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Mesir: Gereja Purba Yang Di Kawal Security

23-2-2015 02:55 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 6300| Komen: 3

Description: In Our Time In Egypt, Whose Population Is Predominantly Muslim, And Christians Are Not More Than 10%, The Church Forced To Hide Behind High Fences, Hoping For Protection And Constant Police Protection ...
The church, which is guarded by tommy

Seen like this before I do not ever.
It seems that the church and the church, only protect its heavily armed men with machine guns at the entrance to the checkpoint, and she is surrounded by a concrete wall, like a small fortress. 

Unfortunately, these are the realities of today in a place where it is located, and dozens of other churches. 

In our time in Egypt, whose population is predominantly Muslim, and Christians are not more than 10%, the church forced to hide behind high fences, hoping for protection and constant police protection. 

Unfortunately, in the XXI century, more and more exercise extreme religious and racial intolerance which leads to conflicts, acts of terrorism, armed conflicts, and even wars.
It would appear that prevents people from living in peace with each other?

2. Here is the entrance to a Coptic Christian church in Sharm el-Sheikh.
The entire perimeter is surrounded by even low, but a concrete fence, the area is well lit and is under constant video surveillance, and is located at the entrance of a police checkpoint.
Problems of Christians in the country began with the overthrow in July 2013. President Mohammed Mursi Islamist. Coptic church leaders supported his removal, as well as leaders of the Sunni Muslims. However, it was the Christians were victims of bloody attacks in the future.

3. After the Egyptian security forces dispersed a demonstration in support of Mursi in 2013, during which hundreds of people died, according to the country, a series of Christian pogroms, during which were destroyed or set on fire 102 buildings owned by the church, including the well-known Church Amir Tardos.
Now armed police on duty near all major Christian churches and shrines in order to avoid conflicts and attacks.

4. In Sharm el-Sheikh are two major temple - El Mustafa mosque and the Coptic Orthodox Church, of which the question. It was built in 2010 and is not inferior in size the largest mosque El Mustapha.

5. The Coptic Orthodox Church - the traditional Christian church in Egypt. According to tradition, it was founded by the Apostle Mark. Coptic Church refers to a group of non-Chalcedonian (miafizitskih) ancient Oriental Orthodox Churches, in contrast to the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria, which refers to a group of Orthodox Churches of the Byzantine tradition.

6. The daily church visits a fairly large number of people - both parishioners and tourists, most of whom are Russian, Belarusians and Ukrainians.

7. Priests are nothing like the familiar to us the holy fathers in robes and beards

8. Just as prayer and not like the ones that can be found in our Orthodox churches

9. The entire space is lined with benches prepared for parishioners church books

10. The Bible is written in Arabic and read from right to left

11. Religious "Phrase" from English into Arabic

12. The Church, though built only 4 years ago, impresses with its beautiful decoration and interior decoration

13. Particularly strong impressive murals and stained glass

14. In the evening, when the artificial illumination of biblical scenes on the stained glass look particularly impressive


16. All the walls and dome of the church decorated with very beautiful frescoes

17. The combination of stained-glass windows and frescoes





22. In general, it is interesting that Christianity spread in Egypt for a long time and this was facilitated primarily by its proximity to the Holy Land.Moreover, in Egypt in infancy visited Jesus Christ. It is on the banks of the Nile for almost four years hiding baby Jesus with Mary and her husband Joseph from the persecution of King Herod. And today, the place where the Holy Family, are the subject of pilgrimage for Christians from around the world.
And they have to be guarded by armed police ...








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Quote kupkapp 20-2-2015 02:27 AM
adehh penat baca
Quote ninja boy 20-2-2015 02:57 PM
Quote Artemesiaa 21-2-2015 10:26 AM
Ooo kesahnya

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