mbhcsf Publish time 7-12-2018 02:27 PM

wima replied at 7-12-2018 01:39 PM
iols baca review byk gile komen negatif pasal drama ni..

tp bile baca uols komen trus rs nk try ...

depends on memasing punya level of appreciation, ada yg tengok pacing , story line, actor etc , so it 's varied among observers.

i tengok sebab ilove the scenery and i found the character CHY ni interesting in terms of her personality, style, conflict, etc and mamat ni i suka nilai dia itu antara bebenda yg i pick up from this drama. look wise - well he is too younghahahaaha...

then i like teh way the storyline unfolds sebab seolah olah macam pencerita kisah ni nak reveal sau satu dalamown pace siapa depa ni ...mengapa dia macam ni, so i ilearn the characters as i go thru every scenes and frames.

iloveyou Publish time 7-12-2018 02:59 PM

wima replied at 7-12-2018 01:39 PM
iols baca review byk gile komen negatif pasal drama ni..

tp bile baca uols komen trus rs nk try ...

aah u, lain org lain pendpt. i suke je cite ni, view pun cantik.

i rasa song hyekyo pandai jugak bwk watak ceo cha. expresi muka sedih, seiring ngn kehidupan dia yg sedih, dark, dicontrol ngn bekas mak mertua yg tah pape. i boleh rasa la sedih nye tu. duit byk tp xbahagia pun.

park bogum pulak terbalik, riang, pandai buat ceo cha senyum. cumanya dia ni berani sgt:sweat3:

iloveyou Publish time 7-12-2018 03:06 PM

mbhcsf replied at 7-12-2018 12:44 PM
oh yes, ade funny scenes, mr nam tu ambik pills dari tangan dia , tu was liek wow a bit sad...yeah ...

kan ada orang suke follow tmpt shooting kdrama ni. alang2 promote la skali.
dlm goblin pun buat dekat gangwon. baguslah buat cmni, org xde la tertumpu dekat seoul je. boleh jln2 kt tmpt lain jugak.

qis13 Publish time 7-12-2018 04:27 PM

Exhb cha tu sebenarnya suka kat cha kan.. ? Dia divorce tuvpun sebab sian kat cha kan.. kene kahwin pqksa hidup terkongkong gitu

mbhcsf Publish time 7-12-2018 06:49 PM

qis13 replied at 7-12-2018 04:27 PM
Exhb cha tu sebenarnya suka kat cha kan.. ? Dia divorce tuvpun sebab sian kat cha kan.. kene kahwin...

yer tapi ada juga another lady...

wima Publish time 7-12-2018 08:23 PM

mbhcsf replied at 7-12-2018 02:27 PM
depends on memasing punya level of appreciation, ada yg tengok pacing , story line, actor etc , so ...


dr cara u komen lebih pada u kagum n enjoy every scene dlm drama ni..

actually mmg xleh bergantung sepenuhnya pada review kan..kena tgk sendiri br tau..
iols just baca review utk rujukan tp lbh pd ikut gerak ati gitu...

layan dulu..rs x leh gi drop je..haha

wima Publish time 7-12-2018 08:32 PM

iloveyou replied at 7-12-2018 02:59 PM
aah u, lain org lain pendpt. i suke je cite ni, view pun cantik.


iols blum tgk..tp mmg dh donlot utk tgk sbb trailer menarik sgt..hihi

iols suka song hye kyo..kalau tgk drama2 dia before ni mmg iols suka lakonan dia..nak2 watak sedih2 camni..

mbhcsf Publish time 7-12-2018 11:59 PM

wow....i tak sangka the past part tu ....hm terkedu

well dok tanya sangat kan siape identiti then now wow...hmm...:lol:

mbhcsf Publish time 8-12-2018 12:00 AM

wima replied at 7-12-2018 08:23 PM

dr cara u komen lebih pada u kagum n enjoy every scene dlm drama ni..

yupsss ..oh my god....what an endinghahahahahah kalut sat gi ....mak mertua dia sure pengsan

haa dah nak gossip situsini sana now ....open terus...

mbhcsf Publish time 8-12-2018 12:01 AM

dia tergelakpasal zip tie tu....hahahahaa

shanew3stga1z Publish time 8-12-2018 09:44 AM

overrated la cerita ni. ai tgk sampai tertidur .. ke ai yg bad taste . hmm ..

xyla73 Publish time 9-12-2018 08:42 AM

shanew3stga1z replied at 8-12-2018 09:44 AM
overrated la cerita ni. ai tgk sampai tertidur .. ke ai yg bad taste . hmm ..

