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One lawn wedding is enough! Contains super detailed lawn wedding process guide

Viewed 64 times9-11-2023 12:23 PM |Personal category:综合| lawn, wedding, process, guide, lawn, guide

Wedding is every girl's most desired sacred temple, and the Western-style lawn wedding is full of romantic and beautiful atmosphere, now the 80, 90 after the bride and groom to choose a lawn wedding is also more and more, Lou below to take you to see the Western-style lawn wedding process, ready to come to a detailed understanding of it.

Everyone is looking forward to the Western-style wedding, 草地證婚outdoor lawn wedding to bring a kind of economic freedom. Lawn weddings are generally chosen to suit the relatively small number of students in small weddings, more people, if the site management is not good impact on the organization. On-site environmental layout in this case our best method is to engage in a number of sketches and embellishments, do not have a large area of the exhibition, try to make full use of a variety of natural landscapes. So how is the Western wedding process? Next follow zaoxiangshifu's footsteps development to take a look.

Western-style lawn wedding in the wedding process of the first hour or so,草地證婚 guests are entering the wedding site. Most of the seats at the wedding are split into two rows. On the left are the traditional seats for female family members and on the right are the seats for male family members and relatives. The wedding party will invite guests to sign in at the entrance and direct them to the wedding site.

Western style lawn wedding process:

1.The MC's opening speech introduces the couple, and the couple enters.

Wedding music DJ.

2. Two flower girls bring the couple into the arena with a steady and slow pace (flower girls, one male and one female, the flower girls carry a small bouquet and a ring pillow respectively). The best man and maid of honor followed the couple. On either side of the flower pavilion, young unmarried people arrange and toss flowers.

3. The newlyweds walk to the stage (flower girl. Best man . Bridesmaids stand at the foot of the student platform, male flower girl hands ring pillow to bridesmaid and enters with female flower girl), couple "stands still" and bows to guests (dramatically...slowly). (large and slow). The wedding and the marching song stops.

Two. The Master of Ceremonies makes a speech and introduces the witnesses. After the speeches, the audience applauds and welcomes the witnesses to their seats.

Exchange of rings and kissing of the bride. (Background music for 3 minutes)

1. Bridesmaids walk on stage with ring pillows and stand behind the couple. Take the ring pillow out from the center, first the groom gets the ring on the ring finger from the ring pillow to the bride, then the bride gets the ring on the ring finger to the groom, who kisses the bride, (bridesmaids step back on stage) the groom. Bride has exchanged rings, arms bent upward 90 degrees, backs of hands outward, showing wedding rings to guests. (Time 5 seconds)

4. the couple presents flowers to their parents. (Background music for 4 minutes)

(Best Man. The maid of honor can follow the groom by holding a bouquet of flowers in each hand. The bride arrives at a place where the couple has no parents of their own, and the groom presents the flowers to the Chinese bride's parents and bows. The bride presents the flowers to the groom's parents and bows. The bride and groom proceed to return to the workbench.)

V. The TV host leads the parent representatives to the stage (after the speeches, the parent representatives will be invited to attend)

6. Cut or write a cake. (Background music for 5-10 minutes)

1. the newlyweds walk up to the cake table and cut the wedding cake with a cake knife held from the bottom up.

2. or waiter pushes a cake cart with book cakes from the side. The newlyweds hold the cake squeezer in their hands and write their vows of love on the book cake.3. The newlyweds return to center stage.

VII. Pour the champagne. (music playing in background)

Waiter opens champagne and hands it to the groom.

2. Champagne is received by the groom and poured into the champagne tower by the bride.

The newlyweds raise their glasses and drink, the TV presenter hosts a standing ovation and toasts

8. Sitting down (about 10 minutes), the bride will change into her second dress. (Bridesmaids and makeup artist will accompany her to the fitting room, about 15-20 minutes.)

IX. Candlelight Ceremony. Master of Ceremonies introduces the Groom . Bride makes secondary equipment entrance. (background as well as music)

1. The bride is dressed and waiting at the door. The chief bridesmaid will come in and tell the groom to join the bride at the door and wait for the TV host to announce the entrance.

2. The house lights slowly dim. (Music begins)

3. Groom. The bride slowly enters the venue and stands on either side of the pavilion setting off fireworks to set off the candlelight atmosphere. The newlyweds walk onto the stage and pick up the lighter, the small candles on the candelabra are already lit, and the next lit candle is placed on the candelabra on each table in turn. Walking up to the stage and lighting the main candle of the fireworks symbolizes a beautiful love. The candle ceremony is over.

X. Speech of thanks from the couple's representative. (Background music) Master of Ceremonies announces the end of the ceremony and guests continue to dine.

XI. The newlyweds are seated for dinner

XII. Impromptu games (optional).

XIII. End of the banquet.

XIV. Send off guests.

XV. The wedding room.

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