whitedove Publish time 22-6-2004 10:30 AM

Originally posted by leon_mclaren78 at 22-6-2004 02:19 AM:
Soalan ini khas utk peminat fanatik Takuya sahaja! Kalo belum cukup fanatik, takyah jawab yek!!

Gini... korang yg dah lama support Takuya (lebih dr 10 tahun) ni... apakah perasaan korang bila Ta ...

alamak, kau ni tanya soalan sensitif pulak! benda ni dah lama berlalu...tapi OKlah, biar aku jawabkan...nanti bolehlah kau buat panduan bila time Leon Lai pulak yg nak kawin nanti...:bgrin:

aku tau benda ni lambat, seminggu lepas news ni keluar...maklumlah, masa tu belajar lagi so takde time sangat nak browse Internet...Takuya buat announcement tu masa SMAP tour...aku memang biasa join satu message board SMAP ni, dan yg mula2 sekali title yg aku terbaca ialah, "Takuya is getting married!"...aku punyalah terkejut+haru+sedih masa tu...padanlah aku rasa macam tak best je sepanjang minggu tu...macam tau2 je benda macam ni nak jadi...aku pun reply la kat thread tu menyatakan betapa sedihnya aku sebab Takuya nak kawin! fans Takuya kat board tu pun berperasaan sama macam aku...tapi lepas tu ada somebody kat thread tu bagi nasihat...katanya Takuya pun orang biasa jugak, perlukan family dan somebody di sisinya...aku tak puas hati sebab Takuya baru umur 28 tahun masa tu! dahlah dia the first SMAPpy yg kawin! pastu orang tu cakap, dah lupa ke Takuya tu pun macam kita jugak...insan yg kadang2 tak reti nak jaga mulut (ni memang aku akui sesangatnyalah), banyak flaws macam manusia lain, too overprotective over SMAP members sampai kadang2 memakan diri sendiri...ni buat aku terfikir...sebab aku selalu sangat tengok diri dia yg sebenar dalam SMAPxSMAP sampai aku pun rasa macam aku dah kenal dia sangat & aku dah boleh terima kelemahan dia walaupun dia ni lelaki paling popular kat Jepun...Japanese public and fans embrace him because he's brutally honest & doesn't afraid to admit when he's being wrong...ni buat aku sedar yg dia kena jugak ada orang jaga dia & buat dia happy dan bebas dari tekanan press & public...so, bermulalah dari situ, aku respect keputusan & keberanian dia walaupun dia tahu risikonya untuk hilang populariti memang tinggi kalau dia kawin...tapi manalah tahu pulak tiba2 je popularitinya bertambah disebabkan keberaniannya, dan menunjukkan pada dunia bahawa gelaran "the untouchable Takuya Kimura" yg media bagi kat dia memang bertepatan dengan reputasi dia...ambik masa jugak untuk aku terima benda ni, tapi lepas dia tunjukkan yg dia masih committed dengan fans dia walaupun dia dah kawin, aku pun akhirnya boleh terima...

kau faham ke apa yg aku cakap ni...

whitedove Publish time 22-6-2004 10:43 AM

Originally posted by sara at 21-6-2004 08:58 AM:
whitedove tak leh download pun...:(

laa...tak boleh ke? erm, sara ada Net Transport tak? cuba copy URL tu ke Net Transport...rasanya boleh macam ni...apple5 boleh download tak?

kalau tak ada Net Transport, boleh click Net Transport untuk download...free aje, space pun sikit je guna...

Dita_liebely Publish time 22-6-2004 11:08 AM

suka takuya kimura!!!!

jatuh cinta betul dengan beautiful life tu. Long life kimu taku!

sara Publish time 22-6-2004 01:44 PM

Originally posted by whitedove at 22-6-2004 10:43 AM:

laa...tak boleh ke? erm, sara ada Net Transport tak? cuba copy URL tu ke Net Transport...rasanya boleh macam ni...apple5 boleh download tak?

kalau tak ada Net Transport, boleh...

ok nanti akan cuba try lagi...thak you

whitedove Publish time 22-6-2004 04:39 PM

sambungan article...

Originally posted by whitedove at 18-6-2004 11:03 AM:
OK, mari kita lihat permulaan dan sejarah hidup Takuya sebagai seorang entertainer...dalam article kat bawah ni, kite dah 'highlight'kan mana2 yg kite rasa penting kalau korang malas nak baca semua ...


