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Jangan Layan Desakan Dong Zong - Saifudin Abdullah

13-9-2013 05:12 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 3184| Komen: 20

Description: Kerajaan Tidak Perlu Melayan Desakan Lembaga Pengurussekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zong) Yang Membantah Pelaksanaan Pelan Pembangunanpendidikan Malaysia (Pppm) 2013-2025. Beka ...
KUALA LUMPUR 12 Sept. - Kerajaan tidak perlu melayan desakan Lembaga Pengurus  Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zong) yang membantah pelaksanaan Pelan Pembangunan  Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025.

Bekas Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Saifudin Abdullah berkata,  desakan demi desakan yang dilakukan oleh Dong Zong akan menggagalkan PPPM  sedangkan mereka tidak jelas apa kandungan pelan tersebut.

"Jika dikaji dengan mendalam kandungan PPPM itu, kerajaan sesekali tidak  pernah meminggirkan mana-mana bahasa ibunda, malah kerajaan menggalakkan lagi  pelajar mendalami bahasa lain," katanya dalam sidang akhbar Gerakan  Kesederhanaan Global Foundation (GMMF) di sini hari ini.
Beliau diminta mengulas tindakan Dong Zong yang menganggap pelaksanaan PPPM  kononnya akan menghapuskan bahasa Cina dan sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina.

Saifudin yang baru dilantik sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif GMMF memberitahu,  beliau dimaklumkan bahawa ada usaha tertentu daripada pihak Dong Zong untuk  berunding dengan kerajaan berkaitan hal ini.

Katanya, kerajaan tetap mengambil kira semua pandangan pelbagai pihak demi  memastikan PPPM dapat dilaksanakan seperti yang dirancang.
Tambah beliau, adalah tidak benar kerajaan tidak mengambil peduli pandangan  Dong Zong kerana semua bahasa diberi layanan sama rata untuk dikuasai oleh  pelajar.

"Kerajaan tidak ketepikan mana-mana bahasa ibunda lain sama ada Cina atau  Tamil. Tetapi mereka kena faham asasnya bahawa bahasa Melayu adalah bahasa  kebangsaan, semua kena tahu dan faham.

"Kalau bahasa Melayu pun sukar difahami, bahasa apa yang hendak kita gunakan  lagi," katanya.

Saifudin menambah, beliau percaya kerajaan telah melaksanakan yang terbaik  untuk rakyat selaras dengan falsafah pendidikan negara dan keadaan ini tidak  boleh diubah sesuka hati mengikut kehendak atau kepentingan satu pihak  sahaja.

Ujarnya, beliau mahu semua kaum menerima dengan hati terbuka tentang PPPM  kerana kerajaan telah mempertimbangkan sebaik-baiknya sebelum dilancarkan








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Quote Acong 15-9-2013 05:11 AM
Haramkan saja dong zong komunis nie... langsung tak menyumbang kpd perpaduan negara.
Quote Acong 15-9-2013 07:02 AM

Quote Acong 15-9-2013 07:05 AM
Dong Zong Chairman, Dr. Yap Sin Tian, Has Faked Doctorates!
Posted on March 31, 2012 by editor

Dr Yap Sin Tian – the controversial organizer of the 325 rally for Chinese education – talks so much about the quality of Chinese education.

He portrays himself as if he is a man of high integrity, high accountability and principles. In short, a man in defence of Chinese education.

But we have enough evidence to prove that behind his beefed up image, is man who is dishonourable and deceitful. He has no qualms of buying his doctorates from the Internet.

What you see of him is not what he is and he has over the years deceived the people and even his Chinese educationist group with regards to his fake credentials.

He proudly displayed his resume on the website of the Oriental Strategy Research Centre of which he is a director.

He claims to have a Ph.d in Business Administration from the Southern Cross University in Australia in 1999.

His purported strings of other qualifications include a Ph.d from the Kensington University in USA in 1993 and another doctorate in Business Administration from Kensington University in 1991.

Strangely enough Dr Yap who professes to champion for Chinese education prefers US degrees.

Apparently we are not the first to question Dr Yap’s three dubious doctorates. It was first raised by Dr Kua Kia Soong, a former DAP MP and Chinese educationist.

He asked how someone like Dr Yap could become the chairman of the board of the New Era College.

Our checks show that Kensington University has no classrooms, no laboratories or dorms. Certainly strange.

The so-called campus was housed in a small Glendale office building in California.

It ran a programme where students could earn anything from a bachelor’s degree to a doctorate – all without ever attending a single class or ever meeting their instructors face to face.

The unscrupulous school had been found to have routine acceptance of below-par student work, awarding inflated credit for so-called “life experience” and not having enough faculty.

In one case, reviewers were shocked to discover that a student was awarded a doctorate merely by reading magazines and doing about a dozen short reaction papers.

It seems that the school had also awarded doctoral degrees for as short as a four-month work, according to a report on the closure of this diploma mill school.

