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Author: JamilBinAbu

[Buku] What are some of the disturbing or unsettling books you've ever read?

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Post time 29-7-2017 01:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pada me 50 shades series tu blum terbaca lg la. N novel2 segenre dgnnya. Pnah tertengok cte genre yg sama lakonan Maggie Gyllenhaal memuda dulu, sbb tu kot xbleh nk hadam. Tapi idokla kecam sesiapa yg memilih yg itu .
Still meremang bulu roma n boleh histeria sampai terjerit2 kalau terbaca novel2 bbnu, lagi2 yg diadaptasi jadi drama tv



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Post time 30-7-2017 10:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
These two books came into mind. I suka baca buku thrillers tp 2 buku ni macam terlebih twisted. I baca jugak sampai habis sebab dah alang-alang baca and curious and still hope for happy ending.

Anyway, masa pilih buku-buku ni, sinopsis yang diberikan tu agak vague gitu so memang xtau cerita a bit disturbing. Dua-dua buku ni, watak utama kena culik dan ditahan. Seorang mangsa kena abuse mentally, seorang kena abuse sexually.

1. Living Dead Girl, Elizabeth Scott

Detailed synopsis:

This book takes place five years after "Alice's" abduction. She is now 15, and is still living with Ray, her abductor. They pose as father and daughter, though they have no connections to anyone in the outside world. During this time, he has deprived her of food in order to keep her frozen in her childlike body, dresses her in childlike clothing, and hasrapedher every day. Ray also makes her sit in a chair as punishment when she is "bad". Alice refers to herself as the "Living Dead Girl": She is numb on the inside and is looking forward to the day when Ray will finally kill her, like he did the girl that he had abducted before her, the "First Alice". Ray had kept the First Alice until she was fifteen and her body had begun to mature. He then killed her and dumped her body, which was later found, but he had never been suspected. It ise with a razor while taking a shower alone; this is the reason the second Alice is not allowed to take showers by herself.

Alice now hopes for death, rather than for escape. Since the day he had taken her, he had threatened that if she ever ran from him or tried to contact police, he would kill her parents. By now, he has completelybrainwashedher: she says, "I could run, but he would find me. He would take me back to 623 Daisy Lane and make everyone who lives there pay. He would make everyone there pay even if he didn't find me. I belong to him. I'm his little girl. All I have to do is be good." So she "stays in line" even though she is left at their apartment alone all day while he is at work, and even goes to getbikini waxesdone by herself.

One day, Ray tells Alice he wants her to find him a "New Alice" for him. At first, Alice hopes that if she does, he will free her, or at least finally put her out of her misery. Instead, Ray tells her that she will train the new Alice to his liking.

Alice takes trips down to the park where Ray had taken her once before and watches the young girls who play there. She writes down in a little notebook the different girls, what they do, and what they look like. She returns to Ray and he asks her to tell him all about these little girls. On one of her trips there, she meets Lucy, a young girl who likes to swing. After Lucy tells Alice that she doesn't like her, Alice decides that Lucy will be the one to replace her. Alice then meets Lucy's older brother, Jake, a troubled teenager who abuses prescription drugs. Alice returns to his car and has sex with him to try to get some information from him about Lucy. She finds out a little information about the girl's hobbies and schedule. Before she leaves, she also meets a police officer who has a feeling that Alice is in trouble. However, Alice knows that talking to the police will only get her in trouble with Ray, so she refuses to call for help. When Ray accuses Alice of lying to him about Lucy's whereabouts, Alice becomes confused, as Jake told her that Lucy would be at a local swimming pool.

Alice returns later and finds Lucy standing in the park. She tries to tell her to run, but Ray appears and grasps Lucy by the arm. Alice collects her remaining life in her hollow body and shouts for Lucy to run. Ray gets so angry that he tries to strangle Alice. Jake shoots Ray dead, and inadvertently wounds Alice. As she lays dying, Alice tells Lucy that her name is Kyla Davis, and that she lives on 623 Daisy Lane. She then asks Lucy to take her home. Alice's final thought before she dies is "I am free."

