mbhcsf Publish time 15-12-2018 07:02 AM

Edited by mbhcsf at 15-12-2018 07:11 AM

shoyuna replied at 15-12-2018 06:43 AM
Kat astro tayang ep 6.. tapi meols record 25minit jahhh.. tak tau apa jadi dgn decoder meols ni
oh ye u suka eh, i am speechless , i am totally speechless

sebab may bebecoz i am 40 kot watching this so, i was like goshhhhh this is anak ikan aiyooooooo

but i think, as they said this lady memang mature but may be social emotional age dia may be la kot , she is probably functioning at 25th ishhhhade


i dunno , i wish he couldbe a bit older ?

but okaylah   layan laaaa sebab i am all for the creative surprises , this is what i like about it ....scene kat lobby is totally unexpected.

cantik kan , paintings by the walls...

depa kan tunjukkan scenarioskorea dari high end areas to the suburban areas ....the demosgraphics tu ....so kita boleh lihat patterns and stuffs, nice.

i mean , i think this drama ade inclusivity elements showcased within every frames...ilike it .


now the strategy part - interesting , kan? the mom, own mom has different ideas, mom in law pun ade agendas, the directir ofthehotel has another ploy...aiyooo...semua ni duniawi sungguh...


see? complications dah mula menyusup...

mbhcsf Publish time 15-12-2018 08:11 AM

shoyuna replied at 15-12-2018 06:43 AM
Kat astro tayang ep 6.. tapi meols record 25minit jahhh.. tak tau apa jadi dgn decoder meols ni

i just finished watching ep 6

ya Allah , she confesssed?

DIA declareye?

at press conference :funk::funk::funk:

but nice smiling face of hersis very niceeee :)

shoyuna Publish time 15-12-2018 08:37 AM

Edited by shoyuna at 15-12-2018 08:38 AM

mbhcsf replied at 15-12-2018 08:11 AM
i just finished watching ep 6

Yup... CSH confirmkan deols baru start relationship. Sebelum ni kat lobby CSH dimalukan depan staff. Kali ni plan nak malukan sheols depan public. 1st time selepas bertahun sheols decided nak ikut kemahuan sendiri:loveliness:

Sian kat both KJH and CSH. Yes KJH tu jauh lebih muda. Bukan je kat luar drama ni age gap deols agak jauh.. tapi dalam citer ni pun storyline memang heols young and carefree kan jatuh cinta kat wanita yg lebih berusia. Tapi dari segi rupa meols tgk takde lah jauh sangat pun. SHK tetap cantik and nampak muda.

Ending art tu kapal dah start belayar. Nanti ada la badai2 yg melanda... tak sah.. slowly KJH didedahkan macam mana dunia sebenar CSH

Sebelum ni CSH bagitau kat secretary Jang. Pertemuan sheols dgn KJH ni wrong timing.. klu sheols jumpa KJH lebih awal masa sheols masih muda sudah tentu sheols happy. Meols sedih bila tgk scene ni. Dah lama sheols sunyi dengan kehidupan sheols yg dikongkong oleh mak sheols:'(

mbhcsf Publish time 15-12-2018 09:35 AM

shoyuna replied at 15-12-2018 08:37 AM
Yup... CSH confirmkan deols baru start relationship. Sebelum ni kat lobby CSH dimalukan depan st ...

oh yes, you are right, kali ini turn CHY untuk save the situation , kan? hmmm,good thinkingyeah. Tapi wah soalan maut cepumas dari wartawan nakal upahan Director Choi tu , kan memang to the point. yes, she has to say and she recalled her father's words , kan? ayah dia cakap kalau CHY ni memain je, then ayah dia akan kecewa ke gitu? but if this is the turning point in her life, for real,then her father is very supportive. Father dia dulu i ngat dok tunduk pada Taegyong tu tapi okay gak, ada stand point lah...

ltapi president Useok . the ex hubby tu takkan lah tak move on atau dok main altruistic saja kot , i mean real love sacrifice-all-kindacharacter???
hmm..ini ????

