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Author: seribulan

[Pelbagai] Around the house meme

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Post time 24-7-2018 07:05 PM | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
9pm to 5am

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
cream caramel

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
baths-bubbles of course

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
play boardgames/tv/talk

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
kambing panggang

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
my bantal bucuk

10 Library: favourite book genre?

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
travel writer

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
nope - dont like to sleep kat rumah orang

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
small gatherings

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
sandwich sardines

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
fav: ironing - i dont like folding

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
car - lambo hihihi

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
when my 1 year old baby hurts his thumb

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
not too much - concealer -



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Post time 29-7-2018 07:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Foxey at 29-7-2018 07:36 PM

1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
Depends on how exhausted i am. On weekday, if it was a busy and hectic day, usually am out cold by 9.00 or 10.00pm. If i bring work home or need to do my assignment, will stay up till late.

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
Too many faves to choose from, simply because i am a foodie.

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
Bubble baths to ease the fatigue away. Sadly, no bathtub in my bathroom.

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
Comfy but classy and neat

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
Watch anything on tv together, be it football, F1 races, movies, or dramas.

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
Grandma's chicken soto

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
My books

10 Library: favourite book genre?
Fiction - mystery, crime, espionage, action, mythologies, many more... hmm... What genre is Dan Brown's and Steve Berry's books?
Non fiction - Egyptology, biographies, inspiring, educational and motivational

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
A lady of leisure

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
Yeah. My first was when i was 10 maybe? Used to like it but now, not so much. Depends on the company and the reason for the sleepover.

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
Small gatherings

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
Favourite - doing the laundry
Least favourite - ironing

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
Fave car - Aston Martin

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
When our house was burglared

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?



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Post time 29-7-2018 09:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
Usually 12- 1 am.

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
Not a picky person when it come about comfort food.. But the most fav one is Curry Mee with a cockle sambal and a dry tofu is a must!

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
As long I'm taking a bath everyday and felt clean, and I'm good to go.

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
" just a small town girl, living in a lonely world" So, my attire should be simple, neat ,look effortless and suit in any occasion .

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?
Board gane-Monopoly-jutaria,saidina and etc , Chess , Aeroplane chess

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
My Arwah Mak Curry Mee and her unforgetable nasi lemak

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
Rose, tulip and I wish I have a Durian tree!

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
Can I say 'Memory' ?

10 Library: favourite book genre?
Everything and depend on my mood.

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
An Inspiration!

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
I dont remember it specifically, but I think it's happened when I was 6 or 7 years old.. and I do enjoy it!

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
Small gatherings

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
A simple one.

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
Hanging it and waiting the laundry to dry because I dont have a dryer. and of course folding and ironing them too!

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
1) The favourite one is a japan bullet train-shinkasen. I was so amaze of the high end technology and the whole system of the train.

2) Hello Kitty train and Tama 'Densha' train in japan.. So cute tho!

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
Taking an important exam, driving test and jobs interview session.

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
As long as I look natural, I'm ok with that and with a touch a bit of bb cream, lipstick and I'm ready to go.



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Post time 30-7-2018 10:06 AM | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
only manage to sleep around 5-6 hours only

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
instant noodle

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
shower with hot water

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
simple and comfortable

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?
none that I can think of

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
watching tv

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
Japanese or Italian food

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
I have learn to throw things now say no to hoarding

10 Library: favourite book genre?
I don't like reading

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Stay-at-home with six figure salary each month #wishfulthinking

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
hate it coz I like my own bed

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
small gathering sufficient

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
yogurt curry yumm

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
getting the cloths out from the dryer coz I love the fluffiness feel and smell
but I just HATE folding

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
ofcourse car and my fav will be my compact smart car to work, then my 4WD for long journey and my SUV to ride with my family

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
close call boat accident

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
im comfortable with my look why bother to conceal it



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Post time 31-7-2018 10:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

ForumBelia & InformasiEpistemologi, Idea & Pemikiran

1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
After 2a.m

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
Keropok goreng

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
Simple but edgy..chewah

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?
Board game

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
Watching tv

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
Buka puasa

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
Pokok durian
Flower: bunga tanjung

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
My kids babies clothes.

10 Library: favourite book genre?

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
Yes..with college friends. And like it very much.

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
Small gatherings

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
Asam pedas

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
Basuh baju
Lipat baju

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
Yes, lisptick. Simple make up.



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Post time 1-8-2018 10:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
Maggi tomyam

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
Bubbles bath

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
Simple comfy n trendy

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?
Pop up barrel roullet game.

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
Chit chat n watch movies together

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
My mom's nasi daging

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
I dont like gardening

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
My minions 1st baby clothings n shoes

10 Library: favourite book genre?
Crime solving mystery n also horror even tho i sgt pnakut

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
A fair judge

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
When i was 9.. dont like it at all.. cant sleep..

