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Author: Elle_mujigae

❤ The Korean 10-Step Skincare Routine ❤

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Post time 12-7-2017 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Edited by watie79 at 17-7-2017 10:15 AM

laa baru tau bod ni wujud

hi korang

nak share jugak produk yg i pakai..

1) Smart Peeling (TheFaceShop)
2) Pencuci Muka Bio Essence (gold series)
3) Toner Nivea4) Gold Water BE
5) Day Cream Bio Essence utk siang & Night Cream Bio Essence utk mlm
6) Finisher Miracle Bio Essence
7) Primer Klavuu
8) Sunscreen TheFaceShop (ada gambar bunga matahari)
9) 4 in 1 Compact Powder TheFaceShop
10) 3 kali seminggu pakai face mask brand TheFaceShop tp ada masa gila pakai hari-hari

Eye cream tak pernah pakai lagik..Nutox Serum tu pon i teringin nak try jugak



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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 05:48 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 15-7-2017 05:49 AM
hello 10-steps sista!

so far, jarang dapat completekan semua ten steps..selalu kalah dgn mata mengantuk..atau maybe sbb tak teruja dgn skincare yg sedia ada..dah boring..huhu...i wonder how people can stay with same products for yearssss..kita pakai dlm setahun lebih je dah tak excited... no sparks...gitu..hehe

my routine sekarang.. baru je beli produk2 ni semua masa puasa hari tu..

cuci muka - kalau pakai make up wipe dulu dgn Biore cleansing wipe...dan wipe lagi dgn Garnier Micellar water....kalau tak pakai make up terus cuci dgn Hada Labo AHA BHA facial wash..selang seli dgn Avene Cleanance Cleansing Gel.. pencuci muka ni memang random  je beli..try and error and surprisingly sesuai..takde adverse reaction...yeay..  tapi rasa macam nak tukar je pencuci muka Hada Labo tu sbb kurang suka tekstur creamy dia...too thick for my liking....

lepas cuci muka pakai Hada Labo hydrating lotion (light)..dab dab dab...

then, pakai Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum... sambung dab dab dab...

then, pakai Hada Labo Hydrating Light dapat free bila beli sekali dgn lotion tadi..  

smooth it over the face and neck...

pastu pakai eye drop rohto c cube cool.. eye drop ni mmg pakai siang dan malam sbb asyik berwhatsapp je, mata letih..   tak pakai contact lense pun still akan letak eye drop.. dan kat kotak tulis kena guna dalam tempoh sebulan dari tarikh buka...

kalau waktu siang sambung pakai sunscreen Hada Labo, kalau malam kita terus tido...

yg tak pakai dan plan nak beli baru ialah, eye cream...sleeping mask....gentle exfoliator.......ampoule...essence......

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 05:54 AM | Show all posts
minahsenget replied at 11-7-2017 03:52 PM
tak reti lah nak guna water based cleanser,i siram je kat muka,sampai pedih mata

water based cleanser tu sama texture dgn micellar water ke? mcm air kan... maybe kena guna cotton square pad kot...

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 05:58 AM | Show all posts
tiey_miyuki replied at 9-7-2017 07:51 PM
Anyone pernah beli barang cosrx dekat shoppee tak? Authentic tak?
Macam murah banyak dari hermo

susah juga kan nak kata authentic ke tak..sbb shopee ni mcm lazada, independent seller yg buka shop pastu jual barang kepada consumer..unless kat shopee tu ada cosrx official store then baru boleh yakin 100% original gitu...

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 06:03 AM | Show all posts
noor90 replied at 7-7-2017 11:08 PM
Klau dlu mak bsuh muka pon mlas mlam mlam, tgk korang pnya post trus smngat nak buat 10 skincare rou ...

menarik combo produk yg you beli.. yg cosryx toner tu dah start guna ke...ada beza tak dgn skinfood toner?

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 06:06 AM | Show all posts
hijaulover1 replied at 6-7-2017 06:52 PM
Low ph cleanser tuh next on my list    skrg nak habiskan cleanser yg ada dulu

Apa yg i baru b ...

good info...baru tahu...lowph ni yg ada kena mengena dgn AHA BHA products is it?  kita blur sikit dgn AHA BHA ni..hehe...need to research more on this subject...

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 06:42 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 15-7-2017 07:07 AM
masz83 replied at 6-7-2017 04:36 PM
Ai nk share skincare yg ai beli demi memnuhi tuntutan 10 steps ni... Daripada i yg sebelum ni keka ...

nampak mcm betul susunan..jom csi..
Step 1. make up remover and oil cleanser
-biore cleansing oil
-nivea make-up clear micellar water

Step 2. water based cleanser
-Cetaphil cleanser...

