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Nasir Al-Mulk Masjid Syiah Tercantik Di Shiraz,Iran

15-4-2014 03:56 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 9535| Komen: 20

Description: Mosque Nasir Ol-Mulk (Al-Mulk) Or "Pink Mosque" - One Of The Most Beautiful Architectural Attractions Of Iran. Mosque Built In Shiraz In 1870-1880'S In Shiraz, Commissioned By Mirza Hasan Ali Na ...

Mosque Nasir ol-Mulk (Al-Mulk) or "Pink Mosque" - one of the most beautiful architectural attractions of Iran.
Mosque built in Shiraz in 1870-1880's in Shiraz, commissioned by Mirza Hasan Ali Nasir ol-Mulk (the representative of the Qajar dynasty) .

The most beautiful mosque in - filling it with light stained glass windows. They symbolize the call for morning prayer, in fact it allows the believer to know the real light-blessings of Almighty.

In addition, an important role in the decoration of play mosaic created from colored glass pieces. Patterned mosaics can be seen not only on the walls, but also on numerous arches and vaulted ceilings. On the floor is a bright pink tiles (hence the second, unofficial name). All decor mosques characterized by a combination of bright, amazing colors.

In addition to the enchanting interior decoration, visitors explore in one part of the mosque museum telling the story of its creation, as well as a walk in the charming courtyard with a spectacular swimming pool full of goldfish.








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Quote ais_kosong 14-4-2014 02:18 PM
colorful sangat
Quote cikatilia 14-4-2014 02:39 PM
cantik gila corak
tp meriah bebenaw
Quote reeny 14-4-2014 02:40 PM
serabutnya sebab terlampau berwarna-warni..
Quote popjack 14-4-2014 03:00 PM
aku harap kalu Iran berperang masjid ini masih terpelihara cantiknya...
jgn jadi mcm Iraq hancur....sblm indah nan permai
Quote biggirlduncry 14-4-2014 03:04 PM
perghhh..... kusut kepala aku
Quote zuerinaBP 14-4-2014 03:14 PM
cantik nye...harap masjid nie berfungsi utk meyampaikan ilmu kpd umat nya
Quote anees~nuhara 14-4-2014 05:07 PM
masjid syiahhh??
Quote Artemesiaa 14-4-2014 05:51 PM
Wah cantik senibinanya penuh warna warni nampak ceria
Quote pakweneelofa 14-4-2014 07:57 PM
ada unsur2 gereja kristianiti di situ...kaca tingkap kaler2..hahahhaa
Quote KimoraHakim 14-4-2014 08:15 PM
berwarna warni..meriah!
Quote munchkin 14-4-2014 09:14 PM
Warna warni
Quote hani85 14-4-2014 09:23 PM
nak pi smyg ke nak pi disko. puii syiah.
Quote newyork 14-4-2014 09:27 PM
Quote raxief 14-4-2014 09:47 PM
kalau kita solat 'secara sunni' dlm masjid ni, agak2 kena marah x?
Quote donut_1752 14-4-2014 10:31 PM
klo syiah pnye..
x hingin dtg
Quote iza.moha 16-4-2014 06:52 AM
Masa mula2 nampak pic tu ingat kuil hindu...masjid rupanya
Quote yusryimran 16-4-2014 07:20 AM
masjid yang indah tapi sayang SYIAH
Quote pelukis.plan 16-4-2014 07:52 AM
pakweneelofa posted on 14-4-2014 07:57 PM
ada unsur2 gereja kristianiti di situ...kaca tingkap kaler2..hahahhaa

ni unsur senibina persian
iran = persian

Quote cheeky_meal 16-4-2014 02:03 PM
time solat xterganggu ke ngn kaler2 tu..huhu..

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