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Seorang Wanita Malaysia Terbunuh Dalam Nahas Pesawat Laos

18-10-2013 05:29 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 8585| Komen: 29

GAMBAR oleh seorang penduduk warga Korea Selatan di Pakse menunjukkan serpihan bangkai pesawat yang terhempas.

PAKSE (Laos), 17 Oktober : Seorang rakyat Malaysia antara 49 orang dikhuatiri maut apabila pesawat terhempas dekat Pakse, Laos, semalam.

Penerbangan QV301 dalam perjalanan dari Vientiane ke Pakse di selatan Laos membawa 44 penumpang dan lima anak kapal, menurut Kementerian Kerja Awam dan Pengangkutan Laos.

Pesawat itu tehempas akibat cuaca buruk kira-kira lapan kilometer dari lapangan terbang Pakse.

Menurut senarai penumpang penerbangan, mangsa terdiri daripada 17 warga Lais, tujuh perancis, lima Australia, Lima Thai, tiga Korea, dua Vietnam dan seorang masing-masing dari Kanada, China, Malausia, Taiwan dan Amerika Syarikat.

Pasukan penyelamat dihantar ke lokasi kejadian tetapi tidak menjangka dapat menemui mangsa yang terselamat.

Wanita Malaysia disahkan maut dalam nahas pesawat di Laos

KUALA LUMPUR: Menteri Luar Datuk Seri Anifah Aman hari ini mengesahkan seorang wanita Malaysia, Angelin Teh, terbunuh dalam nahas pesawat di Pakse, sebuah bandar di selatan Laos, pada Rabu.

Beliau berkata, Teh dan suaminya Joel Babcock, warganegara Amerika, dalam perjalanan dari ibu negara Laos, Vientiane, ke Pakse apabila pesawat berkenaan terhempas ke dalam Sungai Mekong dalam cuaca buruk.

"Pihak berkuasa Laos sedang meneruskan usaha mencari mayat mangsa nahas itu," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini.

Anifah berkata keluarga Teh telah dimaklumkan tentang perkara itu dan sedang membuat persiapan untuk terbang ke Laos dengan bantuan Kementerian Luar dan kedutaan Malaysia di negara itu.

"Bagi pihak Kerajaan Malaysia, saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga Angelin Teh dan keluarga lain yang terlibat dalam nahas itu. Semoga mereka diberi kekuatan dan ketabahan untuk menghadapi saat-saat yang memilukan ini," katanya.

Sementara itu, agensi berita AP melaporkan nahas berkenaan melibatkan 49 orang dari 11 negara. 








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Quote tongkatwaran75 17-10-2013 02:51 PM
PETALING JAYA: A Penangite identified as Angelin Teh is believed to be among 49 killed in the Lao Airlines plane crash in Pakse, southern Laos on Wednesday.

She is believed to be working in a law firm and married to an American. They have been staying in Laos for the past three years. Her husband also died in the crash.

The Malaysian embassy in Laos confirmed that a Malaysian named Angelin Teh was listed in the airline list of passengers.

However, the victim was not registered with the embassy.

An officer said the embassy was waiting for more information from the airlines and Laotian government.
Quote ogata 17-10-2013 02:52 PM
pic no.5 tu naked ke??sedih tengok..
Quote tongkatwaran75 17-10-2013 02:57 PM
Quote tongkatwaran75 17-10-2013 02:58 PM

A Lao Airlines plane carrying 40 passengers has reportedly crashed into the Mekong River.

The Rhodes family (from left) Manfred, 17 months, Phoumalaysy (Lea), 35, Jadesuda, 3, and Gavin, 39.
Last edited by tongkatwaran75 on 17-10-2013 03:00 PM

Quote zorrro_03 17-10-2013 03:01 PM
Ni twin otter mcm maswing tu ke?  Innalillah...
Quote tossee 17-10-2013 03:21 PM
zorrro_03 posted on 17-10-2013 03:01 PM
Ni twin otter mcm maswing tu ke?  Innalillah...

Bukan ler...itu kapal ATR72-600...kapal nih baru jek..delivered 29th march 2013..siri 600 yg pertama terhempas didunia...

Quote hanakikan 17-10-2013 03:42 PM
Memang bila turbulance dtg aku kecut perut. Tp aku tgk muka FA dulu. Kalo dorang gelak2 senyum2 time turbulance tu aku x risau..kalo dorang muka pun takut aku pun jd takut
Quote harimau76 17-10-2013 03:44 PM
kapal terbang baru ni... harus agak canggih kan dalam dia...
Quote fifie_olin 17-10-2013 03:50 PM
tongkatwaran75 posted on 17-10-2013 12:58 PM
A Lao Airlines plane carrying 40 passengers has reportedly crashed into the Mekong River.

ni ke rakyat mesia tu...yg pompuan tu

Quote fadlily 17-10-2013 04:07 PM
Statement dari ATR.. Pembuat kapal Terbang

ATR statement on Lao Airlines flight QV301

Wednesday 16 October 2013
ATR regrets to confirm that an ATR 72-600 operated by Lao Airlines was involved in an accident today at around 4.00 pm (local time) near Pakse (Laos). The flight QV301 was operating between Vientiane and Pakse with 44 passengers and 5 crew members on board.

The aircraft, registered under RDPL-34233, was MSN (Manufacturing Serial Number) 1071, delivered from the production line in March 2013.

At this time, the circumstances of the accident are still to be determined. Official sources of Lao Airlines declared that “the aircraft ran into extreme bad weather conditions and was reportedly crashed into the Mekong river. There were no news of survivors at this time”.