ade scene beli tie, itu menarik ...
pakai tie tu macam secretary Kim pulak :lol: , sedih je ex habby je tengok

tapi apa yg i nampak now he JH tahu yg dunia CHY macam mane, now dia sedar apa yg di sekeliling dia and CHY laaa...

i tak faham sangat scene press conference tu di mana JH tu gazed pandang CHY and tutup mata seketika ketika CHY diasak dengan soalan nakalttg gossip dia dengan JH, apabila wartawan tu tanya status depa...JH was at the back of the crowds and looked straight at her and then he shut his eyes like knowing look gitu ....i dunno what that means though...

tapi kesian kan admirer JH masa kecik, that girl sejiranan dengan dia , memana kisah dalam dunia dalam cerita akan ade macam ni...apa ye peranan by stander in love of the person they really wish they could have ye? i mean hmm dia pendam rasa ye...
tapi dia ni sesuai dengan president useaok tu la , dedua seemed nice so far , so far laaa...

Sebelum ni CSH bagitau kat secretary Jang. Pertemuan sheols dgn KJH ni wrong timing.. klu sheols jumpa KJH lebih awal masa sheols masih muda sudah tentu sheols happy. Meols sedih bila tgk scene ni. Dah lama sheols sunyi dengan kehidupan sheols yg dikongkong oleh mak sheols:'(

yups, timing semua macam tak kena, dia nangis ... tulah masa tu , yalah the mature part of her talking ...haissh

cite ni main emosi betul...

mbhcsf Publish time 15-12-2018 09:38 AM

shoyuna replied at 15-12-2018 08:37 AM
Yup... CSH confirmkan deols baru start relationship. Sebelum ni kat lobby CSH dimalukan depan st ...

yes, good observation, ending kapal dia dengan JH , ada badai yes....hmm...

may be i engok sekali lagi kot insya ALLAH ....hahaha rerrunning

princessjay Publish time 15-12-2018 12:33 PM

cite ni mule2 rase mcm xcompatible plak heroin and hero sbb age gap.. tp bile tgk, xde lh ketara sgt usia tu.. for me, overall this is a story you finding yourself and true love, and age really does not matter when you falling in love.. cite ni a+ plus dr segi scenary, lagu2 die..mmg match.. suke tgk die potray art and nilai2 sastera kt korea ni..cume kesian kt ex hubby die, sbb nampak die betul2 syg kt CSH.. & kawan dr kecik hero tu, one sided love..one sided love pn still love and it's hurt..   

princessjay Publish time 15-12-2018 12:39 PM

cite ni jugak buat kite rase terbuai2 dgn perasaan..It's so heartwarming how the story tells us of the way life works.. macam yang kite biase dengar,   it'll happen if it's meant to happen. We are bound to meet the people we are fated to meet.. dgn harapan mcm ni, we keep living & stay positive..

mbhcsf Publish time 15-12-2018 03:04 PM

princessjay replied at 15-12-2018 12:33 PM
cite ni mule2 rase mcm xcompatible plak heroin and hero sbb age gap.. tp bile tgk, xde lh ketara sgt ...

i just u know terkedu , speechlessabout this relationship part ni . have no idea where and what will they find in pursuing thisside of emotional journey...if like Mulder Scully platonic okay lagi but this , I sense will develop further and who knows what kind of surprises that would come with it..haiyaaa ter glup glup air liur masa breakfast in ep 4 , last part in ep 5 and 6hahahahaahhaahhahaa

c'est la vie madame

princessjay Publish time 15-12-2018 03:49 PM

mbhcsf replied at 15-12-2018 03:04 PM
i just u know terkedu , speechlessabout this relationship part ni . have no idea where and what...

yup..macam scene yg diorg tgk lukisan tu..i wonder where and how we wil end up meeting again.. cite ni full of meaningful dialog and poem yg menyentuh perasaan.. it's like you meeting your soul mate, who understand you without you have to say a word..