Success Factors

Many people have attempted to analyse their success. One of the factors is probably the frank display of camaraderie, appreciated but not always publicly shown in Japanese society. Each of the members have said at some point that the others are "members" to them -- people who are closer than even brothers or best friends. As Takuya said in summer 2002, they are a "team". And in this team, the whole is greater than the sum of the total.

In the industry, it is said that when all five of them are there, the joint "aura" is almost oppressive and that they shut out others completely, becoming distant and even daunting (which leads to media slamming that the boys are arrogant and cold). They themselves say that this is because they are "chickens" and scared of people. This may have its roots in the way the very young SMAP had to fend for themselves in a world of grown-ups, with the older two (Nakai and Takuya), themselves barely 16 years old, looking after the four "little ones". When Johnny's Office first roped them in as SMAP, they weren't given any managers, so it's up to Nakai alone as the leader, and most of the times, both Nakai and Takuya to make decisions on behalf of the "little ones". They have recently mentioned how even now they always stayed together at parties instead of mingling, eating happily whatever Nakai the "mother hen" fetched them from the buffet, feeling lost unless the "members" were nearby.

Yet, unlike other Johnny's Office talents, they rarely scratch one another's back. They have refused to become a cosy "family" that constantly back-pats one another. Instead, they are their own harshest and most constructive critics. The age hierarchy, which other Johnny's groups seem to lack, is very strong in SMAP, perhaps because of the early experiences mentioned above. Nakai and Takuya are equals, being of the same age and high school classmates, but the others are not allowed to address them without the honorary suffix "-kun" after their names (as in Nakai-kun and Kimura-kun), except as a joke. Even in jest, the dropping of the suffix is instantly noticed and eyebrows raised. When either of the older two is really angry, the younger ones (Goro, Tsuyoshi, Shingo) become as quiet as a mouse, probably intimidated by the power of the Big Two. However, this hierarchy works to their advantage. The younger three are delighted to win praise for their work from the older ones, and no doubt the fact that the two "big brothers" never sit on their laurels but keep aiming higher is why they are still held in respect, despite all the playful banter. And in individual work, too, each one gives his best, because that has ever been the SMAP hallmark.

The hardship they went through in their early years would have made others crumble under pressure, but not SMAP. They were formed in 1988, so why did their debut was postponed? Apparently, Victor Entertainment producer who was present at their first ever concert in 1991 told the boys that they "couldn't sing, couldn't dance, didn't have the looks" (are you kidding me?). A bitter Takuya asked, "If we become good at singing, will you allow us to debut?" The boys trained and practised even harder, and finally, Victor Entertainment agreed to a contract with them. Then, the "Nagoya incident" happened. In 1991, they performed in a half-empty arena, sending the group of 14-19 year-olds to down to earth, that they weren't as big as they probably thought. Nevertheless, the boys regrouped and set their hearts to entertain some fans who were actually present in the arena. Today, the boys perform in huge stadiums and domes, places where baseball and football matches are held, and their fans turn up in more than 50,000 in each arena, estimating that more than 1 million fans have turned up for the entire tour annually.

Another success factor that most people agree on, apart from their refreshingly un-idol-like forthright speech and bluntness (which translated as being themselves and not pretentious), is the totally disparate personalities of the members, which also show in their work. What people love about them is the fact that they're just like normal people with flaws, and not gods. They are cool, great-looking and beautiful, yet they are not afraid to be silly, outrageous and downright crazy (which is evident in their SMAPxSMAP skits). They are pure entertainers who take criticism to heart and try to make the best out of it. They are constantly in the center of attention whether it's a good press or bad press. Half of the media in the country simply love them, but another half just hate their guts. Yet being in the limelight since young and for so long, bad press only make them stronger each day.

Info thanks to http://www.grndbreaker.com/

Modified and edited by whitedove

leon_mclaren78 Publish time 23-6-2004 12:17 AM

Originally posted by whitedove at 22-6-2004 10:30 AM:

alamak, kau ni tanya soalan sensitif pulak! benda ni dah lama berlalu...tapi OKlah, biar aku jawabkan...nanti bolehlah kau buat panduan bila time Leon Lai pulak yg nak kawin nanti...:bgr ...