The Laos’ Authorities will lead the investigation and will remain the official source of information. In line with the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Annex 13 convention, ATR will provide full assistance the French Bureau d’Enquêtes et Analyses (BEA), safety investigation authority representing the country of the aircraft manufacturer.

The ATR 72-600 is a 68-to-74-seat twin turboprop engine aircraft.

All further communications concerning the possible cause of the accident are the responsibility of the investigating authorities.

The concerns and sympathy of ATR go to the families, friends and loved ones affected by the accident
Quote nurfariezza 17-10-2013 04:08 PM
Quote pyropura 17-10-2013 04:17 PM
tossee posted on 17-10-2013 03:21 PM
Bukan ler...itu kapal ATR72-600...kapal nih baru jek..delivered 29th march 2013..siri 600 yg perta ...

...Indon kata kalau katebang prototype depa N250 berjaya dulu, tidak akan lahir ATR katanya....

        Kalau N250 Buatan Habibie Berhasil, Tak Akan Ada ATR 72 Buatan Prancis                        
Rista Rama Dhany - detikfinance   
    Rabu, 27/03/2013 15:52 WIB
                Langkawi - Kalau proyek pesawat N250 buatan BJ Habibie diteruskan dan berhasil terbang, maka tidak akan ada 1.500 unit pesawat ATR di dunia ini. Kok bisa?

Quote kelana36 17-10-2013 04:23 PM

waktu ni not advisable to travel over the Indo China.. weather teruk.
Quote zorrro_03 17-10-2013 06:23 PM
tossee posted on 17-10-2013 03:21 PM
Bukan ler...itu kapal ATR72-600...kapal nih baru jek..delivered 29th march 2013..siri 600 yg perta ...

Ooo. Tq tn tossee.  Pesawat baru dan canggih belum pasti dpt tangani kesan cuaca yg tidak menentu.
Quote system_failure 17-10-2013 07:06 PM
typhoon nari mengganaz..
kesian kat pesawat ringan..
Quote d-7-0ne 17-10-2013 07:10 PM
apakah skrg ni tren kpl trbng terhempas?
Quote tongkatwaran75 17-10-2013 09:15 PM
Wanita Malaysia disahkan maut dalam nahas pesawat di Laos

KUALA LUMPUR: Menteri Luar Datuk Seri Anifah Aman hari ini mengesahkan seorang wanita Malaysia, Angelin Teh, terbunuh dalam nahas pesawat di Pakse, sebuah bandar di selatan Laos, pada Rabu.

Beliau berkata, Teh dan suaminya Joel Babcock, warganegara Amerika, dalam perjalanan dari ibu negara Laos, Vientiane, ke Pakse apabila pesawat berkenaan terhempas ke dalam Sungai Mekong dalam cuaca buruk.

"Pihak berkuasa Laos sedang meneruskan usaha mencari mayat mangsa nahas itu," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini.

Anifah berkata keluarga Teh telah dimaklumkan tentang perkara itu dan sedang membuat persiapan untuk terbang ke Laos dengan bantuan Kementerian Luar dan kedutaan Malaysia di negara itu.

"Bagi pihak Kerajaan Malaysia, saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga Angelin Teh dan keluarga lain yang terlibat dalam nahas itu. Semoga mereka diberi kekuatan dan ketabahan untuk menghadapi saat-saat yang memilukan ini," katanya.

Sementara itu, agensi berita AP melaporkan nahas berkenaan melibatkan 49 orang dari 11 negara. - Bernama

Quote tongkatwaran75 17-10-2013 09:17 PM
Quote tongkatwaran75 17-10-2013 09:18 PM
Joel Babcock, an American, is one of 49 dead after a Lao Airlines flight crashed in Laos on Wednesday.

All 44 passengers and five crew members perished in the crash.

A passenger manifest faxed by the airline listed 44 people: 17 Lao, seven French, five Australians, five Thais, three Koreans, two Vietnamese and one person each from Canada, China, Malaysia, Taiwan and the United States.

The Lao transport ministry statement said the crash is being investigated and the airline hoped to announce its findings on Thursday.

Babcock was mourned by friends who said that he was a good person.

“He is from the US but did mission work in Laos,” said one, an Omaha, Nebrasa resident, via Twitter. “Very young and brave.”

Later, the resident tweeted follow-up thoughts.

“Our small struggles appear so big,” she said. “Until something tragic happens elsewhere in the world…or just down the street. I’m so sorry for the loss of a loved one to many people I know.”

Eli Deichmann, also via Twitter, asked people to keep the Babock family in their prayers.

“They lost their oldest son Joel in a plane crash today,” he said.

Although she is not listed on the passenger manifest, friends said that Joel’s wife, Angelin, also died in the crash.

The crash happened in inclement weather.

”Upon preparing to land at Pakse airport the aircraft ran into extreme bad weather conditions and was reportedly crashed into the Mekong River,” the Lao Ministry of Public Works and Transport said in a statement released after the accident.

A foreign resident of Pakse, near where the crash occurred, told the Bangkok Post that the scene of the crash was chaotic.

“The Chinese Temple in front of my house has become an emergency centre,” he said. ”I saw lifeless bodies laying about and other lifeless bodies being brought in, some connected to IV drips.

“It’s complete chaos out front, as emergency vehicles grapple with usual traffic on this pot-holed, muddy stretch of road. Hundreds of people are loitering about, some curious, others presumably concerned for their loved ones. It’s absolute horror.”

The aircraft’s maker, ATR, issued a statement from its headquarters in Toulouse, France, declaring that it will provide full assistance under international aviation rules to the investigation of the crash, working with the French safety investigation body. It said the Lao Airlines plane had been delivered from the production line in March this year.

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