makdik2301 Publish time 18-12-2018 04:56 PM

inaniloquent replied at 18-12-2018 04:43 PM
rugi wooo....

cite ni leh ilangkn stress

bagi ko ye leh ilangkan stress..
bagi aku leh tambahkan stress..
tu pasal aku drop..

qis13 Publish time 19-12-2018 01:50 AM

makdik2301 replied at 18-12-2018 04:56 PM
bagi ko ye leh ilangkan stress..
bagi aku leh tambahkan stress..
tu pasal aku drop..

iols tenguk cite ni sampaai ep 4...tak tau bila nak sambun;P:lol:...peram dulu lah lam dekoder astro biar sampai abih episod..

inaniloquent Publish time 19-12-2018 09:00 AM

makdik2301 replied at 18-12-2018 04:56 PM
bagi ko ye leh ilangkan stress..
bagi aku leh tambahkan stress..
tu pasal aku drop..

cbe kalo si JW tu jd hero cite ni...
konpem ko layan punyer kn wpon meleweh :L:lol:

aku layan sbb second lead je ;P

inaniloquent Publish time 19-12-2018 09:02 AM

qis13 replied at 19-12-2018 01:50 AM
iols tenguk cite ni sampaai ep 4...tak tau bila nak sambun...peram dulu lah lam dekoder ast ...

motip tt drop uma sendiri :lol:;P

makdik2301 Publish time 19-12-2018 09:10 AM

inaniloquent replied at 19-12-2018 09:00 AM
cbe kalo si JW tu jd hero cite ni...
konpem ko layan punyer kn wpon meleweh

opkos lahhhh...akan layan sambil angauaku kureng lah ke PBG sengih mcm kerang tu..:lol::lol:

sape seken lead?? ex-hubby sHK ke??
ko biar betol suka mamat tu?

iloveyou Publish time 20-12-2018 02:05 PM

alaaaa sedihhh la ep 7 ni.
ex mak mertua appointed kim jinhyuk ke sokcho.

ceo cha otw nk g epot utk bisnes trip trus x jadi bila hye in (bff kim jinhyuk) call ceo cha bgtau psl ni.


mbhcsf Publish time 20-12-2018 09:18 PM

iloveyou replied at 20-12-2018 02:05 PM
alaaaa sedihhh la ep 7 ni.
ex mak mertua appointed kim jinhyuk ke sokcho.

well..i belum tengok lagik...hehehe... but we knowthis atypical love willl suffer some forms of challenges , right ?

ini baru bermula....


smeetasmitten Publish time 20-12-2018 10:31 PM

I tengok ep 1-4
Skip ke ep 7

Lmbt sgt nak develop

Rasa mcm jalan cerita novel danielle steel

mbhcsf Publish time 21-12-2018 04:22 AM

smeetasmitten replied at 20-12-2018 10:31 PM
I tengok ep 1-4
Skip ke ep 7

ep 5 and 6 are criticals....close encounter with the mom in law - yg 5 tu nice.

mbhcsf Publish time 21-12-2018 04:30 AM

actually kan. i tengok balik pagini sambil buat keje, hmm...:lol: sedihlah sebab dia dahterima ' padah' sebab well...involved dengan CHY, - we know this would happen
dan ditambah denganayah CHY yg mulatak selesa dengan Lady taegyong tu.

tapi u see , it is a bit awkward kan , the dynamics betweenCHY JW

especially masa dinner..adehh... hm okay , seba tu as far as their dynamics go , i just watching for the sake ofhehehhhheheehe ( tak tahu ak ckap masih speechless ) :lol:

reaksi balas kawan sekerja pun kelakar lah, masa hp dia berdering tu wah....the morning after the declaration tu pun ...wa :lol:

i mean of course you want they both happy , ini kira cabaran lah ye

i meani am still speechless about the dynamics ni, so unreal , almost unreallike roxette...

mbhcsf Publish time 21-12-2018 04:32 AM

iloveyou replied at 20-12-2018 02:05 PM
alaaaa sedihhh la ep 7 ni.
ex mak mertua appointed kim jinhyuk ke sokcho.

tapi baik ye , kawan lon g term 'sweet heart'Jin Euyn pi call CHY masa diaon the way ke Airport, patah balik tu...

kenapa ex hubby dia ni macam tak leh moved on and stuck kat situ...i mean so altruistic habisssss

i mean? moved on je lah ...

