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Post time 5-4-2004 12:17 PM | Show all posts


There are several different types of eczema, many of which look similar but have very different causes and treatments. The first step in effective treatment of eczema is a correct diagnosis. It is very important to see a general practitioner in the first instance, who may make a referral to a specialist dermatologist for further diagnosis and treatment.

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Post time 5-4-2004 12:20 PM | Show all posts


Atopic eczema

Atopic eczema is the commonest form of eczema and is closely linked with asthma and hayfever. It can affect both children and adults, usually running in families. One of the most common symptoms of atopic eczema is its itchiness (or pruritis), which can be almost unbearable. Other symptoms include overall dryness of the skin, redness and inflammation. Constant scratching can also cause the skin to split, leaving it prone to infection. In infected eczema the skin may crack and weep (憌et

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Post time 5-4-2004 12:22 PM | Show all posts


There is currently no cure for eczema though research continues to shed new light on the condition. However, there are many ways to minimise the discomfort and distress which eczema can bring, the foundation of which is an effective skin care routine. A wide range of treatments is available, either over the counter at the pharmacy, or on prescription from a doctor. Many complementary therapies are available, which some people find helpful. In addition, there are ways of minimising environmental allergens commonly found in the home.

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Post time 5-4-2004 12:29 PM | Show all posts


There are no guarantees that a child will grow out of eczema. However, research has shown that 60-70% of children are virtually clear of the condition by the time they reach their mid-teens.

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Post time 5-4-2004 12:35 PM | Show all posts


There are a number of ways to manage eczema, all of which begin with an effective skin care routine. Having access to accurate information is important as this allows the person with eczema, or their carer, to make informed choices when managing the condition. The following are the more commonly used treatments. Further information on any of these can be obtained through the National Eczema Society.


Emollients are necessary to reduce water loss from the skin, preventing the dryness normally associated with eczema. By providing a seal or barrier, the skin is less dry, itchy and more comfortable. Emollients are safe to use as often as is necessary and are available in various forms: ointments for very dry skin, creams and lotions for mild to moderate or 憌et

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Post time 5-4-2004 12:53 PM | Show all posts


As well as using emollients and steroids there are several other ways which may help to reduce the severity of atopic eczema. It should be stressed, however, that what works for one person, will not always work for another. Eczema is a highly individual condition, which is why it is so difficult to find a "cure-all".

Reducing the itch

For children in particular, the itchiness of eczema can be very distressing. There are many methods of reducing the itchiness of the skin and minimising the damage from scratching. Cotton clothing and bedding keep the skin cool and allow it to breathe, whereas synthetic fabrics and wool can irritate. The use of a non-biological washing powder and avoidance of fabric softeners, can also help to reduce the itchiness of the skin. Children抯 nails should be kept short. During the day, distraction is often the best way of reducing the amount of scratching. At night-time, cotton mittens over children抯 hands can be helpful in reducing damage to the skin occurring during sleep.

Reducing the effect of the house dust mite

It is thought that people who have atopic eczema may be affected by allergens in the droppings of the house dust mite. This mite thrives in warm and moist environments and unfortunately likes to live in bedding, mattresses, curtains and carpets. It is believed that reducing the amount of house dust mites in the home may improve the condition of the skin. This can be achieved in a number of ways, from effective and regular vacuuming, to damp dusting and airing of bedding.

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Post time 5-4-2004 01:02 PM | Show all posts


The role of diet in the management of eczema has not been ascertained. Generally changes in diet are only considered in severe cases, when conventional treatments are failing. Dietary changes can be quite helpful in babies and young children, though the effects on older children and adults are less conclusive. When considering altering the diet of a baby or child it is important to seek advice from a dietitian, or a nutritional therapist, in order to ensure that the child continues to receive adequate nutrients. Sometimes it can be useful to keep an accurate diary of foods eaten and the condition of the eczema and, when weaning babies, to do so very slowly observing for skin reactions. This is a large and complex topic. Further information can be obtained from the National Eczema Society.

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Post time 5-4-2004 01:09 PM | Show all posts


Many people prefer to explore the use of complementary therapies in addition, or as an alternative, to conventional treatments. Complementary therapists offer a holistic approach which is usually based upon the individual抯 needs. Evening primrose oil is now commonly used and other treatments such as aromatherapy, relaxation and homeopathy are readily available. Chinese herbal treatments may be used, but should only be tried after consultation with your doctor or dermatologist.

* Though many people have found the use of complementary therapies helpful, there has only been limited scientific evaluation of complementary treatments and so it is important to consider the following:

* It is essential to let your doctor know if you are starting another course of treatment, since interactions can occur between certain medications. Conventional treatments should not be stopped suddenly, without consulting your doctor.

* Ensure that the practitioner is properly qualified and registered with the appropriate regulatory body.

* Remember that a treatment which is described as natural or herbal is not guaranteed to be safe.

* What works for one person will often not work for another.

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kintan_too This user has been deleted
Post time 5-4-2004 05:17 PM | Show all posts
bagus betul acong ni...
thank a lot!

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Post time 7-4-2005 12:10 PM | Show all posts

nak tanyer pasal ekzema boleh tak?

bulat nak tanyer pasal ekzema nih..
bulat kena penyakit nih ler..
dah lama dah..
gatal2 habih kat tangan & kaki...

kejap2 dia hilang kejap2 dia dtg balik..

so, bulat nak mintak pandangan forumners & docs aper yg bulat kena amalkan so that penyakit nih kurang dtg...

cam vitamin ker, sabun yg elok utk bulat guna ker or aper2 cara jer lah...

please.... tak tahan tul lah....