mbhcsf Publish time 15-12-2018 04:49 PM

princessjay replied at 15-12-2018 03:49 PM
yup..macam scene yg diorg tgk lukisan tu..i wonder where and how we wil end up meeting again.. c ...
yes, precisely put. yes , like u sort of having the inklings that you have somehow known aboutthe person even you 've never met him before, the chemistry etc it would be wonderful laa kanhahahaa if that prince chmarming is in slightly different situation hahaha
i think this JH ni connects withher well, she is opened towards him

but i am slightly curious about the altruistic Useok - the ex hubby though as in , what had happened, she was a bit cold towards himso, this begs another question, ifhe is nice and letting her go nicely before the divorce , then why would she treat him with such a cold manner ?

dikatakan ada wanita lain ..tapi nampak macam he loves her to bits ...

i think i 'd reason that despite her mature demeanor etc , she also a lady with the same sekufu level in terms of bothemotional and social interactuon quotient.

sebba tu boleh level dengan JH dan JH boleh level dengan dia. This guy ni daring and determinedly serious , dead on about his precious 'CHY' ...

wima Publish time 16-12-2018 12:39 AM

iols br abih epi 1..

iols rs ok drama ni..bleh layan laa..
x terasa plak slow n boring..
kena dgn taste la kot..hihi

iloveyou Publish time 16-12-2018 12:40 AM

Lepas ceo cha ni ngaku into some relationship ni, cnfirm ex in law ngn org upahan dia tu mula la susun strategi utk nyahkan ceo cha drpd hotel tu.

Ayah cha menyokong ape yg cha buat. Cuma mak dia tu bila insaffff. Bengang je tgk, semua nk dicontrol nya.

Msti obstacle percintaan ceo cha ngn jinhyuk ni teruk2. Alahaiii. Makjang la nnti.

gummygummy Publish time 17-12-2018 12:57 PM

Edited by gummygummy at 17-12-2018 01:00 PM

kalo TvN tu kadang2 i confius adakah di Netflix? emm cari cari takde

TvN - saluran TV korea
TVN - Netflix!

mbhcsf Publish time 17-12-2018 07:58 PM

gummygummy replied at 17-12-2018 12:57 PM
kalo TvN tu kadang2 i confius adakah di Netflix? emm cari cari takde

TvN Hk based

inaniloquent Publish time 18-12-2018 11:11 AM

makdik2301 replied at 3-12-2018 08:44 AM
tak faham ratings cite nie macam mana boleh tinggi..
sebab bagi iols ep.1 sgtlah bosan..slo ...

haippp, aku layan taw cite ni :loveliness:
byk main perasaan tp xstress lgsg

kalo aku jd CSH, dua2 aku kebas ;P
suka tgk CEO Jung...wangi je :lol:

inaniloquent Publish time 18-12-2018 11:15 AM

mbhcsf replied at 10-12-2018 12:50 PM
ini lepas dia panggil laung nama CHY

iolls repeat byk kali scene ni :lol:

lg satu scene yg CSH pegang tgn KJH :$

xde lar gelojos cm sstgh cite ;P

shunnaray Publish time 18-12-2018 11:19 AM

sukaa tgk drama ni. boleh tersenyum2 sorg lak sbb chemistry hero & heroin too cute!

forselab Publish time 18-12-2018 11:22 AM

sy suka je citer ni...melodrama tp interesting...sweet tgk relationship both CEO Cha & Jin Hyuk..
sy layan kt 8TV so a bit delay berbanding korang...tp kdg2 tak sabar nk tau jln citer, gi layan kt online jgk...:loveliness:

makdik2301 Publish time 18-12-2018 03:58 PM

inaniloquent replied at 18-12-2018 11:11 AM
haippp, aku layan taw cite ni
byk main perasaan tp xstress lgsg

aku dah droppp..


inaniloquent Publish time 18-12-2018 04:43 PM

makdik2301 replied at 18-12-2018 03:58 PM
aku dah droppp..

rugi wooo.... :lol:

cite ni leh ilangkn stress :$;P
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