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These are the 4 problems you'll face if you eat too much trans fat

Viewed 56 times26-9-2023 04:34 PM

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released an action guidance plan called "Replace" to fully and completely eliminate the use of artificial trans fats from the global food supply chain by 2023, and has called on governments to adopt this plan. Many people don't understand this plan, so where are the artificial trans fats?

Trans fats are found naturally and artificially in dairy products such as beef, lamb and milk, and artificially in heat-resistant and easy-to-store hydrogenated cooking oils, and are widely used in food processing, especially in fast-food fried foods, french fries, fried chicken, onion rings, salad dressings, and margarines, as well as in sugar, beverages, and pastries, such as cakes, cookies, waffles, puff pastries, custard pies, cocoa-buttered chocolates, ice creams, and milk teas.

Previously, the WHO recommended intake of trans fats was 2 grams, with a per capita intake of 0.39 grams, but the intake of some residents was far more than 2 grams. For example, children, 反式脂肪酸students and some office workers who love fried food often raise fried chicken and French fries. On the street, milk tea has almost reached the point where everyone has a cup, and milk tea stores often have long lines. So what are the dangers of eating too much trans fat?

1. Easily lead to infertility

The long-term existence of a large number of intake of trans fatty acids on the human reproductive system health development to a great impact, not only will affect the quality of sperm, 代糖種類egg cells, will also have an impact as well as hormone synthesis. This can lead to menstrual irregularities in women, affect the sperm vitality of men in the short term, lead to social and sexual dysfunction, increase the chances of infertility and the risk of fetal malformation.

2. Cardiovascular diseases

Many cardiovascular diseases are associated with annual intake of trans fats. Trans fats can increase LDL and raise blood pressure, which is the LDL that leads to cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. 靜脈曲張改善In addition, the higher the proportion of trans fat intake to total intake, the higher the prevalence of coronary artery disease.

3. Obesity

Trans fatty acids are seven times more likely to cause obesity than regular unsaturated fats, and also increase the risk of diabetes.

4. Emotional effects

Regular consumption of trans fats can lead to "emotional difficulties", reducing the ability to control emotions in developing children, the impact on intellectual development.

Therefore, it is important to control the intake of trans fats. When buying food, pay attention to the trans fat content on the label and try not to choose food with high content. Eat less fried food in daily life, especially the above mentioned food; when cooking at home, pay attention to the amount of cooking oil, especially vegetable oil, control at 25 to 30 can, avoid repeated heating, frying and deep-frying.

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