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Author: ej177

mslh kwnku...

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Post time 18-7-2007 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hanibee at 18-7-2007 10:45 AM
'ter' adalah tak disengajakan.. mcm tanpa disedari, "Eh, eh dah masuk dah.. isk.. lor, camna bleh masuk nih "


btol first time leh terlanjur.. dah banyak kali.. kire dah wat plan.. biler nak wat.. kat ner... siap setting tempat lagi...

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Post time 18-7-2007 10:51 AM | Show all posts
'ter' adalah tak disengajakan.. mcm tanpa disedari, "Eh, eh dah masuk dah.. isk.. lor, camna bleh masuk nih "


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Post time 18-7-2007 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ej177 at 17-7-2007 05:53 PM
as a fren sape snggup kwn idop dlm dosa gitu...ej pon tak tau nk advisecmne..wpon diorg bjauhan tp klu dpt peluang jupe mmg tak lepaspeluang.donno what to say lg fren ni ckp nk nikah kat siam forthe better way..tak la menanggung dosa..dorg budget thn dpn nk kwin tpdlm ms sthn akn dtg ni takkan nk idop mcm tu kn...i have no idea..mmgla cara tu leh menghalalkan ape yg tkot la jd ape2 ms la kat sn kan tgh berperang long term takot jd ape2kat diorg (cerai ke ape..mnta tak la) smntara nk nikah kat msia tak what im supposed to do..nk physico makpak dia bialntak p diorg la nikah kat siam tu..dorg ni lg 1thn pon tak sbr nktunggu...xphm cek

"my fren ni ckp nk nikah kat siam forthe better way..tak la menanggung dosa"
- sama ada die kawin kat siam atau kat malaysia atau dimana2 kawasan dlm planet bumi nie sekalipun, atau tak berkawin langsung sampai keakhir hayat die mmg dah pun menanggung dosa. Berkawin bukanlah jln penyelesaian. Org2 yg dah terlanjur nie punye pemikiran, aku dah berzina ngan pakwe/makwe aku kiranya kalau kitorang kawin bak umpama menyuci dosa yg lalu. You kawin pun, tapi tak bertaubat atas dosa 'ter'zina tu pun, ttp masih berdosa.

"dorg budget thn dpn nk kwin tpdlm ms sthn akn dtg ni takkan nk idop mcm tu kn"
- patut la ade sorang forumer kat atas tu marah dan ckp bodoh dengan 2 org makhluk nie. mmg bodoh pun. sape suruh gatal alat kelamin? takpun break ajelah terus. takde partner, takde seks.

1) Tak perlulah susah2 nak kawin kat siam. Nak register perkahwinan kat sini bukan main register. Ade jugak fulus kena keluar iaitu bayaran denda. Ade duit tak?

2) Suruh member awak pikir betul2. Teman lelaki tu ke yg terbaik utk die. Pandai cari duit, rajin kemas rumah, ade visi, misi,wawasan bla bla. Aiyoo kita pompuan nak kawin kena carik org laki yg rajin wat kerja rumah. Kalau tak sundiri makan ati. percaya la akak dah tawen tauu...Suruh die pikir dlm2. adakah Bf die tu ada ciri2 yg boleh membahagiakan die. Setiap org ada definasi tersendiri ape itu kebahagian. Perlu diingat, kita dlm idup apalah yg kita cari kalau bukan Bahagia?

3) Ckp kat die, tak semestinya dah terlanjur ngan seseorang, kita perlu kawin dengan org tu.

4) Apa yg paling penting skrang, bukanlah rancangan berkawin, tetapi bertaubat dengan Allah S.W.T. Mohon keampunan, byk2kan berzikir, berpuasa tahan nafsu tu semua.

5) Mak bapak kedua belah pihak tentu punye alasan tersendiri mengapa derang menghalang mereka berdua berkawin. Mereka dah mendirikan rumahtangga, mereka lebih dulu makan garam.

6) Kalau betul2 nak kawin jugak, nawaitu mendirikan rumahtangga tu perlula betul. Bukan sbb dah beromen, baru terpikir utk berkawin. Suruh member tu pegi belajar... Apa itu Perkahwinan dlm Islam.

