cosmos301 Publish time 17-3-2021 12:05 AM

my result :

You got: People underestimate you
It's always the loud people who are good at self promotion who get all the attention. You're talented and capable and people don't always see it coming. But when they see what you can do, they're very impressed.

apple_22 Publish time 17-3-2021 01:34 AM

You got: You're sneaky smart
You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you.

gadis_mateen Publish time 17-3-2021 09:36 AM

You got: Your intuition is spot-on
Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

meltedaisy Publish time 17-3-2021 09:43 AM

You got: People underestimate you
It's always the loud people who are good at self promotion who get all the attention. You're talented and capable and people don't always see it coming. But when they see what you can do, they're very impressed.

IxoraP Publish time 17-3-2021 09:54 AM

You got: Your intuition is spot-on
Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

ledigugu Publish time 17-3-2021 10:35 AM

You got: Your intuition is spot-on
Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

ct_kun Publish time 17-3-2021 11:11 AM

tak reti nak attach picturee..huhuhu

siputpepel Publish time 17-3-2021 11:26 AM

You think pizza is overrated
Sure, pizza is good. But people need to calm down. Will you eat pizza? Yes. But is it your favorite food? No.


tikusmakmal10 Publish time 17-3-2021 11:22 PM

You got: Your intuition is spot-on

Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

cystmex Publish time 18-3-2021 09:12 AM


Sam070 Publish time 19-3-2021 12:48 AM

Your intuition is Spot-on!

miley95 Publish time 19-3-2021 01:24 AM


sunnylicious Publish time 19-3-2021 08:45 AM

You got: Your intuition is spot-on

Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

hampir sama

intanblur Publish time 20-3-2021 10:54 AM

People under estimate you:shutup:

ayamour78 Publish time 22-3-2021 11:11 AM

carlalily Publish time 22-3-2021 02:29 PM

You got: People underestimate you
It's always the loud people who are good at self promotion who get all the attention. You're talented and capable and people don't always see it coming. But when they see what you can do, they're very impressed.

Qwertyuiop2019 Publish time 22-3-2021 02:31 PM

You got: You're not as addicted to your phone as everyone else
Sure, you look at your phone. But you're able to resist its temptations a lot easier than your friends. While other people are glued to their phones, you're out here looking up.

amyfiq Publish time 22-3-2021 07:00 PM

betul betul

leeca Publish time 22-3-2021 10:02 PM

The Colors You Pick Will Reveal A Random Fact About You
You got: You're sneaky smart
You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you.

R0101 Publish time 23-3-2021 11:12 AM

You got: You're not as addicted to your phone as everyone else
Sure, you look at your phone. But you're able to resist its temptations a lot easier than your friends. While other people are glued to their phones, you're out here looking up.
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