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1967:Gabungan Negara2 Arab Serang Israel & Kalah.(30pic+2vid)

14-8-2013 12:03 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 12903| Komen: 3

Order of Commander Steel (84th Panzer) Division of Major General Israel Tal: Monday 26 Iyar 5727, June 5, 1967 Steel Division Soldiers! Ordered! Today we are going to fight to break an arm, stretching our throat and trying to strangle us . Today we go into battle to break through the south gate, locked the Egyptian aggressor.Our tanks will bring the war into the enemy's land. We did not seek this war. The enemy wanted her enemy started it, the enemy will get the war to the fullest. Note: For the third time we raised over Egyptian dagger. For the third time the enemy fell into a crazy illusion: see Israel, on his knees. fire, blood and iron we will destroy him from the heart of this criminal plan. Remember: We are not at war with the citizens of Egypt. We do not want their land and their property. We do not want to destroy their country, and to capture it. We go into battle to destroy the enemy army that threatens our peace of mind. We go into battle to break through the wall of Egyptian blockade. We go into battle to destroy the murderers. Sinai Desert today recognizes the power of Steel division. And the earth tremble under Tracians our tanks.Division commander.

The Six Day War of 1967. Israeli tank crew

28 Iyar, Israel noted the 46th anniversary of the victory in the Six-Day War. This war, which ended in total defeat of the armies of seven Arab countries that supported and armed the Soviet Union, was a turning point in the history of the state of Israel and has had a significant influence on the course of events in the world over the next decade

Golani Brigade Reconnaissance

The events leading up to the war, developed rapidly. Arab countries have believed in his vast numerical superiority for nothing and received arms from the Soviet Union in the tens of billions of dollars in earnest hope, with the support of the USSR to destroy the Jewish state. USSR openly provoke the Arabs to wage aggression against Israel, hoping thereby to establish its hegemony over the strategically important Middle East. in May 1967. Egypt demanded the withdrawal of UN forces from the Sinai, which was immediately executed under pressure from the USSR to the United Nations Security Council: United Nations Secretary General U Thant unexpectedly ordered removed UN forces from Sinai, thus opening the way Arab armies to the borders of Israel. fact, the Soviet Union strongly pushing the Arabs to wage "hot" war against Israel. May 14 columns of Egyptian infantry and armored vehicles crossed the Suez Canal and occupied the Sinai Peninsula, blocking the Straits of Tiran to Israeli ships. This was an unprovoked act of war announcements Israel. May 17 followed by a new act of aggression - two Russian MiG with Egyptian identifying marks flew over Israel - from the east (Jordan) to the west. Their flight was just over the Israeli nuclear center at Dimona. , May 22, Egypt's President Nasser closed to Israeli shipping Straits of Tiran in the Red Sea that Israel was the "casus belli." May 26, the president of Egypt said, "if a war breaks out, it will be a total and its goal is the destruction of Israel. " The Arabs and the USSR had already anticipated a victory and a massacre of Israelis. The block led by Egypt, which stood for the USSR, one after another joined the Arab countries to send their troops to fight with Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Morocco. May 30 to this unit joined Jordan. Arab countries have deployed along Israel's borders more than a million well-equipped soldiers, 700 combat aircraft and 3,500 tanks.USSR concentrated in the Mediterranean Sea more than 30 surface ships and 10 submarines, including nuclear power. At each of the more than 30 Soviet ships were formed amphibious groups, which according to the plans of the Soviet command had to land on the coast of Israel ... France, the former before the main exporter Compatible weapon and missiles into Israel, succumbed to the pressure of the Arabs and imposed a ban on supplies to Israel have already paid for combat technology ... Now, Israel was surrounded on all sides by vastly superior army of militant Arab countries and the USSR, ready to strike at the Jewish state. Israel has clearly realized the impending danger. Three-front war has become a reality. Only in one of Tel Aviv expecting to 10,000 victims of the bombings, a cemetery was consecrated city squares and parks. May 23 in a country whose population then was little more than 2 million people, began a general mobilization: the army was mobilized 230,000 people summarized in the 21st Brigade - 5 armored, mechanized 4, 3 airborne infantry and 9.

Israeli commandos. 1967.

Meeting of the officers of the General Staff Special Forces



IDF included a 275 million people, about 1,000 tanks, 450 aircraft and 26 warships. were created following attack groups of troops: the Sinai area (Southern Front) - 8 teams, 600 tanks and 220 combat aircraft, personnel - 70 thousand people.; Damascene direction (North Front) - five brigades, about 100 tanks, 330 artillery pieces, 70 combat aircraft, personnel - about 50 thousand people.; Amman direction (Central Front) - 7 teams, 220 tanks and self-propelled installations, and 400 artillery pieces, 25 combat aircraft, 35 thousand people. personnel.

Officers discuss intelligence

In the evening on June 1 for the post of Defense Minister Moshe Dayan was appointed. The purpose of the military general meant that Israel was ready for all-out war.

Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, Chief of Staff, General Yitzhak Rabin, Air Force Commander Gen. Mordechai Hod (right)

Infantry and tank generals of the Six Day War. 1967
Left to right: Israel Tal, Ariel Sharon, Ishayagu Gavish, Abraham Joffe

June 3, 1967, the Israeli Cabinet ministers decided to go to war. Six-Day War began June 5, 1967. Israel launched a preemptive strike on Arab countries partners of aggression. 07.45 in the Israeli Air Force attacked on all fronts. Their plan was to capture the absolute air superiority - in strikes against air bases and destroy all enemy war planes on the ground. The destruction of enemy air force is fully unleashes the Israeli ground troops, ready to inflict a mortal blow to many times superior to quantify the enemy ground forces.