- sumber Wikipedia

2. Captive in the Dark, C.J. Roberts

Sekali imbas pada book cover teringat pada dancer or ballerina. Huh. Baca balik sinopsis now, dunno why I bleh tergerak nak baca cerita ni.



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Post time 17-8-2017 03:15 PM | Show all posts
For me, buku Flowers in the Attic walaupun x pernah baca personally. Kakak I pernah baca pastu bilang storyline, terus I rasa buku ni sangat disturbing. Pasal incest

Ada lagi satu buku I pernah baca pasal dia student suka ngan teacher dia pastu teacher dia sakit ke mati. X ingat tajuk tapi bila baca tu ada parts yg agak disturbing



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Post time 17-8-2017 10:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novel2 urban sekarang...tajuk awekchucktailor kalau xslah...serious mcm bodoh ja bca...Sory ..bhsa kasar nya...buku yg paling xberguna. prnh I bca..mcm mna boleh lepas terbitan pn I xfham....p



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Post time 17-8-2017 11:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
likecandy replied at 17-8-2017 03:15 PM
For me, buku Flowers in the Attic walaupun x pernah baca personally. Kakak I pernah baca pastu bilan ...

Flower in the attic by V.C andrews.. layan gak novel ni..pastu dia ada smbgn lain pulak.. yg 2nd book psl dia jatuh cinta kat doctor yg selamatkan diaorg adik beradik.. jln cerita yg sgt disturbing to the point aku terpikir hidup adik beradik ni xde ke at lis satu part yg betul2 happy,hidup mcm manusia yg normal..



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Post time 21-8-2017 02:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buku sekarang, penerbit karya seni dgn tajuk yg entah apa apa. Although I still admire penulis dari jemari seni mcm syud, hlovate or norhayati berahim or siti Rosmizah.
Kalau oversea writer ai still pilih nicholas spark
Stephen king



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Post time 5-9-2017 02:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Zaman Nia skolah dulu, (90's) Ada org jual2 buku Kat skolah.dia jual buku bersiri,mula2 dia bagi kertas untuk  kita bawak balik skolah ( Ada title buku ape yg Kita nk) so nnti hari yg dia bawak buku tu Kita dh stanby la duit

Still teringat smpai hari Ni,Ada 1 buku Nia beli tajuk dia rumah di depan kubur.gambar dia,untuk budak2 mcm Nia waktu tu Rasa sgt2 scary.nak belek baca pun takut

So dia cte pasal sorg budak lelaki ni, jumpa dgn pmpuan cantik dpn rumah kosong.xingat dh cmne,last2 dia tahu pmpuan tu hantu.dia mati kne tembak,jadi hantu kt rumah kosong tu.

Nia pelik jugak,even takut xde la Nia no sorok ke buang ke buku tu.skrg lama dah hilang bukunye

Ntah la skolah skrg still Ada lg x org dtg jual2 buku..

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Post time 5-9-2017 02:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buku english Nia suka Edgar Allan Poe.bnyk short stories.
Bg nia cerita dia x scary sgt,tp bahasa dia,the way dia cerita buat cte tu lebih scary.

Satu cte Nia ingat pasal psychopath.rasanya tajuk dia Berenice. Pasal this one man yg obsessed dgn Gigi si Berenice.

Kalau Korg minat manga,boleh try junji ito. Gambar seram.dia lebih..horror + menggelikan.