Gitu kaa...??! Errmm... baru aku sedar sesuatu.. aku rasa kalo aku minat artis Jepun / Korea / Hindustan / Mat Saleh barulah aku buleh buat panduan nasihat ko nih... Kalo artis cina... ushkk... shushah... ko tengok la dah banyak bukti... artis cina lelaki yg paling lambat kawin! Semua tak brani nak kawin pasal takut hilang peminat. Hilang populariti takpe lagi... tapi kalo hilang peminat memanglah payah.

Eh... aku nak komen panjang sket ni, bleh kan??!! Just utk bertukar2 pandangan jer...

Ko tengok le Leon Lai tu... umur dah 38 masih tak reti2 nak cari pasangan hidup sbb dia nak jaga hati aku & the gengs!! Memang la kesian... peminat2 ni adakalanya memang kejam!! Yaaaa... memang aku ni nampak kejam!! :lol Dalam hidup Leon Lai tu, memang lah sunyi sbb dia tak ramai kawan. Kalo ada masa lapang, keje dia buat taik mata ataupun pulun game Playstation dia ataupun ajak komposer lagu dia, Mark Lui main table tennis. Dia tak penah kuar gi shopping sbb semua ada yg tukang uruskan. Kat rumah dia hanya ada sekor kucing & sekor anjing jer sebagai teman. Mesti ramai tak caya, Leon ni nampak mcm baik sangat! Tapi itu la realitinya! Kalo Leon cari pempuan simpanan pun tak selamat juga... nanti paparazzi dpt korek (artis cina susah nak lari drp paparazzi)... bila kuar kisah kat s/khabar, haa... bersedia jer lah... peminat2 dia akan angkat kaki!! Pasal tu Leon tak brani nak buat maksiat... nanti paparazzi tau! Tak mcm artis Melayu... walopun tahu Tuhan sedang memerhati, tetap degil nak buat maksiat jugak!!

Lagipun persaingan dalam dunia industri hiburan cina memang sengit. Setiap hari mesti ada artis baru kuar. Akhir2 ni Leon dah tak popular sebagai pelakon atau penyanyi... sbb itu la dia banyak join charity event jer. Boleh dikatakan la ni dia mula fofuler kembali pun sbb dia banyak buat charity activities. Dia buat album baru pun bukan sbb nak celen penyanyi lain atau nak buat duit... just sbb nak memenuhi permintaan peminat2 dia jer. Kalo ikutkan andai dia pencen sbg penyanyi pun Leon masih boleh hidup mewah sbb dia banyak sumber kewangan... tapi dia buat semua ni utk peminat2 dia.

Leon layan peminat2 dia sampai gitu sekali, tapi nampak mcm peminat2 dia sebaliknya mendera hidup Leon!! Btw, dulu masa dia umur 25, dia plan nak kawin umur 30. Tapi bila dah masuk umur 30, dia kata nak kawin masa umur 35. Tapi bila dah sampai 35, dia kata nak kawin umur 38. Pastu tak lama kemudian dia kata nak kawin umur 40... hek-eleh... semakin lambat jadinya. Setiap kali Leon kata dia tak bersedia langsung. Pastu dia komen lagi, dia tak begitu percayakan perkahwinan sbb Leon ni actually mangsa kpd perceraian mak & ayah dia masa dia umur 12 tahun. Ntah hapa2 ntah. Kekadang risau jugak kalo betul Leon ni gay ker... isk... jangan ler... nangis aku nanti!!

Kami fans perenah juga berbincang sesama sendiri. Memang ada yg kata akan tetap support Leon walopun Leon dah kawin. Tapi berapa kerat sangat nak support. Artis lelaki cina yg dah kawin ni saham memang turun menjunam! Amik contoh terbaik... Jacky Cheung... dah ler tak hensem, tapi peminat dia mak aih... ramai giler... setiap konsert dia full house. Pernah dia buat konsert 50 malam berturut2 pun laris... memang millionaire betul Jacky time tu... sekitar tahun 1993 - 1996. Time tu dia retire sebagai pelakon sbb kerjaya sebagai penyanyi jer dah buatkan dia hidup mewah.

