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Sekolah Paksa Pelajar Beli Pil Dimensi 108?

29-8-2013 05:34 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 10713| Komen: 86

Out of this world: A screenshot of a picture of boxes of the ‘get smart’ pills found on a Facebook account.

PETALING JAYA: Schools in several states have been “pushing” pills that supposedly make pupils cleverer.

The promoters also claim that the “get smart” pills, named Dimensi 108, which are marketed as food supplements, can alter children’s behaviour to make them more obedient and hard-working as well as resistant to illnesses.

Concerned parents from a school in Kuala Lumpur contacted The Star when the tablets were distributed to Year Six pupils earlier this week, saying their children were being forced to buy the pills.

One parent said she had asked her daughter to return the pills to the class teacher and refused to pay for them.

“When my daughter and a few of her friends returned the pills, the teacher told them not to blame her if they are tak pandai (not clever) in their UPSR (which starts on Sept 9). 

“Can you believe that? The teacher is supposed to encourage the kids to work hard for their exams and not rely on some pills with so-called magical properties,’’ the outraged parent told The Star.

Another complainant, whose brother is studying at the school, has lodged a written complaint with the Health Ministry.

“A ministry official told me that they will look into the matter, and I have also sent pictures of the packaging of the pills with the ministry’s logo on it. 

“I hope they will get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible because we need to know whether the product is legitimate or not,” said the complainant.

The school’s headmistress said parents had “misunderstood” the nature of the pills and it was not compulsory for pupils to buy them.

“We would not promote anything that is bad for the pupils ... these are just like herbal supplements to help pupils concentrate and build energy for the upcoming examination.

“They have ingredients such as spirulina and red dates, which are known for their health-giving properties. I myself give them to my child near the examination period.

“The product also has the endorsement of the Malaysian Federation of the Council of Headmasters, meaning that it has been approved by the Health and Education ministries,” she said.

The headmistress claimed that the pills were supplied to the school by the council.

“One parent shared her concerns with me personally, and when I explained the situation, she was very supportive,” she added. Some parents remained sceptical. 

“Only RM5 for a behaviour altering drug? This is way too affordable for the best thing since the discovery of DNA,” quipped a parent on Facebook.

“Spend a few hundred bucks, behavioural issues solved ... Where can I mass order? Or how to sign up to be an agent?” added another.








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Quote NIXAR 29-8-2013 10:43 AM
wah mudahnya nk bagi budak2 pandai dan berkelakuan baik. beli je pil ni. selesai masalah samseng di skolah
Quote ell768 29-8-2013 10:44 AM
makin ramai cikgu bangang nampak gayanya skang xnak beli xyah laa ckp mcm kalau laku baper sen cikgu dpt komisen neh??lain kali kalau nak upsale pon agak2 laaaa..
Quote haryatie 29-8-2013 10:48 AM
biar betul...
x merbahaya kan kesihatan budak2 ker..
ishhhhh..pelik2 sekarang ni..
Quote Nash^Roy 29-8-2013 10:49 AM
cikgu2 camni baik buang je dr gomen.. mostly yg wat direct selling kat sekolah paham2 je la puak mana..
Quote NIXAR 29-8-2013 10:50 AM
Home > News > Nation
Published: Thursday August 29, 2013 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Thursday August 29, 2013 MYT 6:36:16 AM
‘Get smart’ pills are safe to be consumed, says firm

PETALING JAYA: The company supplying the “get smart” pills claims that its product is safe for consumption and described the pills as only a food supplement.

Tiga G Dimensi Satu Kosong Lapan Sdn Bhd’s managing director Omar Mohd Yusos claimed that the pills were safe for consumption and had been distributed to schools since 2010.

“We sought the approval of the Health Ministry’s National Pharma­ceutical Control Bureau, and they informed us that since the tablets contain less than 20% of active ingredients, they are classified as food supplements.

“After the success of our product in Johor, I was invited by the Malaysian Federation of the Council of Headmasters to talk to school heads about the power of these pills,” he said, claiming that schools do not get any monetary profit from promoting the product.

Malaysian Federation of the Council of Headmasters chairman Ruslan Madon also replied to The Star’s initial enquiry on the pills via e-mail, but did not offer further comment as of press time.

Meanwhile, the sole distributor of the tablets is Negri Sembilan-based Glomind Enterprise Sdn Bhd.

It has, in several Facebook accounts, claimed that the product is being sold in schools in Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Johor.

A news report about the pills published in June further claimed that SK Bandar Endau and SK Teluk Lipat in Mersing, Johor, saw a dramatic improvement in UPSR results after their pupils took the pills.

