences Act, anyone who exhibits any imitation arms in a manner likely to put any person in fear of death or hurt can be jailed for up to 10 years, and given at least three strokes of the cane.

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2004 08:43 AM | Show all posts
Nov 10, 2004
Guard 'did the right thing'

THE Cisco guard at the centre of the Maybank drama yesterday did the right thing, former police officers say.

A Cisco spokesman said the guard shot the robbery suspect to 'protect the lives of the bank's customer and staff'.

Lance Corporal Mohamed Ghazali Arifin, 43, fired only after the suspect's hostage ducked out of the way.

Former police officers told The Straits Times that the guard's actions would have prevented further bloodshed if the suspect's weapon had been real.

Former Cisco guard S. Maniam, 51, said: 'You wouldn't have time to look closely... you have to assume it's a real weapon.'

Cisco guards follow police protocol and guidelines on shooting suspects. A hostage-taker should be fired at only if a life is in immediate danger, and if the officer is confident of hitting the target.

Former officers noted that Lance Cpl Mohamed Ghazali was using the new Taurus M85 pistol with a laser sighting device that gives greater accuracy.

Former Criminal Investigation Department officer Lionel De Souza said the officer must be sure that the area behind the target - in this case a blank wall - is clear. -- BEN NADARAJAN & TANYA FONG

dia tembak dua kali ye dua2 kena tepat eh...

aku dah pakai live firing benda ni masa aku gi reservist... memang cam main Star Wars gitu, ada laser beam, mana cahaya laser beam tu kena, kat situ la peluru kena, siang hari kat panas matahari pung bleh nampak laser beam dia...

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Post time 10-11-2004 09:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 10-11-2004 08:40 AM:
Aku nak nengok PR ni dari negeri mana? apsal dia nak rompak bank kat spore? dia tak tahu ke kat spore kalo rompak bank susah.

Nov 10, 2004
Cisco guard fired on ...

aku rasa si PR ni tak tahu yg all banks in s'pore semua ade Cisco police on the ni nak rompak bank kat s'pore pasal dia tahu bleh dapat bnyk duit.. nilah dikatakan sepandai-pandai tupai melarikan diri akhirnya terjatuh juga kat tanah.

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JuLaJuLi This user has been deleted
Post time 10-11-2004 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 10-11-2004 08:40 AM:
Aku nak nengok PR ni dari negeri mana? apsal dia nak rompak bank kat spore? dia tak tahu ke kat spore kalo rompak bank susah.

Nov 10, 2004
Cisco guard fired on ...

EEEE....ngeri nyer.....sumtimes pple terdesak sngt tanpa mengingati
risiko....btw bank tu ler yg terdekat skali pat area umah JJ...
teringat kwn JJ yg tinggal pat Bukit Panjang...she always go to maybank...
kalo tak area...chinatwn...she will go to bt timah ...

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Post time 10-11-2004 12:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by JuLaJuLi at 10-11-2004 12:27 PM:

EEEE....ngeri nyer.....sumtimes pple terdesak sngt tanpa mengingati
risiko....btw bank tu ler yg terdekat skali pat area umah JJ...
teringat kwn JJ yg tinggal pat Bukit Panjang...she always go ...

wat::, bank tu dkt dgn rumah ko, Julz? nasib baik ko tak ke situ waktu kejadian ni berlaku.. kalo aku happen to be there.. agaknya terus dah terpesan kat sana:geram:

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2004 01:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by JuLaJuLi at 10-11-2004 12:27 PM:

EEEE....ngeri nyer.....sumtimes pple terdesak sngt tanpa mengingati
risiko....btw bank tu ler yg terdekat skali pat area umah JJ...
teringat kwn JJ yg tinggal pat Bukit Panjang...she always go ...

maybank ni very open concept dia....

dia punya counter interaction dah la rendah, takde glass protection, and then dekat ngan main door....

bleh jadi tu ah orang berani sikit compared to other banks...

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 11-11-2004 12:55 PM | Show all posts
yasser arafat dies.........

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Post time 11-11-2004 01:55 PM | Show all posts
apa akan jadi dgn rakyat palestine lepas ni..

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 Author| Post time 11-11-2004 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 11-11-2004 01:55 PM:
apa akan jadi dgn rakyat palestine lepas ni..

cubaan demi cubaan eh dorang, dah lah tiap2 hari terseksa, ni lak ketua meninggal dunia...

aku kat sini lagik nak pegi town lepas ni beli barang nak horay horay...

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2004 10:01 AM | Show all posts

MANGLED METAL: The driver of this white Subaru died when his car crashed into a metal railing, slicing the vehicle into two early on Sunday morning along Tanah Merah Coast Road. -- LIANHE ZAOBAO

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2004 10:04 AM | Show all posts
Nov 15, 2004
Car split in crash, driver dies in canal

THE driver of a white Subaru died when his car crashed into a metal railing, slicing the vehicle into two early yesterday morning along Tanah Merah Coast Road.

MANGLED SUBARU: The car, which 2nd Sgt Quek had bought just last month, was so mangled that it took Singapore Civil Defences officers 45 minutes to extricate his body from the half-submerged wreck, and they had to tear apart the car's steel frame to do so. -- LIANHE ZAOBAO  
The shorn-off part with the man trapped inside toppled into a 3m-deep canal filled with waist-high water, while the other part teetered on the edge of the canal.

The driver, Second Sergeant Andrew Quek from the Republic of Singapore Navy, was about two minutes away from the Changi Naval Base, where he was to report for duty, when he lost control of his vehicle.

His car, which he had bought just last month, was so mangled that it took Singapore Civil Defence Force officers 45 minutes to extricate the 23-year-old's body from the half-submerged wreck.

They had to tear apart the car's steel frame to do so, a task that would have been more difficult if it had not been low tide at the time. The accident site was about 20m from the sea.

2nd Sgt Quek suffered multiple injuries and was pronounced dead on the spot. He was the elder of two sons, and had been making his way from Clementi, where he lived with his grandmother.

Anyone who saw what happened can call the Traffic Police on 1800-547-1818.

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 16-11-2004 09:43 AM | Show all posts
me baca berita minggu....ada 2 pages dorang khaskan untak pembaca yang nak get in touch with their lost loved ones...sedih ye...anak cari ibu....ada yang carik adik beradik....ada jugak yang cari parents yangg tak tau ada di mana...

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