Pada tahun 1996 dia kawin dgn aktres May Lo, aku pun tak sedar camner dia boleh lenyap terus. Recording company dia dulu glemer... tapi lepas dia kawin kontrak ditawarkan oleh sykt yg tak glemer langsung. Pastu langsung tak penah buat konsert lagi sampai la ke hari ini. CD dia pun dah tak laku. Kalo dulu tak payah nak buat promo-tour sbb CD dia gerenti laris. Tapi hari ni dia kena buat promo-tour ke setiap negara di Asia Tenggara & Asia Timur. Bila dah ada anak sorang, barulah terasa bajet tak cukup... last2 Jacky terpaksa kembali semula berlakon dlm filem. Hasilnya hari ni, dia bukan jer kehilangan ramai peminat & populariti, tapi dah semakin dilupakan. Ini merupakan lumrah bagi artis2 cina. Pasal tu lah Alan Tam & Andy Lau kawin senyap2. Ini pun mungkin jadi sbb kenapa Leon fobia nak kawin...

Tapi andaikata dia akan kawin jugak suatu hari nanti... waaa... akulah org paling terfrust skali!! Pasal tu la skrg ni aku sibuk nak cari spare-part baru yg lebih hensem drp Leon... aku rasa itulah jalan penyelesaian yg terbaik. Tapi masalahnya walopun aku dah ada ramai fav hero, aku dah pasti akan frust jugak pd hari perkahwinan Leon Lai nanti....!!! Susahnyer minat artis cina!!!

p/s: boleh dikatakan situasai aku ni mcm antara San Chai & Hua Zhe Lei la... tapi aku ni terlebih sket.... hehehehe!! :malu:

sara Publish time 23-6-2004 09:19 AM

Originally posted by leon_mclaren78 at 23-6-2004 12:17 AM:

Gitu kaa...??! Errmm... baru aku sedar sesuatu.. aku rasa kalo aku minat artis Jepun / Korea / Hindustan / Mat Saleh barulah aku buleh buat panduan nasihat ko nih... Kalo artis cina... ushkk... ...

ala relaks lah leon biasalah tu dia orang ni kan manusia juga..macam whitedove kata..tapi kan sebenarnya kalau kita minat kat seseorang atau suka seseorang kita takkan kisah sape dia, macam mana dia, dah kahwin ke tak yang penting kita suka and kita terima seadanya dia ye..

hai bilalah Leon Lai ni nak kahwin...;)

whitedove Publish time 23-6-2004 10:49 AM

Originally posted by leon_mclaren78 at 23-6-2004 12:17 AM:

Gitu kaa...??! Errmm... baru aku sedar sesuatu.. aku rasa kalo aku minat artis Jepun / Korea / Hindustan / Mat Saleh barulah aku buleh buat panduan nasihat ko nih... Kalo artis cina... ushkk... ...

wah, panjang lebar explanation kau...nasib baik aku masih terlarat nak baca! :lol aku pun tak reti nak analyse status Takuya ni macam mana...kalau nak diikutkan, berdasarkan sumber2 poll & survey yg boleh dipercayai, sebenarnya industri muzik kat Jepun tu adalah yg paling competitive & paling ramai keluar artis baru setiap tahun kat Asia ni...tapi agaknya situasi Takuya ni special sikit...macam Takashi Sorimachi tu lepas kawin je saham pun jatuh sampai tak tersenarai pun dalam 20 Most Favourite Men 2003...kat sini, bolehlah aku buat analisa sedikit sebanyak...

1. Takuya dah terlalu 'established'...nama KimuTaku tu sendiri adalah brand atau jenama popular, seperti jugak SMAP yg dah jadi brand kat Jepun...walaupun takde muka Takuya atau muka2 SMAP, tapi asal je Takuya-related atau SMAP-related pun boleh laris terjual kat sana...jadi tak kiralah dia dah kawin ke tak kawin ke sama je...

2. Sikit perubahan pada perwatakan dia...kalau dulu main ikut sedap mulut je hentam orang, lepas dah kawin dia dah pandai sikit control walaupun masih 'pedas'...sekarang ni orang kritik dia pun dia dah tak berapa ambik peduli...dia ni jugak jenis yg tak pandai sembunyi perasaan dia...dia marah ke, sedih ke, takde mood ke, irritated ke, fans especially boleh baca air muka dia...tapi lepas dah kawin tu dah pandai sikit control air muka supaya tak sakitkan hati org...tu yg buat makin ramai org sayang tu...

