dexa Publish time 29-12-2007 07:41 AM
SEDIH...Suami Allahyarham Benazir Bhutto, Asif Ali Zardari
(berkopiah putih) dan anaknya, Bilawal (dua dari kiri) bersama
penyokong Parti Rakyat Pakistan mengusung keranda Benazir
untuk dikebumikan di kampung halamannya di wilayah Sindh,
semalam. Bekas Perdana Menteri Pakistan itu ditembak mati
oleh seorang penyerang yang kemudian meletupkan dirinya.

piot Publish time 29-12-2007 08:15 AM

aku penah baca tapi tak ingat samada kat paper atau mag yang salah seorg anak saudara perempuan benazir akan ikut jejak langkah benazir ni dalam bidang politik.....tak silap sekarang tgh belajar dalam bidang politik....mungkin dia la kot yang jadi penyambung semangat keluarga bhutto dalam bidnag politik nih,.....:)

nhafizaj Publish time 29-12-2007 09:04 AM

Lawa tul arwah ni masa muda2 dulu......

nhafizaj Publish time 29-12-2007 09:06 AM

Masa arwah pulang ke pakistan 2 bulan lepas...

[ Last edited bynhafizaj at 29-12-2007 09:24 AM ]

nhafizaj Publish time 29-12-2007 09:10 AM


"When I first got elected, they said: A woman has usurped a man's place! She should be killed! She should be assassinated! She has committed heresy!"

At age 35, Benazir Bhutto was one of the youngest chiefs of state in the world. More than that, she was the first woman ever to serve as prime minister of an Islamic country, but the road that brought her to power had already led through exile, imprisonment and devastating personal tragedy.

Only days after young Benazir Bhutto returned to her native Pakistan from university studies abroad, the country's elected government was overthrown. Her father, Prime Minister Ali Bhutto, was imprisoned and eventually executed. Young Benazir too was repeatedly arrested, then imprisoned, and finally forced into exile, but she never abandoned the hope of restoring democracy to her homeland.

She returned to lead a pro-democracy movement, and when free elections were finally held in Pakistan in 1988, Benazir Bhutto herself became Prime Minister. She made hunger and health care her top priorities, brought electricity to the countryside, and built schools all over the country. Although she was herself a devout Muslim, her reforms frequently brought her into conflict with the same religious fundamentalists who had opposed the election of a woman as Prime Minister. She was elected a second time in 1993, but the president of the country dismissed her from office and dissolved the National Assembly. A military coup drove her from the country yet again, but after more than eight years in exile, Bhutto returned to Pakistan in 2007. Weeks before a national election in which Benazir Bhutto and her party were expected to prevail, she was assassinated by a suicide bomber. Her death is a devastating loss to her country and to the cause of democracy.

yellowfish Publish time 29-12-2007 11:21 AM


nestame Publish time 29-12-2007 11:23 AM

nak aim tembak satu.. yg terkorban banyak gak.. betul kata forummer tu..
negeri kacau bilau...
tahun lepas sadam tahun ni benazir..
apapun al fatihah untuk mereka..

asamfish Publish time 29-12-2007 01:44 PM

asamfish Publish time 29-12-2007 01:55 PM

starhill Publish time 30-12-2007 10:32 PM


ctredzuan Publish time 30-12-2007 11:18 PM

Originally posted by ToungeSoup at 28-12-2007 07:42 AM
takziah..aku rasa arwah ni yang banyak memajukan Pakistan berbanding ngan yang lain-lain tu

kalau nak tahu, masa beliau memerintah dulu, benazir yg sesangat rapat dengan us banyak buat hutang masa memerintah dahulu, tapi nape topik ni duduk dalam gossip ye?

ctredzuan Publish time 30-12-2007 11:25 PM

Originally posted by fizamn at 28-12-2007 09:29 AM
hurmm x heran sgt pun.. time negara dia susah dia patut tolong la rakyat dia mcm hamas tue.. nape kena buang negara dia dok dubai?? bukan ke dubai tue utk org kaya?? sape kasi dia duit kat sana?? ...

student kita yg pernah blaja samada medic atau islamic kat karachi akan faham siapa sebenarnya benazir dan apa motif dia balik semula setelah habis tempoh buangan, harta dia kat barat berlambak2.. :shakehead3:

nhuser Publish time 31-12-2007 08:19 AM

Reply #92 ctredzuan's post

Siapa sebenarnya dia ct? Ada terbaca article yang mengatakan Benazir minta tolong kat mossad (perisik sulit Israel) untuk menjaga keselamatan dia sepanjang masa dia di pakistan....