Step 3. Exfoliator
-cosrx lowph good morning gel cleanser

Step 4. Toner/Skin refresher

toner cosrx mcm ada 3...

masz pakai ketiga2 sekali atau ada aturan dia ye nak pakai toner cosrx ni? kita barang2 cosrx ni tak master lagi..>.<

Step 5. Essence
-Bio essence gold water...

Step 6. Serum
-Nutox Serum Concentrate...

Step 7. Mask

Step 8. Eye Cream

Step 9. Moisturizer
-Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream

Step 10. Sun protection
-Biore UV Perfect Face Milk...

yg last sekali bawah belah kanan tu kita tak sure cream apa...macam mask je..
oh, dah baca post masz kat page belakang, tu sunblock juga eh..


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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 06:50 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 26-7-2017 10:18 PM
hidet replied at 5-7-2017 11:05 AM
after terjebak dlm thread ni bbrp bulan lepas and started to add on barang barang , here goes my rou ...

kita gigih google KS Moisturizer, keluar produk ni..Kojie San... betul eh..? okay tak utk whitening purpose cream ni..


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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 07:02 AM | Show all posts
chippotato replied at 3-7-2017 11:37 PM
sebelum ni lama tk jaga kulit... dalam setahun lebih tk pakai apa2 produk @ cream...  lama2.. kulit  ...

wow..gempaknya result walaupun tak full ten steps...good motivation for me... maknanya mmg kulit ada beza la eh bila tak follow any skin routine dgn masa diligently follow a skin routine..

chaiyok chaiyok..jangan lazy lazy makcik Elle...  haha

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 07:04 AM | Show all posts
chippotato replied at 4-7-2017 08:47 AM
haah... ini org kaunter tu juga yg ajar..ambil kapas muka...letak fte tu dan tekap bawah ...

kita nak highlight tips ni...tak perlu beli asing eye cream kalau dah ada fte...

haah... ini org kaunter tu juga yg ajar..ambil kapas muka...letak fte tu dan tekap bawah mata...setakat ni ok jer...tkda gatal2...dah kurang kering bahagian bawah mata


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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 07:11 AM | Show all posts
miss_curious replied at 18-5-2017 04:26 PM
hai guys,saja nak share ni.
if you guys know anyone yang berada di Korea sekarang boleh order from  ...

bestnya kalau innisfree malaysia ada discount 50% ..

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 07:13 AM | Show all posts
idadae replied at 21-4-2017 11:37 AM
ok fine, ai da tjebak bli Cosrx Snail Mucin tu kt Hermo..
konon nk tggu gaji tp sbb ade birthday pr ...

haha takdan nak tunggu gaji dah beli ye..
anyway, dah dua bulan ida guna cosrx snail mucin is it? review please...


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Post time 15-7-2017 07:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tiey_miyuki replied at 9-7-2017 07:51 PM
Anyone pernah beli barang cosrx dekat shoppee tak? Authentic tak?
Macam murah banyak dari hermo

i beli salicylic cosrx kat shopee, authentic kot sebab situ tulis official shop



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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 07:23 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 15-7-2017 07:25 AM
mmg banyak produk digunakan utk complete kan korean ten steps ni tapi apa yg kita faham tentang produk layering ni ialah setiap produk membantu penyerapan produk yg akan diletak selepasnya...

untuk produk yg target specific skin concern seperti serum dan ampoules , ia lebih berkesan dan menyerap jauh ke dalam kulit bila kita apply toner, essence, lotion sebelumnya... bila kulit dah bersih dgn good make up remover,cleanser dan exfoliator..kita prep our skin dgn toner,essence, lotion sebelum apply killer products like serum... prepping the skin with correct products sebelum apply serum adalah keistimewaan korean ten steps skin routine ni..

"Korean skincare has a strong focus on hydration, which makes layering absolutely vital. Each layer soaks the skin with enough moisture to aid the penetration of the following one, boosting the efficacy of the entire routine," says Lee.

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Post time 15-7-2017 07:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 15-7-2017 05:48 AM
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 15-7-2017 05:49 AM
hello 10-steps sista!

biasa i habiskan satu2 tu (kalau tak breakout) lepas tu try lain, sejenis cepat jemu

goldwater je yg mengulang guna setakat ni  

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Post time 15-7-2017 07:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 15-7-2017 07:13 AM
haha takdan nak tunggu gaji dah beli ye..
anyway, dah dua bulan ida guna cosrx snail mucin tu..ho ...

i guna, dah nak habis pun, mcm sama je     tak nampak pun kurang parut2 ni

sekarang tengah try sabun harragate sulphur soap, i perasan jerawat cepat kecut, pori yg sebesar kawah tu pun dah kurang cuma kulit jadi kering sikit

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 09:56 AM | Show all posts
hotmak replied at 15-7-2017 07:24 AM
biasa i habiskan satu2 tu (kalau tak breakout) lepas tu try lain, sejenis cepat jemu

goldwater  ...

kann..cepat jemu...   tapi itulah risau juga kulit dah elok..dah serasi pastu pergi tukar2 produk,masalah lain pula muncul kang.. aigoo..dilemma dilemma... selalu baca orang yg ada kulit cantik pada umur 40an ke atas, mereka setia dgn produk yg sesuai dgn kulit mereka..mcm orang pakai sk2 sampai bertahun  tahun..tu yg kulit dewy je...

