n0n0n0 Publish time 23-3-2021 12:30 PM

Ye. Iols mmg selalu pura2 tak tahu.

Tibehh Publish time 24-3-2021 08:02 AM

You got: People underestimate you
It's always the loud people who are good at self promotion who get all the attention. You're talented and capable and people don't always see it coming. But when they see what you can do, they're very impressed.

enfalac Publish time 26-3-2021 10:31 PM

You got: You're not as addicted to your phone as everyone else
Sure, you look at your phone. But you're able to resist its temptations a lot easier than your friends. While other people are glued to their phones, you're out here looking up.

mumu81 Publish time 30-3-2021 09:04 AM

You got: You're sneaky smart
You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you.

che-cikL Publish time 1-4-2021 02:05 AM

You got: You're not as addicted to your phone as everyone else
Sure, you look at your phone. But you're able to resist its temptations a lot easier than your friends. While other people are glued to their phones, you're out here looking up.

Not a surprise.Cuma ironi sikit sebab iols jawab test ni di waktu malam ketika tak blh tidur terlalu penat hari ni.

im-a-gurl-91 Publish time 1-4-2021 02:38 PM

You got: You're sneaky smart
You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you.

edoraixora Publish time 1-4-2021 04:12 PM

You got: Your intuition is spot-on

Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

pandora272 Publish time 1-4-2021 06:42 PM

ctjah Publish time 4-4-2021 04:48 PM


intanblur Publish time 5-4-2021 12:36 PM

People underestimate you
It's always the loud people who are good at self promotion who get all the attention. You're talented and capable and people don't always see it coming. But when they see what you can do, they're very impressed. :C

gekkou Publish time 9-4-2021 08:12 PM

You're sneaky smart
You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you.

sungailui Publish time 10-4-2021 10:49 PM

You're sneaky smart
You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you.


Malasnya_ Publish time 29-4-2021 12:40 PM

You're sneaky smart
You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you.

yuyu2810 Publish time 2-6-2021 04:40 PM

Your intuition is spot-on
Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

mamahadi Publish time 2-6-2021 10:00 PM

you're sneaky smart.

Redhead Publish time 3-6-2021 02:53 AM

Your intuition is spot-on
Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

URUHA Publish time 4-6-2021 10:49 AM

You got: You're sneaky smart
You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you

mamarock Publish time 4-6-2021 11:43 PM


You don't think all dogs are cute.

You have high standards and good taste. Are most dogs cute? Sure. But all of them? No. Some just don't make the cut and you feel awkward in this world that praises every dog's look.

readbaca Publish time 5-6-2021 12:52 AM

Edited by readbaca at 5-6-2021 12:53 AM

You're sneaky smart

You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you.

zirah000 Publish time 5-6-2021 11:07 PM

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