mojarean_X replied at 28-9-2022 10:20 PM
Erkkk...iols x bole terima jantan jd mangsa liwat. Lemah sgt ke ko x bole melawan? Cc akak @pooh~key
noor2 replied at 28-9-2022 10:22 PM
Budak.gemok dgn budak kurus atau org gemuk dgn org kurus mana lagi kuat tenaga?
hareeeesah replied at 28-9-2022 10:23 PM
Sorang 16 sorang 19? Ni sekolah apa?
mojarean_X replied at 28-9-2022 10:29 PM
Saya suspek kolej vokasional sbb anak sedara iols 16 tahun msk kolej vokasional kt bentong. Dia ck ...
mojarean_X replied at 28-9-2022 10:20 PM
Erkkk...iols x bole terima jantan jd mangsa liwat. Lemah sgt ke ko x bole melawan? Cc akak @pooh~key
Thailand saw the biggest increase in censorship, including the introduction of an online porn ban which saw 190 adult websites being taken down. This included Pornhub (which featured as one of the top 20 most visited websites in the country in 2019).
mojarean_X replied at 28-9-2022 10:29 PM
Saya suspek kolej vokasional sbb anak sedara iols 16 tahun msk kolej vokasional kt bentong. Dia ck ...
musangbodoh replied at 28-9-2022 10:16 PM
awat x gigit teloq kwn tu.....
mojarean_X replied at 28-9-2022 10:28 PM
Still saya x bole terima kak noor. Dia bole je lawan x pun tikam je si gemok tu dgn apa2 objek taj ...
ResellerMaxis replied at 29-9-2022 08:59 AM
Lepas tu kena dakwa kesalahan mencederakan bla bla.
Boleh melawan pun takut nak melawan.
mojarean_X replied at 28-9-2022 10:20 PM
Erkkk...iols x bole terima jantan jd mangsa liwat. Lemah sgt ke ko x bole melawan? Cc akak @pooh~key
manehnya replied at 29-9-2022 08:37 AM
gila ahh...
kerajaan melesia bila nk sekat masuk porn?
Zack8hunter replied at 29-9-2022 09:10 AM
ehh..bukan ke pornhub dah kene sekat kt sini?