shanew3stgalz Publish time 29-3-2005 08:03 PM

Originally posted by nmi at 29-3-2005 07:57 PM:

asal tak boleh masuk shane??

tak boley ke?? :stp:

halfelven Publish time 29-3-2005 08:49 PM

Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 29-3-2005 08:01 PM:

kan ada pic aku kat situ.. tu la.. ko bukan nak check bebetul.. keke.. :nerd:
ehh ade ke gambar ko...yg aku tgk gambar kim tai hee ada la....:hmm:
tak tau pulak ko ni sebenarnya KTH..:lol:lol:lol:lol

tupai_tupai Publish time 29-3-2005 09:37 PM

wah!!!!ada thread ksw....

Originally posted by halfelven at 29-3-2005 08:49 PM:

ehh ade ke gambar ko...yg aku tgk gambar kim tai hee ada la....:hmm:
tak tau pulak ko ni sebenarnya KTH..:lol:lol:lol:lol

tak baik 1/2 ni...

shanew3stgalz Publish time 29-3-2005 10:05 PM

Originally posted by halfelven at 29-3-2005 08:49 PM:

ehh ade ke gambar ko...yg aku tgk gambar kim tai hee ada la....:hmm:
tak tau pulak ko ni sebenarnya KTH..:lol:lol:lol:lol

huhu.. KTH pandai b'bahase m'layu.. keke.. ade la gambo aku.. kecik je.. tu la.. bukan nak check bebetul.. pe la ko..

eyka Publish time 29-3-2005 10:18 PM

:clap: dah ada threat KSW pulak... meh aku letak gambar pulak..

nmi Publish time 29-3-2005 11:05 PM

Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 29-3-2005 10:05 PM:

huhu.. KTH pandai b'bahase m'layu.. keke.. ade la gambo aku.. kecik je.. tu la.. bukan nak check bebetul.. pe la ko..

aahlah mana satu kau??:stp:anyway,sukalah pic kat website punya cool,lsih plak sweetlah.fh plak cute.abg kwon pun ader.

[ Last edited by nmi on 29-3-2005 at 11:06 PM ]

seroja_luvU Publish time 30-3-2005 08:39 AM

bestnye ada thread pasal KSW ni!!!

captain_f4 Publish time 30-3-2005 08:41 AM

Originally posted by halfelven at 29-3-2005 05:19 PM:

aikk...captain pon demam abang KSW gak:2lol::2lol::2lol:
maybe jet dlm avatar ko tuh dipandu oleh abang KSW:cak:

suka ati ngko la nak kata apa ponnn..... :gila:   errk.... sbnrnya aku pon tak perasan, saper yg bawa jet tu.. he..he...aku ingatkan aku yg bawa...rupa2nya KSW ek...??

isabel Publish time 30-3-2005 10:14 AM

Originally posted by eyka at22:18:
:clap: dah ada threat KSW pulak... meh aku letak gambar pulak..


baru2 ni bel baru tgk lagi citer Into The Sun...saja nak lepaskan rindu kat dia...the most fav bel masa mula2 sang woo dlm misi mengurat tu....:lol biar tgk banyak kali pun bel tetap gak x puas gelak...:lol

nmi Publish time 30-3-2005 10:39 AM

Originally posted by isabel at 30-3-2005 10:14 AM:


baru2 ni bel baru tgk lagi citer Into The Sun...saja nak lepaskan rindu kat dia...the most fav bel masa mula2 sang woo dlm misi mengurat tu....:lol biar tgk banyak kali pun bel te ...

aku pun suka tengok citer into the sun.suka masa part suk min gaduh dgn adik dier punya bf.

eyka Publish time 30-3-2005 11:04 AM

Originally posted by nmi at 2005-3-30 10:39 AM:

aku pun suka tengok citer into the sun.suka masa part suk min gaduh dgn adik dier punya bf.

Originally posted by isabel at 2005-3-30 10:14 AM:


baru2 ni bel baru tgk lagi citer Into The Sun...saja nak lepaskan rindu kat dia...the most fav bel masa mula2 sang woo dlm misi mengurat tu....:lol biar tgk banyak kali pun bel te ...

:ah: memang kelakar...

isabel Publish time 30-3-2005 11:04 AM

ni Interview selepas dia nyanyi lagu Bogoshipda depan peminat...

Sangwoo at Yoon Do Hyun Love LetterInterview

MC: Here is Kwon Sang Woo!