7) Perkahwinan yg terburu-buru spt ini bukanlah satu tindakan yg matang. Corak generasi masa hadapan sgt2 bergantung kpd institut kekeluargaan. Biarlah org yg mendirikan rumahtangga itu benar2 mengamati konsep sebenar Perkahwinan didalam Islam. Bukan main salam tok kadi, pastu melenjan partner atas katil aje.

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Post time 18-7-2007 12:06 PM | Show all posts

u-know-who ekk ... haha ... just say it plainly ...ape susah2 .... ... risau ade org terase .... nahh ... the u-know-who .... who-know-what .... who's-who ... who-who-lala .... got ball of steel and heart of stone ....

well i judge people by they action, not who they are or what religion, if want to bring religion ...then u can called a act of prejudice .... like u said .... if a muslim do it .... ooo bad .. not appropriate ..... when a non-muslim do it .... ooh is ok ... not my problem .... and if muslim girl got pregnant go to ur family do this do that ..... if a non-muslim . well is their problem ..... u can see the double standard here .... that's why i hate to judge people by religion i judge people solely by their action ...... is fair to them ...

berkahwin sbb terlanjur or elak dosa ..... if that is problem then they shouldn't do it all .... easy simple ... then again if they married ...they married because guilt and in they little head marriage as compensation for they sin .....ahhh what wonderful to start marriage ....maybe after a while one of them start bringing up this topic, and "walla" a divorce .....

the just the answer is plan easy .... just don't do .... easy, learn to control laa .... a lot guys able to that and this guy couldn't .... strange, why his balls are the size of an ostrich egg what a loser .... and if the girls so worried about pregnancy then go to the pharmacy and buy birth control pills .... instead crying and crying talking about sin and pregnancy, what the use of talking about sin if u already done it so many times, keep that "i afraid committing sin" ideal to urself if u already done it so many times... if she really serious about it then she wouldn't do it again ...... talk about sin is just an excuse to hide her quilt or her fear of consequences ....hypocrisy at its best

by the way what's the use of marriage if they live so far away .... and there's lot of possibilities for them to flop that little thing called marriage ...... actually i feel disgusted about ur guys concept of marriage as if marriage is an institution for sex ..... yeah nothing here .... there's no such thing as building harmonious family, creating well balanced individual or establishing a balanced family institution for the nation .....noooo..... marriage is all about sex ...that's all .... if u cannot "tahan" then marriage is the answer ..... to u guy/girls there's no thing such as self control, self restriction or action and consequences ...or actually getting help..... or guys think is marriage .... marriage is the only answer .... well as i see all u think marriage is dump where all this kind of people go .... where all this disgusting people go ..... kan .... there's no self improvement .... or like i just said no such thing as figure out a way to control urself ... or actually don't do it .... nooo .... just get married .... and just think about sex ....don't think about financial, relationship and family .... just think about sex.... because marriage is solely for sex love no future no commitment ....just sex ...  the way some guys spouting about marriage is the only answer really pisses me off

saying marriage is the answer ... do  u really understand their situation ..... the guy just starting his career and the girl still studying and to that addition they live far away ..... and this situation supposed to create a happy marriage .... hahah ...don't make me laugh.....

p.s:to u-know-who .... is u have a problem with someone just say it, and don't use those stupid metaphor or whateva u called it ..... hehehe ....  is plain childish for someone exceeding their 30's....

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Post time 18-7-2007 12:07 PM | Show all posts
elok la kawin cepat.....soal masalah yang akan tiba biler dah kawin tu pikir la kemudian....kalo dah ddatang masalah anggap la ia satu balasan di atas keterlanjuran....!

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Post time 18-7-2007 12:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #24 fish_o7's post

thank u ..... ermm sbb tak head bashing aku lak,, ehhehekksss .. aku dah ready dah tadi nak kene bullets...

sbb u know-who muslim laa aku tak puas hati dia head bashing abis abisann..

kl u know who not a muslim.. lantka laa nak head bashing kan.. sbb the way everione evaluate everi situation tuh lain2...sbb aku rase regardless camner pon cara idup kiter.. agama tuh ader gak skit..

neeway nice to hav a discussion wit u...