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 09:59 AM | Show all posts
hotmak replied at 15-7-2017 07:27 AM
i guna, dah nak habis pun, mcm sama je     tak nampak pun kurang parut2 ni

sekarang t ...

oh ye ke..frust ar kalau dah nak habis tapi tak nampak result..bertabahlah..

ya...pencuci muka yg  bagus utk jerawat selalunya mengeringkan..huhu mmg wajib combine dgn  moisturizing lotion/cream...

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2017 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 15-7-2017 10:32 AM
bagus artikel dari website reader's digest ni..

Jom revise the ten steps..

1. Initial cleansing

The nightly routine starts with double cleansing, which involves using an oil-based cleanser on dry skin and massaging well to dissolve oil-based impurities, such as sunscreen, makeup, pollution, and sebum.Just as important as wearing SPF during the day is taking it off at night, with an oil-based cleanser.

-maknanya kalau tak pakai make up tapi pakai sun screen, still kena buat step oil cleansing ni..atau guna make up remover sbb pencuci muka biasa tak dpt nak bersihkan sunscreen kat kulit sepenuhnya..

Rinse the oil with water and move on to step two.

2. Secondary cleansing

After using an oil-based cleanser, Korean women then use a water-based cleanser (foaming, gel, milky, and creamy cleansers or non-foaming powder) to get rid of water-based impurities such as dirt and sweat. You might be wondering: Is it really necessary to double your cleansing? Absolutely, according to the Korean regimen. "It effectively removes all kinds of impurities from the skin while providing a gentle moisturizing action that leaves it soft and clean,"

3. Exfoliation

The next step is exfoliation, which removes dead skin cells to give the skin a brighter, smoother, and more even-toned appearance.

4. Toner

Many people think toner is completely unnecessary, especially if you don't suffer from acne. However, Korean beauty experts know that exfoliation should be followed up by toner to balance the skin's pH levels after cleansing and help skin retain moisture.

"Korean women follow the 10-second rule. During the cleansing process, skin inevitably loses moisture; the longer you wait to apply toner, the more dehydrated it becomes. That's why Korean women always apply toner within 10 seconds after washing,"

5. Essence

Essence is a hybrid between a toner and a serum. It works perfectly to hydrate the complexion, aiding cellular turnover for a fresh, youthful appearance. Essence also contains a humectant, which re-hydrates the skin after so much sebum has been removed during the cleansing steps.

6. Ampoule

By applying this super-charged version of a serum at night, your skin will be able to absorb all the hydration it needs following a long day's work. "This routine has a strong focus on hydration, which has many benefits for the skin: it plumps it up, instantly reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and gives it a dewy glow," explains Lee.

"When following a hydrating routine, layering is absolutely essential. Skin is like a sponge—the wetter it is, the more absorbent it gets. Each layer helps the following one better penetrate the skin, enhancing the effectiveness of the entire routine."

7. Serum

Serums contain a few key active ingredients to address specific issues such as brightening, discoloration, and wrinkles, and the actives are usually more concentrated than what you'll find in your every day moisturizing cream. Serums can be thin or have a thick, oil or gel-like consistency, and their bottles often have droppers to dispense the product.

Together with the ampoule, this step of the Korean beauty routine will target dehydration, wrinkles, or hyperpigmentation when worked into your specific areas of concern.

"The Koreans believe that food is medicine for the skin, so when their skin starts to act up, they drink herbal tea to soothe the inflammation and switch their diets accordingly."

8. Sheet Mask

Sheet masks deeply hydrate and revitalize the skin, leaving it soft and glowing. "Do a sheet mask treatment once a day to deeply hydrate your skin and prevent the premature appearance of the signs of aging,"

"You should also do regular sheet mask treatments on the body to keep it soft and glowing,"

9. Eye Cream + Moisturizer

Next, Korean women apply an eye cream, to moisturize the eye area and a facial moisturizer, to lock in moisture.

10. Sleeping Mask (Night) Sunscreen (Day)

The final step in the 10-step Korean beauty routine is a sleeping mask to help skin retain moisture while you snooze.

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Post time 15-7-2017 11:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by chippotato at 15-7-2017 11:55 AM
Elle_mujigae replied at 15-7-2017 07:02 AM
wow..gempaknya result walaupun tak full ten steps...good motivation for me... maknanya ...

haah.. mmg beza... sebelum ni kusam jer... jeragat pon mcm kurang sket

tak payah 10 langkah... at least 4 steps tu dh ok.. takut breakout letak banyak2



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