3. Probably because of SMAP...ada yg cakap SMAP tak boleh hidup tanpa Takuya & Takuya tak boleh hidup tanpa SMAP..tapi hakikatnya, Takuya boleh je kalau nak 'blah' dari SMAP sebab nama dia je dah cukup gah, tapi dia tetap nak bersama ahli2 yg lain...begitu jugak dengan ahli SMAP yg lain yg sebenarnya dah boleh sangat hidup sendiri kalau diorang nak...secara tak langsung, peminat2 SMAP pun jadi peminat2 Takuya...aku kenal peminat2 SMAP yg tak minat Takuya asalnya, cuma minat pada sorang dua ahli2 yg lain...tapi disebabkan diorang ni peminat2 SMAP, secara tak langsung diorang akan mula minat Takuya walaupun still lebih minat pada ahli2 lain...as such, Takuya loves his members, probably nearly as much as he loves his wife & daughters, and the members love him! diorang masih bersama sebab peminat dan sayangkan satu sama lain...

4. Reputasi dia sebagai ayah yg baik...semua orang tau dia sangat sayangkan anak2 dia, sebab tu susah sangat press nak ambik gambar anak2 dia...disebabkan pentingkan anak2 dia, dia sanggup tak pergi pantai buat aktiviti kegemaran dia iaitu surfing, sebab katanya, pantai ni berbahaya untuk anak2 dia yg masih kecik tu...ini menyebabkan peminat dia pun bertambah especially dari golongan kanak2 (yg pandang tinggi dia sebagai seorang ayah) dan golongan mak bapak....sebab tu kalau kau pernah tengok video concert SMAP, korang akan nampak budak2 sekecik 10-12 tahun dan orang tua umur 60-70 tahun pun join concert diorang ni...

5. Reputasi sebagai King of Ratings...selagi dia terus dominate TV scene kat Jepun, selagi tulah dia akan terus popular...dan selagi ahli2 SMAP yg lain pun turut sama mendominasi TV screen, selagi tulah orang still minat dia...dan jugak selagi SMAPxSMAP masih ke udara (tahun ni dah masuk tahun kelapan), selagi tulah orang akan still support dia, apatah lagi ada sokongan dari SMAP members...

wah, penat tangan aku menaip...maybe ada lagi reasons lain, nanti aku fikirkan lagi...nak buat macam mana Takuya dah kawin, nasib baik baru dia sorang....aku pun harap jugak members SMAP yg lain akan kawin suatu masa nanti, tapi janganlah dalam masa terdekat ni...tak larat aku nak handle! :bgrin:

P/S: lupa nak jawab soalan kau semalam...tahun 2001 rambut dia dah tak sepanjang masa dalam Love Generation, masa sebab nak berlakon HERO kot...rambut dia betul2 pendek macam sekarang ni tahun 2002...lupa lak...sebelum 1995, rambut dia sependek Leon...tapi lepas tu dia kena simpan rambut panjang untuk watak gangster dia dalam Wakamono no Subete...

[ Last edited by whitedove on 23-6-2004 at 10:55 AM ]

whitedove Publish time 23-6-2004 11:01 AM

more tidbits...

Achievements in The Television Dorama Awards - Voted Best Actor six times for:

Sora Kara Furu Ichioka no Hoshi - Fuji TV (Spring 2002)
HERO - Fuji TV (Winter 2001)
Beautiful Life - TBS (Winter 2000)
A Sleeping Forest - Fuji TV (Fall 1998)
Love Generation - Fuji TV (Fall 1997)
Long Vacation - Fuji TV (Spring 1996)

He was also voted 2nd in the Best Actor category for Good Luck!! - TBS (Winter 2003).

sara, dah dapat download belum? sebab esok kite nak paste link untuk clips baru SMAPxSMAP 21 June 2004...

sara Publish time 23-6-2004 11:49 AM

Originally posted by whitedove at 23-6-2004 11:01 AM:
Achievements in The Television Dorama Awards - Voted Best Actor six times for:

Sora Kara Furu Ichioka no Hoshi - Fuji TV (Spring 2002)
HERO - Fuji TV (Winter 2001)
Beautiful Life - TBS...

i try today..:)

sara Publish time 23-6-2004 04:17 PM

Fuji TV Media Mitamon Gachi Zelma show just did a random survey of 1000 people on the streets to ask them what their favourite dorama theme song was and here are the results.

