shanew3stgalz Publish time 8-4-2005 12:22 PM

Originally posted by isabel at 8-4-2005 11:27 AM:

betul ler tu....abg dia ni cikgu BI kat kolej...kat kolej mana bel x tau...:)

jd, Sang woo oppa pandai speaking la ek..

isabel Publish time 8-4-2005 12:25 PM

Originally posted by nmi at11:29:

abg kwon is too hot fo her:P

to me too...:malu:

shanew3stgalz Publish time 8-4-2005 12:28 PM

Originally posted by nmi at 8-4-2005 11:29 AM:

abg kwon is too hot fo her:P

ye la.. no offence la.. tp, mmg betui pun..huhu.. :nerd:

isabel Publish time 8-4-2005 12:34 PM

Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at12:22:

jd, Sang woo oppa pandai speaking la ek..


english dia x seberapa sebab dia pernah dikutuk oleh reporter kat China atau Taiwan kalau bel x silap masa dia pasal dia ckp broken english...apa lagi marah ler peminat dia kat reporter tu....:mad:

menurut sumber kat soompi...sang woo oppa skrg tgh belajar ckp english gan Manager baru dia dari Canada (pompuan) and out Manager dia akan ckp english memanjang gan sang woo sebab sang woo oppa akan berlakon kat Hong Kong disamping Chow Yuen Fat dlm citer action Golden Gates...sang woo oppa masih lagi tgh berbincang gan director Hong Kong utk project ni...

shanew3stgalz Publish time 8-4-2005 12:38 PM

Originally posted by isabel at 8-4-2005 12:34 PM:


english dia x seberapa sebab dia pernah dikutuk oleh reporter kat China atau Taiwan kalau bel x silap masa dia pasal dia ckp broken english...apa lagi marah ler peminat dia kat rep ...

tak kisah la.. janji dia belajar... huhu... tp, kat korea kan... sape ek actors-actress yg pandai @ lancar BI dorang?? bel tau??

isabel Publish time 8-4-2005 01:02 PM

Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at12:38:

tak kisah la.. janji dia belajar... huhu... tp, kat korea kan... sape ek actors-actress yg pandai @ lancar BI dorang?? bel tau??

tu bel x tau pulak...:) tapi kalau x silap Kim Hee Sun fasih kot sebab dia ada berlakon gan Jackie Chan dan mereka berdua akan ke Cannes Film Festival 2005 mempromosikan filem mereka...

isabel Publish time 8-4-2005 01:05 PM

ni dia berita pasal Kim Hee Sun...

03/29/05 :

Kim Hee-seon to Visit Cannes Film Festival

Actress Kim Hee-seon and actor Jackie Chan have been invited to the Cannes Film Festival to be held in France in May, said a person from Kim's agency. Kim will leave for France on May 16 to participate in the promotion of her movie "The Myth," also starring Jackie Chan, which is likely to be nominated in the non-competition division. Kim's agency said that this visit will provide the actress with a good opportunity to gain exposure in the worldwide movie scene.

She is scheduled to participate in a number of high-profile events including press conferences and Asian and international film festivals.
Kim, who has many Chinese fans worldwide, was invited to participate in the Cannes festival at the invitation of the company that produced "The Myth."

The movie, which is to be distributed in over 60 countries, will open concurrently in several Asian countries during the summer before it is released in the United States and Europe in the fall. The movie production company expects that Kim and Chan will effectively promote the movie through their joint efforts. By visiting the Cannes festival, Kim plans to establish her presence in Hollywood as well as in Europe.

Kim says she struggled during the production of "The Myth" from May to December of last year because of strong winds and sand at the filming location in the Gansu Desert in China.

credit to soompi...

[ Last edited by isabel on 8-4-2005 at 01:09 PM ]

nmi Publish time 8-4-2005 01:20 PM

Originally posted by isabel at 8-4-2005 12:34 PM:


english dia x seberapa sebab dia pernah dikutuk oleh reporter kat China atau Taiwan kalau bel x silap masa dia pasal dia ckp broken english...apa lagi marah ler peminat dia kat rep ...

takper abg kwon boleh belajar.

nmi Publish time 8-4-2005 01:21 PM

Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 8-4-2005 12:20 PM:

:cry: uwaa.. tak sukanya aku nengok pic nih!!! :mad: :mad: dah elok

nmi Publish time 8-4-2005 01:23 PM

aku rasa nie imej baru abg kwon

nmi Publish time 8-4-2005 01:31 PM

nmi Publish time 8-4-2005 01:37 PM
comel kan pic nie??

shanew3stgalz Publish time 8-4-2005 01:37 PM

Originally posted by nmi at 8-4-2005 01:31 PM:

http://i. ...

wah tanx for all HJW-Sang woo oppa pics.. so sweet la.. post lagi la... :ah:

nmi Publish time 8-4-2005 01:41 PM

tupai_tupai Publish time 8-4-2005 01:41 PM

Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 8-4-2005 12:38 PM:

tak kisah la.. janji dia belajar... huhu... tp, kat korea kan... sape ek actors-actress yg pandai @ lancar BI dorang?? bel tau??

yg tupai tahu cuma lee byung hun dan boa jek..

shanew3stgalz Publish time 8-4-2005 01:43 PM

Originally posted by tupai_tupai at 8-4-2005 01:41 PM:

yg tupai tahu cuma lee byung hun dan boa jek..

LBH terror ke?? :o:

nmi Publish time 8-4-2005 01:43 PM

Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 8-4-2005 01:37 PM:

wah tanx for all HJW-Sang woo oppa pics.. so sweet la.. post lagi la... :ah:


shanew3stgalz Publish time 8-4-2005 01:44 PM

Originally posted by nmi at 8-4-2005 01:41 PM:

:clap: dia ngan KTH unnie..

tupai_tupai Publish time 8-4-2005 01:45 PM

Originally posted by isabel at 8-4-2005 08:59 AM:

ni x pernah dgr pun berita pasal ni...:stp:
bel dah clik kat url tu tapi dated 2003...:hmm:

hi bel..lama tak nampak bel..

tupai pun tak try plak clik kat url tu..tupai copy ni dkt latest korean film 2005..tu yang musykil tu..sebab kata film sang woo oppa utk 2005 cuma wild beast jek..

tupai_tupai Publish time 8-4-2005 01:46 PM

Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 8-4-2005 01:43 PM:

LBH terror ke?? :o:

english dia tahap mcm org amerika..merabuk dier cakap...
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