yujin Publish time 31-12-2007 01:02 PM

Originally posted by nhuser at 31-12-2007 08:19 AM http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
Siapa sebenarnya dia ct? Ada terbaca article yang mengatakan Benazir minta tolong kat mossad (perisik sulit Israel) untuk menjaga keselamatan dia sepanjang masa dia di pakistan....

http://www. ...
anak dia mesti nyawa pun akn terancam muda2 dh pikul tanggungjawab berat:funk: :funk: :funk:

yellowfish Publish time 31-12-2007 03:27 PM

yelahh... berani betul anak dia . sambung perjuangan mak dia

buahcinta Publish time 31-12-2007 04:50 PM

Reply #102 yellowfish's post

dah terpaksa...kan wasiat mak dia. dia boneka je sebab kena abiskan studi, buat sementara ni bapaknya jg pemangku. parti ppp ni lebih kepada perjuangan oleh leader, bila benazir dah takde, dgn pilihanraya semakin dekat, pihak yg membunuh benazir dah berjaya sekurang2nya memecah undi, dlm sidang akhbar depa panggil nawaz sharif bergabung. saya dapat rasakan samada bergabung or not, pembangkang akan kalah.

mast3r Publish time 31-12-2007 07:55 PM

al fatihah...

Risma Publish time 31-12-2007 08:53 PM

Originally posted by asamfish at 31-12-2007 12:05 PM http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

Rasenye itu kene sun burnt
sbb rasenye die suke scuba diving
rasanya bukan sun burn......... tapi lebih kepada penyakit kulit..... muka dia macam bertompok2 puteh.....:(

ctredzuan Publish time 1-1-2008 01:52 AM

Originally posted by nhuser at 31-12-2007 08:19 AM http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
Siapa sebenarnya dia ct? Ada terbaca article yang mengatakan Benazir minta tolong kat mossad (perisik sulit Israel) untuk menjaga keselamatan dia sepanjang masa dia di pakistan....

http://www. ...

waalahualam nak ceritakan kisah dia..
sbb kat mesia rata riti paper memuji dia

minahsaudi Publish time 1-1-2008 02:37 AM

kisah benazir semasa dia jadi PM pakistan nie banyak sangat.since dia dah mati takyah ler ungkit ek cuma jgn ler kiter terlalu taksub percaya yg dia suci sangat.

hehehe......dia pun byk buat kesilapan dlm mentadbir pakistan dulu tu.tak gitu takkan kena gulingkan. huhuhu.......

nhuser Publish time 1-1-2008 04:09 AM

Reply #107 minahsaudi's post

Itulah, pernah dengar jugak...Hubby Benazir kalau tak silap pernah didakwa untuk kes rasuah (masa Benazir jadi Paki's PM) tapi dia menafikan....From the pics, seemed that this family live luxurious life overseas....kaya betul Family Bhutto nie.

Apa2pun, Al Fatihah untuk arwah...

mallanhead Publish time 1-1-2008 10:18 AM

Reply #108 nhuser's post

Keluarga Bhutto ni mmg kaya dari dulu2 lagi. Kalau tak silap keturunan tuan2 tanah. Biasalah negara kat sana kalau kaya, kaya bangat dan yg miskin, miskin yg amat.

Bila dah jadi PM dulu, bertambah2 lah harta. Mcm jugak ahli2 Politik kat Msia. Sebelum masuk politik duit tak de, dan tak kaya. Bila masuk politik, istana dibina. :P

pendpt 2 sen, no prejudice.

yellowfish Publish time 1-1-2008 11:03 AM

Originally posted by ctredzuan at 1-1-2008 01:52 AM http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

waalahualam nak ceritakan kisah dia..
sbb kat mesia rata riti paper memuji dia

biasalah... bila dah mati baru nak keluar segala mak nenek yg baik baik...Lumrah alam.

Maid_fr_Venus Publish time 1-1-2008 02:24 PM

ha'ah ler dah mati buat per nak citer hat buruk2

kita tengok lah apa nak jd gan pakistan sekarang

aku takot kang nanti depa pakat nak bom anak dia pulak

merembes jugek aku nengok dat boy ;P ;P

TipinTakTipu Publish time 1-1-2008 05:47 PM

agree.. tak yah la nak sedih2 dia dah tak ada atau memuja muji / mengutuk. She is just another politicians..
Leh try baca kekayaan dia... aku pun tak habis baca... panjang sangat.. still.. semuanya politik


Robert Ranson, a Surrey farmer, watched as a dashing figure in a polo shirt and jodhpurs reined in his galloping Arab stallion and waved from the gates of his new country manor. "It was the only time I saw the man who bought this estate," said Ranson last week. "I had been told to prepare a polo field in the grass because someone called Zardari was arriving. He was surrounded by a large group of other Pakistani men." The new owner of the Rockwood estate near Godalming - in one of the most expensive stretches of countryside in Britain - was Asif Ali Zardari, a small-time property developer from a family of modest means who had married one of the world's most glamorous women, Benazir Bhutto.