CNN channel pagi tadi memberitahu anak sulong dia (19 tahun, belajar di Oxford) dilantik sebabgai President Parti, hubby Benazir sebagai VP parti.

mala0n Publish time 31-12-2007 09:37 AM

wah dah lebih kurang dgn cerita Ghandhi family...

rowdiess Publish time 31-12-2007 09:39 AM

Fox News TV (Amerika Syarikat) di dalam temuramahnya bertanya kepada Presiden Iran, Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "Apabila anda melihat ke cermin setiap pagi, apa yang anda perkatakan kepada diri sendiri ?" Beliau menjawab : Saya melihat kepada insan yang berada dalam cermin tersebut dan berkata kepadanya, "Ingatlah, anda adalah tidak lebih daripada seorang hamba yang lemah, menanti di hadapan anda hari ini adalah sebuah tanggungjawab yang amat berat dan ianya adalah berkhidmat kepada negara dan rakyat Iran.

Ahmadinejad, Presiden Iran yang mengejutkan ramai sewaktu mula-mula tiba di pejabat Presiden apabila beliau mendermakan segala permaidani Iran yang berharga kepada sebuah masjid di Tehran dan menggantikannya dengan permaidani murah yang biasa. Beliau mendapati bahawa terdapat sebuah bilik istirahat yang besar lagi mewah yang berfungsi untuk menerima dan menyambut kehadiran tetamu VIP, lalu beliau telah mengarahkan agar bilik itu ditutup dan meminta pejabat protokol untuk menyediakan sebuah bilik lain yang sederhana serta hanya dilengkapi dengan kerusi-kerusi kayu. Beliau juga telah banyak kali turut bersama-sama dengan pekerja-pekerja majlis perbandaran untuk membersihkan jalan-jalan yang berada di sekitar kawasan rumah serta pejabatnya.

Di bawah pentadbirannya, setiap kali beliau melantik mana-mana individu untuk memegang jawatan menteri, beliau akan mengarahkan individu tersebut untuk menandatangani sebuah dokumen yang menggariskan pelbagai syarat-syarat yang perlu dipatuhi, terutamanya yang menekankan bahawa individu tersebut harus sentiasa kekal dalam kesederhanaan dan akaun-akaun persendirian serta milik ahli keluarganya akan sentiasa diperhatikan dan perlu meninggalkan pejabatnya kelak dalam keadaan yang bermaruah. Oleh itu, adalah satu kesalahan yang besar untuk individu tersebut dan ahli keluarganya mengambil kesempatan ke atas jawatan yang dipegangnya itu.

Perkara pertama yang beliau isytiharkan selepas memegang jawatan Presiden adalah pemilikan hartanya yang ć…‹esar

nirman Publish time 31-12-2007 11:45 AM

Anak Bhuto yang bongsu tu muka dia macam ada skin dieseases kan patches kat muka dia tu

asamfish Publish time 31-12-2007 12:04 PM

Bilawal appointed as chairman of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP)

Gulf News Report
Published: December 30, 2007, 17:19

Naudero, Pakistan:The son of slain Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was on Sunday chosen to lead the party and he immediately vowed to keep up "her struggle for democracy".

At an emotional news conference where his father was named co-chair of the Pakistan Peoples Party, the 19-year-old Bilawal Bhutto, an Oxford University student untested in politics, said he was ready to lead.

The party also said it would take part in elections on January 8 despite Bhutto's assassination in a gun and suicide bomb attack on Thursday and called on former premier Nawaz Sharif not to boycott the polls.

UN investigation

"My mother always said that democracy is the best revenge," Bilawal told a news conference at the family home in Pakistan's deep south that was punctuated by cheers from supporters.

"The party's long and historic struggle for democracy will continue with a new vigour," he said.

Bhutto's husband Asif Ali Zardari demanded a United Nations probe into her assassination, along the lines of the world body's probe of the killing of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri. "We demand a Hariri commission-style investigation," Zardari told reporters.

"We are writing to the United Nations for an international probe into her martyrdom."

A spokesman for the ruling party said Pakistan's crucial January 8 parliamentary elections are likely to be postponed by up to four months following the assassination of Bhutto.

Tariq Azim, information secretary of the Pakistan Muslim League-Q, said the parliamentary elections would lose credibility if they are held on January 8.

He expected authorities to announce a delay within 24 hours.

- With inputs from agencies
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asamfish Publish time 31-12-2007 12:05 PM

Originally posted by nirman at 31-12-2007 11:45 AM
Anak Bhuto yang bongsu tu muka dia macam ada skin dieseases kan patches kat muka dia tu
Rasenye itu kene sun burnt
sbb rasenye die suke scuba diving

Maid_fr_Venus Publish time 31-12-2007 12:45 PM

dah takdir dia nak meninggal kat tanah tumpah darahnyer :)

skin dia flawless nuuu...cantik dia nieh

amira_safia Publish time 31-12-2007 12:48 PM

tali barut Amerika ... :(
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