tupai_tupai Publish time 31-3-2005 12:30 PM

aiyooo.....sang woo oppa....!!!!naik motor plak!!!!! cute biker!!!!!

nmi Publish time 31-3-2005 01:07 PM

Originally posted by isabel at 31-3-2005 11:38 AM:
memang padan betul diorg...kalau dpt berlakon sama lagi best kan...

ni 2004 Try CF yg diorg buat...


thank u!!!:clap:

tupai_tupai Publish time 31-3-2005 01:40 PM

gambar oppa jadi bruce lee...

tupai_tupai Publish time 31-3-2005 01:41 PM

gambar oppa kalahkan lembu jantan..:lol

nmi Publish time 31-3-2005 01:44 PM

Originally posted by tupai_tupai at 31-3-2005 01:40 PM:
gambar oppa jadi bruce lee...

nie abg kwon ker?

tupai_tupai Publish time 31-3-2005 01:54 PM

Originally posted by nmi at 31-3-2005 01:44 PM:

nie abg kwon ker?

yup...poster untuk filem mahljuk...

isabel Publish time 31-3-2005 01:54 PM

Originally posted by nmi at13:44:

nie abg kwon ker?

betul tu nmi...
citer ni ada banyak title...jadik kalau misalnya terjumpa salah satu tajuk ni...sama aje citer dia.....
Once Upon A Time In High School
Miracle Of Han
The Cruel History of Maljuk Street
Spirit of Jeet Kune Do

ni masa era2 Bruce Lee...jadik sang woo oppa akan fight pun mcm Bruce Lee gak...:lol

tupai_tupai Publish time 31-3-2005 01:59 PM

gif oppa...

aksi manja oppa..:lol

abg oppa show off besday present dier..

oppa dgn jun suh...

3 hero pujaan :lol....LBH, SJS, KSW


tupai_tupai Publish time 31-3-2005 02:12 PM

oppa joget tak hingat dunia...


oppa buat muka pelik sebab pakai bow merah kot:lol


oppa jadi ogre..:lol


cute oppa..


prince of tears

*jarang baju oppa....:love::love:

isabel Publish time 31-3-2005 03:20 PM

Latest News on Sang Woo oppa on his new action movie...

Movies Boom
March 19,2005
Translated by Pretty Wu - KwonsangWoo.sg

Good Bye to Jun Young, Say Hello to Jang Dong Young

Kwon Sang Woo bid good bye and sent appreciation to the fans who have supported Sad Sonata and his role as JunYoung.

The message he wrote :

During the last taping of the series, I went home at 10 in the morning on the 17th, the said day of its final playing.On that day, I did not feel tired, but sad because i will miss my co-stars, the production crew and staff.I want to extend my thank you to all the people behind the drama, the actors, directors, staff and crew who worked hard to make the series possible and everybody who has worked with me, and of course the fans who supported us all throughout. "

He mentioned that after the drama series Sad Sonata, he will be starting out with his next movie for the year 2005.Wild Beast where he plays the role of a cop Jang Dong young who ironically deals with fists....

This time it is not a drama thing, but action flick.He considers this movie a challenging one considering that he already has done action films in the past." In this movie, i want to do the my best and make the film worth watching."

Wild Beast is expected on screen last part of the year.   

He has earned great impact and attention from the audience during the first quarter of the year via drama serial Sad Sonata, now he is expected to gain much much greater impact and attention from the people on this last quarter of the year via Action Wild Beast who is said to cost 8 Billion Won in production.

all credit to kwangsangwoo.sg

ahlam_nabiha Publish time 31-3-2005 03:55 PM

Originally posted by nmi at 30-3-2005 10:36 PM:

kulit dier nampak gebu kan??

aha..bleh jdi gebu dr pompun lagi..camner arr dia jaga kulit kui kui :hmm:

shanew3stgalz Publish time 31-3-2005 03:59 PM

Originally posted by isabel at 31-3-2005 10:03 AM:
a'ah....akhirnya bel jumpa gak gambar sang woo mcm dlm sticker tu...

sang woo new hair style....eeehee...x suka tgk...hilang kehandsomean dia...bibir dia pula nampak hitam kat sini...:kant:

[ ...

pergh rambut.. blonde gila lah! tp comei arr.. frankly speaking.. mmg tak seswai..

shanew3stgalz Publish time 31-3-2005 04:02 PM

Originally posted by nmi at 31-3-2005 10:29 AM:

diorang memang padan.sebab tue buat byk cf sama2.diorang nie mcm shane kata hot couple.

yep.. hot..tp, aku prefer dia ngan HJW unnie.. huhu..

isabel Publish time 31-3-2005 04:08 PM


Ecole9 Webzine Sept 2003

Kwon Sang Woo in Vietnam
(private interview )

Day 1 - after dinner and on the way to the hotel

you don't really like beer, do you?