20.) Odoru Daisousassen: Love Somebody (Oda Yuji w/ Maxi Priest)
19.) Nemureru Mori: Camouflage (Takeuchi Mariya)
18.) Dareka ga Kanojo wo Aishiteru: Sekai Juu no Dare Yori Kitto (Nakayama Miho w/ WANDS)
17.) Asunaro Hakusho: True Love (Fujii Fumiya)
16.) Hitotsu Yane no Shita: Saboten no Hana (sorry, I can't read their name.. I thought it was sung by Tulip though)
15.) Kyumei Byouto 24 Ji: Asa ga Mata Kuru (Dreams Come True)
14.) Doku: Pride (Imai Miki)
13.) Love Generation: Shiawase no Ketsumatsu (Ootaki Eiichi)
12.) Wakamono no Subete: Tomorrow Never Knows (Mr. Children)
11.) Hero: Can You Keep A Secret? (Utada Hikaru)
10.) Furikaereba Yatsu ga Iru: Yah Yah Yah (Chage & Aska)
9.) Yamato Nadeshiko: Everything (Misia)
8.) Virgin Road: Can You Celebrate? (Amuro Namie)
7.) 101 Kaime no Propose: Say Yes (Chage & Aska)
6.) Pride: I Was Born To Love You (Queen)
5.) Hakusen Nagashi: Sora mo Toberu Hazu (Spitz)
4.) Tenkiyoho no Koibito: Seasons (Hamasaki Ayumi)
3.) Tokyo Love Story: Love Story wa Totsuzen ni (Oda Kazumasa...maybe his surname is Kouda? I dunno)
2.) Long Vacation: La La La Love Song (Kubota Toshinobu w/ Naomi Campbell)
1.) Boku no Ikiru Michi: Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana (Smap)

yang org bold kan tu adalah drama lakonan Takuya... sori lah kalau ada yang tertinggal tu je yang perasan..bestnya banyak lagu dari drama Taku diminati ramai...no wonderlah kenapa banyak drama Taku yang berjaya..kadang-kadang pemilihan lagu untuk sesebuah drama pun memainkan peranan penting sama ada sebuah drama tu akan berjaya atau tidak..betul tak..

thanks to neonkinpatsu from d-addicts

whitedove Publish time 23-6-2004 04:55 PM

Originally posted by sara at 23-6-2004 04:17 PM:
Fuji TV Media Mitamon Gachi Zelma show just did a random survey of 1000 people on the streets to ask them what their favourite dorama theme song was and here are the results.

20.) Odoru Daisousassen: Love Somebody (Oda Yuji w/ Maxi Priest)
19.) Nemureru Mori: Camouflage (Takeuchi Mariya)
18.) Dareka ga Kanojo wo Aishiteru: Sekai Juu no Dare Yori Kitto (Nakayama Miho w/ WANDS)
17.) Asunaro Hakusho: True Love (Fujii Fumiya)
16.) Hitotsu Yane no Shita: Saboten no Hana (sorry, I can't read their name.. I thought it was sung by Tulip though)
15.) Kyumei Byouto 24 Ji: Asa ga Mata Kuru (Dreams Come True)
14.) Doku: Pride (Imai Miki)

memang banyak lagu2 drama Takuya yg berjaya...even yg dapat first pun lagu nyanyian dia jugak bersama SMAP...BTW, Doku bukan drama lakonan Takuya but another SMAP member, Shingo Katori...

P/S: SMAP ada perform lagu Tomorrow Never Knows (Mr. Children) from dorama Wakamono no Subete dalam SMAPxSMAP 16/2/04...kite ada clip dia...nak ke?

sara Publish time 23-6-2004 05:01 PM

Originally posted by whitedove at 23-6-2004 04:55 PM:

memang banyak lagu2 drama Takuya yg berjaya...even yg dapat first pun lagu nyanyian dia jugak bersama SMAP...BTW, Doku bukan drama lakonan Takuya but another SMAP member, Shingo Katori.. ...

sori..gomen nasai...ialah Shingo ni kan ahli keluarga SMAP so do Taku..

nak juga untuk lagu dari wakamono subete tu

whitedove Publish time 24-6-2004 11:02 AM

SMAP in Paris!

Why Paris???

These pictures are taken when Nakai, Takuya, Tsuyoshi & Shingo went to France on 9 June 2004, following a "batsu" game (penalty) which they lost. Noticeably absent is Goro, who won the game and penalized the other four to go to France to find him a bottle of special wine within 24 hours! Will they be able to make it in time?

