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Gempa Bumi Di Pakistan Hasilkan Pulau Yang Baharu

25-9-2013 05:33 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 10385| Komen: 58

Description: Quetta, Pakistan (Reuters) - A Major Earthquake Hit A Remote Part Of Western Pakistan On Tuesday, Killing At Least 45 People And Prompting A New Island To Rise From The Sea Just Off The Country'S Sout ...
Quake kills 45 in Pakistan, creates new island in sea

QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - A major earthquake hit a remote part of western Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 45 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast.

Tremors were felt as far away as the Indian capital of New Delhi, hundreds of miles (kilometers) to the east, where buildings shook, as well as the sprawling port city of Karachi in Pakistan.
The United States Geological Survey said the 7.8 magnitude quake struck 145 miles southeast of Dalbandin in Pakistan's quake-prone province of Baluchistan, which borders Iran.

The earthquake was so powerful that it caused the seabed to rise and create a small, mountain-like island about 600 meters (yards) off Pakistan's Gwadar coastline in the Arabian Sea.

Television channels showed images of a stretch of rocky terrain rising above the sea level, with a crowd of bewildered people gathering on the shore to witness the rare phenomenon.
Officials said scores of mud houses were destroyed by aftershocks in the thinly populated mountainous area near the quake epicenter in Baluchistan, a huge barren province of deserts and rugged mountains.

Abdul Qadoos, deputy speaker of the Baluchistan assembly, told Reuters that at least 30 percent of houses in the impoverished Awaran district had caved in.
The local deputy commissioner in Awaran, Abdul Rasheed Gogazai, and the spokesman of Pakistan's Frontier Corps involved in the rescue effort said at least 45 people had been killed.
In the regional capital of Quetta, officials said some areas appeared to be badly damaged but it was hard to assess the impact quickly because the locations were so remote.

Chief secretary Babar Yaqoob said earlier that 25 people had been injured and that the death toll was expected to increase as many people appeared to be trapped inside their collapsed homes.
Local television reported that helicopters carrying relief supplies had been dispatched to the affected area. The army said it had deployed 200 troops to help deal with the disaster.
(Writing by Maria Golovnina; Additional reporting by Mehreen Zahra-Malik in Islamabad and David Chance in New Delhi; editing by Mark Heinrich)








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Quote sueism 25-9-2013 01:22 AM
Biar betul dasyat
Quote Vokuro 25-9-2013 01:22 AM
Gambar yanh sendu ada di sini ... histan-subhanallah/
Quote Vokuro 25-9-2013 01:25 AM
Quote sekngucing 25-9-2013 01:26 AM
ya allah
Quote dauswq 25-9-2013 01:29 AM
pulau terbentuk akibat gunung berapi/gempa bumi mmg jarang berlaku...

mcm mn hasilnya ye bila lama terpendam dlm air laut, tetibe naik ke permukaan..
mesti byk batu karang, ikan2 mati di atas permukaan...
Quote mr_crab 25-9-2013 01:30 AM
Vokuro posted on 25-9-2013 01:25 AM

video mana.... video
Quote Vokuro 25-9-2013 01:32 AM
dauswq posted on 25-9-2013 01:29 AM
pulau terbentuk akibat gunung berapi/gempa bumi mmg jarang berlaku...

mcm mn hasilnya ye bila lam ...

Saya ingin pergi ke pulai itu dan sun bathing di sana!
Quote dauswq 25-9-2013 01:39 AM
Vokuro posted on 25-9-2013 01:32 AM
Saya ingin pergi ke pulai itu dan sun bathing di sana!

tak sabar nak tgk gmbr keadaan pulau ni...

Quote HUHA 25-9-2013 01:44 AM
yakjud makjud nak keluar ke
Quote sigila 25-9-2013 01:49 AM
Syukur... dpt penempatan baru
Quote JohnDeSouza 25-9-2013 01:49 AM
Vokuro posted on 25-9-2013 01:25 AM

xda gambaq dekat lg ker?
Quote protonpersona 25-9-2013 01:55 AM
reksaksa mau kluar tu
Quote edoraixora 25-9-2013 01:56 AM
dah ade yg pegi cek ke situ ke?
sori pemahaman english aku lembab sikit
tambah pulak kaka vok main paste jer artikel tu
xde gap, lagi ler berpinau2 mata aku ni
Quote Bedah.Cun 25-9-2013 03:03 AM
Mesti pulau tu nanti dihuni jantan2 kachak lazuarttt, takde cinkies oriental yang muke macam potostet berjuta2 kali

Mungkin jantan paki ni terlalu buff, tapi muahhhhh!!!!

Quote HUHA 25-9-2013 03:15 AM
ko ni nak buat lawak ke hapa... tak paham la

Quote redz85 25-9-2013 08:23 AM
wow... amazing...
Quote Vokuro 25-9-2013 09:57 AM
jangan ummah paki propa sudah.
masa mula baca berita saya ingatkan hanya terbit pulau yg sedih ala setopok sahaja, tengok2 pic ala2 pulau yg besar pula, ala normal pulau yg telah sedia ada.

but then itu semua kekuasaan elohim.
Quote Vokuro 25-9-2013 11:23 AM
gambaran yang lebih jelas

Quote batmana 25-9-2013 11:36 AM
patut hanto bini mat yo kt sana..

bole gak mat yo main bola ngn bini  dia smpai mampus..

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