Seorang individu menyelar tindakan vokalis Coldplay, Chris Martin yang memakai topeng mata satu semasa menyampaikan lagu Something Just Like This. "Coldplay punya penterjemahan untuk peminat yang tiada daya pendengaran. Dalam banyak-banyak kostum kenapa pilih yang mata satu?"
Dia juga mengecam peminat-peminat Coldplay yang sanggup bersusah payah ke konsert tersebut demi untuk kepuasan diri. "Korang yang pergi tu tak sedar lagi? Atau rasa itu sekadar kostum? Sanggup bersesak redah kesesakkan lalu lintas dan basah kuyup. "Dalam tak sedar sihir disalurkan maka menyembah seronok. Nama pun per ‘sembahan’ kan? Kita pun seronok menyembah tanpa sedar perbuatan kita sendiri." Difahamkan topeng berkenaan adalah topeng makhluk asing dan Chris menggunakan bahasa isyarat semasa membuat persembahan tersebut yang ditujukan khas buat peminatnya yang kurang upaya pendengaran.
Diruangan komen, rata-rata warganet bersetuju dengan individu tersebut selain meluahkan rasa kesal terhadap peminat Coldplay yang disifatkan mudah melenting. "Jangan ditegur abang, melenting nanti puak-puak dia. Fitnah akhir zaman itu semakin jelas dan semakin yakin fitnah tu sangat dahsyat." "Tegur nanti cakap ‘terpaling Islam’. Itu ayat mereka, letih la." "Betul tu, sedih tengok yang lain tapi apa boleh buat. Kita dah nasihat tapi mereka masih dengan dunia mereka sekarang, kita jaga diri sendiri je lah." Untuk info, kira-kira 85,000 ribu peminat telah mengahadiri ke konsert tersebut malah ada yang sanggup berada di luar stadium semata-mata untuk mendengar persembahan Coldplay. -CARI
Talking to ColdplayXtra , Chris detailed: 'The aliens and all that stuff, it’s allegorical. It’s us talking about life on Earth but without naming names because we are not really into criticism or finger pointing.
'But having alien heads is us saying we really believe in the equality of all people and all beings. So when people say they don’t really understand, I feel like that’s OK, it is maybe not for everybody.
'It is only for, like, six minutes. It allows us to go even more free and that is the whole reason we exist these days — to be free and to encourage others to be free.'
And while Coldplay's live shows may seem to be filled to the brim with excitement, Chris also shared that he suggests a whole lot more - with his ideas vetoed by bandmates.
Stage presence: The band are known to put on extravagant shows and bring outlandish stage surprises (Chris pictured during Coldplay's Hampden Park show last month)
Allegorical: Talking to ColdplayXtra, Chris detailed: 'The aliens and all that stuff, it’s allegorical. It’s us talking about life on Earth but without naming names because we are not really into criticism or finger pointing'
Pinning the final decision down to bandmate Will, Chris shared that the drummer 'has to feel it': 'For every idea that you see on stage there has been about 51 that Will said, ‘No way’. But that is how it works. He has to feel it. Once he feels it, we do it.'
Describing Will as 'the heart and anchor of the band', the star explained that it has to resonate with his pal.
Just last week, Coldplay sold 1.4million tickets for their recently-announced 2023 UK and European tour.
AkokKocik replied at 24-11-2023 12:29 PM
Yg kurang pendengaran, apahal dtg??? Sronok ke cuma blh tengok, tp xdpt dgr?? Apa kepuasan yg korang ...
ninja boy replied at 24-11-2023 02:22 PM
AJL tv3 final zaman bila dulukala aman2 unsur Illuminati Freemason pintu gerbang lady in red lantai ...