This "batsu" will air on SMAPxSMAP 28 June 2004.



whitedove Publish time 24-6-2004 11:23 AM

New clips...

From SMAPxSMAP 21 June 2004, download with Net Transport...clips are in ZIP files...

SMAPxSMAP June 21 Ending Talk
SMAPxSMAP June 21 Ending Song - Subway Kids (Album: SMAP 001 '92)

and some extras, especially for sara...:)

SMAPxSMAP Feb 16 Ending Talk
SMAPxSMAP Feb 16 Ending Song - Tomorrow Never Knows (Mr. Children) from Wakamono no Subete

sara Publish time 24-6-2004 01:07 PM

Originally posted by whitedove at 24-6-2004 11:23 AM:
From SMAPxSMAP 21 June 2004, download with Net Transport...clips are in ZIP files...


whitedove Publish time 24-6-2004 04:52 PM


Various quotes from Shingo Katori, (the 'baby' of SMAP):

"I truly believe that if all members of SMAP get together, it can be said that (we're) invincible. On the other hand, if I am doing it alone, feelings of insecurity will result in me wanting to do the job better. After some hard work, when I return to SMAP, I will heave a sigh of relief." - Shingo

This is said in the early stages when Shingo has just started out in the industry.

It is not just Shingo, but when all the other members embarked on their own work, they must be feeling some sense of insecurity also (even Takuya Kimura!). But what Shingo feels in his heart is , in this way all his feelings of insecurity will turn into energy to propel him forward.

"Till now, half of my life I've spent it in SMAP, I feel that this kind of life is really great. Together for 1 year, 2 years........before I realise it, I have been in SMAP for so long. Just thinking of this makes me very happy." - Shingo

Each time, after the concerts have ended, during the get-togethers, everyone will come together and discuss about the concerts. Especially passionate about this is Masahiro Nakai, once when he was drunk he said and he will shout loudly

Shingo said Most of the time I am the one coaxing the drunk Nakai to sleep, every time Goro sees this scene he will laugh loudly at me].

excerpts translated from: http://www.netcolony.com/entertainment/smapshop/mz.htm

[ Last edited by whitedove on 24-6-2004 at 04:59 PM ]

biduanda layang Publish time 26-6-2004 06:57 PM

Teppei.....comelllnyer takuya-san


[ Last edited by biduanda layang on 28-6-2004 at 03:58 AM ]

whitedove Publish time 28-6-2004 09:09 AM

Originally posted by biduanda layang at 26-6-2004 06:57 PM:
Teppei.....comelllnyer takuya-san


[ Last edited by biduanda layang on 28-6-2004 at 03:58 AM ]

Teppei!!! :clap:

whitedove Publish time 28-6-2004 09:18 AM


Various quotes from KokokuHihyo Oct 2002:

"Well yes, I guess the name Kimura Takuya is one kind of advertisement. In a CM (commercial), making someone want to dance, or making the consumer want to buy the product, that is all a CM is. If those watching the CM think of me, Kimura Takuya as the same, wanting to buy or use the product, then I guess the product's message or image has come across well."

"Acting, to tell you the truth, is not something I know all that well. I will never say a word against the professionals, the cameramen, the lighting people, the set designers, They are the ones who know what they are doing. They are totally in charge, they boss me around so it is like being a small child."

"I know everyone is holding out expectations for the viewer ratings for TV dramas, but frankly I do not think much about that stuff. I am more interested in what people think after they saw the drama. If they do not think it is great or interesting, then I think it is a flop. Of course, if a lot of people watch it, that is wonderful, I am really happy if I can reach out to so many people. But really in the end, viewer ratings are just numbers."

"When I get a feeling for a role, it is really that time only. Only when we are filming is when I am in character. Outside that I do not keep in character, when the director yells start, then I change over. Of course it is not like a super hero, suddenly changing into his super hero self. But yeah, I change over quickly. Hmm, maybe I do have a bit inside me of the chasing windmills type, but other then that I am pretty normal."

"Yeah, SMAP is for me, my roots. We are all off doing our own things, no one is particularly close. But we are all friends. That is how our relationship has always been. I guess it is because there are no female members. (laughing) If there were, it would be terrible, impossible, really! We are all to each his own type of people. In-between comcerts, some of us prefer beds, others sleep on the floor. I am sure we are all different, some maybe have flooring or carpet or tatami, but we all accept that."
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