mizasbcr Publish time 6-1-2009 09:27 AM

mahalnya harga yang perlu di bayar oleh pemimpin pakistan...

Off topik sikit :-India jugak.. indira gandhi, anaknya rajiv gandhi..semua mati di bunuh..

prop Publish time 6-1-2009 10:36 AM

Originally posted by mizasbcr at 6-1-2009 09:27 AM http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
mahalnya harga yang perlu di bayar oleh pemimpin pakistan...

Off topik sikit :-India jugak.. indira gandhi, anaknya rajiv gandhi..semua mati di bunuh..

adik-beradik benazir juga mati dibunuh/misteri, yg masih idup kalau x silap sorang adik perempuan - sanam

amazed Publish time 2-7-2009 01:09 PM

01 Julai, 2009

UN Begins Probe Into Bhutto Killing

ISLAMABAD, July 1 (Bernama) -- A UN commission appointed to investigate the assassination of Pakistan's former prime minister Benazir Bhutto began work on Wednesday, a spokesman said.

"The six-month mandate of the Benazir Bhutto commission of inquiry has begun today. The commission is expected to visit Pakistan but the dates are not determined yet," China's Xinhua news agency, cited Hiro Ueki, a UN spokesman in Pakistan, as saying to reporters.

The panel, which has a six-month mandate, is being led by the Chilean ambassador to the United Nations, Heraldo Munoz, and among the panel includes an Indonesian ex-attorney general and an Irish former police official.

Bhutto, the first woman to become prime minister of a Muslim country, was killed on Dec. 27, 2007 in a gun and suicide attack after addressing an election rally in Rawalpindi, a garrison city near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad.

The United Nations has said the panel will inquire into the facts and circumstances of the assassination, but have made clear it will be up to Pakistan to determine "the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators."


dexa Publish time 28-12-2009 12:02 PM

5,000 kunjungi pusara Benazir

GARHI KHUDA BAKHSH: Lebih 5,000 penyokong setia bekas Perdana Menteri Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto mengunjungi pusaranya semalam, sempena ulang tahun kedua pembunuhannya dan mendesak agar pembunuhnya dibawa ke muka pengadilan.

Orang ramai dari seluruh Pakistan berhimpun di pusaranya di selatan Garhi Khuda Bakhsh di bawah kawalan keselamatan ketat, sambil menangis dan mengadu mengenai kerajaan yang ditadbir suami Benazir, Presiden Asif Ali Zardari.

Benazir, wanita pertama menjadi perdana menteri di sebuah negara Islam, dibunuh pada 27 Disember 2007 apabila ditembak dalam serangan bunuh diri, selepas berucap pada perhimpunan pilihan raya di Rawalpindi.

Perhimpunan yang dihadiri lelaki, wanita dan kanak-kanak menangis, memukul dada sendiri dan beroda, di samping melaungkan slogan mendesak kerajaan agar menangkap pembunuh Benazir.

Perdana Menteri, Yousuf Raza Gilani menaburkan bunga pada pusaranya dan membaca ayat suci al-Quran bersama anggota Kabinetnya, sebelum menziarahi pusara bapa Benazir, bekas perdana menteri, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto yang dibunuh pada 1979.

"Benazir menggadai nyawa untuk negaranya, bagi rakyatnya dan kami akan meneruskan misinya dengan memulihkan perlembagaan dalam semangat sebenarnya," kata Gilani kepada wartawan di sini.

Kerajaan Pakistan meminta Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) menubuhkan satu inkuiri bagi menyiasat pembunuhan Benazir selepas partinya menang pilihan raya umum pada Februari 2008. Penyokongnya marah dengan cerita berbeza mengenai bagaimana beliau mati dan siapa yang bertanggungjawab.

Suruhanjaya PBB itu, yang menyatakan mandatnya untuk mencari maklumat adalah terhad, sepatutnya mengemukakan laporan menjelang akhir tahun ini, tetapi tempohnya disambung lagi.

"Tempoh siasatan pasukan penyiasat PBB sudah dilanjutkan selama sebulan dan selepas itu kenyataan akan dikeluarkan," kata Gilani.

Jumlah yang keluar semalam adalah sedikit berbanding ratusan ribu yang membanjiri pusaranya pada ulang tahun pertama kematiannya tahun lalu.

buzzin_urban Publish time 28-12-2009 09:11 PM

tempoh hari buzz ade baca biography pasal Benazir Bhutto ni,klu x silap tajuk buku dia "Benazir Bhutto, A Daughther from the East" kot ... quite interesting...baru baca mukadimah cerita ja...

dexa Publish time 15-4-2010 09:38 PM

Bhutto slaying report set for release


UNITED NATIONS: An independent panel was Thursday to to release its sensitive report on the 2007 slaying of Pakistani ex-premier Benazir Bhutto after complying with Islamabad’s request for a two-week delay.

Pakistan said last week it had asked that the release, initially scheduled for March 30, be delayed so that input from Afghanistan, the United States and Saudi Arabia could be included.

Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik said he had asked the UN-appointed, three-member panel to include input from former US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Saudi Arabia in its report.

He did not elaborate further on what information he wanted to be included.

Bhutto, the first woman to become prime minister of a Muslim country, was killed on December 27, 2007 in a gun and suicide attack after addressing an election rally in Rawalpindi, a garrison city near the capital Islamabad.

On Wednesday, UN spokesman Martin Nesirky told a press briefing that the panel headed by Chile’s ambassador to the UN Heraldo Munoz would formally present its report to UN chief Ban Ki-moon Thursday afternoon.

“The Secretary General then intends to transmit it to the government of Pakistan, and he will also share it, for information purposes, with the members of the Security Council,” the spokesman added.

Munoz and one of the other panel members, Indonesian ex-attorney general Marzuki Darusman, were to give a press conference late Thursday to provide details of the report.

The delay in releasing the report was announced late last month only hours after a UN spokeswoman in Islamabad said all UN offices in Pakistan would close for three days as a security precaution.

The measure affected more than 2,000 staff in dozens of offices around the nuclear-armed country with a population of 167 million.

On October 5, a suicide bomber clad in military uniform attacked the heavily fortified UN World Food Program office in Islamabad, killing five staff members.

Security is precarious in parts of Pakistan, where more than 3,150 people have been killed in suicide and bomb attacks over the last three years.

The violence has been blamed on militants opposed to the government’s relations with the United States.

Bhutto’s supporters have cast doubt on an initial Pakistani probe into her death, questioning whether she was killed by a gunshot or the blast and criticizing authorities for hosing down the scene of the attack within minutes.

Bhutto wrote in her autobiography of warnings that four suicide squads — including one sent by a son of Osama bin Laden — were after her.

She also repeatedly accused a cabal of senior Pakistani intelligence and government officials of plotting to kill her, notably in an attack that killed 139 people in Karachi on October 18, 2007 when she returned from exile. -- AFP

madamme Publish time 15-7-2010 11:06 AM

alfatihah buat beliau
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