At the time of his visit, in the summer of 1996, she was the prime minister of Pakistan. Nearly two years later, Zardari, Bhutto, Rockwood and a web of other properties and financial activities are the focus of an inquiry that, according to Pakistani investigators, involves the disappearance of $1.5 billion (

Euphoria Publish time 2-1-2008 09:39 AM

Originally posted by esofagus at 28-12-2007 08:27 AM http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
peliknya dgn sesetengah manusia yg fanatik sehingga sanggup mengebom diri sendiri
apa yg ada dlm pemikiran mereka agaknya

sebab mereka tu pengecut..sebelum kena tangkap lebih baik mati dulu..

yellowfish Publish time 2-1-2008 10:29 AM

kayanya dia... harta 7 keturunan tak abis makan...

asamfish Publish time 2-1-2008 04:08 PM

Bhutto's son arrives in Dubai from Pakistan

Last updated: January 01, 2008, 17:58

Dubai: The son of slain opposition leader Benazir Bhutto arrived in Dubai on Tuesday from Pakistan after attending her funeral and being appointed symbolic head of her powerful political party.

Bilawal Zardari, a 19-year-old student at Oxford University, travelled to Dubai along with his two sisters on a commercial flight, witnesses said.

The three, who do not live in Pakistan and spend much of their time in Dubai, left the airport soon after arriving without making any comments.

Zardari was named head of Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party at a meeting on Sunday but said he would return to university and not play a role in the running of the party. The effective leadership was given to Bhutto's husband Asif Ali Zardari.

Bilawal Zardari briefly addressed the media on Sunday, saying he would continue the party's struggle for democracy.

The PPP is Pakistan's largest opposition party and is expected to do well in upcoming elections.

amazed Publish time 27-12-2008 02:18 PM

Beribu-ribu memperingati kematian Benazir

KARACHI 26 Dis. - Ribuan rakyat Pakistan menuju ke tanah perkuburan bekas Presiden, Benazir Bhutto di sini hari ini untuk memberi penghormatan, sehari menjelang sambutan memperingati hari pembunuhannya yang genap setahun, kata pegawai parti.

Lebih 35,000 orang dari kawasan pedalaman di selatan bandar Garhi Khuda Bakhsh sudah tiba dan membanjiri kawasan perkuburan keluarga Bhutto di sini untuk memperingati ulang tahun pembunuhannya esok, kata jurucakap Parti Rakyat Pakistan (PPP), Ijaz Durrani kepada AFP.

Benazir, mati ditembak dalam serangan berdarah semasa beliau mengadakan kempen pilihan raya di kawasannya di bandar Rawalpindi pada 27 Disember 2007, dua bulan selepas kembali ke Pakistan daripada buangan.

Presiden Pakistan yang juga suami Benazir, Asif Ali Zardari dan anak lelakinya, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari yang kini pengerusi bersama PPP bakal mengetuai majlis memperingati kematian Allahyarham esok.


setahun dah ghopanyerbenazir kena bunuh, ...

dexa Publish time 27-12-2008 10:39 PM

27 Disember, 2008

Benazir Bhutto's First Death Anniversary Observed In Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Dec 27 (Bernama) -- The first death anniversary of former Pakistani Prime Minister and former Chairperson of Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed is observed throughout the country on Saturday.

A large number of PPP party workers, office bearers and supporters from every nook and corner of the country are reaching Bhutto's home town Naudero in southern Sindh province to attend the anniversary.

Great enthusiasm is being witnessed among the people and the entire town is sounding with PPP slogans, China's Xinhua news agency quoted private TV channel Geo as reporting.

In the Liaquat Bagh park where Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in gunshot and suicide bombing attacks on Dec. 27 last year, a giant billboard, on which Benazir Bhutto's picture was shown, was erected.

Memorial articles and pictures of Benazir Bhutto dominated local TV channels and newspapers on Saturday.

Quran Khawani for the departed soul of Shaheed-e-Jamhoriat will be held in all cities and towns across the country. Special programs, walks, declamation contests and seminars have been planned to highlight the services of the Daughter of the East, according to the Geo.

In a message to the nation, Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said Bhutto gave her life to brighten the light of democracy and freedom and illuminate new ways for progress and prosperity of people and stability of the country.

In a telecast address on Saturday, Gilani said Benazir Bhutto was the symbol of federation and only ray of hope to the people of Pakistan.

Pakistani President and widower of Bhutto Asif Ali Zardari said in his national address that Benazir Bhutto would always be remembered as the leader who gave voice to the muted turbulence of the spirit of a vanquished people,

Zardari said Benazir Bhutto gave voice to the voiceless, strength to the weak and motivation to the people to strive for a goal higher than life.

"It is a measure of her greatness that ordinary people who came in contact with her became extraordinary," he said.



tak sangka setahun sudah berlalu....
december muncul kembali...
(macam lagu alleycats pulak..) -

sekarang ni pakistan nak perang dengan india la pulak -

nhuser Publish time 29-12-2008 09:18 AM

Reply #117 dexa's post

Cepatnya masa berlalu..pejam celik pejam celik, dah setahun kejadian pembunuhan Benazir ....

choolakaw Publish time 31-12-2008 12:14 AM

ape ape pun benazir nih mmg cun larr:loveliness:

nurul_akmar Publish time 2-1-2009 08:57 AM

takziah.. tragiknye dia mati
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