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Warga Palestin tinggal di KLIA Transit Area lebih 50 hari

14-7-2013 06:39 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 17337| Komen: 195

Description: PETALING JAYA: For more than 50 days now, the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) transit lounge has been home to a stranded 22-year-old Palestinian.
22-year-old Palestinian stuck at airport for more than 50 days            

Sofa, so good: Ahmed uses a two-seater couch at the transit lounge as his bed.

PETALING JAYA: For more than 50 days now, the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) transit lounge has been home to a stranded 22-year-old Palestinian.

Unknown to enforcement officers, Ahmed Kanan has been sleeping on a couch at the News Lounge in the transit area on the airport’s mezzanine floor.

He has been depending on transit passengers for his daily meal, usually a burger a day, and bathes in a public toilet.

Ahmed, who was born in Syria, holds a Palestinian passport. He has been barred from the country for overstaying before.

“I have appealed to airport immigration officers for help several times but they said they could not help me because I have been barred from entering Malaysia,” he said when interviewed.

   Ahmed has his shower

He has enough creature comforts though, including WiFi Internet access provided by a café, which enables him to keep in touch with family members in Bulgaria and Vienna via Skype.

After the first two days, during which he had no food, he cried out to workers at a food outlet for something to eat. One worker later sneaked a burger out from the kitchen.

Ahmed has no problems with dirty clothes either. A friendly airport cleaner takes his clothes back to his home, washes the items and returns them to him every few days.

His humble and pleasant personality enables him to make friends easily. He updates his Facebook status with newly acquired foreign friends who have helped him while passing through at KLIA.

“Many workers at the transit area know me because I believe I am the longest staying person here. Most pity me and some even cry after listening to my story of being stranded here for so long,” said Ahmed.

His bag contains four shorts, three T shirts and four underpants, a laptop and a mobile phone.

“I have already lost 8kg in weight. I pray to Allah five times a day at the lounge here for help and I believe someone will come to my rescue.

“I do not beg for money but I have been getting between US$10 and US$50 from passengers who are touched by my plight,” he said, adding that he arrived at the KLIA with US$70.

Ahmed said he wanted to study and work in any country and hoped at least one would take him soon.

“Currently, no country wants to receive me because of my Palestinian passport. I hope the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will help me,” said Ahmed.

Ahmed’s ordeal began when he first arrived at KLIA on a tourist visa on Nov 26 from Moscow. He had been studying tourism for more than a year but could not get his stay in Russia extended.

He had left Palestine earlier because of the unrest in the occupied territory and wanted to look for a safer country to study and work.

Ahmed updates his Facebook and gets his meals all at the airport.

Upon arrival in Malaysia, he sought help from a Palestinian student in Malacca to register himself at the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) campus to take a course but his application was rejected because he was on tourist visa.

Ahmed said that after his month-long stay expired, he flew to Laos but was denied entry because he did not have a visa. He was asked to return to Malaysia.

When he arrived at the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT), an immigration officer stamped his passport, giving him only a seven-day stay but he did not know where else to go and overstayed for three months.

He then left for Turkey but, without a visa, was denied entry and sent back to Malaysia. The Turkish officials, however, seized his passport.








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Quote edee_91 14-7-2013 03:47 PM
motip cara mandi pon nak kene lakon semula?????? nak kasi @MissNigga ngan @Bedah.Cun merembes ke? kikikiki jangan marah...
Quote pakwetizzaqyah 14-7-2013 03:52 PM
bila palestin jadi bumiputera?
Quote Decaffeinated 14-7-2013 03:55 PM
jetsetting all over the world. banyak plak dia punya duit.

pergi Turki bagai...

Quote ChildrenOfBodom 14-7-2013 04:06 PM
dah settle dah pon kes ni... sambungan berita dia harini...
dapat masuk melaysia balik, dpt 30 hari stay malaysia...
Quote ChildrenOfBodom 14-7-2013 04:07 PM
sambungan berita ... TRON_RS_NEWS_Widget
Quote ChildrenOfBodom 14-7-2013 04:08 PM
tp mmng sebijik mcm cerita the terminal tom hanks

Quote ChildrenOfBodom 14-7-2013 04:09 PM

Quote Magika 14-7-2013 04:09 PM
Exclusive: Ahmed gets 30-day pass while case under probe            

Ordeal ends: Ahmed holding up his passport.

PETALING JAYA: Stranded 22-year-old Palestinian Ahmed Kanan will be allowed into Malaysia on a 30-day special pass while the Immigration Department studies his case.   

Ahmed, who was living in the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) transit lounge for more than 50 days, was taken into custody by the Department officials on Friday night after being alerted by The Star.
“I have instructed my officers to release him today (Saturday). While the blacklist still stands, as provided by the Immigration Act, it is my prerogative as director-general to allow him the 30-day special pass to enter the country.
“He must, however, find a sponsor to take care of him during his stay – we hope the Palestinian Embassy can take care of this,” he said when contacted yesterday.

Quote PITTSBURGH 14-7-2013 05:34 PM
aah lah
tiru tom hanks ke dlm terminal movie tuh
siyan nye
ensem lak tu
Quote Muntz 14-7-2013 05:39 PM
Login jer kat Planetromeo atau Manjam. Mesti ramai yg boleh bantu.
Quote ultra78 14-7-2013 05:42 PM
Ada sesiapa nak ambil pemegang pasport palestin ini sebagai anak angkat?
Quote Muntz 14-7-2013 05:44 PM
ultra78 posted on 14-7-2013 05:42 PM
Ada sesiapa nak ambil pemegang pasport palestin ini sebagai anak angkat?

Aku nak amik jadi abg angkat.
Quote ushioz 14-7-2013 05:45 PM
malaysia darul kebajikan rakyat asing.
Quote ~boolean 14-7-2013 05:49 PM
dah settle dah pun...

tapi baca cerita dia dalam suratkhabar hari ni dan semalam memang betul2 menarik...
selain dia ada lagi satu famili lain yang stranded di airport...
Quote hanakikan 14-7-2013 05:50 PM
Muntz posted on 14-7-2013 05:44 PM
Aku nak amik jadi abg angkat.

nak sponsor heols ke
Quote hanakikan 14-7-2013 05:51 PM
Mata dia hijau..
Quote Babai 14-7-2013 06:01 PM
Halau je palastin ni berambos.
Makin dikesian kang makin ramai datang nak dok merempat sini.
Quote ultra78 14-7-2013 06:02 PM
Muntz posted on 14-7-2013 05:44 PM
Aku nak amik jadi abg angkat.

muntz kena berebut dengan Bedah.cun dulu

Quote Babai 14-7-2013 06:03 PM
Magika posted on 14-7-2013 04:09 PM
Exclusive: Ahmed gets 30-day pass while case under probe            

                    Ordeal ends: Ah ...

Pejadah nak tolong palastin jenis ni?

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