I don't take alcohol very well... I'm the type that won't drink unless it's a special occasion. Because there was an occasion where I had some soju and made a "mistake" [?], I don't really drink it anymore, so I usually only drink beer. But, cocktails are ok. They're really good, you should try one!

you don't like smoking either?

Ever since I was younger, I never smoked. Smoking just doesn't fit me. Do you want to heard something funny? You know Kim Soorro hyung, right? Well, he doesn't smoke either. You wanna know why? He said it's because when he was in school, he heard that guys who don't smoke are popular among the women ^^

Then what do you do for fun?

Isn't there more to life then alcohol and smoking? While I was doing my latest filming activities, I recieved a gaming system from a fan. I know lots about Playstation 2. Especially soccer video games~I store my life in my soccer videogames. And whenever I have extra time, I go on vacation.

Vacation?? Who do you go with? It's not possible...that you go by yourself?

I'm definately not the type that would go on vacation by myself. I like to go with a few of my friends. Especially when we go far away. Truthfully, I think the only thing I have left in my life is vacation time. France and Czech are some places I have been. Places that I would like to go are America and Japan. I would also like to go to France again.

Do you have interest in tatoos?

Ah....truthfully, I don't like tatoos. Actually, right now I'm trying to persuade my manager from getting a tatoo. But, when I get married, I want to get a tatoo of my wife's initials.

Well, what happens if you get a divorce?

Uhm...I guess I'll have to erase it. Or, I could just find another women with the same initials. Hahaha.

Day 2 - While eating lunch.

When do you want to get married?

When I'm around 33. It's not that far from now since I'm 28 right now. My goal is to have 2 sons and one daughter. The first child definately must be a daughter. I'd like the second and third to be sons. No matter how I look at it, I think that would be the best.

I'm curious in what you want your wife to be like!

Well, I wish her to be the type to stay home. And since I don't smoke, I don't want her to smoke either....Her face isn't as important as her health and I would like her to have a clean style. My dream is to share my assets, so I would love if I could make that dream come true with my wife.Also, I want her to be good to our parents.

I heard that women change little by little after marriage...what do you think?

Do they really gain weight? Well, I guess when I look at my older brother and his wife, I can see that they've been gaining a little weight since their marriage. But, if it's true that a wife will gain weight after marriage, I think its understandable. Hm...maybe in case that does happen, I'll set up some sort of weight program??

article translated by Hayanjangmi

shanew3stgalz Publish time 31-3-2005 04:29 PM

Originally posted by isabel at 31-3-2005 04:08 PM:

Ecole9 Webzine Sept 2003

Kwon Sang Woo in Vietnam
(private interview )

Day 1 - after dinner ...

dia tak smoke la.. hehe.. bestnya! :clap: no wonder la bibir dia merah sgt..

nmi Publish time 31-3-2005 04:43 PM

Originally posted by tupai_tupai at 31-3-2005 01:59 PM:



byknya hadiah.kongsilah satu.:P

nmi Publish time 31-3-2005 04:45 PM

Originally posted by tupai_tupai at 31-3-2005 02:12 PM:



nmi Publish time 31-3-2005 04:45 PM

Originally posted by ahlam_nabiha at 31-3-2005 03:55 PM:

aha..bleh jdi gebu dr pompun lagi..camner arr dia jaga kulit kui kui :hmm:

natural kot.:bgrin:

nmi Publish time 31-3-2005 04:47 PM

Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 31-3-2005 04:29 PM:

dia tak smoke la.. hehe.. bestnya! :clap: no wonder la bibir dia merah sgt..

abg kwon tak merokok.say no to cigarette:no:

tupai_tupai Publish time 31-3-2005 04:47 PM

mcm budak2 je oppa ni....
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