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
Small gatherings

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
On d road - I was heavily pregnant, im on my way to pick up my minions from school, n suddenly this black car overtook n blocked my car, indian guy.. dat time i thought *mungkin ajal dh smpi*.. luckily ade abg2 kt tpi jln tgh beli pisang goreng dtg tlg n chase him away.. xtau pun india tu nk apa... but i was scared to death..
At home - tba2 ade bau tbakar, smokes coming out from my hob, fire br nk start... ask d minions to go outside, laju2 amik fire estinguisher n padam kan api.. good thing is i got a new kitchen kabinet and a new hob... but guysss, please please please standby fire estinguisher at home yee...
18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
My eyebrow pencils n lipbalm.. natural look..



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Post time 2-8-2018 09:10 AM | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule? Sleep at 10pm on weekdays
2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food? Instant mee
3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs? bubbles
4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words. Jeans & shirt
5 Parlour: favourite party or board game? jengka
6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family? Watch tv
7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food? none
8 Garden: favourite tree? flower? sunflower
9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away? albums
10 Library: favourite book genre? thriller
11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be? boss
12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them? never
13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings? Nah..
14 Pantry: favourite meal to make? Chicken cheese ball
15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore? favourite  - separate the shirts accoriding to color. least - to clean the washing machine
16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car? Car, HRV
17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had? Don’t have
18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look? I’m a au naturel kinda person



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Post time 2-8-2018 09:11 AM | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule? Sleep at 10pm on weekdays
2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food? Instant mee
3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs? bubbles
4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words. Jeans & shirt
5 Parlour: favourite party or board game? jengka
6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family? Watch tv
7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food? none
8 Garden: favourite tree? flower? sunflower
9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away? albums
10 Library: favourite book genre? thriller
11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be? boss
12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them? never
13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings? Nah..
14 Pantry: favourite meal to make? Chicken cheese ball
15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore? favourite  - separate the shirts accoriding to color. least - to clean the washing machine
16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car? Car, HRV
17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had? Don’t have
18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look? I’m a au naturel kinda person



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Post time 2-8-2018 03:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
- lepas kul 12

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
- fries

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
- hot shower.

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
- simple. sempoi.

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?
- board game.

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
- luang masa bersama sama.

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
- laksa sarawak

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
- i am groot

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
- bantal peluk

10 Library: favourite book genre?
- humor

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
- paid traveller

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
- time kecik2 dulu best.

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
- small gathering. tapi selalu one on one meetings aja.

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
- maggi

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
- bersih tempat kucing , kemas bilik.

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
- my own car

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
- first date

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
- takda. hair gel je kot.



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Post time 3-8-2018 09:31 AM | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
Mostly after isya 9.30pm

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
Bath. thats it

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
Decent .. yet easy to move

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?
Board game -  Sahiba

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
Watching movie

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
Lauk pauk raya (Ketupat,rendang,kuah kacang)

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
Tree : Pokok Mangga
Flower : Rose

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
Scholl unifrom ( oh my.. if only i could turn back time)

10 Library: favourite book genre?
Love story

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
My granma house (since i was born) - i miss my granma ..

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
small gathering

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
Cake, marble cake

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
least favourite

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
Car - Suzuki swift

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
Never experienced

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your
favourite look?
Lipstick - Minimal make up



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Post time 4-8-2018 04:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule? 11 pm - 6 am.
2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food? Sandwiches and chocolate
3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs? Shower
4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words. Simple, fresh look
5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?  Board game
6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family? Traveling
7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food? Nasi lemak rendang ayam
8 Garden: favourite tree? flower? Tree
9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away? Too many to list here
10 Library: favourite book genre? Adventure
11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be? Manager
12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them? Dont have one
13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings? Small gathering
14 Pantry: favourite meal to make? Cereals
15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore? Neither
16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car? Aeroplane
17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had? Never
18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look? Foundation. nude makeup look



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Post time 5-8-2018 01:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
1130pm - 530am

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
Soup (mushroom/chicken) with bread!

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
Showers for Weekdays
Long Warm Bath for Weekends

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
Classic, vintage, chic :p

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
Chillin and watch our fav shows

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
Full set of lontong

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
Pink and fuschia Bougainvillea

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
Grandma s cupboard!
10 Library: favourite book genre?
Fiction/Based on true story

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
6- kindy s best friend. Fun but not comfortable as it was not your own house.

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
Small gatherings - intimate but not awkward

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
Malay dishes - lemak/sambals

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
Washing/drying - hateeee folding and ironing

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
taxi since i cant and dont want to drive

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
when the house got broke in - still trauma with the incident

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
Eyeliner, goth chic? Haha



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Post time 6-8-2018 01:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
Now it's 1-ish in the morning

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
ice cream!

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
Bubble bath makes the world seems better

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
Shariah compliance

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
Catching up with one another

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
The keychain that I bought when I was a student. Reminds me of the good old days

10 Library: favourite book genre?

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Food critic

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
Yes it was fun. Gossiping all night long haha

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
Small ones

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
Nasi lemak

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
Folding the clothes gawddd

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
Car! And I love porsche panamera. Dalam mimpi lah drive LOL

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
When I got involved in an accident.

