truestartommy Publish time 6-1-2021 08:14 AM

You got: Your intuition is spot-on
Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

nanies Publish time 6-1-2021 10:51 AM

You got: Your intuition is spot-on
Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

-adnil- Publish time 6-1-2021 12:03 PM

You got: You're not as addicted to your phone as everyone else
Sure, you look at your phone. But you're able to resist its temptations a lot easier than your friends. While other people are glued to their phones, you're out here looking up.

eira2310 Publish time 7-1-2021 08:52 AM

The Colors You Pick Will Reveal A Random Fact About You
You got: Your intuition is spot-on
Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

niadeep Publish time 17-1-2021 12:44 AM

You got: Your intuition is spot-on

Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

hehehe mcm tepat je

bellaa Publish time 18-1-2021 11:42 AM

masterudeng82 Publish time 19-1-2021 01:13 PM

My result :

You got: Your intuition is spot-on
Your gut is almost never wrong. When you get a feeling about a person or a situation, you can almost predict the future. You're very wise.

Lady_jull Publish time 24-1-2021 02:51 AM

astatine replied at 29-12-2020 05:02 PM
You got: You're not as addicted to your phone as everyone else
Sure, you look at your phone. But yo ...

Sama result.. hehe

kim82 Publish time 25-1-2021 05:56 PM

My result

mawaria Publish time 8-2-2021 05:08 PM

You got: You're sneaky smart
You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you

Claire96 Publish time 4-3-2021 11:48 PM

You got: You're sneaky smart
You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you.

Guli Publish time 14-3-2021 11:17 AM

You got: You're sneaky smart

You're smart but people sometimes overlook you. And the you blow them away with your knowledge and they look like idiots for doubting you.

Guli Publish time 14-3-2021 11:17 AM

Emm okay la jugak quiz ni{:singo

Guli Publish time 14-3-2021 11:18 AM

Bila jawab quiz baru Aku citarasa pemilihan warna orang lain2

syafamin Publish time 14-3-2021 06:51 PM

Spot on katanya....betul la not all the time laa

Pdibasic Publish time 15-3-2021 09:36 PM

You got: You're not as addicted to your phone as everyone else
Sure, you look at your phone. But you're able to resist its temptations a lot easier than your friends. While other people are glued to their phones, you're out here looking up.

bzzbod Publish time 16-3-2021 05:21 AM

Sneaky smart haha

Kak-Leen Publish time 16-3-2021 05:15 PM

You got: You're not as addicted to your phone as everyone else
Sure, you look at your phone. But you're able to resist its temptations a lot easier than your friends. While other people are glued to their phones, you're out here looking up

Akak memang selalu buat undang2 bab phone time2 nak quality time dgn family. Bila balik kpg, jarang ingat nak bergambar dgn mak Ibu atau siblings. Selalunya akak yg kena snap fingers to most of them and “Excuse me...” {:mlhi:}

sweetsakura Publish time 16-3-2021 11:49 PM

Spot-on yaw

keypochino Publish time 16-3-2021 11:57 PM

My result is...
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