It was finally shut down by a court order following public complaints on this dubious college which Dr Yap proudly showed off his faked degrees!

The university was shut down by Californian authorities in 1996. It shifted its operations to Hawaii but eventually was shut down by the authorities there in 2003.

Wonder any of those hot headed protestors knew about this fake man! He has taken his supporters for a ride all these while.

Well, the background of this expose comes from the Los Angeles Times. Perhaps admirers of Dr Yap should wake up and do more research on this dubious character.

The information are easily available online. Just google, you dick heads!

Florida State Representative Jeniffer Caroll had to quit from the National Commission on Presidential Scholars after the press exposed her for having a degree from the Kensington University.

In this case, Dr Yap has not one but TWO faked Ph.ds from this same crappy unaccredited university which has been shut down by the authorities.

We can only say that Dr Yap is a phony man with phony Phd from a phony university. Shame on you!

You are dishonourable. You have brought shame to the Chinese community – so stop bullshitting or talking about defending Chinese education.
Quote lkick2113 15-9-2013 07:36 AM
Acong posted on 15-9-2013 07:02 AM

Ada jugak idola ko cong dlm video tu
Quote biosfree 15-9-2013 07:38 AM
Dong zong, tu rakyat kelas ketiga dlm hiraraki penduduk malaysia....bumiputra pertama, semua tuntutan mrk , buang je dlm smph...
Quote xpdckelate 15-9-2013 08:14 AM
kerajaan bijan ni suka sangat melayan tuntutan kaum nih,tu naik lemak sangat
Quote Acong 15-9-2013 08:22 AM

Quote ringcat 15-9-2013 08:29 AM
Sejak bila Saifudin dah pandai bersuara macam UMNO?bukan selama ni dia cakap macam
PR? The Star (penjilat cina) harakah,MAlaysiakini,AStro Awani cukup suka jemput
mamat ni, konon2 melayu macam CIna.

masa PRU13 semua orang UMNO Temerloh tolak dia, tu yang kalah tu.

Ni sebab dia nak jadi MT UMNO?

kalau dia ada maruah elok jadi macam Zaid Ibrahim, nak cakap macam PR
keluarlah UMNO.
Quote Loloq89 15-9-2013 08:36 AM
Acong posted on 15-9-2013 07:02 AM

bru  tumbuk skit dh bekicap!

Quote H猷L鰃頧 15-9-2013 08:39 AM
kene ada satu parti yg racist utk melayu supaya boleh hapuskan terus dasar Dong zhong ni, racist baik utk mereka sebab mereka survive kerana mereka racist,

so be a good racist my dear malay, kita cuma "mencontohi" mereka
Quote mybluegetz 15-9-2013 08:53 AM
nama persatuan dong zong bunyi mcm nkat dinasti han dh. sbb tu mcm nk suruh chinese kat malaysia mcm kat dinasti maharaja china dlu2 kot

patriotisme kurg
Quote cmf_BeachBoys 15-9-2013 09:25 AM
hapuskan sistem sekolah jenis kebangsaan
Quote tobby 15-9-2013 11:52 AM
laksanakan jer. MCA pun tak byk dpt undi dlm last election.
Quote SulurBidar 15-9-2013 12:01 PM

SRJK Cina dan Tamil penyebabnya masalah perpaduan negara pada masa kini

Pada masa yg sama, selaraskan silibus SRJK ke dalam SRK dan rombak balik masa belajar..

Guru tidak perlu kerja-kerja pengkeranian..
Depa harus fokus pada tugas-tugas pembelajaran..

Tugas kakitangan sokongan diselaraskan.

p/s: I wish I can be a Minister of Education, then I can fix all these matters.
Quote rashiman 15-9-2013 01:34 PM
tak perlu dilayan Dong Zong nie...
kalau layan pun, bukannya dia nak menyokong pun...
Quote allnighter 15-9-2013 01:44 PM
Setakat mendengar pandangan tu tidak mengapa...asal jangan diikut bulat2. Kerajaan perlu bertegas untuk kepentingan generasi akan datang...
Quote batmana 15-9-2013 02:07 PM
Acong posted on 15-9-2013 08:22 AM

aku smpai skrg tak paham, nape budak ni tumbuk dia..?

Quote Modngengade 17-9-2013 08:01 AM
Kalau gigih sgt nk berbahasa mandarin atau tamil ...balik jer ke negara asal masing2...duduk kat mesia pun buat masalah jer
Quote Modngengade 17-9-2013 08:06 AM
Acong posted on 15-9-2013 07:05 AM
Dong Zong Chairman, Dr. Yap Sin Tian, Has Faked Doctorates!
Posted on March 31, 2012 by editor

La..ada fake doctorate ke...patutlah menyalak mcm hanjeng...donk jong berbangga dgn faker ni kekdahnya...

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