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Presiden Indonesia : Kami tidak takut dengan Malaysia dan Singapura

27-6-2013 03:06 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 6106| Komen: 46

Description: There is a new haze being generated by Indonesia – on whether it’s sorry. First Indonesian ministers talked tough to Malaysia and Singapore, the two countries most hurt by the haze, with the harshe ...
Indonesia is not afraid of Malaysia or Singapore, says its president

There is a new haze being generated by Indonesia – on whether it’s sorry.

First Indonesian ministers talked tough to Malaysia and Singapore, the two countries most hurt by the haze, with the harshest words aimed at their smallest neighbour.

One minister said there would be no apology to then hard-hit Singapore and another even called Singapore “childish”.

Then in a surprise turn of events, the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono apologised to Malaysia and Singapore, which went down well with his neighbours, but in his own country, not so much.

The latest, tough words again. This time from the President himself, quoted in the Jakarta Post headline yesterday, “Indonesia is not afraid of Malaysia or Singapore.”

All in the space of seven days.

Yudhoyono told the media in a press conference yesterday that he monitored social media after he apologised to the Malaysian and Singaporean governments and noticed that people thought Indonesia was afraid of its neighbours.

The influential national daily quoted his response to this: “There is no any sovereign state that should be afraid of other countries.”

It was quite a different tone when Yudhoyono apologised to the neighbours on Monday evening, when he said: “For what has happened, as President, I say sorry and seek the understanding of our relatives in Singapore and Malaysia.

“Indonesia had no intention to cause this. And we will continue to bear responsibility to overcome what has happened.”

That sparked an uproar in the media with Republika daily saying he had "hurt the people", and another, Media Indonesia, saying he had "dragged down national pride".

Politicians and the public decried the Indonesian head’s apology as submissive.

The president’s Monday apology followed strong words from his Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa on Friday, who insisted Indonesia will not apologise to Singapore. The minister was quoted on Friday by, “The Singaporean government must be aware that we have done all we can to tackle this haze problem. Indonesia has been dealing with this for years and improvements have been made.”

The Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Lakson even called Singapore childish for its anxiety over the haze.

“Singapore shouldn't be like children, in such a tizzy,” he told a press conference last Thursday.

Yesterday the President also warned off his own countrymen to keep the haze issue separate from other homeland territorial issues.

Noting that some tried to connect the problem of haze to an issue over Ambalat territory, he said the government would keep struggling to defend the territory.

“I am telling you firmly that in terms of state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and other national interests, there has never been a compromise,” said Yudhoyono.

He was speaking at a press conference at Halim Perdanakusuma airport in East Jakarta. Yudhoyono also said that his government would defend the rights of migrant Indonesian workers in Malaysia through diplomatic channels. – June 27, 2013.








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Quote Magika 27-6-2013 01:10 PM
Ramai orang Indonesia kecewa Presidennya mohon maaf

His unexpected apology had, in the past 48 hours, been met with criticism from various quarters, with Republika daily saying he had “hurt the people” on its cover on Wednesday, and Media Indonesia daily saying he had “dragged down national pride”.

A good number of politicians and the public had also been critical of the move, with some saying he had caved in to external pressure and that the apology had shown Indonesia up as weak.

Quote Innrukia 27-6-2013 01:11 PM
Indon memang suka sentap & demo
Quote gede-bab 27-6-2013 01:15 PM
salut deh ama Pak Esbeye.....tenyata masih ada orang indon yang punya otak....kemaafan pak Esbeye gue terima dengan ikhlas....terimas pak...
Quote duri_durians 27-6-2013 01:27 PM
susah betul nak ubah mentaliti

minta maaf tu tanda lemah

Quote meklin 27-6-2013 01:30 PM
permohonan maaf itu bukan menjatuhkan martabat kamu pun wahai Indo, bg saya .. yg berani memohon maaf itu tanda mereka ada keberanian ..

Yang memberi maaf pun, tidak pernah ada rasa bangga diri ..
Quote Nash^Roy 27-6-2013 01:35 PM
rumpun ni mmg cpt sentap dan ego..
Quote tapirbiru 27-6-2013 01:39 PM
Indon tetap indon...low lass mentality
Quote melia_star 27-6-2013 01:41 PM
sememamgnya Indon ini sombong lagi bodoh yg amattt...fullstop!
Quote rokiah_sisip 27-6-2013 01:50 PM
tak pelik.. mmg perangai indun mcm tu sejak azali lg..
Quote pyropura 27-6-2013 01:55 PM

...di negara maju, perbuatan minta maap dianggap mulia & jantan,
di nugara doniya ketiga, perbuatan mintak maap dicemuh dicaci maki,
paling teruk kalau cina mintak maap, mulayu2 mula jadi Tuhan & kata cina tak ikhlas..

sama lah Indon caprut, Mulayu cacai, mental tahap third world..
Quote shahbp 27-6-2013 04:25 PM
Indon memang BANGANGGG!!!
Quote skymania 27-6-2013 04:27 PM
kenapa sentap nak meminta maap?? mintak maap umpama muker kene tepek ngan taik babi kah???????

INDON neh..sekolah derang tak ajar cara berbudi bahasa kah?????????
Quote skymania 27-6-2013 04:28 PM
pyropura posted on 27-6-2013 01:55 PM
...di negara maju, perbuatan minta maap dianggap mulia & jantan,
di nugara doniya ketiga, perbuat ...

pelik aku ngan manusia yg susah nak mintak maaf neh..bukan rugi apa2 pon..
Quote LombuKondo 27-6-2013 04:29 PM

teringat aku pada bekas presiden Indon yang kerap tido, spt pak lah tido.

Quote the_killer 27-6-2013 04:35 PM
skymania posted on 27-6-2013 04:28 PM
pelik aku ngan manusia yg susah nak mintak maaf neh..bukan rugi apa2 pon..

ko ni tak paham ka..orang indon klaim depa adikuasa asia tenggara, pasukan tentera terkuat di asia tenggara,ekonomi terkuat di asia tenggara,pusat budaya asia tenggara,bangsa besar....

sebab tu bila Jawa Jogja tu minta maap kepada temasik dan malaysia...rakyat2 indon rasa ia satu penghinaan...depa kan pernah ada kerajaan2 depa malaysia dan temasik perlu tunduk kepada indon..baru depa ok...selagi malaysia dan temasik tak tunduk atau tkt pada indon..depa bising la
Quote DayangKirana 27-6-2013 04:35 PM
Ego tak bertempat..sentap plak bile minta maaf. Habis tu nak buat dono jer?
Time susah tak kisah pulak bermuka tebal terima bantuan dari Malaysia?...

Quote dino 27-6-2013 04:36 PM
LombuKondo posted on 27-6-2013 04:29 PM
teringat aku pada bekas presiden Indon yang kerap tido, spt pak lah tido.

gus dur... gus tidur.... mmg kenalah tuh
Quote skymania 27-6-2013 04:41 PM
the_killer posted on 27-6-2013 04:35 PM
ko ni tak paham ka..orang indon klaim depa adikuasa asia tenggara, pasukan tentera terkuat di asia ...

tak abis2 taksub ngan kuasa ..n zaman kegemilangan purba kala..bodoh..orng sibuk memandang ke depan..die sibuk ngan zaman kegemilangan yg hado sendu..

mmg payah mentaliti 3rd worls class .. pandai tak boleh nak di ikut..bodoh takleh nak di ajar..
Quote pyropura 27-6-2013 06:51 PM

...betul, yindon cuma takut dengan Lubnan ajah....


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