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
Yes. Cant live without lipstick. I love bold look.



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Post time 9-8-2018 04:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
-usually after midnight
2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
-cute and comfy
5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?
6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
-catching up after a long day
7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
-banana tree
9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
-my atomic kitten poster
10 Library: favourite book genre?
11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
-digital nomad
12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
-yes. When I was a kid. It is fun when you're in great company
13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
-I prefer one-on-one meetings
14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
-Nutella pancake
15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
-favourite: loading the machine, least favorite: folding the clothes
16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
-public speaking
18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
- yes. I  can't live without my lipbalms. I have too many lip products. My favorite look is the no make up look.



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Post time 16-8-2018 10:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
Settle down by 9pm
2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
Milo and crackers
3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
Minimalist and a bit of bohemian
5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?
Board game
6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
Wedding ring
10 Library: favourite book genre?
Chic lit
11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
When i was 8/9 at my grandparents
13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
Small gatherings
14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
A lot
15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
Fave - washing
Least fave - ironing
16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
Family van
17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
When i hit someone’s car
18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
Unfortunately I don’t wear makeup



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Post time 17-8-2018 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blinkmos at 17-8-2018 02:51 AM

1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
Kerepek pisang

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
in orders by colors

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?
board game

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
Membawang A.K.A gossiping with mom and sisters. sometimes dad join jugak..

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
Masakan mak..

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?

10 Library: favourite book genre?

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Travel around the world and get salary

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
small gathering

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
Black pepper chicken

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
Gosok baju
Lipat baju (sebab t u gantung je dlm almari lepas basuh..

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
Car accident at PLUS Highway..

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
Lip ice and Simple



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Post time 20-8-2018 03:35 PM | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
When my hp keep on dropping on the floor.. that's a sign~

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
Fried chicken + cola.

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
Over sized tee / sweater

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
Watching drama.

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
Steamboat & bbq!

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
Can't think of.

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
Gifts from others.

10 Library: favourite book genre?
Fairy taled books.

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Job less

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
Awkward~~~ lots of mosquitos

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
Maggi mee

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
Don't mind doing laundry but folding is my least fav

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
Public bus

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
Sometimes I wear.. sometimes I don't.. Korean style is my fav



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Post time 20-8-2018 04:20 PM | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
- 11pm if workdays, overnight if weekend

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?
-anything sweeettt

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
-simple..jeans and tshirt kinda gal

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?
-video games

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
-watching tv, discussing family matters

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
-my moms nasi minyak

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
-jasmine, mint and durian tree

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
-my old books/diaries

10 Library: favourite book genre?
-self-help...also facts like encylopedias

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
-CEO of a charity company

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
-my cousin's room. very nice

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
- large parties

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
-buttermilk chicken

15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
-fav: using washing machine, least fav: have to fold them

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
-I wanna own a limo with a driver

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
-I pray I dont have to experience any of that

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look? it



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Post time 20-8-2018 05:49 PM | Show all posts
1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule? 2300-0000
2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food? kerepek
3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs? bath bombs
4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words. Simple, cheap but good looking, jerserys
5 Parlour: favourite party or board game? board game, playing football inside hse
6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family? chit chatting
7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food? siakap stim limau
8 Garden: favourite tree? flower? small cactus
9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away? my 1st love letter
10 Library: favourite book genre? doa lepas solat
11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be? F1 driver
12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them? never
13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings? small gathering
14 Pantry: favourite meal to make? meggi kari, indo-mee mee goreng
15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore? fav: cuci baju pakai mesin, least fav: sidai baju
16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car? superbike, aston martin
17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had? saw a ghost smiling at me
18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look? medicated talcum powder



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Post time 31-8-2018 11:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Forum  Belia & Informasi  Epistemologi, Idea & Pemikiran

1 Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
After 9.30

2 Kitchen: favourite comfort food?

3 Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
Shower. Tu pn paling lama 15 min je. Kalo x anak yg kecik dah drama depan pintu

4 Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
Neat and tidy.

5 Parlour: favourite party or board game?

6 Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
Watching tv. Main dengan anak2

7 Dining room: favourite special occasion food?
Chicken pepperoni pizza for my anak2

8 Garden: favourite tree? flower?
My soursop tree. Punya la belai. Tp still x berbuah lagik

9 Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
My kasut kawin. Dah teruk x leh pakai. Tp sayang nak buang

10 Library: favourite book genre?
Light and easy. I have all the sophie kinsella book.

11 Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Jadik tukang sign je. Tp gaji ribu2..

12 Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
Cant remember. Lama dah

13 Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
Small gathering. Sebab lebih mesra gitu.

14 Pantry: favourite meal to make?
At the moment pizza making with my kids.
15 Laundry: favourite and least favourite chore?
Masukkan kain dlm mesin basuh n dryer. Nak lipat tu bercinta skit.

16 Garage: favourite mode of transportation? favourite car?
Nowadays I suka pakai grab je. X yah susah carik parking

17 Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
No experience.

18 Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favourite look?
My moisturizer. Natural gitu



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