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Post time 7-4-2005 03:00 PM | Show all posts


mcm nilah Bulat.benda ni a form of allergy lah - ia selalu dikaitakn dgn lelah etc... - saya bukan doktor so tak leh nak bagi bebanyak sangat info but  cukuplah apa yg  Akak bulat kena tahu ialah ia akan kembali  ...sembuh mcm tulah tapi - ia akan jadi komplikated bila you strat garu ..then infection ..then garu balik ..samapi scar akak Bulat kena  jauhi benda yg buatkan kulit akak Bulat  allergic lah  tu jer kot then kena jumpa  pakar Kulit

vitamain/ haiyaa...manader .. mcm nilah akak Bulat kena fahami apa yg dikatakn eczema tu - ni diagnosis  sapa bagi? doktor?
then apa  / bagaimana dia jadi then ..apa perjalanan semulajadi penyakit itu/ ( natural disease  course) mcm tu lah yer kot ....

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Post time 7-4-2005 05:14 PM | Show all posts
mmg lah.. akak tau penyakit nih mmg tak leh baik..
dah gi specialist dah... dia pun cakap mcm tu..

tapi ader gak vitamin or supp yg boleh kurangkan jadik nyer ekzema nih...

cam evening pimerose oil...
and so on...

tu yg nak mintak pandangan tu...

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Post time 8-4-2005 02:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by si bulat at 6-4-05 08:10 PM:
bulat nak tanyer pasal ekzema nih..
bulat kena penyakit nih ler..
dah lama dah..
gatal2 habih kat tangan & kaki...

kejap2 dia hilang kejap2 dia dtg balik..

so, bulat nak mintak pandang ...

1. Makan kena berpantang sikit.
2. Sabun mandi, sabun basuh kain, sabun basuh pinggan mangkuk kena sesuai dgn kulit kita. Jgn pakai Detol, cuba try sabun baby sbb sabun jenis ni mild sikit.

Kawan saya ada juga kena gatal gatal mcm ni, mcm mcm ubat ointment dia pakai semua tak sesuai (ini doktor yang bagi) untill one of his office mate belikan dia satu cream dari Mexico .. nama dia Bidrozil {nistatina, triamcinola} bila dia sapu dkt tempat gatal gatal tu terus hilang. Tapi ubat ni tak dibenarkan dlm pasaran US. Baru baru ini dia order ubat cream dari Thailand .. nama dia Aristocort {Triamcinole acetonide with aquatain} pun mujarab.

Cuba try ubat ni (ada jual dkt pharmacy Malaysia) dkt US under priscription sahaja bukan counter medicine. Nama dia Synalar. Keluaran Zeneca. Harga lebih kurang $18 ringgit (dulu $10 ringgit sahaja).

[ Last edited by DARSITA on 7-4-2005 at 11:00 AM ]

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Post time 8-4-2005 09:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by si bulat at 7-4-2005 12:10 PM:
bulat nak tanyer pasal ekzema nih..
bulat kena penyakit nih ler..
dah lama dah..
gatal2 habih kat tangan & kaki...

kejap2 dia hilang kejap2 dia dtg balik..

so, bulat nak mintak pandang ...

hie bulat.. saya pun dah lama kena eczema ni dari zaman skola sampai la skarang..mmg seksa laa.. dok jumpa doctor tapi results sama gak still gatal..siap doctor leh cakap nak buat macam mana kulit u sensitive :jeler: ..
so kalau nak kurangkan gatal tu u kena la stop makan benda yg u rasa lepas makan je gatal coz mcm i dulu seafood tak leh makan, beef tak makan, benda2 soy pun tak leh consume mmg susah..
i suggest u beli this ointment kat jusco pun ada kalau tak gi pharmacy'scalled Diprocel ointment..mmg berkesan sebab siku i ngan lutut i dulu for 2 years u tau dak gatal so garu everyday sampai darah2 kuar..lepas pakai diprocel terus elok sampai skarang dah tak gatal langsung.. :clap:
and try guna pakai cetaphil utk cuci badan..hope this helps :pray:

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Post time 8-4-2005 10:17 AM | Show all posts
kalu pakai betnovate cr ble tak? tp tu kan steroid..

org kata pakai steroid for long term ni bahaya...


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Post time 8-4-2005 11:56 AM | Show all posts
thanx for all yg reply..
nanti bulat try test tgk ubat2 yg direcommend kan...

betnovate cream dah try tapi tak working...

semlm bulat baru start makan EPO...

hope it's work lah...
tak larat dah rasa..
habih satu badan hodoh ruper...

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Post time 9-4-2005 12:20 PM | Show all posts

eh Akak Bulat ..

well depa tak bagi satu bath solution  i mean t those  emmolients ? apa nama ntah bath cream tu....or topical steroids? or apa apa pun JGN GARU ...nanti you introduce the infection....

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zhmd This user has been deleted
Post time 12-5-2005 01:42 PM | Show all posts
Hi saya ni baru dalam forum ... tapi nak berkongsi sikit pasal pengalaman abang saya.  Dia tu alegik teruk ... esp kalau makan ayam ... sure gatal kat kaki sampai kena gi injection.  Sampaikan 10 tahun pantang ayam.

Sehingga dia minum pati ikan haruan + madu lebah, masalah dia terus hilang.  Sekarang ni dah stop minum pati tu dan boleh gi KCF.

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Post time 14-5-2005 11:07 AM | Show all posts
nak cari kat maner pati ikan haruan tu yer??

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zhmd This user has been deleted
Post time 14-5-2005 11:26 AM | Show all posts
alamak ... nama dia saya tak ingat ... tapi buatan tradisional melayu dari Perak.  Tapi memang kandungan tu tulis pati ikan haruan dan madu lebah.  Insyallah saya tolong carikan.

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