Shiite Muslims around the world today observed Ashura, a religious commemoration of the martyrdom of Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, during the battle for Karbala in in 680 AD. Ashura, which means 10, falls on the 10th day of the sacred month of Muharram. Shiite Muslims often mark the day by wearing black, parading through the streets, and making a pilgrimage to the historical site of Hussein’s death in Karbala, Iraq. Many Shiite Muslims also take part in mourning rituals, such as self-flagellation by whip and knife, and passion plays reenacting Hussein’s death. 1. Karbala, Iraq Shiite pilgrims run between the Imam Hussein and Imam Abbas shrines as part of a ritual of the Ashura ceremony in Karbala, the historical site of Hussein’s death. 2. Sanaa, Yemen Shiite men take part in a procession in honor of Ashura, commemorated on the tenth day of the Islamic calendar’s month of Muharram. 3. Beirut, Lebanon Lebanese Hezbollah supporters gesture as they march during a religious procession to mark Ashura in Beirut’s suburbs, a stronghold of the Shiite militant group. 4. Istanbul, Turkey Turkish Shiite men beat their chests as they mourn during an Ashura procession. 5. Amroha, India 6. Sadr City, Iraq Local actors dressed as ancient warriors re-enact a scene from the battle of Karbala. Shiite Muslims consider Hussein to be the Prophet Muhammad’s true heir; Hussein’s death was a major cause for the historical schism between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. 7. Kabul, Afghaniatan Afghan men flagellate themselves to ritually punish their bodies. 8. Karbala, Iraq Shiite pilgrims beat themselves with iron chains. 9. Amroha, India 10. Beirut, Lebanon Lebanese Red Cross personnel stand watch as Lebanese supporters of the Shiite Amal movement men beat their foreheads, another Ashura tradition. 11. Mumbai, India Shiite Muslims use knives and whips, in another display of self-flagellation. 12. Baguba, Iraq 13. Kabul, Afghanistan 14. Nabatieh, Lebanon A Shiite Muslim woman bleeds as she taps her forehead with a sword in Nabatieh town, southern Lebanon. 15. Najaf, Iraq 16. Amroha, India 17. Yangon, Burma A Shiite Muslim walks across hot coals at a mosque in central Yangon. 18. Karbala, Iraq A man with mud on his face cries in commemoration of the religious festival. 19. Istanbul, Turkey Turkish Shiite women publicly mourn as an Ashura procession passes. 20. Beirut, Lebanon A girl wearing a headscarf that reads ‘Hussein’ watches a Muharram procession in Beirut. 21. Manama, Bahrain Women look at art pieces during an art exhibition set up by locals artists as part of events related to the holiday. 22. Yangon, Burma Shiiite Muslims wait outside of a mosque during a ceremony in central Yangon. 23. Beirut, Lebanon Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters during a religious procession in Beirut’s suburbs. 24. Al-Alam, Iraq Iraqi security forces inspect the site of a suicide attack targeting Iraqi police and Shiite pilgrims in the town of Al-Alam, near Tikrit. Shiite pilgrims are often attacked during Ashura; dozens were killed today. 25. Cairo, Egypt In Egypt, authorities closed the Shia Al-Husseini Mosque in Cairo so no commemorations were allowed inside.
karikontroversi posted on 17-11-2013 03:04 PM
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karikontroversi posted on 17-11-2013 03:04 PM
kadang2 aku rasa cam tipu je pukul dengan blade mcm tu sebab tengok badan bersih je takde parut apa ...