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Post time 18-7-2007 01:41 PM | Show all posts
maap la, aku cuma rasa terpanggil nak menjawab apa yang sahabat kita ni post tu..
rasa macam mesti dijawab, tapi kalau ada salah aku jugak aku mintak maap..

Originally posted by fish_o7 at 18-7-2007 12:06 PM
ifa muslim do it .... ooo bad .. not appropriate ..... when anon-muslim do it .... ooh is ok ... not my problem .... and if muslimgirl got pregnant go to ur family do this do that ..... if a non-muslim. well is their problem ..... u can see the double standardhere..

man!! there is no double standard there, people just give thier opinionbasd on the situation given. anyway there is just one situation here...

berkahwin sbb terlanjur or elak dosa .....

truthfully, there's no such thing in islam like this. there's just apunishment for one who commit 'zina' and every muslim should know whatthe punishment is.. nevertheless, these punishment cant be executedhere..

actually i feel disgusted about ur guys concept of marriage as if marriage is an institution for sex .....

people here just giving opinion for the case there, if u ask a moreknowledgeable people then the answer might be quite the same.. well formarriage, definitely not an institution for sex in islam.. islam hasthe best family institution, given that it's guided by god'smessenger.. and i'm saying this for the second time, PEOPLE JUST GIVINGOPINION BASED ON THE CASE HERE..

if u cannot "tahan" then marriage is the answer .....

there is a 'tahan' concept in islam and there are several method indoing it.. every muslim should know this. and muslim also know that ifthey really cant 'tahan', then marriage is the final answer..

the guy just starting his career and the girl still studying andto that addition they live far away ..... and this situation supposedto create a happy marriage .... hahah ...don't make me laugh....

here is the interesting part, in islam people will just work hard andthe remaining thing left for god to decide.. we will never know whatwill occour in our life, but just work hard towards HIS blessing..

and one more things, i have not seen your opinion on the case.. what isee is you're just plain mocking people here.. lets hear your opinion..then maybe people will understand you and your opinion..

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Post time 18-7-2007 01:59 PM | Show all posts
there is a 'tahan' concept in islam and there are several method indoing it.. every muslim should know this. and muslim also know that ifthey really cant 'tahan', then marriage is the final answer..

yes.. this is wat im trying to say all this time..... ..  well..l im not soo intelligent in debating... hehehehhe

not juz becoz u r capable in material u can hav sex out of marriage...
or maybe coz i still belive in marriage intitutions.. soo i dont agree much of fish's opinion
for sex.. u go for marriage.. no marriage no sex.... enuff... coz as a musllim we r bound to dat boundaries..  dan kapel yg TER lanjur tuh pon muslim.... kl agama lain ..lain cerita laaa..

thank u....

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Post time 18-7-2007 02:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 18-7-2007 09:41 AM
kawan ej dan bf nya takot bahwe someday bilederang da slalu bezina, akan melekat sorg baby..utk ini, advice ahkakadelah, soh kawan ko tu ngan bf die bace posting ahkak dlm benang zina1 lagi tu mengenai care2 berzina sambil mengurangkan risiko pegnensi...:victory: inter alia anal sex, oral sex, inzaal, maupon sex during mens. :handshake:

maap, advice ko yang ni wat aku terkedu....

kalau ko seorang muslim, aku harap ada hidayah buat ko...

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2007 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by red_borris at 17-7-2007 09:57 PM
baik suroh nikah cepat2 arr... mesti beritahu parents yang mereke dah terlanjur.. tentu both sides setuju mereka kawin..

rsnye tu da better dior tkot la kene maki hamun ke ape..sbb both nmpk very the baek gitu..

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2007 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Robab at 17-7-2007 10:00 PM
bace thread ni teringat pasal satu kes
menelanjorkan diri untuk kahwen...

ade eh..tak pnh dgr pon..

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Post time 18-7-2007 02:49 PM | Show all posts
i don't really care about people having sex in and out of marriage, is not my place to judge people whether their have sin or not, not my department by the way ......  i'm only judge them by the their action and also comment about some of the forummer ....  

ahhh ...well ... where to start ... my opinion ekk .... i think i put my opinion loud,clear and harsh. owhh maybe i need to put it in point form .....

