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Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome-Isaac Asimov
18-5-2018 03:33 PM Reply|
Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome..~Isaac Asimov~
18-5-2018 03:32 PM Reply|
Hell is empty & all the devils are here  
9-2-2018 12:48 PM Reply|
kamu adalah kamu, aku adalah aku  
12-7-2016 01:50 PM Reply|
Bersahurlah, kerana pada sahur itu adanya keberkatan...
12-6-2016 11:49 PM Reply|
madu & propolis lebah kelulut, asli dari ladang, pm kalau berminat     
26-4-2016 10:09 AM Reply|
Rome wasn't build in a day
6-8-2015 09:56 AM Reply|
Whenever u find urself on d side of d majority,it is time to pause & reflect
20-10-2014 01:33 PM Reply|
jadikan malamku lebih indah....jadikan siangku lebih terang    
29-8-2014 04:17 PM Reply|
Life is pleasant.Death is peaceful.Its the transition tht's troublesome
28-5-2014 12:26 PM Reply|
no matter how good u are, there's always a million people better     
9-12-2013 05:17 PM Reply|
  feeling sad...hati rase gundah gulana
9-12-2013 03:49 PM Reply|
  feeling sad...hati rase gundah gulana
9-12-2013 03:48 PM Reply|
dont argue with idiots,they will drag u down to their level  
1-10-2013 01:20 AM Reply|
selamat hari raya semua, maaf andai ada terkasar bahasa & tutur kata....hati-hati di jalanraya! have fun  
5-8-2013 04:16 PM Reply|
my personality is me & my attitude depends on u.dun mix up  
31-7-2013 04:18 PM Reply|
Sepi & Sendiri....tiada dlm kehidupan melainkan kita sendiri yg memilihnya!!   ~S&S_P2U~
24-6-2013 01:41 PM Reply|
aku maafkn kamu,tolg teruskn hidup,jgn sebut namaku..  
  • QziraH: maaf kn aku....cewahhh hihihih (3-14 17:26)
  • viscose: sedihnya   (3-14 18:12)
  • tiewa: tumpang nangesss sekali..   (3-14 21:12)
  • Aiira: sedih sgt! (3-14 21:27)
  • edoraixora: Alaaa.....lirik lagu jer tu, jgn sedey2 ye sumer, hehehhh (3-15 00:36)
14-3-2013 05:14 PM Reply|
jangan terlalu egois...
23-7-2012 10:17 AM Reply|


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