The report quoted Glomind Enterprise’s managing director Amran Othman saying that his company had provided pills to the two schools for free since 2011.

“When consumed, the hydrogen and nitrogen in the tablets will go into the bloodstream and form a molecule chain that acts like a ‘bullet’ to destroy negative molecules and generate positive energy.

“This energy also works as a defence against bacteria or viruses that cause illnesses,” he said.

Among the ingredients said to be in the tablets are honey, Chinese yam and lotus seeds – although the website claims that only 1.5% of each tablet consists of the purportedly beneficial natural ingredients while 35% of the tablets are supposedly milk powder.

Each 20-tablet box costing RM5 comes with guidelines on how many pills are required, depending on age.

Children 12 years old and below only need one tablet daily, while those between 13 and 18 should take two a day. Tertiary students are advised to take four tablets.
Quote NIXAR 29-8-2013 10:50 AM
katanya dh diedar di skolah sejak 2010 lagi. ada sapa2 mak ayah yg pernah beli?
Quote tunas.manja 29-8-2013 10:55 AM
jadi cerdik tapi pemalas,pun tak guna jugak
Quote aku_best 29-8-2013 11:00 AM
Sekolah aku Tak paksa untuk murid beli pun.
Quote pehbedah 29-8-2013 11:04 AM
Pil kejadah menda la nii...anak aku rajin beli kismis kat Sekolah...Ada la yg jual tuu...Kira ok lagi la..tak abis makan mak kat umah boleh makan...nak bagi mak budak cerdik sama..
Quote Budakmomok 29-8-2013 11:04 AM
wah boleh beli ni...
Quote bnmbnm 29-8-2013 11:05 AM
baru2 ni sek anak ambo pun ada rekomen anak2 yg nak ambik periksa try..anak ambo ada beli rm5 sepapan..ambo rasa dulu and wat search kat tenet sebelum bagi anak makey...ada pelbagai rasa daley sepapan tu...sedak jah...macam rasa mentos perasa buah-buahan tu...

pastu ambo tengok kat website dia...ada lah juga sijil2 tu... (try rujuk sini )

pastu ambo bagi jer nak anak ambo try.. ..yg ambo perati..bangun pagi lebih cergas walau sepanjang hari tu penuh dgn aktiviti dari subuh sapa ke tengah malam...

nak kata jadi pandai tu, ambo taksey komen pasalnya klu tak belajar macam mana nak pandai...hi hi hi
Quote nurfariezza 29-8-2013 11:06 AM
hebat btul pil ni...
ape kata kite beli n bg kt geng2 penjenayah 2...
cnfirm trus jd baik n cerdik....
so xdela kes jenayah kt malaysia ni...ekekek  
Quote umieanie 29-8-2013 11:07 AM
x pyh la beli benda2 cenggini...kalau ada kelulusan dari KKM makesure ade logo kelulusan tu...anak2 aku semua aku bagi makan kismis je...naturel gitu
Quote cikatilia 29-8-2013 11:14 AM
ada info pasal pil ni dlm thread lain

katanya merbahaya
harus aku tanya adik aku pharmacist
Quote gaara_X 29-8-2013 11:17 AM
bijak pandai manusia depend pada usaha....
Quote kecimpret 29-8-2013 11:22 AM
bila cikgu terlibat dlm MLM dan bisnes part time!

Quote PitMie 29-8-2013 11:24 AM
gaara_X posted on 29-8-2013 11:17 AM
bijak pandai manusia depend pada usaha....

Itula jadda wajada. Mudah je konsepnya. Pd aku pil2 ape kejadah sume nih termasuk coklat minda la ape lah, lebih kpd bisnes semata dari btul2 nak berikan kesan terbaik sbb dlm bab belajar, mustahil budak yg malas belajar kaki main tetibe bleh jd pandai bila amal pil2 ngarut sume nih....sbb kalau tak belajar camne nak pandai, bukan nak dpt wahyu ilahi study idak tp makan pil dan2 bleh jwb exam jwpn muncul dlm otak tiba2 walaupun tak penah this is very questionable.

Paling aku paneh ati perangai guru2 yg paksa anak2 murid beli ape yg diorg jual kerana nak dpt wang nak kaya nak pakai keter besar sume......mmg celake perangai tuh.

Quote lavajeans 29-8-2013 11:27 AM
PitMie posted on 29-8-2013 11:24 AM
Itula jadda wajada. Mudah je konsepnya. Pd aku pil2 ape kejadah sume nih termasuk cokl ...

guru masuk lambat stengah jam lu panas tak..??

Quote solstice 29-8-2013 11:30 AM
Apasal lah cikgu2 ni bodoh sangat
Tau lah ramai yg buat bisnes sampingan

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