1. they guy should take care of his little johnny, i think his old enough to know about what gonna happen if he shoot the wrong bucket ... well if love his gf sooooo....mucccchhhh then take care of her not bring her more trouble the she already in, and he should what happen if she got pregnant while in her studies ..... but noooo..... it seem his little johhny boy more important and they end up doing it every time they meet .... isn't that enough for a point ..... that's why a man should think with his big head and not the small one.... his action alone shows what are his priority ..... to me the don't love her that much .... if love a girl so much ... would u put her in situation where she becomes worried and uncertain about her future and herself ......

2.that girl .... actually i felt pity for the girl .... so don't want to write much about her .... but she worried just do what i wrote before ....either stop it or buy birth control ... but i doubt she ever get the message because so far i see what written here stays here of course if the thread opener found some initiative to tell her then is not a problem .....she know the consequences and she knows what will happen is up to her to do something about it ... if i'm her i dump that useless guy ... because he dumd enough not to see what gonna happen to me ..... then again is my opinion if anyone want to say i'm mocking then go ahead

3.but marriage thingy .... i thing anyone in their right mind could see that marriage is mistake for these two because the answer lies ....right in front of them ... the answer stop having sex is it that hard to see .... hmmm ... maybe they need glasses .... and the stupidity goes on .... nikah kt siam ... owh ... not only they getting married they wanna humiliate their family ..... i feel sad to see that some people just don't want to see their mistake .... why cannot wait for like  2 - 3 years .... see they can have a averagely normal weeding if the just wait but nooo.... they want get married now which is a mistake .... they can married for love/commitment/bla bla  in 2 - 3 year  but noooo they want to married no because of sex and an illusion that they can compensate they sin ...

4.get married hard it ....and if lucky get blessing ....erkk work hard on what ....marriage they marriage is joke with the guy just starting to build his career and the girl studying, they just an ingredient for disaster .... and plus they live far far way .... even some long distance relationship can't last long  so what about marriage .....  i don't see the odd of the marriage to last but i can be wrong though ..... nahh ... they won't last long .... even reading from 1st post ....they seem not mature enough to do big life changing decision ..... like i said they answer is easy just right from of them

[ Last edited by  fish_o7 at 18-7-2007 02:53 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2007 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by midori88 at 18-7-2007 08:31 AM
mak bapa tak kasi kawen dulu pasal diorg ingat anak diorg baik..takde wat benda2 nie semua...tapi sebenarnyer anak diorg ntahapaapantah..aku rasa kalu dibagitau parent diorg..confirm dikahwinkan..

tol msti kecewa makpak dier a fren pon ej kiciwa bgt...

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Post time 18-7-2007 03:16 PM | Show all posts
kenapa la july nih byk betul thread ala2 mr john n ms johnny....
musim mengawan ke apa....

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Post time 18-7-2007 03:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #33 ej177's post

kecewa..tu sudah semestinyer..

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Post time 18-7-2007 03:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #32 fish_o7's post

sib baik kat item no. 4 tu ada mention that u can be wrong..

[ Last edited by  midori88 at 18-7-2007 03:26 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2007 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miszcincan at 17-7-2007 08:50 PM
soh je la diorh kawen kt siam cpt2...

dorg pon tak tau cmne nk gi sana..

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Post time 18-7-2007 03:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #20 hanibee's post

ada pulak pakar bahasa dlm ini punya cerita erotic.....
hebat2 sungguh poremer sekalian.....

penganalisa yg hampir resign...

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2007 03:35 PM | Show all posts
thanks evrybody..
ej pon tak tau nk ckp ape..ej da bsuh dia ckup2
kwin kat siam nk elak dr terus wt dosa..
life yg tak stable lg..sigh..
tkot gk klu ade mslh ms akn dtg sbb byk kes yg kite nmpk
kwin sbb tut mmg tak ke mane...wpon tak sume..
girl..what are u going to do after this?
pk leklok eh..ikot nfsu binasa..

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Post time 18-7-2007 03:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #34 afja's post

... saper mr john mrs johnny tuh....

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