KSW: Hello.

MC: You just sang a song called "I Want to See You" (Boh Goh Ship Dah). People who actually sing sang this song. I always thought that you couldn't sing because you were an actor... But you sing very well!

KSW: Today when I sang, I think this was the first time that I had a dry mouth.   

MC: Yes, maybe a little. Well, since you're not a singer, but an actor, I think that if you sing like this, it's very good.

KSW: Thank you.   

MC: Do you like people saying that you have a nice body or a nice face?   
KSW: Although I like both, I抦 not very handsome (I think), and I think that my body is the best! (he laughs.. everyone laughs)
MC: You're right, you're right. I saw you on TV one day, and your body was shown, and it seems really nice... as a fellow male being i am jealous.. Do you exercise regularly?

KSW: Lately, since I抳e been filming movies and dramas, I don抰 have time to do things. I haven抰 been very fit. When everything is done, I will start exercising again.

MC: you do push ups and little exercise on the set?
KSW: Yes.

MC: My hand keeps wandering away from the mic without my knowing! *touches KSW creepily* Would you like to cut my hand and take it? (he says this to the audience who can't stop screaming) To my knowledge, you came out in . Last year you came out in . I wonder what kind of student you were? I just was in a band, instead of studying. I used to like and tried to be like him.

KSW: when I was young there was New Kids on the Block.
MC: *laughs* Since New Kids on the Block had 5 members, all of your friends could have been one of the members.
KSW: yes, we would have our own little groups, without the singing! =]

MC: i see

KSW: we also liked these two actors (im not gonna name them since they don't really matter) and we would pretend to be them..
KSW: yeah... our "group" had these matching necklaces to symbolize our "everlasting friendship" but too bad i don't even know where two of them are right now... *laughs*

MC: *laughs* but the other two you still keep in toucH?

KSW: yeah

MC: that's good... since we're talking about high school, i just remembered that most of your films portray you as a high school student.

KSW: yeah...

MC: was that done on purpose?

KSW: not necessarily on purpose but i guess the movies wanted to portray the love and relationships in schools... i really didn't want to wear a uniform but i realized that as a student character, i'm supposed to show the audience (viewers, movie-goer's, etc) that every human being goes through a relatinship and love and etc.
MC: ic

KSW: i really like playing the roles... it's something really fun and at the same time touching (the love stories)

MC: you can also see the REAL LIFE in those movies.

KSW: definitely! i think i'm really blessed because they (i'm not sure who he is referring to, but i'm guessing the fans and the ppl around him) love me beyond my personal flaw and appreciate me for who i am.

MC: you really have charisma.

KSW: what charisma?

MC: no really.. when i see you on screen i think "wow... charisma"

KSW: thank you

MC: thank you for coming out today

KSW: thanx to you and for all the people here, that you'll be healthy and blessed!

MC: good luck with your newest movie!

KSW: thank you

Credits to

eyka Publish time 30-3-2005 11:22 AM

aku suka time ni.. klakar giler

shanew3stgalz Publish time 30-3-2005 11:26 AM

bel, ada video masa dia nyanyi lagu 'Bogoshipda' tu??

Dengar clip dia.. huhu.. k'lakar gak dengar dia nyanyi live... yg bestnya.. peminat dia kemain jerit lagi dia nyanyi...

shanew3stgalz Publish time 30-3-2005 11:28 AM

Originally posted by eyka at 30-3-2005 11:22 AM:

aku suka time ni.. klakar giler

comeinya... :love:

nmi Publish time 30-3-2005 11:45 AM

Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 30-3-2005 11:26 AM:
bel, ada video masa dia nyanyi lagu 'Bogoshipda' tu??

Dengar clip dia.. huhu.. k'lakar gak dengar dia nyanyi live... yg bestnya.. peminat dia kemain jerit lagi dia nyanyi...
credit to-seroja-luvU(sth thread)

isabel Publish time 30-3-2005 01:07 PM

Originally posted by eyka at11:22:

aku suka time ni.. klakar giler

fav bel masa adik dia tu msk hospital...cemas betul dia masa tu...dan juga part masa nak buang gas dlm perut..siap cium buntut adik dia gi...:lol

isabel Publish time 30-3-2005 01:53 PM

next fav MV...


Kimmy Publish time 30-3-2005 03:36 PM

eyka Publish time 30-3-2005 04:41 PM

gambar face shop ni baru real kata bibir merah :lol sama kaler dgn baju..
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