Israeli planes attack enemy ground forces

The Israeli Air Force used a completely new tactical solutions, which became a surprise for the enemy. 

After the first shock, which was a complete surprise to the Arabs because of their radar and communications facilities have been blinded by the Israeli planes returned to airfields for refueling and suspension arms and walked back into the fray. Less than two days later, having rather a small number of aircraft, the Israeli Air Force carried out nearly 1,100 sorties, many pilots made on 8 - 10 flights a day.

After destroying 300 of 320 Egyptian aircraft, the Israelis immediately moved to crush the Air Force other Arab states. After crushing blows Force Iraq, Jordan and Syria were also destroyed. In aerial combat, Israeli pilots shot down more enemy aircraft sixty.

Marine Colonel Rafael Eitan (beginning in the future. Staff) and General Yisrael Tal tanker (future creator of the tank "Merkava")

The morning of June 5 ships of the Israeli navy fired demonstrative attacks Alexandria and Port Said. Attack Israeli warships, which added to the continuous air strikes, achieved one important objective was prevented shelling of Tel Aviv by sea missiles with a range of 35 miles, equipped with 1000-pound warhead. These missiles were equipped with 18 Russian missile boats, the USSR sent to Egypt.

After the capture of the air IDF ground operation began. The Six Day War of 1967 was the real triumph of Israeli armored forces. 
First Israeli armored units operated simultaneously on three fronts. They faced many times superior forces of seven Arab states, but it did not save the Arabs from total defeat.

On the southern front blow was struck by three armored divisions generals Tal Sharon and Joffe. In an offensive, dubbed "March through Sinai," Israeli armored units, working with aviation, motorized infantry and paratroopers made a lightning break defense and moved through the desert, surrounded by a group of Arabs killing. First paratroopers brigade rushed to the city of Sharm el-Sheikh on the Red Sea. By the Suez Canal paratroopers came first, ahead of the tank.

On the northern front Airborne Brigade stormed the enemy's fortifications on Mount Hermon and the Golan Heights provided a seizure. By rugged mountain trails came the 36th Armored Division of General Peled, who after three days of fierce fighting started in the suburbs of Damascus.

On the eastern front, heavy fighting took place over east Jerusalem. Marines under the command of Colonel Mota Gur had to overcome fierce resistance from enemy melee went house to house.

Fight in Jerusalem

The situation was complicated by the ban on the use of command in combat heavy machinery, so as not to cause damage to religious sites of Jerusalem. Finally, June 7, the blue and white flag with the Star of David was hoisted over the Temple Mount and Colonel Gur said on the radio the words included in the history of Israel: "The Temple Mount - in our hands! Again, we took the Temple Mount! I'm standing near the mosque of Omar, at the very walls of the Temple! ".

Paratroopers at the Western Wall of the Temple

By 12 June 1967. active phase of the fighting was over. IDF won a landslide victory over the forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Israeli forces captured the entire Sinai Peninsula (with access to the east coast of Suez Canal) and the district of Gaza from Egypt, the West Bank and the eastern sector of Jerusalem from Jordan and the Golan Heights from Syria. Under Israeli control in the area was 70,000 square meters. km with a population of over one million people.

Generals Dayan, Rabin and Zeevi (Gandhi) in the liberated the Old City of Jerusalem

Arab losses for the six days of fighting, according to the British Institute of Strategic Studies, amounted to 70 thousand people. killed, wounded and prisoners, about 1,200 tanks (mainly Russian production) Loss Arabs were disastrous. Of the 935 tanks of the available in the Sinai to the outbreak of hostilities Egypt lost more than 820 291 T-54, 82 T-55, 251 T-34-85, 72 IS-3M, 51 SU-100, PT-29, 76, and about 50 "Sherman" and M4/FL10., 2,500 armored personnel carriers and trucks, and more than 1,000 artillery pieces. 100 tanks were captured in good repair and unspent ammunition and about 200 - with minor injuries. loss of the Air Force of the Arab countries amounted to more than 400 combat aircraft: Mig-21 - 140, MIG-19 - 20, MIG-15/17 - 110, Tu-16 - 34, Il-28 - 29, Su-7 - 10, AN-12 - 8, IL-14 - 24, MI-4 - 4, MI-6 - 8, Hunter -30

In the hands of a soldier - "Super Bazooka" 82 mm made in Israel, the official name MARNAT-82-mm

About 90% of all military equipment enemy, often quite serviceable, all stocks of ammunition, fuel, equipment, generously supplies the USSR Arabs - all went to Israel as a trophy. 

Captured from the Arabs captured Soviet armored vehicles in the parade in Jerusalem.

Israel lost 679 men killed, 61 tanks, 48 aircraft. 
victory of Israel in the Six-Day War in the years ahead predetermined course of events in the world and in the Middle East, finally destroyed the hopes of the Arabs and their Soviet ally on the destruction of the Jewish state

At 5.08 in the shot-girl appears officer. Is the daughter of Lieutenant General Moshe Dayan, Yael Dayan Newsreel of July 1967, the first issue after the Victory

Israeli troops in the Suez 
Trophy Russian weapons seized during the war 
return of the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.Ebana 
Al-Aqsa Mosque 
Thousands of Israelis visited the liberated Jerusalem 
Speech Orchestra under Leonard Bernstein in Jerusalem








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Quote abgsedapmalam 9-8-2013 05:00 PM





Last edited by abgsedapmalam on 9-8-2013 05:32 PM

Quote abgsedapmalam 9-8-2013 05:12 PM

Quote alphawolf 18-8-2013 09:02 AM
Walaupun negara2 Arab agresif, tapi Israel yang serang dulu ye....

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