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Post time 5-9-2017 04:40 PM | Show all posts
banyk buku tak habis baca..huhu

because of jln penceritaan terlalu mendatar. eventhough buku syed muzaffar travel angkasa tu pun x habis.

oh no what happen to me

kene mula balik jadi ulat buku.malu dgn kawan2 semua



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Post time 5-9-2017 04:57 PM | Show all posts
ingat lagi masa aku umur 9 tahun.
pegi rumah sedara aku. rumah dia mmg bnyk buku enid blyton, komik archie, mad.

sekali aku nampak satu buku omputih ni. tak ingat dah tajuk... aku pun baca. buku tu pasal pembunuh yg suka bunuh kucing pastu korek mata kucing buat necklace. mula2 dia bunuh kucing tapi last2 dia start bunuh orang sebab nak buat necklace mata orang pulak...

detail giler kot bila author tu describekan cara2 pembunuh tu nak buat necklace mata tu...

makan tahun jugak aku nak lupakan citer tu... bila tengok necklace yg cantik2 tu terbayang pulak mata orang yg jadik buah2 necklace...



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Post time 7-9-2017 11:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Wakefield at 7-9-2017 11:52 AM
likecandy replied at 17-8-2017 03:15 PM
For me, buku Flowers in the Attic walaupun x pernah baca personally. Kakak I pernah baca pastu bilan ...

Now that u mentioned it, baru teringat. Yes, memang disturbing pun. Bukan setakat incest je, ada lagi yang disturbing. Nenek dia put poison dlm makanan smpai sorg adik dia at d end mati.

Buku Flowers in d Attic ni dari Dollanganger Series, ada sambungan cerita beberapa buku sampai the Dollangangers siblings ni besar.



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Post time 17-9-2017 01:53 PM | Show all posts
Banyak buku pending...
sejak sibuk semula ni, bila baca buku, selalunya zzzzzzz

tapi ada juga buku yang disturbing to buku Agatha Christie
nak habiskan tu take time..
harap dapat habiskan dengan jiwa yang tenang



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Post time 2-10-2017 10:00 AM | Show all posts
twilight series.

i beli novel twilight tu before movie tu keluar.

novel tu terperap sekian lama sebab mood nak membaca belum datang lagi masa tu.

then, bila movie keluar, i tengok movie tu dulu.

terus tak ada keinginan nak baca novel tu disebabkan pelakon kakrakter bella yang bosan.
karakter bella tu tak bosan tapi pelakon tu yang buatkan karakter bella tu jadi bosan.



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Post time 18-11-2017 06:57 PM | Show all posts
Twist Me series by Anna Zaires

Mmg twisted, ada ke boleh culik anak dara org lps tu suka2 hati buat 'you know what'. Mmg pycho watak lelaki tu. Tak dpt nk abiskan baca - x sanggup



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Post time 7-9-2018 08:44 AM | Show all posts
For me, buku title Captive in the Dark, by C.J. Roberts.

Rasa terganggu dgn plot certia dia pasal pedophiles.

Satu lagi cerita tajuk Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. (plot pasal student highschool kna raped dgn upperclassman dia dan satu sekolah dgn dia.



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Post time 16-9-2018 10:21 AM | Show all posts
redapple10 replied at 17-8-2017 11:51 PM
Flower in the attic by V.C andrews.. layan gak novel ni..pastu dia ada smbgn lain pulak.. yg 2nd b ...

ada sambungan hingga buku no 4 and prequel ...
siapa yang teringin baca atau dah baca boleh beri review


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Post time 20-9-2018 10:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cold Heart Canyon by Clive Barker. This book was absolutely bad and and I am suprise because i like Book of Blood. The book was rambling and bizarre (in a bad way!!!) There were completely unnecessary nudity, detailed descriptions of sex - over and over again and it made me sick.

Memang pembaziran duit betul beli buku ni...!!



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Post time 24-9-2018 07:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jalan cerita berulang, ayat penggunaan yang tak menarik, pengunaan bahasa kasar dan pasar



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Post time 19-2-2019 07:51 PM | Show all posts
Edited by JohnieDaniels at 22-2-2019 06:15 PM

I do not like books or movies about horror and nightmares, I prefer comedy. I like to watch movies online, and I like to read online too. When i want to buy some books for myself, so I choose the site, the quality is good, and the prices are reasonable. Delivered quickly, large selection.

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