iloveyou Publish time 21-12-2018 09:55 AM

mbhcsf replied at 21-12-2018 04:32 AM
tapi baik ye , kawan lon g term 'sweet heart'Jin Euyn pi call CHY masa diaon the way ke Airpor ...

yela nampak ex husband dia cm rasa tercabar pulak ngn jinhyuk ni. padahal masa mintak cerai kemain lets divorce gitu, trus blah dr meja makan.
pastu dok teringat2 pulakk. dh end rship ngn pmpuan lain alasan personality xngam. apekahhhh.

ish ex mertua tu dh kenapa. bengang tgkkk

mbhcsf Publish time 21-12-2018 01:15 PM

Edited by mbhcsf at 21-12-2018 01:17 PM

iloveyou replied at 21-12-2018 09:55 AM
yela nampak ex husband dia cm rasa tercabar pulak ngn jinhyuk ni. padahal masa mintak cerai kemain ...
something wrong with the mak mertua, the ex mom in law, semacam kemabukan contro freak, nak kuasa etc.

macam pelik setelah bekas menantu tu dah bekas pun masih dok nak control itu ini...

yeah the useok ( ex hubby ) tu carilaaa pengganti, asyik feely mushy ditmpa perasaan je memanjang, melara jekan

i wonder what will happen tonite though...

tapilah scene dinner tu , ya Allah please lah awkward sungguh aih bila nak JH nak suap CHY , she shrugged her shoulders like : oh god tak kowser aih ., wahateverrr :lol:..well ikut jugak kan becoz that person is younggg....aiyooo speechless thsi part still...:lol::mad::lol:.

mbhcsf Publish time 21-12-2018 01:16 PM

iloveyou replied at 21-12-2018 09:55 AM
yela nampak ex husband dia cm rasa tercabar pulak ngn jinhyuk ni. padahal masa mintak cerai kemain ...

siap bagi pearlearrings lagi tu , cayalah ...i mean baik jugaklah...:lol:

iloveyou Publish time 21-12-2018 01:40 PM

i suke ep 8 ni!!

cantiknya tmpt yg jinhyuk bwk cha tu.:loveliness:

dorg dh LDR rship dah:(
jinhyuk rindu sgt ngn cha.

mr nam mcm biasa jd third wheel haha. siap berjmput jinhyuk dr sokcho.

cptlah ada progress secretary jing & daechan tu. suka plak tgk haha.
first date x menjadi la sbb secretary tu cm memilih plak. padahal teringin/jeles tgk cha ada bf ahahha.

i suke cha & jinhyuk kiss byk kali!! hahaha

mbhcsf Publish time 21-12-2018 01:42 PM

iloveyou replied at 21-12-2018 01:40 PM
i suke ep 8 ni!!

cantiknya tmpt yg jinhyuk bwk cha tu.

oooooooo dier tengok yerrr:L

iloveyou Publish time 21-12-2018 02:45 PM

mbhcsf replied at 21-12-2018 01:42 PM
oooooooo dier tengok yerrr

time party tu, ex husband cuba cri cha tp x jmpe. party konsep havana
yela proposal party tu jinhyuk yg buat kan.

mbhcsf Publish time 21-12-2018 03:26 PM

iloveyou replied at 21-12-2018 02:45 PM
time party tu, ex husband cuba cri cha tp x jmpe. party konsep havana
yela proposal party tu jinh ...

oh the masquerade party , yes, dia tabled the proposal at the meeting hari tu yes?

okay , nampak trailers , ade la matured side of his tapi

:lol: heheheheheh

tak boleh SINK in lah the idea anak ikan niiii dengan ceo ni hahahahahaha

iloveyou Publish time 21-12-2018 04:23 PM

mbhcsf replied at 21-12-2018 03:26 PM
oh the masquerade party , yes, dia tabled the proposal at the meeting hari tu yes?

okay , nampa ...

i suka pulak lyn couple noona-anak ikan hahaha.
cm the beauty inside tu, i suka 2nd lead couple noona, ahn jaehyun & lee dahee. lead couple tu bese2 je bg i hahah.

antara ni dgn couple noona pretty buy me food, mana pilihan u?

shanew3stga1z Publish time 21-12-2018 05:42 PM

xyla73 replied at 9-12-2018 08:42 AM
Depends on individu..not for me either..dah try tgk smpi epi 4 tapi x blh in jugak..apa kata uols...

yep chuols .. ai mmg tgk cite tu .. cite skycastle pon tgk .. haha nampak sgt ai ske cite yg hero dia adalah heroin hahaha

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