Depends on individu..not for me either..dah try tgk smpi epi 4 tapi x blh in jugak..apa kata uols tgk Children of Nobody since uols kan suka tgk citer yg main lead dia heroin..i think citer tu suits u more..

zehra2 Publish time 9-12-2018 09:57 AM

Slow citer ni..

atira Publish time 9-12-2018 05:49 PM

aku minat gila bogum.. tapi citer ni aku tak leh gi...tgk first ep jenuh nak kasi perabih.
last2 terperangkap dgn makjang last empress.
sorry sayang :lol:

iloveyou Publish time 10-12-2018 09:10 AM

mbhcsf replied at 8-12-2018 12:01 AM
dia tergelakpasal zip tie tu....hahahahaa

terbukti dgn moment yg kecik cmni pun cha tergelak, xyah susah2 kjh nk buat mcm2 bg cha gelak hahaha, guna ziptie je settle:lol:

iloveyou Publish time 10-12-2018 09:16 AM

wima replied at 7-12-2018 08:32 PM

iols blum tgk..tp mmg dh donlot utk tgk sbb trailer menarik sgt..hihi

cite ni 'terbalik', kita kn selalu tgk ceo tu lelaki terpikat ngn pmpuan biasa2 je.
tp cite ni, ceo tu yg perempuan & yg biasa2 tu si laki.

pastu nampak kesungguhan lelaki nk cuba dptkan si perempuan ni. walaupun x sama darjat/taraf.

i mmg dh lama aim cite ni bila tau lead sapa. ep 1 mmg slow. cuba lyn smpai ep 2, watak, plot mula naik. time tu la baru nampak kejahatan mak mertua dia, nampak rupenye ex hb ni masih syg kt cha,

mbhcsf Publish time 10-12-2018 09:46 AM

Edited by mbhcsf at 10-12-2018 06:24 PM

iloveyou replied at 10-12-2018 09:10 AM
terbukti dgn moment yg kecik cmni pun cha tergelak, xyah susah2 kjh nk buat mcm2 bg cha gelak haha ...
ya Allah ...masa i tengok that part kan

i know she is trying to push him away from her ' life' and minds...

but always , as always the oppsitehappened so timely gitu ...

nak marah , at time when he is into hsi protective mode...tarik loosen his tie , masa tu i SUKA her expression looked so real, kita nak tergelak tapi dalam marah

and the happy birthday

goshh....wow deep.

she somehow compelledto accept the gift , did not want tio return the creamy peach ???? ( is it ) lip stick?


BUT I LOVE the last few minutes beforethe drama ends

as i said it is a slowly - paced drama

it is about the conflicts of INTERESTs, emotions and things that are carried withthose conflicts, emotional conflicts, complications etc

just focused on the MONOLOGUE at the lobby

she said ( monologue) : get on with your life, just ignoredeverything you heard

and he marched forward , with such confident stride ...step by step , getting towards her ....then he said( monologue) :i am enteringyour world /crossing the line , wont let you alone in thatworld ....

haaaa...terkebil makcik CEO ni ....:lol:

masa tu mata terkebil kebilCHYtoleh belakang....

terkejut ....it wasa pregnant silenced, the gestures, emotion will deliver the rest of the intended message....

it was hmm something ....kan?

he smiled at her ...cantik dia senyum , her smiletu

that was unexpected

tapi pandai penaja baju clothes apparel depasemua macammatching je , cantik..sopan mostly.

I love this drama, intuitively, i dunno why.

i wish he is 10 years older.

mbhcsf Publish time 10-12-2018 09:47 AM

iloveyou replied at 10-12-2018 09:16 AM
cite ni 'terbalik', kita kn selalu tgk ceo tu lelaki terpikat ngn pmpuan biasa2 je.
tp cite ni, c ...

i think the x hubby should penjarakan mak dia je, somalicious lady

mbhcsf Publish time 10-12-2018 09:49 AM

iloveyou replied at 10-12-2018 09:16 AM
cite ni 'terbalik', kita kn selalu tgk ceo tu lelaki terpikat ngn pmpuan biasa2 je.
tp cite ni, c ...

oh u know the korean actresses and actors ye

i tatau , cuma bila trailers bila tengok sceneries i loveit

i baru study iography SHK, well no wonder bagus, dia art grad ...depa ni degree in art yecayalah patut boleh jiwai watak

yupsshe is a CEO dan that guy mere worker je dan inilah dia takut conflict of interest...

shoyuna Publish time 10-12-2018 11:45 AM

mbhcsf replied at 7-12-2018 06:49 PM
yer tapi ada juga another lady...

Another lady tu meols rasa exhusband kot yang plan supaya mak dia setuju anak dia ceraikan CSH.

Masa kat ep2 hari tu yang pompuan tu tanya perlu ke kena teruskan lagi.

Meols ada la rasa kesian tgk exhusband. Sebab slowly citer ni reveal yg dia actually suka kat CSH. Cuma maybe heols tak tau nak express or nak ambik hati CSH. Tengokla masa heols belikan hadiah kat CSH tu. siap google lagi:lol:
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View full version: [TvN] Encounter/Boyfriend -Song Hye-Kyo,Park Bo-Gum